


重点 (Top highlight)

A photo has been floating around the internet showing how the interior of the new Dragon spacecraft differs from the Space Shuttle. The difference is staggering, but not entirely suprprising. After all the Shuttle started operating in 1981, while Dragon 2, is barely a year in operation.

互联网上流传着一张照片,展示了新型Dragon飞船的内部与航天飞机的不同之处。 区别是惊人的,但并非完全令人惊讶。 毕竟,航天飞机是在1981年开始运营的,而《龙2》则仅运营了一年。

屏幕用户界面的演变 (On-screen user interfaces evolution)

Macintosh — 1984年 (Macintosh — 1984)

But let’s go back in time a little bit, to the first Macintosh. Of course, the Xerox Parc inspirations need a mention here, even when it’s unclear how much Apple “borrowed” from Xerox. Still, after very simple, text-based interfaces having a “virtual” desktop was a revelation and a revolution at the same time.

但是,让我们回到第一台Macintosh。 当然,即使尚不清楚苹果从施乐那里“借”了多少钱,施乐Parc的灵感也需要在这里提及。 在经过非常简单的,具有“虚拟”桌面的基于文本的界面之后,这既是一次启示,又是一次革命。

The first Mac
Source: Apple

Before the GUI people were able to do a lot of the same things — there were word processors, spreadsheets and other office tools. They were simply a bit harder to use and required very good keyboard shortcut knowledge.

在GUI之前,人们可以做很多事情—有文字处理程序,电子表格和其他办公工具。 它们只是更难使用,并且需要非常好的键盘快捷键知识。

所有硬件UI (All hardware UI)

So instead of a visible interface, the interface was all hardware.


The Macintosh transitioned the interface to a mix of hardware and software, through skeuomorphic paradigms (desktop metaphor, and later the trash-bin).


下一场革命 (The next revolution)

I’m going to skip the click-wheel, as it was a single-use device thing, and while I love my iPods (and still use them to this day) the interface wasn’t a game-changer of the same proportions as the bitmap screen and mouse combo.


keyboards on mobile devices
Source: Apple

Steve Jobs realised the next step by showing the popular phones of 2007. They had lots of buttons and a visually cluttered, hardware interface. He also said what I think was the most important takeaway from the whole UI part of the keynote.

史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)通过展示2007年流行的手机实现了下一步。它们具有许多按钮和视觉混乱的硬件界面。 他还说,我认为这是主题演讲中整个UI部分最重要的收获。

And what happens if you think of a great idea 6 months from now? You can’t run around and add a button to these things. They’ve already shipped.

如果六个月后想到一个好主意,会发生什么? 您不能四处奔走,不能在这些东西上添加按钮。 他们已经发货了。

The iPhone came along and sped up the process of touch-screen UI’s. Right now we can’t imagine ourselves without those metal-and-glass sandwiches in our pockets. And we dont need any extra hardware to do most things. Just using our fingers became the new norm.

iPhone出现并加快了触摸屏UI的过程。 现在,我们口袋里没有那些金属和玻璃三明治,我们无法想象。 而且我们不需要任何额外的硬件即可完成大多数事情。 仅仅用手指就成为新的规范。

the first iPhone (2007)
Source: Apple

Imagine someone sitting on a train in 2006 on some early touch enabled device and just moving their finger up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Most people would’ve thought they’re crazy. Right now that vertical swipe is the most popular motion most people do all day. Even more popular than walking.

想象一下,某人在2006年坐在火车上,使用支持早期触摸功能的设备,只是上下移动了手指。 上和下。 上和下。 大多数人会以为他们疯了。 现在,垂直滑动是大多数人一整天最喜欢的动作。 比走路更受欢迎。

一些行业对现状感到满意。 (Some industries were happy with the status quo.)

Just like with phones, someone had to take a bold step and redefine the entire industry. Otherwise we’d still have “faster horses” and plastic keyboards on our phones. And we’d still use that T9 dictionary to type in a Short Message (Service). Yes, that’s where the SMS name comes from.

就像使用电话一样,有人必须采取大胆的步骤来重新定义整个行业。 否则,我们的手机上仍然会有“快马”和塑料键盘。 而且,我们仍将使用该T9词典键入短信(服务)。 是的,这就是SMS名称的来源。

输入:特斯拉 (Enter: Tesla)

While most cars started adding displays, they still mostly relied on physical controls. That makes sense in a vehicle, as you need to keep your eyes on the road. So “feeling” a physical knob or a switch while still looking ahead was the best possible option.

尽管大多数汽车开始添加显示器,但它们仍然主要依靠物理控制。 在车辆中这很有意义,因为您需要将注意力放在道路上。 因此,在仍然向前看的同时“感觉”物理旋钮或开关是最好的选择。

Cars before and after the Tesla.
Source Unsplash / Tesla
消息来源Unsplash / Tesla

But with the driving-assist technologies things can get a lot simpler now. A touchscreen can be a perfect way to show any user interface on it. It can lead to the car having new features. Something unthinkable in that industry.

但是,有了驾驶辅助技术,事情现在可以变得简单得多。 触摸屏可能是在其上显示任何用户界面的理想方式。 这可能会导致汽车具有新功能。 该行业中不可思议的东西。

And as we habituate ourselves with technologies, many people can use those car touch screens without looking at them (to change the airflow for example).


We also don’t need all those dials and physical clocks. Right now they’re purely an aesthetic choice. Just look how much cleaner and simple the Tesla Model 3 Dashboard is.

我们也不需要所有这些表盘和物理时钟。 现在,它们纯粹是一种美学选择。 看看特斯拉Model 3仪表板有多清洁和简单。

Obviously some people hate it, but it has all the same functionality (and more) than traditional cars. And it can get NEW features down the road.

显然有人讨厌它,但是它具有与传统汽车相同的功能(甚至更多)。 它可以为您提供新功能。

spaceX dragon UI
Source: SpaceX

然后回到太空 (And back to Space)

Looking at the knobs, dials and switches on the first space crafts and then looking at the huge touch-screens of the Dragon2 we are seeing the same path forward as with computers and phones.


It’s also easier to label things on screen, instead of remembering Switch B13, B16, C9 and Dial A1 to 75 sequences.


There’s already enough to do and think about in space, so astronauts can use that brain power elsewhere. And especially on a spacecraft you have a bit more time to react so you can easily take your eyes “off the road” ;)

在太空中已经有足够的事情要做和思考,因此宇航员可以在其他地方利用这种大脑力量。 尤其是在太空飞船上,您有更多的时间做出React,因此您可以轻松地将视线“移开”;)

I still think that before we go fully autonomous, visual UI’s with various input types will be the main thing. Voice commands are good for skipping a track on Alexa, but piloting a spaceship or driving a car and talking to it seems unnatural and awkward. And very “hands-off”.

我仍然认为,在实现完全自主之前,具有各种输入类型的可视UI将会成为主要对象。 语音命令很适合跳过Alexa上的曲目,但是驾驶飞船或驾驶汽车并与之交谈似乎不自然且笨拙。 而且非常“放手”。

Dragon 2 Space Craft — SpaceX
Source: SpaceX

5月30日。 (May 30th.)

Aside from the pure awesomeness of humans exploring space again that started yesterday, I was also happy to see how the evolving interfaces (backed by even more awesome engineering) are pushing us all forward.


So now it’s up to us to build some cool interfaces for those touchscreens!


下一步是什么? (What’s next?)

Get MY UI DESIGN BOOK 📘 or subscribe on YOUTUBE 📺

获取中号ŸUI设计图书 📘或订阅上YOUTUBE 📺

We are also working on a 🦄 FRONT-END BOOK that you can sign up for :)

我们还在制作🦄前端书籍 ,您可以注册:)

I fight design crime at night, and I work at HYPE4 during the day.

我在夜间打击设计犯罪 ,白天在HYPE4工作。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/simple-beautiful-interfaces-are-the-future-9f77e33af5c4






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