
Why side projects can make you stand out from the crowd


说真的-您的副业是什么? (Seriously — what’s your side project?)

What are you working on to better your craft? What are you working on that’s going to better your skills in the future. There’s 2 things that will open the most doors during your career. Your skill set. And your relationships. Building relationships can be hard enough for us tech nerds, so we’ll save that for another time. Today, focus on building your skill set.

您正在努力改善自己的手艺吗? 您正在做什么,将来会提高您的技能。 在您的职业生涯中,有两件事将为您打开最多的大门。 你的技能 和你的关系。 建立关系对于我们的技术人员而言可能足够困难,因此我们将其保存下来。 今天,专注于建立自己的技能。

学习能力是您最重要的技能 (The ability to learn is your single most important skill)

The last couple years I’ve gotten to be on the interviewer side of quite a few interviews in an technical advisory capacity. My favorite question to ask is ‘What’s your side project? What are you learning at the moment?’ I’m amazed by the number of “I’d like to learn python, but no side projects at the moment.” or .. “I stay current by reading tech blogs.” That’s when I stop listening. Throw in the towel to that interview — they’re done.

在过去的几年中,我已经以技术顾问的身份担任过很多面试的面试官。 我最喜欢问的问题是“您的副项目是什么? 您目前正在学习什么? 我对“我想学习python,但目前尚无辅助项目”的数量感到惊讶。 或..“我通过阅读技术博客来保持最新状态。” 那是我停止听的时候。 把毛巾扔给那次采访-他们完成了。

新闻快讯-略读技术博客不是学习中! (News flash — skimming tech blogs is not LEARNING!)

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Let’s be real, you’re not actually READING those tech blogs. Your skimming for some high level nuggets to stay up to date with the conversations at work. This is not learning. You may pick up a few nuggets or new features coming to your favorite product. But you are not bettering yourself as a professional.

坦白地说,您实际上并没有在阅读那些技术博客。 您浏览了一些高级掘金,以跟上工作中的最新动态。 这不是学习。 您可能会在喜爱的产品中找到一些掘金或新功能。 但是,作为专业人士,您并没有提高自己。

The best way to learn is to simply start coding.


And the best way to simply start coding, is to get a side project.


为您的未来而学习。 (Learn for your future.)

Tech changes fast. This is not news. But in truth, the tech is becoming the easy part. There’s a gazillion dollars being poured into making technology easier and faster to code. The hard part is in the learning to stay relevant with the ever evolving technology.

技术日新月异。 这不是新闻。 但实际上,技术正在变得容易。 为使技术更容易,更快速地进行编码,投入了数百万美元。 困难的部分在于学习与不断发展的技术保持关联。

The best skill that you can have is the ability to learn. Learning is a skill that needs to be practiced. And chances are you’re not practicing nearly enough at your day job. The vast majority of your time at your steady paycheck is probably spent on maintenance work and projects that you’ve done a million times and can code in your sleep. If you’re at a place long enough, you’ve either built the code yourself, or fixed enough bugs that make you wish you would have just re-written it from scratch. Either way you know where all the bodies are buried and will inevitability spend most of your day on maintenance work and status updates telling your PM why you haven’t completed your Jira story because last night’s batch process failed again for the 3rd time this week!

您可以拥有的最佳技能是学习能力。 学习是一种需要实践的技能。 很有可能您在日常工作中几乎没有练习。 可以拿到稳定薪水的大部分时间都花在了维护工作和项目上,这些工作和项目已经完成了一百万次,并且可以在睡眠中进行编码。 如果您在一个足够长的地方,则可以自己构建代码,也可以修复足够的错误,使您希望自己从头开始重写它。 无论哪种方式,您都知道所有尸体都埋在哪里,并且不可避免地将花费大部分时间在维护工作和状态更新上,告诉您的PM为什么您还没有完成Jira的故事,因为昨晚的批处理过程本周第三次再次失败!

您需要的技能与当前雇主需要的技能。 (The skills you need vs the skills your current employer needs.)

That story probably gives us a few laughs as it hits home to more than a few of us. But it also brings up a larger issue with your career arc.

这个故事可能会给我们带来一些笑声,因为它使我们中的许多人不寒而栗。 但这也会给您的职业生涯带来更大的问题。

The longer you stay at a company, the more skills you acquire that aren’t relevant in the market.


Do you think your next employer gives a crap that you know that you have to run this batch script before 3pm else you’ll create data issues in the expense log? Of course not.

您是否认为您的下一位雇主给您一个废话,您知道您必须在下午3点之前运行此批处理脚本,否则您将在费用日志中创建数据问题? 当然不是。

Yes, you have a job to do. It’s your job to know all the goofy workings of the system you were hired to build/support. But don’t loose sight of your future either. Make sure your skill set is both relevant now and in 3 years from now.

是的,您有工作要做。 了解您雇用来构建/支持的系统的所有愚蠢工作是您的工作。 但也不要忘记您的未来。 确保您的技能集与现在和三年后都相关。

And if you’re not improving those skills at your current job (key word, improving), then get a side project!


好,知道了-我如何开始 (OK, I get it — How do I get started)

There’s only one rule. It’s gotta be interesting to you. That’s it. That’s all that matters. Pick something that inspires you. Pick something that will get you showing off what you did to your peers. Pick something that will keep you wanting to work on it. It’s really that simple.

只有一条规则。 你一定很有趣。 而已。 就是这么重要。 选择能激发您灵感的东西。 选择一些可以让您向同龄人炫耀的东西。 选择一些能让您继续努力的东西。 真的就是这么简单。

For my day job, I build a lot of demos and POC’s. We used to build these with “real world scenarios.” Sales forecasting. Supply chain analytics. It was boring as hell and engineers dreaded having to build these. So we made it more interesting and came up with projects that we actually wanted to work on. Now we play with sports data, board game data and beer consumption. There’s messages flying back and forth at 11pm on these projects. It’s a lot of fun.

对于我的日常工作,我制作了很多演示和POC。 我们曾经使用“现实世界的场景”来构建它们。 销售预测。 供应链分析。 像地狱一样无聊,工程师们害怕建造它们。 因此,我们使它变得更加有趣,并提出了我们真正想要从事的项目。 现在,我们玩体育数据,棋盘游戏数据和啤酒消费。 这些项目的消息在晚上11点前后飞来飞去。 其乐无穷。

Point is, find something fun. The learning is easy when you’re building something fun.

关键是,找到一些有趣的东西。 在构建有趣的东西时,学习很容易。

技术工程师短缺 (Shortage of Skilled Engineers)

Finding applicants is often not hard. Finding skilled applicants is another story. This is not unique to data engineering, data science, business intelligence, cloud analytics, fill-in-the-blank job title. Don’t worry about the market. Figure out how to learn, invest the time in actually learning and coding, and you will be one of the few skilled applicants. The formula works.

寻找申请人通常并不难。 寻找熟练的申请人是另一回事。 这并不是数据工程,数据科学,商业智能,云分析,填空职位的唯一名称。 不用担心市场。 弄清楚如何学习,花时间在实际学习和编码上,您是少数几个熟练的申请人之一。 该公式有效。

找到时间。 (Find the time.)

Think of your learning in the same way as you think of funding your 401k. Should you investing be putting 30%? Sounds great, but you also have that mortgage payment, groceries to by and 2 kids in daycare and settle for 15%. But more importantly, you take it off the top before you see your check.

以与为401k资助相同的方式来思考您的学习。 您应该投资30%吗? 听起来不错,但您还需要抵押贷款,杂货店和2个孩子的日托服务,结算价为15%。 但更重要的是,在查看支票之前,请先将其取下。

Same rule applies to your learning and side projects. You’re investing in your future. This should come off the top. Make it a priority. Schedule time during your day. Block your calendar. Get up early. Stay up late. Spend 3–5 on Friday’s when nobody is getting work done anyways. How you find the time doesn’t matter. It’s up to you. There’s enough blog posts on this topic to help with ideas. The key is to make this a priority during your normal weekly schedule and stick to it.

相同的规则适用于您的学习和附带项目。 您正在为自己的未来投资。 这应该脱颖而出。 优先考虑。 安排一天中的时间。 阻止您的日历。 早点起床。 熬夜。 在周五没人进行任何工作的情况下,花费3-5。 您如何找到时间并不重要。 由你决定。 关于此主题的博客文章足够多,可以帮助您提出建议。 关键是在正常的每周计划中将其作为优先事项并坚持下去。

炫耀您的作品-讲一个故事。 (Show off your work — have a story to tell.)

It’s easy to start projects. It’s really really hard to finish projects. Make “showing off your project” part of your goals of the side project and make it a goal from the beginning. Now you don’t need to create a phone app to polish the results, but at least keep your code in a state where you can log in and show it off.

启动项目很容易。 完成项目真的很难。 将“炫耀您的项目”作为副项目目标的一部分,并从一开始就将其作为目标。 现在,您无需创建电话应用程序即可完善结果,但至少可以将代码保持在可以登录并展示的状态。

Having the skill set is critical. But there is also a story telling aspect to your skill set. You need to be able to craft a story around the knowledge you hold. This should be part of your skill set building. How do convey the knowledge you’ve gained to others to establish yourself as an expert?

掌握技能至关重要。 但是,您的技能也有一个讲故事的方面。 您需要能够围绕所掌握的知识编写一个故事。 这应该是您的技能建设的一部分。 如何将您所获得的知识传达给他人以使自己成为专家?

Keep dev notes on what the heck your are building.


Create a quick architecture diagram as a refresher or better yet to be able to refresh when you show it to others (check out excalidraw.com).


Create a visualization to show off your results (check out public.tableau.com).


Write up a blog post.


Whatever the method, just make sure you have a narrative ready to share. The best way to make a name for yourself is to be able to tell the story of the knowledge you hold.

无论采用哪种方法,只要确保您准备好可以分享叙述即可。 为自己命名的最好方法是能够讲述您所拥有的知识的故事。

有答案。 (Have the answer.)

Now don’t leave this article thinking your have to write the next great javascript library and get 200 forks on github, or start the next Alteryx. But when the question inevitably is asked, “what’s your side project,” you better have an answer. Or better yet, something ready to show off.

现在不要离开本文,以为您必须编写下一个出色的javascript库并在github上获得200个fork,或者启动下一个Alteryx。 但是当不可避免地问到“您的副项目是什么”这个问题时,您最好有一个答案。 或者更好的是,有一些东西准备炫耀。

翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/hey-coders-whats-your-side-project-b879c66baa27

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