lynda ux_监管UX行业

lynda ux

In the UX industry, we talk a lot about skills, new software, and best practice solutions to common problems. We don’t talk enough about where our industry is and where it is going. Its more of a company-led, company-first mentality. We expect the companies that hire us for our skills to define our practices, rather than taking it upon ourselves to consider where we want to be as an industry in 5 or 10 or 50 years.

在UX行业中,我们谈论了很多有关常见问题的技能,新软件和最佳实践解决方案。 我们对行业的现状和发展方向的讨论不够。 它更像是一种公司主导,公司至上的心态。 我们期望雇用我们的技能的公司来定义我们的做法,而不是让我们自己去考虑我们希望在5年,10年或50年后成为哪个行业。

So, you might be asking, WHY would UI/UX professionals want or need some kind of standardization?

因此,您可能会问,为什么UI / UX专业人员需要或需要某种标准化?

Well. Have you ever taken a job at a company, looked around, and decided that you were the only one who had any sense of your skills? Did you enter meeting rooms by introducing yourself, your title, and then find yourself explaining your job title to your new colleagues? If this hasn’t happened to you, please come have coffee with me and tell me your secrets.

好。 您是否曾经在一家公司工作,环顾四周,并确定自己是唯一对自己的技能有了解的人? 您是否通过介绍自己,职称进入会议室,然后发现自己向新同事解释职称? 如果您没有发生这种情况,请和我一起喝咖啡,并告诉我您的秘密。

There are pluses and minuses to every city, every company, and every design team that cannot be described in this short article. No doubt, some of you love the startup environments or the small companies that need a first UX hire to show them the ropes. Hat’s off to you! That is an incredible amount of responsibility to take on, and I hope you are rewarded well for your efforts.

每个城市,每个公司和每个设计团队都有自己的优点和缺点,因此本文不能一一列举。 毫无疑问,你们中的一些人喜欢启动环境或需要首次聘用UX来展示其绳索的小型公司。 向你致敬! 承担着巨大的责任,我希望您的努力得到了丰厚的回报。

I would also humbly suggest that we shouldn’t have to take on that level of risk without seeing it in writing on a job application. It should be a conscious choice by both employer and employee to invite someone in to change the company culture from the ground up.

我还要谦虚地建议,如果没有在求职申请书中看到它,我们就不必承担这种风险。 雇主和雇员都应有意识地选择邀请某人彻底改变公司文化。

This isn’t a one in a million problem. In more than half of my jobs, I struggled with explaining what my skills were - AFTER I completed the rigorous interview process! Was it naive to expect that my future employers might first know about my skills before they hired me? Perhaps. Or perhaps we should start demanding more.

这不是百万分之一的问题。 在我一半以上的工作中,我很难解释自己的技能-在完成严格的面试过程之后! 期望我未来的雇主在雇用我之前会先了解我的技能是否天真? 也许。 也许我们应该开始要求更多。

In my opinion, the reason for this is our industry doesn’t require companies who employ UX professionals to be held to a common standard. Indeed, best practices are often seen by managers as annoyances that get in the way of profits rather than the necessary structure that our complicated roles (and our users!) require.

我认为,这是因为我们的行业并不要求雇用UX专业人士的公司遵守统一的标准。 的确,经理们经常将最佳实践视为烦恼,这种烦恼妨碍了利润,而不是我们复杂的角色(和我们的用户!)所要求的必要结构。

I am not suggesting that designers themselves be held to a rigorous, inflexible standard. When we become designers, we are expected to know and implement best practice standards. There are plenty of organizations that formally and informally define those standards of practice. Our industry requires those standards because interaction patterns often come from science-backed research that no one has time to do themselves.

我不建议设计师自己遵守严格,僵化的标准。 当我们成为设计师时,我们应该了解并实施最佳实践标准。 有许多组织正式和非正式地定义了这些实践标准。 我们的行业需要这些标准,因为交互模式通常来自于科学支持的研究,没有人有时间做自己的事情。

Nor would I want to.


In addition to making our stakeholders and managers happy, we also have to defend our work to them. When I say “If you make that font size any smaller, anyone who has less than perfect eyesight cannot read that. We need to make sure our minimum font size is x” I expect that standard to be followed without argument.

除了使利益相关者和管理者感到高兴之外,我们还必须捍卫他们的工作。 当我说“如果使该字体大小变小,那么视力不佳的人将无法阅读。 我们需要确保最小字体为x”。我希望遵循该标准且不带参数。

When I am asked to evaluate a flow for inconsistencies, and I see that a CTA button is in a different location on every page, it is my job to call it out and recommend how to fix it. And then make sure it is fixed before it goes into production.

当我被要求评估流程中的不一致之处时,我发现CTA按钮在每个页面上都位于不同的位置,我的工作是找出它并建议如何解决它。 然后在生产之前确保已固定。

Not every design decision should have to go through management to be approved.


If I were teaching a course on UX 101, these would be my examples of things we need to learn to perform the basic practices of our job. When our stakeholders and managers scoff and ignore these recommendations, it doesn’t just affect that project, but how that company as a whole sees our work: that it is somehow less-than because it is design, when in fact it is design backed by formal research. Again, not to mention the impact on our users, for which it is our job to defend.

如果我正在教授关于UX 101的课程,那么这些将是我为完成工作的基本实践而需要学习的东西的例子。 当我们的利益相关者和管理者嘲笑并忽略这些建议时,它不仅会影响该项目,还会影响整个公司如何看待我们的工作:它比设计本身要少一些,因为实际上是设计的支持通过正式研究。 同样,更不用说对用户的影响了,我们必须捍卫这一点。

My point is this: Companies should be expected to adhere to our industry’s best-practice standards in the same way we are taught and expected to follow them. It should be the responsibility of the company to provide the tools and resources necessary for designers to follow those best practice standards.

我的意思是:应当期望公司遵循我们被教导并希望遵循的最佳做法标准,以遵守行业最佳实践标准。 公司有责任为设计师提供遵循最佳实践标准所需的工具和资源。

I also believe that companies should be required to have and maintain a design pattern library so that internal standards are also maintained. I shouldn’t have to reinvent the login form every few weeks!

我还认为,应该要求公司拥有并维护设计模式库,以便维护内部标准。 我不必每隔几周就重新制作一次登录表单!

Companies should have their own standardized design process that they then make available to prospective hires. Applicants should have an opportunity to decide if that structure fits their expectations.

公司应拥有自己的标准化设计流程,然后将其提供给潜在的员工。 申请人应有机会决定该结构是否符合他们的期望。

For those who need that structure, like myself, it is unfortunately very difficult to ascertain in a job interview whether or not quality work will be seen as such. My suggestion of a formal standardized design process that companies can choose to adopt or not, will at least give our industry some much-needed regulation. When we rely on the companies that hire us to define our jobs to the point where doing them well looks like a failure, no one wins.

不幸的是,对于像我这样需要这种结构的人,很难在工作面试中确定是否将高质量的工作视为这样。 我对公司可以选择采用或不采用的正式标准化设计过程的建议,至少会给我们的行业一些急需的法规。 当我们依靠雇用我们的公司来定义我们的工作,以至于做好工作看起来像是失败时,没人会赢。

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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。


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