谷歌pay破解_Google Pay缺少Google闻名的一件事-UX案例研究


Disclaimer: The views expressed in the blog post is purely based on personal experience. It was not influenced by any external factor.

When Google launched Tez (now 'Google Pay') in India during 2017, their primary goal was to design a simple payment app to replace cash. And, thanks to their rewards program that went viral among the users. The rewards program that involved the scratch cards, became a conversation starter. (You might have come across someone asking you "How much did you win in Google Pay?").

当Google在2017年在印度推出Tez(现在称为“ Google Pay”)时,他们的主要目标是设计一个简单的支付应用来代替现金。 而且,由于他们的奖励计划在用户中广为传播。 涉及刮刮卡的奖励计划成为谈话的开始。 (您可能遇到一个人问您“您在Google Pay中赢了多少钱?”)。

During their 3 years of existence, they've worked on several iterations to make the app better. They tried new technologies like the Audio QR code (AQR), which uses audio frequencies to communicate with nearby devices to enable payments, but later moved on to using traditional QR code.

在他们存在的3年中,他们进行了多次迭代以使应用程序更好。 他们尝试了新技术,例如音频QR码(AQR),该技术使用音频与附近的设备进行通信以实现付款,但后来转而使用传统QR码。

But, in the process of making the app simple, the product team has made a few compromises on usability. For example, a product that has 67 million monthly active users does not have a search bar on its home screen! They missed adding some very basic features that could have enhanced the user experience by several-fold.

但是,在简化应用程序的过程中,产品团队在可用性方面做出了一些妥协。 例如,每月有6700万活跃用户的产品的主屏幕上没有搜索栏! 他们错过了添加一些非常基本的功能,这些功能可能将用户体验提高几倍。

In this blog, I have analyzed the shortcomings of Google Pay from a user's perspective and have also designed mocks to show how we can overcome those shortcomings with subtle design changes.

在此博客中,我从用户的角度分析了Google Pay的缺点,并设计了模拟程序来展示如何通过微妙的设计更改来克服这些缺点。

少了什么东西? (What's missing?)

Before getting to the solution, let's take a quick look at what's missing in the current version of Google Pay.

在开始解决方案之前,让我们快速看一下当前版本的Google Pay中缺少的内容。

负空间过多 (Too much Negative space)

When you open the app, the first thing you see is the GPay logo followed by a subtle, minimal illustration of a landscape. The top 30% of the app screen which could've been used to house a ton of key features and functions is left blank. Why!

打开应用程序时,首先看到的是GPay徽标,其后是一个微妙的,最小的景观插图。 应用程序屏幕的前30%可以用来容纳大量的关键功能,而这些内容留为空白。 为什么!

The most basic thing they could've done is added a search bar (something Google is good at since their launch in 1998).


Areas of improvement portrayed in this screen. This includes too negative space and inability to add favorites

没有收藏 (No Favorites)

The next section after the landscape is where you see the contacts to whom you've sent money recently. But, the issue with this section is the arrangement of contacts.

风景之后的下一部分是您看到最近向其汇款的联系人的地方。 但是,本节的问题是联系的安排。

There is no way to pin or favorite the most frequent contacts or businesses for quicker payments. And, when you click on the 'Show more' button, the list is endless. And, you can't search or alphabetically sort your contacts. It is messy and confusing for a user like me.

无法锁定或收藏最频繁的联系人或业务以更快地付款。 而且,当您单击“显示更多”按钮时,列表无穷无尽。 而且,您无法搜索或按字母顺序对联系人进行排序。 对于像我这样的用户而言,这是混乱且令人困惑的。

新付款按钮 (New Payment Button)

The '+ New payment' button, which is the primary CTA, hovers over the contact icons which makes it difficult to see sometimes. And, Google did not make use of the 'long press' feature, which they've pretty much had everywhere on Android and some of their apps.

主要的号召性用语“ +新付款”按钮悬停在联系人图标上,这有时很难看到。 而且,谷歌没有利用“长按”功能,他们在Android和某些应用程序中几乎都使用过该功能。

Imagine long pressing the '+ New Payment' button and you get options like 'self-transfer', 'scan QR code', 'money transfer', etc. That would've taken the user experience to a whole new level.

想象一下,长按“ +新付款”按钮,您会得到“自动转账”,“扫描QR码”,“转账”等选项,这将使用户体验提升到一个全新的水平。

Other areas of improvements shown in this image. This includes the mentioning of a primitive payment activity page.

推荐和付款活动 (Referrals and Payment Activity)

Google Pay focuses a lot on the referrals. I came across three CTAs on the main screen that nudges you to invite or refer your friends to Google Pay. Another area that I felt lacking was the payment activity section. The payment activity section doesn't give you an option to search for a specific transaction by month, date, or category. And, the option to share the receipt of a transaction is positioned behind another click. Instead, they could've had a share icon next to the transaction, or a share option when someone long presses on a transaction.

Google Pay将重点放在引荐上。 我在主屏幕上遇到了三个CTA,这会促使您邀请或推荐您的朋友使用Google Pay。 我感到缺乏的另一个领域是付款活动部分。 付款活动部分不提供按月,日期或类别搜索特定交易的选项。 并且,共享交易收据的选项位于另一个点击之后。 相反,他们可能在交易旁边有一个共享图标,或者当某人长时间按下交易时有一个共享选项。

最大的可用性问题 (The Biggest Usability Issue)

The biggest issue with Google Pay is, being a search giant, Google did not make the best use of search within the app.

Google Pay的最大问题是,作为搜索巨头,Google没有充分利用该应用程序中的搜索功能。

解决方案 (The Solution)

After considering all the usability issues, I asked myself


"How would I redesign the home screen of the app so that it is easy for a user like me!".


I put on my thinking hat and started designing the solution.


搜索栏和快捷方式 (Search Bar and Shortcuts)

First, I made a list of all the frequently performed actions in Google Pay and it came down to a short list. They are,

首先,我列出了Google Pay中所有经常执行的操作,然后将其归为简短列表。 他们是,

And, in the current version of the app, the home screen is blank and you find payment options like bank transfer, QR code, etc. only if you click on the '+ New Payment' button.

而且,在该应用程序的当前版本中,主屏幕为空白,只有单击“ +新付款”按钮,您才能找到银行转帐,QR码等付款方式。

Keeping that in mind, I decided to redesign the first 30 percent of the screen that was left blank in the app.


I added a search bar and a couple of key shortcuts that we use more frequently. I added other frequently used options but hid them under an expand/collapse menu. The search bar allows users to search for a contact, business, or a vendor for bill payment.

我添加了一个搜索栏和一些常用的快捷键。 我添加了其他常用选项,但将其隐藏在展开/折叠菜单下。 搜索栏允许用户搜索联系人,公司或供应商以支付账单。

This image shows how I came to a decision of creating the redesign of Google Pay

I placed the rewards icon on the top left corner making it easy for users to access their rewards. After the redesign, it looked something like this.

我将奖励图标放置在左上角,以便用户轻松访问他们的奖励。 重新设计后,它看起来像这样。

Highlights of the redesigned homescreen shown here

收藏夹 (Favorites)

The second thing I worked on was the contacts section.


I want this section to allow users to pin their frequently used contacts as favorites. They can see up to 7 of their favorite contacts on the home screen. If they want to see more favorites and other recent contacts, they'll have to click on the 'Show all' button.

我希望此部分允许用户将其常用联系人固定为收藏夹。 他们可以在主屏幕上最多看到7个他们喜欢的联系人。 如果他们想查看更多收藏夹和其他近期联系人,则必须单击“显示全部”按钮。

A mockup of the redesigned screen

If you wish to add a contact to your Favorites section, you can choose the 'Add to Favorites' option when you're sending money to a contact. Another way is to have a star icon next to each contact (like how we bookmark webpages) would also do the job.

如果要将联系人添加到“收藏夹”部分,则在向联系人汇款时可以选择“添加到收藏夹”选项。 另一种方法是在每个联系人旁边都有一个星形图标(例如我们如何为网页添加书签)也可以完成此工作。

An illustration showing how you can favorite a contact by clicking on the options screen

You can add or remove contacts from the Favorites section by clicking on the More icon (three dots) next to the Favorites section.


This way you can quickly send money to your frequent contacts.


I removed the 'Businesses & Bills' section from the home screen as I wanted it to be subsumed under the 'Show all' option.


Instead of 'Businesses & Bills' I have added the Promotions section followed by payment activity, checking your available balance and the banner to promote rewards for inviting your friends to use Google Pay.

我没有在“业务与账单”中添加“促销”部分,而是在其后进行付款活动,检查您的可用余额和标语,以宣传邀请您的朋友使用Google Pay的奖励。

付款活动 (Payment Activity)

I've also made a few enhancements to the payment activity section.


The 'smart search' bar at the top of the page will allow you to look for a transaction based on the month, vendor, or the amount paid.


You can long-press on a transaction or select multiple transactions to share their receipt via WhatsApp, or email.


I've also tried to display the UPI ID of the transaction in the list making it easy to share them with vendors (some ask for the UPI ID after the payment).

我还尝试在列表中显示交易的UPI ID,以方便与供应商共享(有些人在付款后要求提供UPI ID)。

每月支出报告 (Monthly Spend Report)

When I sent this blog post to a couple of beta readers, one of the suggestions I got was, it would be nice to have a spend report inside Google Pay. A report that gives you a monthly overview of how much you've paid as bills, how much you've sent to your friends and family, rewards earned, account balance, and so on.

当我将此博客文章发送给几个Beta版阅读器时,我得到的建议之一就是,在Google Pay中有支出报告很高兴。 每月提供一份报告,概述您已支付的账单金额,已发送给您的亲朋好友的金额,所获得的奖励,帐户余额等。

If you think about it, it need not be an extensive expense report like you get from Walnut or your bank's mobile app. It can be a simple report that tells you how much much you've spent through Google Pay and what's the balance left in your account.

如果您考虑一下,它不必像从Walnut或银行的移动应用程序中获得的大量费用报告。 它可以是一个简单的报告,告诉您通过Google Pay花费了多少,以及帐户中剩余的余额是多少。

If you're someone who uses Google Pay, then you will have all your transactions in one place. It could also refrain users from using other UPI apps and stick to Google Pay as it helps them visualize their monthly spending in one place.

如果您是使用Google Pay的人,那么所有交易都将集中在一个地方。 它还可以避免用户使用其他UPI应用程序,并坚持使用Google Pay,因为它可以帮助他们在一处可视化每月支出。

I took the liberty to design a very basic mock of how this would look.


Image for post

结论 (Conclusion)

If I can design a better, usable version of Google Pay putting myself in the shoes of a user, imagine what product teams could do when they start listening to feedback from hundreds of users. Distilling them and putting them in action would be a great way to deliver an amazing product experience.

如果我可以设计一个更好的,可用的Google Pay版本,让自己为用户所吸引,请想象一下产品团队在开始聆听数百个用户的反馈时可以做什么。 提炼并付诸实践将是提供令人惊叹的产品体验的好方法。

And, for a company like Google, if they made use of the elements and interactions that worked for them in the past (things they've learned while improving apps like Google, Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, etc.), Google Pay would've created a far better user experience.

而且,对于像Google这样的公司来说,如果他们利用了过去适用的元素和互动(他们在改进Google,Gmail,Google Maps,YouTube等应用程序时所学到的东西),创造了更好的用户体验。

I'm not sure if they'd see it, but I am happy to have learned a thing or two about product design and user experience while working on this case study.


I hope you like it!


致谢 (Acknowledgment)

I've sent this blog to 23 professionals as part of the beta reading program and I got some amazing feedback. Special Thanks to Vishnu Vardhan, Rohit Viswanathan, Ganesh, and Smriti. They have a huge part in how this article came into shape.

作为Beta版阅读计划的一部分,我已将此博客发送给23位专业人员,并且得到了一些惊人的反馈。 特别感谢Vishnu VardhanRohit ViswanathanGaneshSmriti 。 他们在本文的形成过程中起着重要作用。

最后一件事... (One Last Thing...)

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Originally published at








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