element ui 空格_空格是您的UI朋友。 大量使用它。

element ui 空格

Originally published at marcandrew.me on July 30th, 2020.

最初于 2020 年7月30日 marcandrew.me 发布

Ah good old White Space. One of the simplest things to add to your designs to improve both your UIs, and user experience. Let me share my (quick) thoughts with you on why you need to use it generously, and show it some love.

很好的旧空格。 添加到您的设计中以改善UI和用户体验的最简单的事情之一。 让我与您分享一下我的(快速)想法,您为什么需要慷慨使用它,并表达一些爱意。

允许您的网站或应用程序室的消息呼吸。 (Allow the message of your site or app room to breathe.)

It makes me weep into my pillow (with rounded corners of course) when I see UIs bursting at the seams with masses of information crammed into such a small area.

当我看到用户界面在接缝处爆裂 ,大量信息塞满这么小的区域时,它使我哭泣(当然是带有圆角的)。

The message of your Website or Mobile App has no room to breathe, and this in turn has your user gasping for air as they try to digest the information that’s in front of them.

您的网站或移动应用程序的消息没有呼吸的余地 ,这又使您的用户在尝试消化面前的信息时喘不过气来。

A neon sign with the word ‘Breathe’ in pink lettering
https://unsplash.com/@fabimoe https://unsplash.com/@fabimoe

Of course there’s times when an abundance of the white stuff is just not practical.


Amazon for example couldn’t apply a ridiculous amount of White Space to their UI. They’ve got a lot of products, and a small shop window to display it all in. Too much White Space is money right?

例如, 亚马逊无法将大量的空白应用到他们的用户界面。 他们有很多产品,还有一个小商店橱窗可以全部显示出来。 太多的空白是金钱吗?

A small robot made from Amazon cardboard boxes
https://unsplash.com/@helloimnik https://unsplash.com/@helloimnik

But for many other types of sites, the generous use of something as simple as White Space can bring your message across much easier, present a more professional looking and polished UI, and make for a much better experience for the user.

但是对于许多其他类型的网站,像White Space这样简单的内容的大量使用可以使您的消息更容易传播,呈现更专业,更优美的UI,并为用户带来更好的体验。

Like I mentioned, it’s one of the easiest things to implement inside of your designs, and can take any UI from average to ‘Hot Damn!’ with minimal effort.

就像我提到的那样,这是在设计内部实现最简单的事情之一,并且可以将任何UI从平均水平变为“ Hot Damn!”。 用最少的精力。

Use it generously. Use it well. Your UIs (and end-users) will thank you for it.

大量使用它。 好好用 您的用户界面(和最终用户)将感谢您。

Thanks for reading the article.


Want more UI & UX Tips? Awesome! Grab my FREE Cheatsheet at https://marcandrew.me/the-ui-ux-cheatsheet

需要更多UI和UX提示吗? 太棒了! https://marcandrew.me/the-ui-ux-cheatsheet上获取 我的免费备忘单

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UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women), a Brazilian organization focused on promoting equity of Black women in the tech industry through initiatives of action, empowerment, and knowledge sharing. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. UX Para Minas Pretas (UX For Black Women),这是一个巴西组织,致力于通过采取行动,赋权和知识共享的举措来促进科技行业中的黑人女性平等。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/white-space-is-your-ui-friend-use-it-generously-dab7f4984a1b

element ui 空格





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