elon函数_Neuroink Elon麝香制造中的灾难


Humans have long been fascinated by the ability to manipulate around them, by essentially making use of their thoughts. This concept has widely been popularised globally through numerous sci-fi movies and several thousands of fictional novels. As a civilization, we already have reached a stage wherein individuals can voluntarily get these implants in order to experience life from an entirely new perspective. After all, how many people would turn down the offer to at least possess the partial powers of the legendary Professor X?

长期以来,人们一直着迷于通过实质上利用自己的思想在周围进行操纵的能力。 该概念已通过众多科幻电影和数千本小说小说在全球范围内广泛推广。 作为一个文明,我们已经达到了一个阶段,个人可以自愿获得这些植入物,以便从全新的角度体验生活。 毕竟,有多少人会拒绝这个提议,至少要拥有传奇的X教授的部分权力?

Neuralink’s app which connects to the implant via bluetooth & displys real time data
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Neuralink, a tech “business” corporation majorly funded by entrepreneur Elon Musk, has come a very long way since first proposing an idea of linking the conscious human brain and a computer via Bluetooth or internet in 2016 to actually teasing a partly functional, working prototype in 2020 amidst the ravaging pandemic. This effectively means that in the near future computers will be equipped to record each and every thought which crosses our mind, beam it back to one of the numerous data centres and store it for profitable corporate uses.

Neuralink是一家主要由企业家Elon Musk资助的技术“商业”公司,自2016年首次提出通过蓝牙或互联网将有意识的人脑与计算机链接起来的想法,实际上是在逗弄部分功能正常的原型以来,已经走了很长一段路在2020年的大流行中。 这有效地意味着,在不久的将来,计算机将配备有能力记录每一个想到的想法,并将其传给众多数据中心之一,并将其​​存储以供公司盈利使用。

Left: The earliest version which had a behind-the-ear design; Right: The latest design which is totally concealed under the s
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The neuralink’s design has undergone a groundbreaking transformation from a behind-the-ear device (resembling a hearing aid) to a fully hidden, coin-sized standalone disc, just in under three years. This chip will be implanted by a high precision surgical robot by drilling a hole through the skull(also developed by their in-house R&D teams).

在不到三年的时间内,神经墨水的设计经历了突破性的转变,从耳后装置(类似于助听器)到完全隐藏的硬币大小的独立光盘。 该芯片将由高精度外科手术机器人通过在颅骨上钻一个洞来植入(这也是由其内部研发团队开发的)。

Right: The high precision surgical robot used to embed the chip into a human skull; Left: Electrodes being implanted by the r
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A few weeks ago the company live-streamed videos of three pigs who were successfully implanted with the latest neuralink chipset. The team concluded that the chipset was successfully tracking the brain waves as intended and had no adverse impact on the animal’s cognitive skills. This feat was glorified by all major media houses across the globe and was termed as a game-changing technological advancement of the 21st century, in many ways it certainly is.

几周前,该公司直播了三只猪的视频,这些猪被成功植入了最新的Neuroink芯片组。 研究小组得出结论,该芯片组能够按预期成功跟踪脑电波,并且对动物的认知能力没有不利影响。 这项壮举得到了全球所有主要媒体的赞誉,并在许多方面被认为是21世纪改变游戏规则的技术进步。

Gertrude: One of the three pigs who were successfully implanted with the Neuralink Chipset
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A subtle pause from our otherwise busy lives and a few minutes of responsible thinking will reveal the enormity of how disastrous this technology of, connecting human brains to the internet would be.


Neuralinks Prototypical Chipset Embedded on a rodent’s brain
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Perhaps threatening the very foundation of what makes life on this planet so special and unique.


Neuralink的所谓好处是: (Neuralink’s so-called benefits:)

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Case Western Reserve University 凯斯西储大学

The company maintains that the chipset is largely being developed for helping the differently-abled and people who suffer from a broad range of diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, paralysis, and other neurological infirmities to live a normal and respectful life. If this is true, then without a second thought, the technology must be further refined and made available to commoners as soon as possible.

该公司坚称,该芯片组的主要开发目的是帮助患有不同疾病的人和患有帕金森氏病,阿尔茨海默氏病,瘫痪病以及其他神经系统疾病的人们过正常和尊重的生活。 如果这是真的,那么无需再三思,必须对该技术进行进一步完善,并尽快将其提供给普通大众。

But, wait here’s a statement made by Elon Musk;

但是,等等,这是埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的发言;

“Yes, with a Neuralink implant, anybody would be able to summon their Tesla telepathically, just by thinking about it.”


This statement largely speaks for itself and clearly exposes the future intentions of the company, which is to eventually target and sell these chipsets to every tesla owner.


以思想的速度进行交流: (Communication At The Speed Of Thoughts:)

The neuralink chipset boasts unimaginable speeds of data transfer to and from other neuralink embedded users.


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This astonishing speeds of data transfer is indeed a reason to rejoice but wait, it comes with a cost, the cost of losing a sole entity which you rightfully call yours, without a debate: Your Thoughts.


Right now, as I type in, the pace of expressing my thoughts is limited to the pace at which my fingers can skillfully navigate the keyboard in a reasonable interval of time. On the contrary, our thoughts are instantaneous. With the neuralink implant, we will be able to read and transmit our thoughts to recipients who also have an implant embedded in their head at near the speeds of firing neurons which is way faster than the speed of light itself.

现在,当我输入内容时,表达自己的想法的速度仅限于我的手指可以在合理的时间间隔内熟练地操作键盘的速度。 相反,我们的思想是瞬时的。 使用Neuroink植入物,我们将能够阅读并传送思想给接受者,接受者的植入神经元的速度也接近于发射神经元的速度,该速度远快于光本身的速度。

After a certain point, the flow of information across the network of these chip embedded brains will become seamless to an extent wherein individuals will become ignorant of the fact that there’s a chip implanted in them. It would feel exactly the same as you do right now except that their thoughts are actually being tracked, analyzed and stored in huge data centres for corporate uses.

在某一点之后,这些芯片嵌入式大脑的网络上的信息流将变得无缝,以至于个人将不知道其中植入了芯片这一事实。 感觉与您现在完全一样,只是他们的想法实际上已被跟踪,分析并存储在供企业使用的大型数据中心中。

At the end of the day, it is the consumers like you and me who have to make the call; whether to allow these large business corporations to earn huge profits, by granting them access to our mind and thoughts or rather otherwise.

归根结底,是像您我这样的消费者才需要拨打电话; 是否允许这些大型商业公司通过允许他们进入我们的思维和思想或其他方式来获得巨额利润。

处于绝对损害控制模式的Google&Friends: (Google & Friends In Absolute Damage Control Mode:)

Major Electronics and Software Companies
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All the major tech conglomerates will start facing the heat of this new technology. They will desperately try to innovate their own technologies in the field of the mind-machine interface, if not perish in the everchanging-volatile market.

所有主要的技术集团都将开始面对这项新技术的热情。 他们将拼命尝试在心智机界面领域创新自己的技术,即使这种技术不会在瞬息万变的市场中消亡。

The neuralink corporation definitely has the potential to strip Apple, Google, and many others off their existing means of bread and butter; by influencing the younger generations to switch to a future-ready mind-machine interface instead of relying on the monotonous physical touchscreen devices.

Neuroink公司肯定有潜力剥离苹果,谷歌和许多其他公司现有的面包和黄油。 通过影响年轻一代以切换到面向未来的思维机界面,而不是依靠单调的物理触摸屏设备。

A possible notification asking for permission to access the brain
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Now think of a scenario wherein we directly binge-watch movies on Netflix in our heads or even listen to our favourite music albums from Spotify without the hassle of using wired or wireless headphones. These mind-bending scenarios will unquestionably entice and fascinate a large portion of the generations yet to come, thereby becoming the first wave of humans to choose to experience life as cyborgs.

现在考虑这样一种情况,我们可以直接在Netflix上狂欢地观看电影,甚至可以收听来自Spotify的喜爱的音乐专辑,而无需使用有线或无线耳机。 这些令人难以置信的情景无疑将吸引并吸引着未成年人的很大一部分世代,从而成为选择体验机器人的人类的第一波潮。

There’s a solid chance that these rival companies will race forward to ink profitable deals with the neuralink corporation and in the blink of an eye, these companies will switch all their apps, software & services to the new mind-machine platform and will be absolutely fine with the shift as long as they can mint money off innocuous users.


政府资助的间谍活动: (Government-funded Spying:)

Ultra HD cameras which can immediately recognise literally every citizen play an important role in tracking the critics
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Neuralink will enable government agencies and hackers to spy on citizens and individuals with a whole new level of efficiency and ease. The People’s Republic Of China and the Russian government will definitely be excited about the enormous possibilities of using this technology to implement stricter surveillance machinery and flaunt their privacy-invasive governance like never before. Citizens might forcibly be implanted with these chips, which in turn, will help the regime catch hold of citizens, not when they question or act against the government but, as early as, when an anti-regime thought crosses their minds.

Neuralink将使政府机构和黑客能够以全新的效率和便捷性来监视公民和个人。 中华人民共和国和俄罗斯政府一定会对使用该技术实施更严格的监视机制并炫耀其侵犯隐私的治理前所未有的巨大可能性感到兴奋。 公民可能会被强行植入这些筹码,这反过来将有助于该政权抓住公民,而不是在他们质疑或对政府采取行动时,而是早在反政权思想浮出水面时。

Since it is evident from Elon Musk’s statements that neuralink is certainly going to mass-produce their chipsets in the near future, it will be welcomed if they publically declare that they will not sell or aid government agencies to develop their own versions of the mind-machine interface.

由于从埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的声明中可以明显看出Neuroink肯定会在不久的将来大规模生产其芯片组,因此,如果他们公开宣布不出售或不协助政府机构开发自己的思维方式,将受到欢迎。机器界面。

最终赢家:广告代理商 (The Ultimate Winners : Advertising Agencies)

With neuralink, targeting advertisements to a potential customer will become an absolute cakewalk. Companies like Facebook and Google will no longer stay put at tracking user location, smartphones, search engine behaviour or other IoT based home devices. These advertising agencies invariably will foray into the neural-machine interface business(Facebook has already acquired a promising neural-machine interface startup in 2019) and based on their past exploits it is easy to predict that they’ll eventually buy out their competitors, given the humungous financial wealth which they sit on.

借助Neuroink,将广告定位到潜在客户将成为绝对的蛋糕。 像Facebook和Google这样的公司将不再停留在跟踪用户位置,智能手机,搜索引擎行为或其他基于IoT的家庭设备上。 这些广告代理商总是会涉足神经机器接口业务(Facebook已经在2019年收购了一家有前途的神经机器接口初创公司),并且根据他们过去的利用情况,很容易预测他们最终会收购竞争对手,因为他们坐拥巨大的金融财富。

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These agencies might remotely induce the urge of eating a burger at Mc Donalds or sipping a coffee at Starbucks, Who knows? And they certainly will replicate this new wave of advertising technology to any brand which is ready to splurge a little more than their allocated advertisement budget to effectively capture a significant chunk of the market share.

这些机构可能会诱使人们产生在麦当劳吃汉堡或在星巴克喝咖啡的冲动,谁知道呢? 而且,他们肯定会将这种新的广告技术浪潮复制到任何愿意花更多的钱来分配其广告预算的品牌上,以有效地占领很大一部分市场份额。

Today the dark web is full of stolen information consisting of user data like email ids, phone numbers, passwords and sometimes even our addresses which we are deemed to provide to various service providers for “security reasons”.


Now think about it, in the near future the dark web will be flooded, not with these petty email ids or passwords but instead our feelings (however special they may be to us), our unique thought patterns and a lot more personally acquired intellectual knowledge from our life experiences, all waiting for a price to be paid before being exploited.


最后的想法: (Final Thoughts:)

Many scientists believe that the neuralink chipset will effectively churn out the next wave of human evolution if it successfully marries human consciousness to artificial intelligence.


Only time can tell us the veracity of the latter statement. All we do now is hope for a better future, while we wait and watch as the future unfolds before us.

只有时间可以告诉我们后一种说法的真实性。 我们现在所做的只是希望有一个更好的未来,而我们在等待着未来的发展。

翻译自: https://medium.com/predict/neuralink-elon-musks-disaster-in-making-5ee2c4a23258


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