543. 二叉树的直径_二叉树的直径

543. 二叉树的直径

因此,给定这样的二叉树: (So given a binary tree like this:)

What is the diameter of the tree?


Well, actually it’s quite simple, it’s basically the longest node-pair distance in the tree.

好吧,实际上这很简单, 它基本上是树中最长的节点对距离。

For example the distance between node 0 and 1 is just 1. The distance between node 4 and 0 is 2. All you have to do is imagine yourself grabbing a node in each of your hand, and stretch them into a straight line, the length of the line is the distance between the two nodes.


So what is the longest distance, the diameter, for this tree then? This tree is small enough that you can just eyeball it: it’s the distance between node 2 and node 6, and the distance is 5:

那么,这棵树的最长距离,直径是多少? 这棵树足够小,您只需看一下即可:它是节点2与节点6之间的距离,距离为5:

Image for post

The above picture is the original tree, re-pivoted to have node 2 be the root, and you can see the distance is clearly longest from 2 to 6.


So how do we go about finding the diameter then?


Again first suspect is a recursion, we first recursively traverse through the tree, at each node, find the diameter of the left child and the right child, then add them up to get the diameter of the root. Let see if this works!! (it doesn’t)

同样,第一个可疑对象是递归,我们首先在每个节点上递归地遍历树,找到左子代和右子代的直径,然后将它们加起来得到根的直径。 让我们看看这是否有效!! (没有)

This is my tree:


class Node:
def __init__(self, value, left=None, right=None):
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right
tree1 = Node(0)
tree1.left = Node(1)
tree1.right = Node(2)
tree1.left.left = Node(3)
tree1.left.right = Node(4)
tree1.left.left.left = Node(5)
tree1.left.left.left.left = Node(6)

This is my first try:


def find_diameter(tree):
if tree is None:
return None
if tree.left is None and tree.right is None:
return 0
left_diameter = find_diameter(tree.left)
right_diameter = find_diameter(tree.right)
diameter = (left_diameter + 1
if left_diameter is not None
else 0) + \
(right_diameter + 1
if right_diameter is not None
else 0)
return diameter>>> print(find_diameter(tree1))

Hmm, isn’t it supposed to be 5?


Well it’s not surprising, in the algorithm, we are finding the diameter of the children each time, so in reality we are counting every edge in the tree…


This won’t work:


diameter = (left_diameter + 1
if left_diameter is not None
else 0) + \
(right_diameter + 1
if right_diameter is not None
else 0)

Because it’s adding up the diameters of the left child and the right child. What we need, is the left child’s maximum length and the right child’s maximum length, let’s modify the algorithm:

因为它将左孩子和右孩子的直径加起来。 我们需要的是左孩子的最大长度和右孩子的最大长度,让我们修改算法:

def find_diameter(tree):
if tree is None:
return None
if tree.left is None and tree.right is None:
return 0
left_length = find_diameter(tree.left)
right_length = find_diameter(tree.right)
diameter = max((left_length + 1
if left_length is not None
else 0),
(right_length + 1
if right_length is not None
else 0))
return diameter

We have replaced “addition” with “max”, does it work now?

我们已经用“ max”代替了“ addition”,现在可以使用吗?

>>> print(find_diameter(tree1))

Nope, it returned the maximum length from the root… but what we need is the maximum length of the left child of the root plus the right child of the root.


We can hack this by calling find_diameter on the left child and the right child of the root and add them up, but it still won’t work. Why? Because the diameter might not be passing through the root!

我们可以通过在根的左子节点和右子节点上调用find_diameter并将它们加起来来破解它,但是仍然无法正常工作。 为什么? 因为直径可能没有穿过根部!

As an example:


Image for post

Clearly this new tree’s diameter goes from node 6 to 5, 3, 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and its length is 9.


State variable to the rescue!!


What we can do to solve the problem is by passing in a “global_diameter” state variable to keep track of the longest diameter at each node:

解决问题的办法是传入“ global_diameter”状态变量,以跟踪每个节点的最长直径:

def find_diameter(tree, global_diameter):
if tree is None:
return None
if tree.left is None and tree.right is None:
return 0 # calculate maximum distance of left child and right child
left_length = find_diameter(tree.left, global_diameter)
right_length = find_diameter(tree.right, global_diameter) # calculate diameter of current node
diameter = (left_length + 1
if left_length is not None
else 0) + \
(right_length + 1
if right_length is not None
else 0) # update global_diameter to the maximum local diameter
global_diameter[0] = max(global_diameter[0], diameter) # calculate the max length of current node
# so we can return it
max_length = max((left_length + 1
if left_length is not None
else 0),
(right_length + 1
if right_length is not None
else 0))
return max_length
def entry_find_diameter(tree):
global_diameter = [0]
find_diameter(tree, global_diameter)
return global_diameter[0]

In this new version, we calculate the diameter at each node and update global_diameter to be the maximum found, and return the maximum length at each node for each iteration (See Longest Chain in a Binary Tree for another story on this topic).

在这个新版本中,我们计算每个节点的直径,并将global_diameter更新为找到的最大值,并为每次迭代返回每个节点的最大长度(有关此主题的另一个故事,请参见二叉树中的最长链 )。

Let’s test it out:


>>> print(entry_find_diameter(tree1))



tree2 = Node(0)
tree2.left = Node(1)
tree2.right = Node(2)
tree2.left.left = Node(3)
tree2.left.right = Node(4, left=Node(7, left=Node(8, left=Node(9, left=Node(10, left=Node(11))))))
tree2.left.left.left = Node(5)
tree2.left.left.left.left = Node(6)
>>> print(entry_find_diameter(tree2))

Works again!


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翻译自: https://medium.com/python-in-plain-english/diameter-of-a-binary-tree-ff15e10eafd4

543. 二叉树的直径





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