


I have spent 18 years in advertising, briefing designers and art directors on various projects — from the simplest typo-only banners to the most complex integrated campaigns you can imagine. I have done training sessions on brief writing to agency creative teams and to clients — trying to provide them with information on how to speak the language of the artist: the designers and copywriters.

我已经在广告业工作了18年,向设计师和艺术总监介绍了各种项目-从最简单的错字标语到您可以想象的最复杂的综合广告系列。 我已经为代理创作团队和客户提供了有关简短写作的培训课程-试图向他们提供有关如何说出艺术家,设计师和撰稿人的语言的信息。

I believe that design briefs are one of the most fundamental tools in the toolbox of anyone who wants others to get a creative project done.


When it comes to self-publishing, one of the most important things is to have the perfect cover for that self-published book — for that’s the first moment of truth (FMOT), the split second when the reader decides whether to give one more second of their precious time or to keep scrolling or browsing.


One of the biggest perks in self-publishing is that you as the author can have the freedom of creativity over the entirety of your book — starting from the first word within and ending with the design of that crucial book cover.


Talking to self-publishing experts and reading a lot on the subject, there are quite a few ways to get your book cover design done: with the help of a designer, with the help of book designing services or even on your own.


I consider myself quite fortunate for all my friends and ex-colleagues are from my previous area of work — so I know a lot of designers and illustrators who I trust. I immediately had someone in mind who told me he would be willing to help. I thought I would get away with just giving him a phone call and tell him about my book and my ideas, but he’s way too professional for that and he asked me to write a brief.

我觉得自己很幸运,因为我所有的朋友和前同事都来自我以前的工作领域,因此我认识很多我信任的设计师和插画家。 我立刻想到有人告诉我他愿意提供帮助。 我以为打个电话告诉他关于我的书和我的想法的想法是对的,但是他对此太专业了,他要求我写一个简短的摘要。

So, while I am writing a proper briefing material for him, I thought to collect all the necessary items that you need to include in a briefing if it comes to getting someone to design your book cover for you.


什么是简介? (What Is the Brief?)

I wrote about design briefs in detail, but let me summarise the main points here:

详细介绍设计摘要 ,但请在此处总结要点:

The term brief comes from military jargon, where it is defined as “the act of giving in advance specific instructions or information.” It has a defined structure, is short (hence the name), contains all necessary information but not more, and focuses on a given task and result to achieve but gives enough freedom to adapt to the situation (a mission brief).

简介一词来自军事术语,其定义为“事先提供特定指示或信息的行为”。 它具有定义的结构,简短(因此得名),包含所有必要的信息,但不包含更多信息,并且侧重于要实现的给定任务和结果,但给予了足够的自由以适应情况( 任务简介 )。

When briefing a troop to take over a hostile position, a general might give directions about how and what factors to consider but will not say put your right foot in front of your left, repeat that for 100 meters, turn right, etc. The military briefing gives a task only, leaving room for individual decisions. Similarly, the creative briefing is not a step-by-step user manual that describes the creative process as such. It’s not a description of the desired outcome either. A creative brief is a framework that can help the creative process by providing enough guidance to stay on track and allowing enough freedom for creativity.

向部队简要介绍要采取敌对立场时,将军可能会指示要考虑的因素和方式,但不会说将右脚放在左前方,重复进行100米,然后右转等。简报仅提供任务,为个人决策留出空间。 类似地,创意简报不是逐步描述创意过程的分步用户手册。 这也不是预期结果的描述。 创意简介是一个框架,可以通过提供足够的指导以保持步伐并为创意提供足够的自由来帮助创意过程。

A design brief is a crucial part of the design process, as it helps develop trust and understanding between the client (you) and the designer. It serves as a contract and is an essential point of reference for both parties. It ensures that important design questions are considered and discussed before the designer starts to work.

设计简介是设计过程中至关重要的部分,因为它有助于建立客户(您)与设计师之间的信任和理解。 它是合同,是双方的重要参考点。 它可以确保在设计师开始工作之前就考虑并讨论了重要的设计问题。

You need to provide your designer partner with all the necessary information about your work-in-progress book. The more they understand, the closer they can get to the perfect execution of your book cover. You need to consider providing them with every necessary piece of information that they might need to put on the cover.

您需要向您的设计师合作伙伴提供有关在制品书的所有必要信息。 他们了解得越多,就越能完美地完成书的封面。 您需要考虑为他们提供可能需要盖上的所有必要信息。

强制性信息 (Mandatory information)

Basic information about the project is broken down into two main categories:


1.实用信息 (1. Practical info)

Everything that is to know about you and the book when it comes to basic practical items, such as your author-name, the book title, the subtitle and any other element that you definitely want on the cover.


Depending on how you publish, you might have a barcode, if so, you need to let them know. Otherwise, they will need to just leave an empty space for that.

根据您的发布方式,您可能会有条形码,如果有,则需要告知他们。 否则,他们将只需要为此留一个空白。

2.技术细节 (2. Technical details)

  • the type of book you want the cover for (whether it needs a front cover only for ebooks, or it needs a back cover as well for print versions)

  • the size of the book (both in terms of expected height and width and the number of pages. The latter will be important to know whether there has to be a spine in the design process, and if yes, will it be wide enough to carry information)

  • If you already know the printing requirements (exact size, file format, resolution) it is useful to let them know already in advance so they can use the right sizes. Amazon has it’s own cover templates, that you can share before they start to work on it.

    如果您已经知道打印要求(准确的尺寸,文件格式,分辨率),则可以提前告知他们,这样他们可以使用正确的尺寸会很有用。 亚马逊拥有自己的封面模板 ,您可以在它们开始使用之前共享这些模板

  • If you already have a brand and you would like to use its colours, fonts or other design elements, you need to give the designer clear instructions about them and also about the freedom with what they can handle them.


这本书讲什么的? (What is the book about?)

This is the main part of your brief when you give them a short description of your book. It is usually a synopsis or a short description. It’s could be similar to a book pitch that you might use with book agents.

当给他们简短的介绍时,这是您简介的主要部分。 通常是概要或简短描述。 它可能类似于您可以与图书代理商一起使用的图书推介。

In an ideal world, the designer should read the book before designing, but due to the fast pace of self-publishing, they usually won’t go for it. You need to be concise but thorough with it so they can understand your objectives and its potential market.

在理想的世界中,设计师应该在设计之前先阅读这本书,但是由于自我发布的速度很快,他们通常不会这样做。 您需要简洁但透彻,以便他们可以了解您的目标及其潜在市场。

谁是听众,他们还能读什么? (Who is the audience and what else do they read?)

The audience is one of the most important parts of a brief, for the preferences of different target groups vary widely. You can’t sell the book with a cover that applies to a completely different audience — and you can’t apply to everyone.

受众是摘要中最重要的部分之一,因为不同目标群体的偏好差异很大。 您不能将本书的封面销售给完全不同的读者,也不能适用于所有人。

Aiming for a cover that is attractive to everyone just because you are writing about something that you think everyone should read is very far-fetched. You are better off with figuring out who your target group is — and brief the designer accordingly.

仅仅因为您正在写一些您认为每个人都应该读的东西而对所有人都有吸引力,这是一个牵强的建议。 您最好弄清楚目标群体是谁,并据此向设计者做简要介绍。

Besides, by the time you get to the design, you need to know already who you wrote the book for, so this is just an extra exercise when you specify it for the designer again.


When it comes to defining the audience, you need to think about both demographic and psychographic (attitude and lifestyle) attributes. The demographic attributes are gender and age mostly. The psychographic is rather about their attitudes — their likes, dislikes, preferences, habits, generic lifestyle facts about them. If you write about technology to technology experts or to housewives the two different approaches require a different cover.

在定义受众时,您需要考虑人口和心理特征(态度和生活方式)。 人口属性主要是性别和年龄。 心理特征是关于他们的态度的-他们的喜好,厌恶,喜好,习惯,关于他们的一般生活方式。 如果您是向技术专家或家庭主妇介绍技术,则两种不同的方法需要使用不同的方法。

It is also important to indicate what else they might read if you can figure that out. Self-help book lovers will be used to a different style than romance novel readers, and the designer has to know about this.

如果您能弄清楚它们的含义,那么指出他们还可能读什么也很重要。 自助书爱好者将习惯与浪漫小说读者不同的风格,设计师必须了解这一点。

您的喜好是什么? (What are your preferences?)

The good thing is that you can still have your preferences. You might even have an idea of the elements that you would like to see. You can specify colours or preferred fonts. You can set the tonality (modern vs vintage, fun vs serious etc.). You can have some initial suggestions as well.

好消息是您仍然可以拥有自己的偏好。 您甚至可能对想要看到的元素有所了解。 您可以指定颜色或首选字体。 您可以设置音调(现代与复古,趣味与严肃等)。 您也可以有一些初步建议。

You should do your homework and make a collection of the cover styles within your genre that you like. 4–5 examples work just fine. And also about what you would hate to see.

您应该做作业,并在自己喜欢的风格中收集封面样式。 4–5个示例工作正常。 还有关于您不愿看到的内容。

Even if you are open to suggestions, you could say if you’d like typo-only (just words), illustration based, photo-based etc covers. Explain what you like in each cover, the fonts, the placement, the colours, other elements. It’s a great help and it saves a lot of time.

即使您愿意提出建议,也可以说是否只想打错字(只是文字),基于插图的,基于照片的封面等。 在每个封面,字体,位置,颜色和其他元素中说明您想要的内容。 这是一个很大的帮助,它可以节省大量时间。

如何与设计师合作? (How to work with a designer?)

If you bump into a really good designer, please note that they are artists. They have a soul that bruises easily. At least, if they take the project seriously enough. I have only worked with designers who cared deeply about their projects — and this is how you deal with them.

如果您遇到一位真正优秀的设计师,请注意他们是艺术家。 他们有容易受伤的灵魂。 至少,如果他们对项目足够重视。 我只与关心他们的项目的设计师一起工作-这就是您与他们打交道的方式。

  1. Give them enough freedom


    If you want to work with a designer, it means you are not one, so chances are that they are better at it than you are. If you could do it on your own, you should do it on your own. But if you decide to outsource it, you need to trust their expertise.

    如果您想与设计师一起工作,则意味着您不是一个人,因此他们可能比您更擅长。 如果可以自己完成,则应该自己完成。 但是,如果您决定将其外包,则需要信任他们的专业知识。

    Give them enough freedom to work and don’t micro-manage them. Give constructive criticism, but let the wow you with their art.

    给他们足够的工作自由,不要对他们进行微管理。 提出建设性的批评,但让他们的艺术赞叹您。

  2. Agree on the way of working in advance


    Discuss, before the process, how you would work together. Agree in modification rounds and be explicit about your preferences. If you are paying them — which you should — then be clear about the finances so nobody should walk away unsatisfied.

    在此过程之前,讨论如何合作。 同意修改回合,并明确说明您的偏好。 如果您要付款(您应该这样做),那么请清楚财务状况,以便没有人不满意地离开。

  3. Give early feedback and be nice about it


    Give them feedback as soon as you can. Be constructive with criticism and praise them for what you like. It is your love-project, so the decision is yours, but getting another expert on board is a great path to getting something amazing done.

    尽快给他们反馈。 建设性地接受批评,并赞扬他们的喜好。 这是您的挚爱项目,所以决定是您的决定,但是聘请另一位专家是完成出色工作的绝妙途径。

And if they deliver what something amazing, let them know and support them. Share their work, promote them, recommend them to others. After all, we are all artists and we can use all the support we can to get more eyes on our work.

如果他们提供了令人惊奇的东西,请让他们知道并支持他们。 分享他们的工作,促进他们,向其他人推荐他们。 毕竟,我们都是艺术家,我们可以利用所有的支持来更多地关注我们的作品。

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如果您喜欢这个并想要更多,请在 Twitter IG 上关注我, 并注册我的 时事通讯







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