ios mapkit 使用_使用Mapkit和核心位置将地图添加到您的应用程序iOS快速指南

本文是关于如何在iOS应用中利用MapKit和Core Location库添加地图功能的快速指南,通过Swift实现。

ios mapkit 使用

快速编程 (Swift Programming)

Apple offers to developers tools to integrate Geolocation and Map features to their Apps with MapKit and CoreLocation. Initially based on Google Maps service, MapKit now integrates Maps from Apple Maps service.

苹果公司为开发人员提供了工具,可通过MapKitCoreLocationGeolocationMap功能集成到其应用程序中。 MapKit最初基于Google Maps服务,现在集成了Apple Maps服务中的Maps。

Here are 7 steps to add a Map to your App and integrate a real-time Geolocation feature. Let’s get started.

这是将地图添加到您的应用并集成实时地理位置功能的7个步骤 。 让我们开始吧。

步骤1:隐私权 (Step 1: Privacy)

First, user location is a privacy sensitive information. So based on Apple Guidelines, you are required to add an entry for NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription and write a short description of how you intend to use the location data to have access to these informations.

首先,用户位置是对隐私敏感的信息。 因此,根据Apple准则,您需要为NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription添加一个条目,并简短描述您打算如何使用位置数据访问这些信息。

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Info.plist — Location usage details
Info.plist —位置使用情况详细信息

This message will be shown to the user with the authorization request that iOS will send to the user for access to his location informations.


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UIAlertView requesting geolocation authorization

步骤2:设计应用程式介面 (Step 2: Design your App Interface)

Create your interface on storyboard. For this example, the interface will look like on the screenshots below. We will need to add a MKMapView, a UITextField and a UIButton.

在情节提要上创建界面。 在此示例中,界面如下图所示。 我们将需要添加一个MKMapView UITextFieldUIButton

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Sample interface — MapKit
样例界面— MapKit

步骤3:配置CoreLocation (Step 3: Configure CoreLocation)

For this project, we’ll use two Apple frameworks: MapKit and CoreLocation. MapKit will be used to interact with the MapView, add annotations, and CoreLocation for retrieving user location and interacting with it.

对于这个项目,我们将使用两个Apple框架: MapKitCoreLocationMapKit将用于与MapView交互,添加注释和CoreLocation,以检索用户位置并与其进行交互。

import MapKit
import CoreLocation

实例化位置管理器 (Instantiate the Location Manager)

First, to retrieve user location, we will need to create an instance of CLLocationManger, and to configure it.


Core Location let you choose the distance and accuracy you need for your app. Keep in mind that the more precise location you request, the more energy it’ll consume on the user’s device, so you should consider carefully how precise and how often you need these informations so you can properly configure the location manager according to your app’s needs.

核心位置可让您选择应用所需的距离准确性 。 请记住, 您要求的位置越精确,它将在用户设备上消耗的能量就越多 ,因此,您应该仔细考虑这些信息的精确度和频率,以便可以根据应用程序的需要正确配置位置管理器。

In this example I choose to configure the location manager with the best accuracy and a distance filter of 10, which mean that I’ll get notified for every move of the user of at least 10 meters, with good accuracy.


You can check the CLLocationAccuracy Apple documentation for more information about accuracy with Core Location.

您可以查看CLLocationAccuracy Apple文档以获取有关Core Location准确性的更多信息。


处理授权请求 (Handle Authorization Request)

In your viewDidLoad, register a delegate to your locationManger and request an authorization. You can get more informations about authorization requests on Apple Documentation.

viewDidLoad ,向您的locationManger注册一个委托并请求授权。 您可以在Apple文档中获取有关授权请求的更多信息。


Then add conformance to the CLLocationManagerDelegate protocol and implement the following function:


CLLocationManager Delegate

⚠️ If you haven’t added the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription entry at Step 1, you will not have access to location informations, and the authorization request will not be shown to the user.

If️如果尚未 在步骤1中 添加 NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription 条目,则您将无权访问位置信息,并且授权请求也不会显示给用户。

步骤4:“定位我”按钮:在地图上显示位置 (Step 4: Locate Me Button: Show Location on the Map)

按下按钮时获取当前位置 (Get current location when a button is pressed)

First step, we will retrieve the current location when the user press the locate-me button 🧭.


The location manager gives you the current location in a CLLocation object with locationManager.location. This object contains different informations, including latitude and longitude coordinates values.

位置管理器通过locationManager.location为您提供CLLocation对象中的当前locationManager.location 。 该对象包含不同的信息,包括纬度和经度坐标值。

向地图添加注释 (Add an annotation to the Map)

Let’s create a new function that will add an annotation to the map at the given coordinates.


The following function creates a new MKPointAnnotation object, and adds it to the map after removing all previous annotations. It also zooms and scrolls the map to put the newly added annotation on the center of the screen.

以下函数创建一个新的MKPointAnnotation对象,并在删除所有先前的注释后将其添加到地图。 它还会缩放和滚动地图,以将新添加的注释放置在屏幕中央。

Add an Annotation to the Map

Now that we have this function, you can call it with the current location informations you want to display, in your button IBAction function. For now, we’ll put nil as title since we don’t have yet this information.

现在我们有了此功能,您可以在按钮IBAction功能中使用要显示的当前位置信息来调用它。 现在,我们将nil作为标题,因为我们尚无此信息。


将位置的完整地址作为标题添加到注释中 (Add the full address of the location as title to the annotation)

Now, we will add the location full address as title to the annotation. CoreLocation gives us an easy to do so with CLGeocoder.

现在,我们将位置完整地址作为标题添加到注释中。 CoreLocation使我们可以轻松使用CLGeocoder做到这CLGeocoder

Create an extension to CLLocation and add the following function:


Get PlaceMark for Location

It will reverse the geocode location and gives you a CLPlacemark, containing all the informations needed to extract full postal address.

它将反转地理编码的位置,并为您提供CLPlacemark ,其中包含提取完整邮政地址所需的所有信息。

Address informations are stored as below in the Placemark object. To get a string value of the full address, you will have to concatenate the components you need. Here is an example for Apple HQ address on the table below:

地址信息按以下方式存储在地对象中。 要获取完整地址的字符串值,您将必须连接所需的组件。 这是下表中的Apple HQ地址示例:

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Values corresponding to CLPlacemark properties

Let’s add a function to our CLLocation extension that will gives us the full address directly. For convenience, you can add a new property in an extension of CLPlacemark. In this example, this property is called stringValue.

让我们在CLLocation扩展中添加一个函数,该函数将直接为我们提供完整的地址。 为了方便起见,您可以在CLPlacemark的扩展名中添加新属性。 在此示例中,此属性称为stringValue

Get full string address from Location

Now let’s update the call to updateLocationOnMap with our new lookUpLocationName function.


Show current location on Map from button tap

Build and run your app: now when you press the locate-me button, your current location is added on the map, displaying your current location full address!


步骤5:从字符串地址显示位置 (Step 5: Show Location From a String Address)

从字符串地址向地图添加地标 (Add a PlaceMark from a string address to the Map)

Most of the function we wrote in Step 3 for the locate-me button will also be used in this part. We will only add a new function updatePlaceMark(to address: String) and call it upon TextField validation.

我们在第3步中为locate-me按钮编写的大多数功能也将在本部分中使用。 我们将只添加一个新函数updatePlaceMark(to address: String)并在TextField验证时调用它。

In this function, we will first get placemarks from the string value entered by the user, then we will update the map with the first placemark with it’s full address value.

在此功能中,我们将首先从用户输入的字符串值中获取地标 ,然后使用第一个具有完整地址值的 地标更新地图。

Show location on map based on a string address

Note that geocodeAddressString is not a location search feature, so for it to work it will need either a valid address, and identifiable location, a city, state or country in the field to have a result.

请注意, geocodeAddressString不是位置搜索功能,因此,要使其正常工作,将需要有效的地址和可识别的位置,字段中的城市,州或国家/地区才能得到结果。

第6步:在地图上显示实时位置 (Step 6: Show Real-Time Location on the Map)

To show real-time location, add the following delegate function in the CLLocationManagerDelegate extension we already created.


The Location Manager will call this function automatically on location updates, according to the policy defined at the beginning.


Show real time location on map

步骤7:建立并执行 (Step 7: Build & Run)

Build and Run your app: You now have a Map app that show you your current location, displaying the full address in real time, locating you on a locate-me button tap and allowing you to search for locations from a text field.

构建并运行您的应用程序:现在,您将拥有一个Map应用程序 ,该应用程序可以显示您当前的位置实时显示完整地址,通过一次locate-me按钮定位您的位置 ,并允许您从文本 字段中 搜索位置

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MapKit sample project showing location from text entry

回顾 (Recap)

  1. Add location usage description for Apple Privacy Guideline compliance.

  2. Design you App Interface.

  3. Configure CoreLocation for location accuracy and updates.

  4. Update current location on the Map from a button tap.

  5. Update location on the Map from text entry.

  6. Update real-time location on the Map.


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ios mapkit 使用





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