旅行者 问题_门槛项目:没有旅行者回到他的原籍城市。

旅行者 问题

Sohini Mukherjee| MFA| Spring 2020

Sohini Mukherjee | 外交部| 2020年Spring

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As second semester, first year graduate students, you are at a threshold or liminal space entering into a your second year of your graduate studies. The term liminality is a psychological, neurological, or metaphysical subjective state, conscious or unconscious, of being on the threshold of or between two different existential planes, as defined in neurological psychology a liminal state and in the anthropological theories of ritual by such writes as Arnold van Gennep and Victor Turner.

作为第二学期,即一年级研究生,您处于进入研究生第二年的门槛或门槛 。 术语“ 自由性”是一种有意识或无意识的心理,神经学或形而上学的主观状态,处于两个不同的存在平面的阈值上或之间,如神经心理学中所定义的边缘状态和人类学的仪式理论中这样写道:阿诺德·范·根纳普(Arnold van Gennep)和维克多·特纳(Victor Turner)

合法性: (Liminality:)

During the intervening liminal period, the state of the ritual subject (the “passenger,” or “liminar,”) becomes ambiguous, neither here nor there, betwixt and between all fixed points of classification; he passes through a symbolic domain that has few or none of the attributes of his coming state.

在中间的限期期间,礼节主体(“乘客”或“限界”)的状态在所有固定的分类点之间和之间以及在所有固定的分类点之间都变得模棱两可; 他穿过一个象征性的领域,而这个领域几乎没有他即将到来的国家的属性。

— Victor Turner


阶段1: (Phase 1:)

Initial research, mood-boarding and ideation.


I initially started by finding making moodboards of subjects and topics that resonated to me as literal translations of the word ‘Liminality’. Since the word to me felt very intangible and abstract, finding literal Illustrations of the word in real world made it more easier to grasp and build upon.

我最初是从制作主题和主题的情绪板开始的,这些主题和主题引起了我对“ Liminality”一词的直译。 由于这个词对我来说是非常无形和抽象的,因此在现实世界中找到该词的字面插图可以使其更容易理解和使用。

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Structure and flow can be found as a basic construction principle across different fields of design and materials. To me the appeal is the in between transition from one principle to the other where you cannot really tell whether it is structure or flow. I tried to illustrate the idea through a P5JS sketch.
结构和流动可以作为设计和材料不同领域的基本构造原理。 对我而言,吸引力在于介于从一种原理到另一种原理之间的过渡,在这种过渡中您无法真正分辨出它是结构还是流程。 我试图通过P5JS草图来说明这个想法。
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Metamorphosis is another liminal stage where you don’t know in which stage an object organism stands. I chose to represent this through typography from an experimental poster I made last semester.
变态是另一个极限阶段,您不知道物体有机体处于哪个阶段。 我选择通过上学期制作的实验海报上的版式来表示这一点。
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I translated the idea of the chance meeting of a fallen leaf with the surface of water with the idea of Serendipity. The romantic idea of just when you are overwhelmed with the happening of life and least expect it, comes a moment of Serendipity. It also represents how two very different occasions can take place at the same time without our realisation.
我将巧合的想法翻译为落叶与水面相遇的想法。 浪漫的想法是,当您不知所措地生活时,最想不到的是,这是一个偶然的时刻。 它也代表了在没有我们意识到的情况下,如何同时发生两个截然不同的情况。
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Sleep paralysis is a very scary phenomenon that occurs at the transition from sleep and wakefulness, subconscious state of mind to consciousness where the mind still party delves into subconsciousness projections which causes temporary paralysis and fearful hallucinations. The images I found during my research had a very dark and disturbing but to me looking back sometimes these episodes could have a sense of Humor in them which is why I chose to work with a very comical style.
睡眠麻痹是一种非常可怕的现象,发生在从睡眠和清醒,潜意识状态到意识的过渡中,在这种状态下,精神仍在潜入潜意识预测,这会导致暂时性麻痹和可怕的幻觉。 我在研究过程中发现的图像非常黑暗且令人不安,但我回想起来有时有时这些情节可能带有幽默感,这就是为什么我选择采用非常滑稽的风格。
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The idea of make belief was achieved by printing on two opposite sides of Japanese rice paper which has a distinct translucent quality to it. When seen against the light, one can see the wings at the back of the illustration of a girl.
使信仰的想法是通过在日本宣纸的两个相对面上印刷而实现的,这种宣纸具有独特的半透明质量。 当看到光线时,可以看到女孩插图背面的翅膀。
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Class critique session

阶段2: (Phase 2:)

Post spring break our classes were shifted to being remote due to the sudden explosion of COVID-19 cases creating havoc over the world. Our lives became a part of the project as we entered this weird lingo of liminality between our physical presence, safety and space.

春假过后,由于COVID-19案例的突然爆炸在全世界造成了破坏,我们的班级转移到了偏僻的地方。 当我们进入物理状态,安全性和空间之间这种奇怪的限制性术语时,我们的生活就成为了项目的一部分。

The brief of the project shifted to being an Augmented reality project for Instagram using the Artivive application as a tool.


睡眠麻痹: (Sleep paralysis:)

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最终概念和想法的演变: (Final Concept and idea evolutions:)

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The below mentioned three excerpts were taken from the book ‘Einstein’s dream’ by Alan Lightman describing the delicate relationship between space, time and existence. Away from home and always questioning my identity and existence, these three connections were more personal to me as they are thoughts that have crossed my path during many such episodes of self-introspection.

下面摘录的三个摘录摘自艾伦·莱特曼(Alan Lightman)的《爱因斯坦的梦想》,描述了空间,时间和存在之间的微妙关系。 出门在外并总是质疑我的身份和存在,这三个联系对我来说更个人化,因为在许多这样的自我反省期间,这三种联系已经跨越了我的道路。

No traveler goes back to his city of origin.


I chose this as the name of the project (which is also a quote from the book) because I feel greatly that once you move away from your city of origin and go back to visit, nothing remains the same. You change as a person after having travelled and gathered wisdom and experiences. The people back in your city also change because they have gone through the similar changes but in very different contexts. However they do not seem to care about what makes the context different and how the experiences vary between their habitual space and other’s. Every animate or in-animate object, building, trees, environment goes through the challenge of time. Growth, change, erosion, death. However these parallel happenings do affect our lives in however big or small way possible just like the butterfly effect. As a student / traveler far away from my city I could have never predicted how a man’s lunch back in China would affect my stay in the USA so greatly or create massive lockdown on a population of 1.353 billion people back in my country.

我选择这个作为项目的名称(这也是书中的引用),因为我非常感到一旦离开原籍城市并返回参观,一切都不会改变。 在旅行并收集了智慧和经验之后,您会作为一个人而改变。 回到您所在城市的人们也发生了变化,因为他们经历了类似的变化,但处境截然不同。 但是,他们似乎并不在乎是什么使上下文有所不同,以及体验在他们的习惯空间和其他习惯空间之间如何变化。 每个有生命或无生命的物体,建筑物,树木,环境都会经历时间的挑战。 生长,变化,侵蚀,死亡。 但是,这些并行的事件确实会像蝴蝶效应一样,无论大小都会影响我们的生活。 作为远离城市的学生/旅行者,我永远无法预料到一个人在中国的午餐会如何极大地影响我在美国的逗留,或者对我国的13.53亿人口造成巨大的封锁。

在水/偶然性表面上的叶子– (Leaf on surface of Water/ Serendipity–)

观念演变: (Idea evolution:)

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In the time for a leaf to fall in one place, a flower could bloom in another. In the duration of a thunderclap in one place, two people could fall in love in another. In the time that a boy grows into a man, a drop of rain might slide down a windowpane.

在叶子落在一处的时候,花朵可能会在另一处开花。 在一个地方打雷的过程中,两个人可能在另一个地方坠入爱河。 当男孩长大后,一滴雨可能会滑下窗玻璃。

- Alan Lightman, Einstein’s dream


Week 1:


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Week 2 (Final outcome):


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结构和流程-思想演变: (Structure and flow- Idea evolution:)

Week 1:


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Week 2:


Just beyond a mountain, just beyond a river lies a different life. Yet these lives do not speak to each other. These lives do not share. These lives do not nurture each other. The abundances caused by isolation are stifled by the same isolation.

在山上,在河上,是另一种生活。 然而这些生活并没有彼此说话。 这些生活不共有。 这些生活不会互相孕育。 由隔离引起的丰度被相同的隔离抑制。

- Alan Lightman, Einstein’s dream


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Final outcome:


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(Video Credits- James Grady)
(影片鸣谢-James Grady)

蜕变-思想演变 (Metamorphosis- Idea Evolution)

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Time flutters and fidgets and hops with these birds. The catchers delight in the moment so frozen but soon discover that the nightingale expires, it’s clear, flutelike song diminishes to silence, the trapped moment grows withered and without life.

时间飞逝,坐立不安,跳跃与这些鸟。 捕手们对如此冰冷的时刻感到高兴,但很快就发现夜莺快要消失了,很清楚,长笛般的歌曲逐渐消失成寂静,被困的时刻变得枯萎而没有生命。

- Alan Lightman, Einstein’s dream


Week 1:


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Week 2(final outcome):


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翻译自: https://medium.com/@sohini16/the-threshold-project-no-traveler-goes-back-to-his-city-of-origin-86c237432075

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