

I’ve always considered my work-related memory to be subpar.


I would often be asked whether I remember how we implemented X or why we chose option Y; and even though we did implement X and chose option Y three or four times, the answer would forever remain hiding on the tip of my tongue and never show up. This here is a terrible feeling that would make me feel really incompetent.

经常会问我是否记得我们如何实现X或为什么选择选项Y。 即使我们确实实施了X并选择了选项Y三次或四次,答案仍然永远隐藏在我的舌头上,永远不会出现。 这是一种可怕的感觉,使我感到自己真的不称职。

One might retort: “Well, why didn’t you write down those oh-so-important things somewhere?”


I did. But I eventually forgot where. And the answers would change their hiding place from the tip of my tongue to some drawer swamped with papers and post-its or a text file amongst dozens of text files in my hard disk.

是的 但是我最终忘记了在哪里。 答案会改变它们的隐藏位置,从我的舌尖变成一些抽屉,里面满是纸张和便签纸,或者是硬盘中数十个文本文件中的一个文本文件。

And one day, my mentor told me about continuous documentation.


第一步:写下来 (Step one: write things down)

Image for post
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
凯尔·格伦Unsplash上的 照片

Just start by focusing on just writing things down.


When something remarkable happens, write it down.


When something makes you happy, or upset; write it down.

当某事使您快乐或沮丧时; 写下来

Any disturbance in your general sense of flow at work: write it down.

在工作中对您的总体流动感有任何干扰: 将其写下来

As someone who tries to be organized, this is the moment when I would start overthinking how to write things down: “I need to find the right tool”. “I need to define a clear convention”. “I need to come up with a set of categories and labels”. “But do I need labels, or is it just enough with categories?”

作为一个试图组织起来的人,这是我开始思考如何写下来的时候:“我需要找到正确的工具”。 “我需要定义一个明确的约定”。 “我需要提出一组类别和标签”。 “但是我是否需要标签,还是仅用类别就够了?”

Stop right there. It doesn’t matter. It can be just a simple text file for now. Let’s park the “making it look professional” for later. For now, just open whatever writing tool you feel comfortable with, and start writing those entries down.

就在那儿停下来 。 没关系 现在它可能只是一个简单的文本文件。 让我们停放“使其看起来很专业”以备后用。 现在,只要打开您喜欢的任何书写工具,然后开始写下这些条目即可。

Don’t worry about anything else now; that’s something for later! Don‘t worry if some entries are short and others are half a page long!

现在别担心。 那是以后的事! 如果某些条目很短而其他条目只有半个页面长,请不要担心!

* We shouldn't be deploying to production on a Friday afternoon.

☝️ Yeah, that’s a nice one!


- *MAYBE IMPORTANT* [my-nodejs-backend-api] [unit-tests] I keep seeing random disconnection errors from the knex library on the OpenShift test environment. It doesn't seem to cause any issues, but it's been happening for weeks already and probably some developer should have a look at it. It never seems to happen when running the service locally with docker-compose. Is there a way to consistently reproduce this issue?

☝️ Also good!


* I think Toby is the Scranton strangler.

☝️ Everybody knew it!


Focus on writing. The most important part comes in the next two steps.

专注于写作。 最重要的部分是接下来的两个步骤。

第二步:冥想笔记 (Step two: meditate on your notes)

At the end of the day, we will spend 5 minutes reviewing our daily notes. Make sure you mark yourself as “busy” on your work calendar and Slack, we do not want to be disturbed.

在一天结束时,我们将花5分钟的时间查看我们的日常笔记。 确保在工作日历和Slack上将自己标记为“忙”,我们不想被打扰。

There might be some realizations here and there. Maybe an entry you wrote in the morning reached closure somewhere in the afternoon, and you have to amend it. You might feel like adding a final entry on today’s log with a general evaluation of how the day went. Maybe you will notice an entry that did not feel so important at the moment of writing, but changed the course of the day for good (or bad.) It could also be time to tidy up a bit the structure of your notes, if you feel up to it.

在这里和那里可能会有一些认识。 也许您早上写的条目在下午某个地方关闭了,您必须对其进行修改。 您可能会想在今天的日志中添加最终条目,并对当前情况进行总体评估。 也许您会注意到一个条目在撰写本文时并不那么重要,但是却改变了一天中的好事(或不好)。如果您愿意,还可以整理一下笔记的结构感到满意。

That’s good for now; time to go home!

现在好了; 该回家了!

第三步:找到模式 (Step three: find patterns)

Image for post
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash
Markus WinklerUnsplash拍摄的照片

Every one or two weeks we are going to have a more thorough review of our notes. Make sure you put on your detective hat, because we are going to be looking for patterns.

每隔一两周,我们将对笔记进行更彻底的审查。 确保戴上侦探帽,因为我们将寻找图案。

Do you remember those times that something really annoying happens in the middle of a very stressful period, and you have to park it because there are more urgent matters to attend to? It’s easy to forget those annoying things once you feel the relief of having solved those urgent matters. This complication will probably happen again, probably during another stressful period. It will be likely forgotten again. This cycle might repeat dozens of times before one realizes it’s time to tackle that little annoyance.

您还记得那些时候在一个非常紧张的时期中发生了真正令人烦恼的事情,并且您不得不停下来因为有更多紧迫的事情要处理吗? 一旦您解决了这些紧急问题后就松了一口气,就很容易忘记那些烦人的事情。 这种并发症可能会再次发生,可能是在另一个压力时期。 可能会再次忘记它。 在人们意识到是时候解决这种小烦恼之前,这个循环可能会重复数十次。

That is an one example of the type of patterns we will be looking for. Pay close attention and try to find out recurring themes in your notes. It will be helpful if by the end of this session you have written down a nice summary of your findings. This will be a very valuable outcome of the continuous documentation process; treasure it and decide how to address them.

这是我们将要寻找的模式类型的一个例子。 请密切注意并尝试在笔记中找出重复出现的主题。 如果在本课程结束时您写下了不错的发现摘要,将会很有帮助。 这将是持续记录过程的非常有价值的结果; 珍惜它并决定如何解决它们。

是时候变得更有条理了? (Time to get more organized?)

I started writing my notes in a markdown file. One markdown file per month of the year (e.g. 2016–04.md). Like I mentioned before, in the beginning it was hard to resist the temptation of coming up with a proper standard of writing notes, or finding some fancy tool to organize them. Several years down the line, I’m still writing my markdown files and haven’t had the need to come up with anything fancier than that.

我开始在markdown文件中写笔记。 一年中的每月一个降价文件(例如2016–04.md )。 就像我之前提到的那样,一开始很难抗拒提出适当的书写笔记标准或寻找一些花哨的工具来组织笔记的诱惑。 几年下来,我仍在编写我的markdown文件,并且不需要提出任何比这更好的东西。

Some colleagues of mine use Bear, others who prefer digital handwriting use GoodNotes.

我的一些同事使用Bear ,其他一些喜欢数字手写的同事则使用GoodNotes

这对我有什么作用? (How did this work for me?)

I started this article sharing my concerns about my poor memory. How did continuous documentation help me improve it?

我从这篇文章开始,分享我对记忆力差的担忧。 连续文档如何帮助我改进它?

In retrospective:


  • Writing my notes and mindfully reviewing them daily and again every two weeks helped my memories “sink down better” in my brain. Substantially.

    写下我的笔记并每天认真地回顾它们, 每两周一次,这有助于我的记忆在大脑中“更好地吸收”。 基本上。

  • In case I forgot something in particular, even the simplest editing tool has search functionalities!


连续文档tl; dr (Continuous documentation tl;dr)

  1. Write things down.

  2. Meditate on your notes for 5 minutes at the end of the day.

  3. Review your notes every one or two weeks and try to find patterns.


翻译自: https://medium.com/icemobile/continuous-documentation-for-programmers-with-poor-memory-118e8022e78b






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