

“The only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it.” — Dennis Ritchie

“学习一种新的编程语言的唯一方法是用它编写程序。” — 丹尼斯·里奇

A programming language is the superpower of any developer. Every once in a while, a new programming language or an update to an existing language pops up that tries to deliver faster and more optimized results. Developers can often find themselves entangled with a wide variety of programming languages, deciding which one to choose for their next project.

编程语言是任何开发人员的超能力。 偶尔会弹出新的编程语言或对现有语言的更新,以尝试提供更快,更优化的结果。 开发人员通常会发现自己迷上了各种各样的编程语言,从而决定为下一个项目选择哪种编程语言。

All programming languages are not similar and in many instances, what works for one project or a requirement might not work for another. Data Science is one such trending domains where the demand for efficiency and high-performance results are skyrocketing. This article will cover a handful of those top-tier programming languages.

所有编程语言都不相似,在许多情况下,对一个项目或需求有效的项目可能对另一项目不起作用。 数据科学就是这样一个趋势领域,其中对效率和高性能结果需求猛增。 本文将介绍其中一些顶级编程语言。

为数据科学职业道路选择最佳编程语言时需要考虑的事项 (What You Need to Consider When Choosing the Best Programming Language for Your Data Science Career Path)

Now before we jump to the section covering some of the top programming languages for Data Science, mentioned below are a few of the questions that you should ask yourself:


● What exactly is the task at hand?


● In what way can Data Science help you with it?


● How skilled are you in the programming languages that you already know?


● Are you prepared to take your knowledge to the next level?


● At what scale does your organization use Data Science?

●您的组织使用Data Science的规模如何?

● Are you interested in learning advanced Data Science?


Read Out This Too —


2020年数据科学的顶级编程语言 (Top Programming Languages for Data Science in 2020)

Now that you have answered the questions above, let’s move on to the next section. From here on, we would like to draw your attention to some of the most used programming languages for Data Science. You might already be familiar with a few of the popular programming languages, while some may be completely new for you.

现在您已经回答了上面的问题,让我们继续下一部分。 从这里开始,我们希望引起您对数据科学最常用的编程语言的关注。 您可能已经熟悉一些流行的编程语言,而其中的一些可能对您来说是全新的。

1. Python (1. Python)

Python object-oriented, easy to use and extremely developer-friendly Language
Python Python

Python holds a vital place among the top tools for Data Science and is often the go-to choice for a range of tasks for domains such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and more. It is object-oriented, easy to use and extremely developer-friendly thanks to its high code readability.

Python数据科学顶级工具中占有至关重要的地位 并且通常是诸如机器学习 ,深度学习, 人工智能等领域的一系列任务的首选。 它具有高度的代码可读性,因此是面向对象,易于使用且对开发人员非常友好的。

Python’s vast ecosystem of rich libraries and implementation for various purposes makes it a genuinely multi-faceted option. Some other key standout features offered by Python include:

Python庞大的丰富库生态系统和用于各种目的的实现使其成为一个真正的多面选择。 Python提供的其他一些重要的突出功能包括:

Support for powerful Data Science libraries such as Keras, Scikit-Learn, matplotlib, TensorFlow and more


Perfectly suited for tasks like data collection, analysis, modeling, and visualization


Supports numerous file export and sharing options


Comes with a strong community for getting support


The joy of coding Python should be in seeing short, concise, readable classes that express a lot of action in a small amount of clear code — not in reams of trivial code that bores the reader to death.


- Guido van Rossum

-Guido van Rossum

PYPL编程语言的普及- (PYPL Popularity of Programming Language —)

PYPL Popularity of Programming Language
source) 来源 )

Python库— (Python Libraries —)

Python for Data Science —入门课程 (Python for Data Science — Course for Beginners)

2. JavaScript (2. JavaScript)

JavaScript — Multi-paradigm and event-driven scripting language
JavaScript JavaScript

JavaScript: Don’t judge me by my bad parts, learn the good stuff and stick with that!


- Eric Freeman


The multi-paradigm and event-driven scripting language JavaScript is among the top programming languages for web development. With JavaScript, developers can create rich and interactive web-pages, and it is this property of JavaScript that makes it an amazing choice for creating beautiful visualizations.

多范例和事件驱动脚本语言 JavaScript是用于Web开发的顶级编程语言之一。 使用JavaScript,开发人员可以创建丰富的交互式网页 ,而JavaScript的这一特性使其成为创建精美可视化效果的绝佳选择。

Other uses of JavaScript for Data Science include managing asynchronous tasks and handling of real-time data. A handful of compelling reasons in favor of JavaScript are:

JavaScript在数据科学中的其他用途包括管理异步任务和处理实时数据 。 支持JavaScript的一些令人信服的理由是:

Allows to create visualizations for data analysis


Supports various modern-day Machine Learning libraries like TensorFlow.js, Keras.js, and ConvNetJs, to name a few


Is easier to learn and use


顶级数据科学JavaScript库 (Top JavaScript Libraries for Data Science)

  • D3.js:


Github link: Learn more about D3.js

Github链接: 了解有关D3.js的更多信息

  • Tensorflow.js:


Github link: Learn more about TensorFlow.js

Github链接: 了解有关TensorFlow.js的更多信息

  • Brain.js


Github link: Learn more about Brain.js

Github链接: 了解有关Brain.js的更多信息

  • Machinelearn.js


Github link: Learn more about Machinelearn.js

Github链接: 了解有关Machinelearn.js的更多信息

  • Math.js:


Github link: Learn more about Math.js

Github链接: 了解有关Math.js的更多信息

随着时间的推移JavaScript语言- (JavaScript Language over time —)

JavaScript is the most popular language according to GitHub repositories contributions

根据GitHub存储库的贡献, JavaScript是最受欢迎的语言

JavaScript Language over time
Octoverse Octoverse

3. Java (3. Java)

Java — Write Once, Run anywhere
Java Java

Write Once, Run anywhere


The programming language Java might look old, but don’t let that fool you. It has been long used by some of the top businesses for secure enterprise development as their preferred development stack of choice. To cater to the boom in the Data Science space, Java has offered tools such as Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Scala, and Fink.

Java编程语言可能看起来很老,但不要让它愚弄您。 作为一些首选的开发堆栈,一些顶级企业长期以来一直将其用于安全的企业开发。 为了迎合数据科学领域的蓬勃发展,Java提供了诸如Hadoop,Spark,Hive,Scala和Fink之类的工具

Java Virtual Machines are a popular choice for developers to write code for distributed systems, data analysis, and machine learning in an enterprise environment. Other key benefits offered by Java include:

Java虚拟机是开发人员在企业环境中编写用于分布式系统,数据分析和机器学习的代码的流行选择。 Java提供的其他主要好处包括:

Offers several IDEs for rapid application development


Is used for tasks involving data analysis, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, data mining and much more


Enables effortless scaling to build complex applications from scratch


Able to deliver results faster


If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution. — Robert Sewell

如果Java具有真正的垃圾回收,则大多数程序将在执行时将其删除。 —罗伯特·塞威尔

Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners —


4. R (4. R)

About R Language
R Foundation R基金会

R is an open-source software environment primarily for handling the statistical and graphics side of things in Data Science. Time series analysis, clustering, statistical tests, linear and non-linear modeling are just some of the many statistical computing and analysis options provided by R.


Third-party interfaces like RStudio and Jupyter make it easier to work with R. R provides excellent extensibility, often allowing other programming languages to modify data objects in R without much hassle, thanks to its strong object-oriented nature. The key takeaways from the programming language R are:

RStudio和Jupyter等第三方接口使R的使用更加容易。R 具有出色的可扩展性 ,由于其强大的面向对象特性 ,经常允许其他编程语言轻松地在R中修改数据对象。 编程语言R的主要优点是:

Offers efficient handling of data and additional data analysis tools


Provides a great many options for creating excellent plots for data analysis


Allows extending the core functionality with robust community-built packages


Includes an active community of contributors


5. C / C ++ (5. C/C++)

C is one of the earliest programming languages, and most newer languages use C/C++ as their codebase, one such example would be R. Working with C/C++ requires a strong understanding of the fundamentals of programming.

C是最早的编程语言之一 ,大多数更新的语言都使用C / C ++作为其代码库,R就是这样的示例。使用C / C ++需要对编程的基础有深刻的理解。

Even though C/C++ is among the more complicated side of programming languages for Data Science beginners due to its low-level nature, it is increasingly being used to build tools that you can use for Data Science.

尽管C / C ++由于其低级的性质而成为Data Science初学者编程语言中较复杂的方面,但它仍被越来越多地用于构建可用于Data Science的工具。

Take TensorFlow, for example, its core is written in C++, while the rest of it is in Python. But that’s not all, C does have a couple of strong points, mentioned below:

TensorFlow为例,其核心是用C ++编写的,而其余部分则是用Python编写的。 但这还不是全部,C确实有一些优点,如下所述:

Ability to deliver faster and better-optimized results when the underlying algorithms are also written in C


Comparatively faster than other programming languages due to its efficient nature


Google Trends — C/C++ Interest Over Time

Google趋势-随时间变化的C / C ++兴趣

C/C++ Interest Over Time
source) 来源 )

6. SQL (6. SQL)


Being a programmer, I’m sure you must’ve used SQL at some point in your life. SQL doesn’t merely connect you to your database, it serves a very crucial purpose and that is, it gives you the facts and statistics from a vast pool of data, with just a few queries.

作为一名程序员 ,我确定您一定在生活中使用过SQL 。 SQL不仅将您连接到数据库,而且还起到了至关重要的作用,也就是说,它仅需少量查询就可以从大量数据中为您提供事实和统计信息。

Some of the features that increase the importance of SQL for simplifying the various tasks in Data Science, such as data preprocessing, are:


The non-procedural nature of SQL lets you focus on the What, instead of the Why


Integrates well with programming languages and database management systems alike


Helps you connect to your data to understand it better


Allows smoother management of huge amounts of data


根据Stackoverflow,最受欢迎的技术- (According to Stackoverflow, Most Popular Technology —)

Stack Overflow Survey
Stackoverflow Survey Stackoverflow调查


Matlab Programming Language
MathWorks Logo MathWorks日志 o

MATLAB is primarily a mathematical computing environment designed for performing advanced numerical computations and comes with various tools that can help you carry out operations such as matrix manipulation, data and function plotting, and much more.

MATLAB主要是为执行高级数值计算而设计的数学计算环境 ,并附带各种工具,可以帮助您执行诸如矩阵处理 ,数据和函数绘图操作

With MATLAB, you can tackle the trickiest of the mathematical and statistical problems with ease. It is widely used in academia for teaching linear algebra and numerical analysis. Key takeaways from MATLAB include:

使用MATLAB,您可以轻松解决最棘手的数学和统计问题 。 它在学术界广泛用于线性代数和数值分析的教学。 MATLAB的主要收获包括:

Allows implementation of algorithms and user interface creation


Comes with a powerful collection of mathematical functions


Offers built-in graphics for creating custom data plots and visualization


Enables seamless scalability


8. Scala (8. Scala)

Scala Programming Language
The Scala Programming Language Scala编程语言

Scala is a high-level programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine and can make working with Java easier. Scala can be used effectively with Spark to handle large amounts of siloed data. The underlying concurrency support makes Scala a perfect choice for building high-performance Data Science frameworks, such as Hadoop. Key offerings by Scala include:

Scala是一种在Java虚拟机上运行的高级编程语言 ,可以使Java的使用更加轻松。 Scala可以与Spark有效结合使用,以处理大量孤立数据。 底层的并发支持使Scala成为构建高性能数据科学框架 (如Hadoop)的理想选择。 Scala的主要产品包括:

Is stable, versatile, and can deliver results comparatively faster under certain situations


Comes with over 175000 libraries extending Scala’s functionality


Is supported on various IDEs, such as IntelliJ IDEA, VS Code, Vim, Atom, Sublime Text, and even in your browser

支持各种IDE,例如IntelliJ IDEA,VS Code,Vim,Atom,Sublime Text,甚至在您的浏览器中

Offers strong community support


Read Scala Interview Questions —


9. Julia (9. Julia)

Julia — A fresh approach to technical computing
ulialang.org ulialang.org

A fresh approach to technical computing


Julia is a dynamically-typed multi-purpose programming language but makes for a suitable choice for numerical analysis and computational scientific analysis. Although a high-level programming language, Julia can also be used as low-level programming, if needed.

朱莉亚 是一种动态类型的多功能编程语言,但为数值分析和计算科学分析提供了合适的选择。 尽管是高级编程语言,但是如果需要,Julia也可以用作低级编程。

Julia has been using by some high-profile businesses for a variety of tasks, including time-series analysis, risk analysis, even space mission planning. Other notable features of Julia include:

Julia(Julia)已被一些知名企业用于各种任务,包括时间序列分析,风险分析,甚至太空任务计划 。 Julia的其他显着特征包括:

Focus on delivering high-performance


Built-in support for a package manager


Offers data visualization, operations on multidimensional datasets, and robust tools for Deep Learning


Support for parallel and distributed computing


Julia课程- (Julia Course —)

10. SAS (10. SAS)

Statistical Analytical System
Statistical Analytical System 统计分析系统

Short for Statistical Analytical System, SAS is an industrial-grade software environment built specifically for business intelligence, predictive analysis, and advanced analysis.

SAS是Statistics Analytical System的缩写,是专门为商业智能,预测分析和高级分析而构建的工业级软件环境

SAS also allows the users to mine, alter, and manage data from a variety of sources for the sole purpose of advanced statistical analysis.


The software environment is broken down into sets of tools that offer the mentioned functionality. Some of these cover the presentations, some cover data management, some cover quality control, and a handful more for features such as code editor and project manager, grid computing manager, and so on.

软件环境分为提供上述功能的工具集。 其中一些涵盖了演示文稿,一些涵盖了数据管理,一些涵盖了质量控制,还有一些其他功能,例如代码编辑器和项目管理器,网格计算管理器等等。

Learn SAS here —

在此处了解SAS —

Best of Virtual SAS Global Forum 2020 —

最佳虚拟SAS全球论坛2020 —

更多数据科学编程语言— (More Programming Languages for Data Science —)











结论 (Conclusion)

Throughout the article, we covered some of the top programming languages for Data Science. Each of these languages come with their benefits, often offering better and faster results when compared with others. The domain of Data Science is exceedingly vast and can often demand a different set of tools for various tasks.

在整篇文章中,我们介绍了数据科学的一些顶级编程语言。 这些语言中的每一种都有其优势,与其他语言相比,往往能提供更好,更快的结果。 数据科学的领域极其广泛 ,通常可能需要用于各种任务的一组不同的工具。

Equipping yourself with more than one programming language can guarantee to help you overcome unique challenges while dealing with the data. If you are a budding Data Scientist, you should start with the programming languages mentioned above as they are the most in-demand languages right now.

为自己配备一种以上的编程语言可以保证帮助您在处理数据时克服独特的挑战。 如果您是一名新兴的数据科学家,则应从上述编程语言入手,因为它们是目前需求最大的语言。

Note: To eliminate problems of different kinds, I want to alert you to the fact this article represents just my personal opinion I want to share, and you possess every right to disagree with it.

注意: 为消除各种问题,我想提醒您以下事实,即本文仅代表我要分享的个人观点,您拥有与此不同意的一切权利。

更有趣的读物— (More Interesting Readings —)

I hope you’ve found this article useful! Below are some interesting readings hope you like them too —

希望本文对您有所帮助! 以下是一些有趣的读物,希望您也喜欢它们-

About Author


Claire D. is a Content Crafter and Marketer at Digitalogya tech sourcing and custom matchmaking marketplace that connects people with pre-screened & top-notch developers and designers based on their specific needs across the globe. Connect with Digitalogy on Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram.

克莱尔·D Digitalogy 的Content Crafter and Marketinger ,这 是一个技术采购和自定义配对市场,可根据人们在全球的特定需求,将他们与预先筛选和一流的开发商和设计师联系起来。 Linkedin Twitter Instagram Digitalogy联系

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/top-programming-languages-for-data-science-in-2020-3425d756e2a7






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