

In just three years, Visual Studio Code has gone from being non-existent to the single most popular code editor among all developers according to the Stack Overflow 2018 survey.

根据Stack Overflow 2018调查,在短短三年内,Visual Studio Code已从不存在变成了所有开发人员中最受欢迎的单个代码编辑器。

It is minimal yet super powerful, free, and open source. And the thing that makes it even more full-blown are the extensions. These extensions are so helpful in writing cleaner code, efficiently, and in much less time. VS Code has extensions for literally everything. And having such a wide variety of choices makes it difficult to select one that fits you.

它是最小的,但功能强大,免费且开源。 扩展使它变得更加成熟。 这些扩展对高效,更短时间地编写更简洁的代码很有帮助。 VS Code扩展了几乎所有内容。 如此众多的选择使您很难选择适合自己的选择。

Here are some of the VS Code extensions that I think are a must-have for every developer. These helped me a lot to improve my workflow and making life much easier at the same time. I believe it will do the same for you too.

这是我认为对于每个开发人员都必须具备的一些VS Code扩展。 这些帮助我改善了工作流程,同时使生活变得更加轻松。 我相信它也会为您做同样的事情。

更漂亮 (Prettier)

Writing clean code is an art. And not many people are good at it. It becomes daunting to debug the code as the project goes bigger and bulkier. And if you have not indented it properly, you are close to the gate of hell.

编写干净的代码是一门艺术。 而且没有很多人擅长。 随着项目的扩大和庞大,调试代码变得艰巨。 如果您没有适当地缩进,那么您就很接近地狱的大门。

Thanks to prettier. A much easier way to properly indent our code to make it more readable, beautiful, and cleaner. It performs the formatting of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

多亏了漂亮。 正确缩进代码以使其更具可读性,美观和简洁的简便得多的方法。 它执行HTML,CSS和JavaScript的格式。

ES皮棉 (ES Lint)

Linters are great for finding errors in your code. ESLint is the linting utility for JavaScript. It helps debug JavaScript. It checks your code for common errors and lets you know in the editor itself.

Linters非常适合在代码中查找错误。 ESLint是JavaScript的整理工具。 它有助于调试JavaScript。 它检查您的代码中是否存在常见错误,并在编辑器中让您知道。

实时服务器 (Live Server)

Live server is going to save you a ton of refreshing the web page when you change one line of code every single time. It is so great to have a live browser window open at the side of the text editor and see the changes as you make them on the go. It is completely a time saver and makes your workflow a lot more efficient.

每次更改一行代码时,实时服务器将为您节省大量刷新网页的时间。 在文本编辑器的侧面打开实时浏览器窗口真是太好了,并且可以随时随地查看更改。 它完全节省时间,使您的工作流程更加高效。

波兰码 (Polacode)

We can use this extension to create a beautiful code polaroid and share it. It has over 282k downloads. Maybe you are a writer, who writes about programming. You can use this to add beautiful code blocks to your writing. If you are a developer, you can use it in your presentation or just to explain someone. It works with several themes, and you may choose whatever you feel is good for you.

我们可以使用此扩展名创建漂亮的代码宝丽来并共享它。 它的下载量超过28.2万。 也许您是一位写编程的作家。 您可以使用它为您的编写添加漂亮的代码块。 如果您是开发人员,则可以在演示文稿中使用它,也可以只是向某人解释。 它适用于多个主题,您可以选择对自己有好处的任何东西。

JavaScript(ES6)代码段 (JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets)

Sometimes we need to write repetitive code for some basic operations. In such cases we need snippets. Snippets are short blocks of code that you can add to your code to get the desired functionality.

有时我们需要为一些基本操作编写重复的代码。 在这种情况下,我们需要摘要。 代码段是一小段代码,您可以将其添加到代码中以获得所需的功能。

This extension provides JavaScript, React, Vue, TypeScript and HTML code snippets. With over 3 million downloads, this is a must-have extension for every developer.

该扩展提供了JavaScript,React,Vue,TypeScript和HTML代码段。 超过300万的下载量,这是每个开发人员的必备扩展。

结论 (The Conclusion)

There is no shortcut to success. But when you work smartly, it can be achieved with less work and more efficiency. I hope this was helpful to you. I would love to hear your views on what you feel are your most used VS Code extension. Happy Coding.

没有成功的捷径。 但是,当您聪明地工作时,可以减少工作量并提高效率。 希望对您有帮助。 我很想听听您对您认为最常用的VS Code扩展的看法。 编码愉快。

普通英语JavaScript (JavaScript In Plain English)

Did you know that we have three publications and a YouTube channel? Find links to everything at plainenglish.io!

您知道我们有三个出版物和一个YouTube频道吗? 在plainenglish.io上找到所有内容的链接!

翻译自: https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/must-have-vs-code-extensions-for-developers-67ef0cb8b5f3


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