

Video games have always aimed to create a world separate from our own, with experiences gamers couldn’t get anywhere else. As technology has raced forward with time, these worlds have become more realistic, more believable, and at the same time, more fantastic than ever. In the early days, the games gave us a framework to unleash the player’s imagination, creating a theater of the mind. Today, we can visually experience the worlds exactly how the developers intend us to, right down to the most minute of details.

视频 游戏一直致力于创造一个与我们自己不同的世界,游戏玩家无法获得其他体验。 随着技术的飞速发展,这些世界比以往任何时候都变得更加现实,更加可信,同时也变得更加梦幻。 在早期,这些游戏为我们提供了一个释放玩家想象力的框架,创造了心灵的舞台。 今天,我们可以从视觉上真实地体验到开发人员打算如何使用的世界,包括最细微的细节。

Even in a near-infinite sea of video games and their accompanying worlds, there are some that simply stand head and shoulders above the rest. No matter what you do in these worlds, wandering around soaking in the details or blasting them to bits with deadly weapons, they are some of the most incredible examples of what the art-form has to offer. Once you’re finished reading, do yourself a favor and track down these games to experience the worlds yourself as words alone can’t do them justice.

即使在近乎无限的视频游戏及其伴随世界中,也有一些游戏在其他游戏中居于首位。 无论您在这些世界中做什么,徘徊在细节中或用致命武器将其炸成碎片,它们都是艺术形式所能提供的最令人难以置信的例子。 阅读完毕后,请帮自己一个忙,并逐步追踪这些游戏,亲身体验世界,因为单凭言语并不能使他们公正。

狂喜 (Rapture)

from Bioshock

来自《 生化奇兵》

This one will be at the top of many people’s lists, and for good reason, as it is one of the most imaginative, wondrous, and terrifying game worlds ever created.


The city of Rapture is the brainchild of Andrew Ryan, who created the city at the bottom of the ocean as a way to break free from the shackles placed on him by society. Rapture is a city where anything is possible. Where scientists, workers, and industrialists are all free to do what they want, keep what they make, without being told what to do. At least, that was Ryan’s idealized vision for the city when it is constructed in 1946. By the time your character arrives as the result of a plane crash, the reality is something darker and much more terrifying.

狂喜之城是安德鲁·瑞安(Andrew Ryan)的创意,安德鲁·瑞安(Andrew Ryan)在海洋深处创建了这座城市,以摆脱社会对他的束缚。 狂喜是一座一切皆有可能的城市。 在这里,科学家,工人和工业家都可以自由地做自己想做的事情,保留自己做的事情,而没有被告知该做什么。 至少,这是赖安(Ryan)在1946年建造这座城市时理想化的构想。当您的角色由于飞机失事而到达时,现实变得更加黑暗,也更加可怕。

As you slowly see the city come into focus through an entanglement of seaweed and schools of fish, your descent into Rapture is one of the most incredible moments in gaming history. Skyscrapers claw upwards toward the surface, as neon signs flash the names of their buildings, beckoning you to join them and partake of their wares. For a moment, you almost forget you are underwater. That is, until a massive blue whale swims past the window of the bathysphere, carrying you down toward your final destination.

当您慢慢看到这座城市被海藻和鱼群纠缠在一起时,沉迷于Rapture是游戏史上最令人难以置信的时刻之一。 霓虹灯闪烁着建筑物的名称,摩天大楼招呼地面,召唤您加入其中并分享其商品。 一会儿,你几乎忘记了自己在水下。 就是说,直到大蓝鲸游过水圈的窗户,然后将您带到最终目的地。

Once your craft docks, you find yourself in the lobby of the city’s transportation area. Art Deco-inspired architecture is present everywhere, with a massive half-dome glass ceiling offering a view toward the sky. Starfish dot the glass throughout the room as sharks swim past the blinking neon advertisements just an arm’s length away. You note luggage and signs littering the floor, and it’s clear not all is as it should be. As you move to the next room, however, Rapture truly begins to reveal its rotten roots.

游艇停靠后,您便会发现自己在城市交通区的大厅里。 装饰艺术风格的建筑随处可见,巨大的半圆顶玻璃天花板提供了向天空的视野。 鲨鱼游过仅一臂之遥的霓虹灯闪烁的广告时,海星在整个房间的玻璃上点缀着。 您会注意到行李和标牌在地板上乱扔,很明显,并非一切都应该如此。 但是,当您移至下一个房间时,Rapture确实开始露出其腐烂的根源。

Lights flicker ominously, the darkness in parts broken only by the eerie green glow coming from the sea. Collapsed walls and broken furniture litter every room as fires burn and electricity sparks from broken switches. The creaking of metal groans like the dying breaths of some gigantic robotic animal.

灯光不祥地闪烁,只有被大海发出的诡异的绿色光芒打破了部分黑暗。 墙壁着火,家具破损,每间房间都有火烧着,开关破裂也产生了电火花。 金属吟声的嘎吱作响,就像一些巨型机器人动物的垂死呼吸一样。

Progressing further, the weight of the sea begins to press in upon the city. Rivets shoot inward from walls and water leaks through fissures in doorways. Looking outside, you see luggage and debris from the plane you were on just minutes before spiral slowly toward the seafloor. Suddenly, the plane’s massive carcass crashes through the glass and metal passageway as the ocean pours in unabated.

进一步发展,海洋的压力开始压向城市。 铆钉从墙壁向内射出,水通过门口的裂缝漏出。 放眼望去,您会看到几分钟前从飞机上带走的行李和杂物,然后慢慢向海底盘旋。 突然,随着海洋倾泻而来,飞机的巨大cas体通过玻璃和金属通道坠毁。

With that welcome to Rapture, your journey’s just begun. You’ll soon find out what happens in a city where there are no consequences, no space, and too much pressure. You’ll comb through the wreckage where freedom was the ideal, but madness was the result. Before all is said and done, you may just question your own sanity too.

有了对Rapture的欢迎,您的旅程才刚刚开始。 您很快就会发现在一个没有后果,没有空间,压力太大的城市中发生的事情。 您将在残骸中梳理,残骸是自由的理想之地,但疯狂却是结果。 在说完一切之前,您可能也只是质疑自己的理智。

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City 17. Source: Sector.sk.

城市17 (City 17)

from Half-Life 2

来自 半条命2

After the events of Half-Life, The Combine have taken over Earth and turned it into a police state. Humanity cowers in various urban centers, one of which is City 17. Gordon Freeman finds himself deep in the heart of the city after awakening from stasis, and it’s clear the situation is dire as he steps off the train. Dr. Wallace Breen, formerly of Black Mesa Research Center, is the puppet governor of the city, ruling from the Combine Citadel.

在《 半条命 》事件发生后,联合收割机占领了地球并将其转变为警察状态。 人类在各个城市中心畏缩,其中之一就是17号城市。戈登·弗里曼(Gordon Freeman)从停滞状态中醒来后,便发现自己身处城市的深处,很显然,他下车后的处境十分严峻。 华莱士·布雷恩(Wallace Breen)博士曾任黑梅萨研究中心(Black Mesa Research Center)的市长,由联合城堡(Combard Citadel)统治。

You disembark the train in a dingy station, where humans wander aimlessly, trying not to attract the attention of guards wearing gas masks, brandishing electric batons and bad tempers. One woman speaks to you about her husband, who was pulled from the train, clinging to the fence in hope of his return. The environment just feels wrong, with the smell of fear almost palpable. Look too long at any of the security guards and they will chase you down, smashing their batons into you or shocking you with an electric charge.

您在肮脏的车站下车,那里的人们漫无目的地游荡,试图不引起戴着防毒面具,挥舞着电棍和脾气暴躁的警卫的注意。 一位妇女向您讲述她的丈夫,她从火车上被拉,紧贴栅栏,希望他回来。 环境只是感觉不对劲,几乎闻到了恐惧的气味。 看着任何一个保安人员的时间过长,他们都会追赶您,将警棍砸向您,或者用电荷震惊您。

Eventually, you step out the doors of the station, where things go from bad to worse. The world is mottled with greys and browns, sickly-looking in its pallor. Even the sky is a hazy, bruised purplish color. Looming out of the cloud is the Citadel, a massive structure looking exactly like what it is, something alien and threatening.

最终,您走出车站的大门,那里的情况越来越糟。 这个世界充满了灰色和棕色的斑点,看上去苍白无比。 甚至天空都是朦胧,青紫的颜色。 隐约可见的城堡是一个庞大的结构,看起来像它的样子,有些陌生且充满威胁。

40-foot tall walking machines, a pod shape sitting upon three spindly legs, stalk through the streets with a spider-like menace. Peering down from enormous screens attached to the city’s tallest points, Dr. Breen broadcasts messages about the munificence of The Combine and the advances they have made for humanity’s benefits. It’s a truly disturbing vision of a futuristic dystopian society.

40英尺高的行走机器,一个豆荚形的坐立在三根旋转的腿上,以蜘蛛般的危险在街道上行走。 布赖恩博士从附着在城市最高点的巨大屏幕上窥视着,广播了有关“联合收割机”的功能及其为人类造福的进步的信息。 这是对未来的反乌托邦社会的真正令人不安的愿景。

Special mention needs to be made of another city in the game’s world, that being the city of Ravenholm. More of a village than anything, it has clearly seen awful things happen and is still populated by dozens of head-crab infested horrors. You quickly find bodies sliced in half, pinned to walls by massive saw blade weapons. Blood spatters the walls, the darkness is pervasive, and around every corner, another terror awaits as you fight your way through. This is the most disturbing corner of a world that is clearly no longer safe for humans.

需要特别提及游戏世界中的另一个城市,即拉文霍尔姆市。 村庄比什么都重要,它清楚地看到了可怕的事情发生,并且仍然充满着数十个头颅出没的恐怖。 您很快就会发现将尸体切成两半,并用大量的锯片武器固定在墙上。 鲜血喷溅在墙壁上,黑暗弥漫,无处不在,当你挣扎时,每一个角落都在等待着另一个恐怖。 这是世界上最令人不安的角落,显然对人类而言已经不再安全。

Across these and many more wondrous and horrifying locations, you’ll team up with the remaining members of the Black Mesa crew to resist the Combine at every turn. Will you return to City 17 to end their reign of terror, or will you succumb to Dr. Breen’s insidious plans?

在这些以及更多奇妙而恐怖的地方,您将与Black Mesa机组人员的其余成员合作,在任何时候都抵制“联合收割机”。 您是否将返回17号城市以结束他们的恐怖统治,还是屈服于布林博士的阴险计划?

首都荒原 (The Capital Wasteland)

from Fallout 3


You emerge, for the first time, from the Vault that has been the only home you’ve ever known. Blinking away the harsh sunlight, the horizon slowly comes into focus. You recognize shapes you’ve only seen in history books, a massive obelisk pointing toward the sky, and a tall domed building near it. But these don’t look exactly like the books. The obelisk is horrendously damaged, chunks missing on all sides, and half of the dome is missing, a testament to the war that ravaged this place before you were ever born.

您第一次从保管库中脱颖而出,这是您所认识的唯一家。 闪烁着刺眼的阳光,地平线逐渐成为焦点。 您会发现只有在历史书籍中才能看到的形状,指向天空的巨大方尖碑和靠近天空的高耸的圆顶建筑。 但是这些看起来并不完全像书。 方尖碑遭到了严重破坏,四面都丢失了大块,圆顶的一半也消失了,这证明了战争在出生之前就席卷了这个地方。

This is your introduction to the outside world in Fallout 3, known as the Capital Wasteland, formerly known as Washington D.C. As you walk around, you are struck by the eerie surroundings, a vast area filled with debris, shattered buildings, human remains, and vicious mutated enemies. You almost hear the echoes of power that once emanated from the buildings that are now just shattered husks.

这是您对《 辐射3 ( Fallout 3)》中的外界的介绍,被称为“首都荒原”(Capital Wasteland),前身为华盛顿特区。四处走动时,您会被周围阴森恐怖的环境所震撼,到处都是碎片,破碎的建筑物,人类遗体和恶性变异的敌人。 您几乎可以听到曾经从刚刚破碎的外壳散发出来的力量回声。

The Lincoln Memorial is missing its head. The Jefferson Memorial has been turned into a water processing plant, huge pipes jutting from its former entrance like so many tentacles. Arlington National Cemetery still seems mostly intact, though its rows of gleaming white headstones are now replaced by drunkenly leaning stones, blackened by time and nuclear fallout. This juxtaposition of familiar and foreign, memories and reality, of old times when things were new and current days where everything looks old and tired.

林肯纪念堂失踪了。 杰斐逊纪念堂已变成一座水处理厂,巨大的管道像许多触手一样从其前入口伸出。 阿灵顿国家公墓似乎仍然完好无损,尽管现在它那排闪闪发光的白色墓碑被醉酒的倾斜石头所取代,由于时间和核辐射而变黑。 这是熟悉的事物与陌生的事物,记忆与现实,过去的事物(新事物)和当今的事物(看起来一切陈旧而又疲惫)的并列。

This is what makes the world of Fallout 3 so memorable, as the somber events which took place there open up to the adventures and discoveries that await as you step forward from the vault. Over a journey of 80–100 hours, more familiar sites will welcome you. You’ll traverse the entire city to find your father and the means to begin society again, amidst the ruins of the old American dream.

这就是《辐射3(Fallout 3)》的世界如此令人难忘的原因,在那里发生的严峻事件使您从金库中迈出时的冒险和发现等待着您。 在80-100小时的旅程中,更多熟悉的网站将欢迎您。 您将遍历整个城市,以找到您的父亲,并在古老的美国梦废墟中寻找重新开始社会的途径。

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Columbia. Source: WCCFtech.
哥伦比亚。 资料来源:WCCFtech。

哥伦比亚 (Columbia)

from BioShock Infinite

来自 BioShock Infinite

Starting out as a metaphor for American exceptionalism, Columbia quickly devolved into a violent city-state under autocratic rule, facing internal strife and rebellion. This is the state of Columbia when the player arrives, but the journey there is one of the most important parts.

哥伦比亚最初是对美国例外主义的隐喻,但后来Swift沦为专制统治下的暴力城市国家,面临着内部冲突和叛乱。 玩家到达时即为哥伦比亚州,但那里的旅程是最重要的部分之一。

The game fades in on a rowboat, two people taking you to what eventually materializes through the rain and fog as a lighthouse. Ascending the stairs, you make your way to the very top, where a capsule waits in the traditional seat of the eponymous light. You see no other choice but to enter the capsule, which shortly after shoots you into the sky above like a rocket. Blasting through the clouds and blinking away the brilliant sunlight, you are treated to a view unlike anything else in gaming. A floating city spreads out before you, fireworks heralding your arrival, buildings sitting atop dirigibles and mighty propulsion engines as a familiar, but slightly different, flag flaps in the breeze.

游戏在划艇上淡出,两个人将您带到了最终通过灯塔的雨雾蒙蒙实现的东西。 登上楼梯,您便到达了最顶层,胶囊胶囊在同名灯的传统座位上等候。 您别无选择,只能进入太空舱,这很快就会像火箭一样将您射向上方的天空。 穿过云层,闪烁灿烂的阳光,您将获得与游戏中其他任何地方都不一样的视野。 一个漂浮的城市在您面前散布开来,烟火预示着您的到来,建筑物坐落在飞船和强大的推进发动机上,就像微风中熟悉的但略有不同的旗帜飘扬。

You descend into the Welcome Center, tendrils of sunlight shining through massive gears, as an angelic steam-punk setting slowly gives way to what awaits below. A massive stained-glass mural shows the city’s leader, Nathan Hale Comstock, appearing as a god-like figure leading his people, with water surrounding a pedestal lit with candles. Thousands of candles line the halls of the Center, as you wade through individuals dressed in religious garb, all apparently making a pilgrimage of supplication to an unseen God.

您进入欢迎中心,阳光照耀着巨大的齿轮,如天使般的蒸汽朋克环境逐渐让位于下面的等待场所。 一张巨大的彩色玻璃壁画显示了该市的领导人内森·黑尔·康斯托克(Nathan Hale Comstock),是一位神明人物,领导着他的人民,周围的水围绕着点着蜡烛的烛台。 当您漫步在穿着宗教服装的人们中间徘徊时,成千上万的蜡烛排在中心大厅,显然所有的朝圣者都向一个看不见的上帝祈求朝圣。

After going through a forced baptism, you finally enter the city of Columbia and are met with a breathtaking sight. A massive statue stands at its center, while trainlike vehicles on skyrails course across the vista, moving from platform to platform with ease. Buildings bob up and down as if on clouds, moving of their own volition as you watch.

经过强制洗礼后,您终于进入了哥伦比亚市,并被惊叹的景象所吸引。 一个巨大的雕像站在其中心,而像火车一样的车辆在高架上穿越远景,轻松地从一个平台移动到另一个平台。 建筑物像云一样上下摆动,随着您的观看而移动。

You walk through the streets, which look much like an American main street from the 1950’s, with shops and placid street cafes colored in red white, and blue. Grocery stores, shoeshine stands, flower carts, and children playing in the streets paint a bucolic picture. Eventually, you wander up to a man speaking on a stage, a raffle ongoing. It quickly becomes clear that what’s being auctioned is an interracial couple, and the disturbing underbelly of Columbia begins to rear its ugly head.

您漫步在街道上,这些街道看起来很像1950年代的美国主要街道,商店和平静的街头咖啡厅分别用红白色和蓝色涂成彩色。 杂货店,擦鞋摊,花车和在街上玩耍的孩子描绘了一幅田园风光。 最终,您漫步到一个男人在舞台上讲话,正在进行抽奖活动。 很快就很清楚,正在拍卖的是一对异族夫妇,哥伦比亚的令人不安的肋骨开始抬起丑陋的头。

You soon find yourself embroiled in a civil war, between the forces of Hale’s theocracy and the Vox Populi, ostensibly representing the little people of the city. You will fight your way through all of it, on a mission you don’t quite understand but know you must complete, as the city seethes around you.

您很快就会发现自己陷入了一场内战中,在黑尔的神权政权和Vox Populi势力之间,表面上代表着这座城市的小矮人。 您将通过自己的方式来完成所有任务,虽然您不太了解,但知道您必须完成任务,因为城市围绕着您。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/four-worlds-you-must-visit-a99cb2341674


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