

This article is based on my own experience and opinions.


您将解决问题 (You will solve problems)

Software engineers (or developers, programmers, coders or whatever they call themselves) are tasked with problems that need solving. These problems will (mostly) be in the software realm, and will require appropriate tools, such as programming languages, database and operating system knowledge, statistics and mathematics, and more.This is fun on its own, and can be very rewarding when we succeed, but very frustrating when we don’t. You should strive to have more successes than failures, but you will have to fail many times, miserably, to get there. Also, you’ll need to do it faster as you gain more experience, as will be expected of you. So, you have your work cut out for you.

软件工程师(或开发人员,程序员,编码人员或任何他们自己称呼的人)承担着需要解决的问题。 这些问题(大部分)将在软件领域中出现,并且需要适当的工具,例如编程语言,数据库和操作系统知识,统计数据和数学等,这本身很有趣,当我们完成时会很有意义成功,但是当我们不成功时会非常沮丧。 您应该努力取得比失败更多的成功,但是要达到目标,您将不得不失败很多次。 而且,您将需要获得更多的经验,因此需要更快地执行此操作。 这样,您就可以为您完成工作。

您将坐在电脑键盘上并在上面打字 (You will be seating and typing on your computer keyboard)

If you enjoy this basic activity, regardless of what it is your are writing, you’re going to have a good time. Code is text. That is, before the computer does its magic and makes it do stuff. So however you look at it, at the most basic level you will be mostly typing on your keyboard, in English.

如果您喜欢这项基本活动,那么无论您在写作什么,都将度过美好的时光。 代码是文本。 也就是说,在计算机发挥作用并使其发挥作用之前。 因此,无论您怎么看,在最基本的层次上,您大多都会使用英文在键盘上打字。

你会用很多英语 (You will use a lot of English)

You will use it to communicate with remote peers, international client and to write code, as most programming languages (all?) use english characters and vocabulary. The better your English skills are, the more doors will open for you. It is not the only skill necessary by all means, but it is one of the most basic and often overlooked. It is very frustrating to work with people who have poor English. Don’t neglect this skill.

由于大多数编程语言(全部?)都使用英文字符和词汇,因此您将使用它与远程对等方,国际客户进行通信并编写代码。 您的英语水平越好,就会为您打开更多的大门。 它不是所有方法都必需的唯一技能,而是最基本且经常被忽略的技能之一。 与英语能力差的人一起工作非常令人沮丧。 不要忽视这项技能。

您将比普通员工得到更好的待遇 (You will be treated much better than the average employee)

It is no secret that software developers are well paid and enjoy perks and activities not common to most other industries. Even within some hi-tech companies, developers and other employees such as operations and human resource are not treated equally. This does not make you a better person, it just means you are worth more to the company — you produce more money.

众所周知,软件开发人员的薪水高,并能享受大多数其他行业所不具备的特权和活动。 即使在某些高科技公司内部,开发人员和其他员工(例如运营和人力资源)也无法得到平等对待。 这并不能使您成为一个更好的人,而只是意味着您对公司更有价值-您产生了更多的钱。

你会有很多自由 (You will have a lot of freedom)

On my first day on the job I asked for permission to go to the restroom. After a good 10 minute laugh by everyone, I understood this is not the regular shifts work I was used to doing. In some places I could even take a day off with just the notification of text in the morning, and it was completely acceptable. This is simply awesome, as this freedom boosted my motivation immensely. There are usually no fixed hours to work, just work as much as you need to get the job done — which could be a bad deal if you are not good at what you do.

在上班的第一天,我请求允许去洗手间。 在每个人都笑了10分钟之后,我知道这不是我过去经常做的轮班工作。 在某些地方,我什至可以放假一天,而早上只收到文本通知,这是完全可以接受的。 这真是太棒了,因为这种自由极大地激发了我的动力。 通常没有固定的工作时间,只要完成工作即可完成所需的工作-如果您不擅长工作,这可能是一个糟糕的交易。

有时候你会牺牲自己的空闲时间 (Sometimes you will sacrifice your free time)

You may be asked to work weekends and in strange hours of the night, without proper notice, and expected to perform at 100%. While your employer may not be able to legally force you to do so, it is expected of you, and you should accept it with grace.

可能会要求您在周末和晚上的奇怪时间工作,而没有适当的通知,并且预期工作效率为100%。 尽管您的雇主可能无法合法地强迫您这样做,但您应该对此感到满意,您应该宽容地接受它。

您会听到很多关于技术的不同意见 (You will hear a lot of different opinions about technologies)

The hi tech scene is not devoid of marketing, agenda and loud opinions. It is Google’s agenda that you will use Kubernetes, it is Intellij’s agenda that you will use Kotlin and it is that-guy-on-twitter’s agenda to be recognized so he expresses his opinions very loudly. That’s not to say they are wrong, but their product may be the wrong tool for your job. Never choose a technology without understanding why. Be professional and mature.

高科技领域并非没有营销,议程和大声疾呼。 您将使用Kubernetes是Google的议程,您将使用Kotlin是Intellij的议程,是公认的男生议程,因此他非常大声地表达自己的观点。 并不是说他们错了,但是他们的产品可能是您工作的错误工具。 切勿在不了解原因的情况下选择技术。 要专业和成熟。

从长远来看,您的人际交往能力可能比发展能力更有价值 (In the long run, your interpersonal skills may prove more valuable than your development skills)

If you are a great developer with very poor interpersonal skills, you don’t have a lot of options other than staying a developer. On the other hand, a poor developer with great interpersonal skills can find herself in a variety of positions, such as a team or product manager.

如果您是一位出色的人际交往能力很差的开发人员,那么除了留下一名开发人员之外,您没有太多选择。 另一方面,具有出色的人际交往能力的贫穷开发人员可能会发现自己处于各种职位,例如团队或产品经理。

如果你想变得很棒,就必须非常努力 (You will have to work very hard if you want to be great)

Software engineering is located somewhere between an art and a science — there are rules, but they are very flexible. It is a craft, and as such it requires tremendous experience to master. You learn by doing and trying out many different solutions to a problem. When I was just starting out I was provided with the freedom to experiment and test ideas whenever I was assigned a task. This lasted for a year or so, and then I was required to deliver faster. This means some (usually most) of the time I needed to test ideas and experiment had to be done on my own free time. And this is a rule. If you want to be great, you’ll have to “sacrifice” your free time to improve your coding skills. If you are doing it with glee, then you will do just fine.

软件工程位于一门艺术与一门科学之间,虽然有规则,但它们非常灵活。 这是一种,因此需要大量的经验来掌握。 您可以通过实践并尝试许多不同的解决方案来学习。 当我刚开始的时候,只要有任务,我就可以自由地进行实验和测试想法。 这持续了一年左右,然后我被要求提供更快的速度。 这意味着我需要一些(通常是大部分时间)来测试想法,而实验必须在自己的空闲时间进行。 这是一条规则。 如果您想变得出色,就必须“牺牲”您的空闲时间来提高您的编码技能。 如果您高兴地做到这一点,那么您会做的很好。

不要依靠任何人来专业地建立你 (Don’t rely on anyone to build you professionally)

The company you work for might train you and help build you up, but most have a very clear agenda — to make you better at what you do for them. The skills you gain at one company can be moot in another. Take care of your tool box of skills, don’t wait for anyone to do it for you.

您工作的公司可能会培训您并帮助您成长,但大多数公司都有一个非常明确的议程-使您更好地为他们做事 您在一家公司获得的技能可能与另一家公司无关。 照顾好您的工具箱技能,不要等任何人为您完成这项工作。

分配给您的团队可能比公司更重要 (The team you are assigned to may be more important than the company)

Your work experience and coworkers can be completely different from team to team, inside the same company. Unfortunately, unless you have insider information there is no way to surely tell what you are up against before starting. But you can evaluate the place by asking your interviewer to have a walk around the office and meet the employees before you sign anything. Such an act is also very appreciated by the interviewing side, as it shows you care about fitting in socially just as you do about the tech stack. In any case, remember this before switching companies, as you might find a better fit in a different team (that is, if you are not fed up of the company).

在同一家公司内部,团队之间的工作经验和同事可能完全不同。 不幸的是,除非您有内部信息,否则在开始之前无法确定要解决的问题。 但是您可以通过要求面试官在办公室周围走走并与员工会面, 然后再签署任何东西来评估该地点。 采访方也非常赞赏这种行为,因为它表明您像对待技术堆栈一样,关心社交。 无论如何,在更换公司之前请记住这一点,因为您可能会发现更适合其他团队(也就是说,如果您不厌倦公司)。

你会遇到非凡的人 (You will meet extraordinary people)

You will be working with some of the most brilliant minds in the world, and simply awesome people altogether. Take advantage of that. Communicate, socialise and pick their brains any chance you get. This is a rare opportunity, don’t let it go to waste.

您将与世界上一些最杰出的头脑一起工作,而这些人简直就是很棒的人。 利用这一点。 交流,社交和动动脑筋。 这是一个难得的机会,不要浪费它。

但是你也会遇到一些可怕的人 (But you will meet some horrible people as well)

While the most of us turned to software engineering for the purity of the craft, the upscale conditions and perks in hi tech companies attract some nasty people as well. You will come across people who will make you ask yourself “what is he doing in here for god sake?!”. No place is clear of assholes. Steer clear of such people, and if you happen to work closely with one or managed by one, consider switching teams.

尽管我们大多数人为了获得纯正的技术而转向软件工程,但高科技公司的高档条件和特权也吸引了一些讨厌的人。 您会遇到一些人,这些人会让您问自己“他为上帝着想在这里做什么?!”。 没有地方是混蛋。 避开这些人,如果您碰巧与一个人密切合作或由一个人管理,请考虑更换团队。

您的工作有时会很费劲 (Your work will sometimes go down the drain)

In Hebrew we have a saying — writing to the drawer. It means that the software you have written will not see the light of day. This happens, and it is OK. Requirements change, and clients and managers change their mind. Accept it with love and move on with your life.

在希伯来语中,我们有一句话–写在抽屉里。 这意味着您编写的软件将无法实现。 发生这种情况,可以。 需求改变了,客户和经理改变了主意。 充满爱地接受它,继续您的生活。

可能会变得乏味而无聊 (It can get tedious and boring)

Work is work. You will experience down times, tedious labor, and monotonic and repetitive days. You will do things you don’t like some of the time. At times it can be the majority of times. This is normal, especially when starting out. But do feel free to approach your manager if this seems to be the rule rather than the exception.

工作就是工作。 您将经历停工期,繁琐的工作以及单调和重复的日子。 您有时会做一些您不喜欢的事情。 有时可能是大多数时候。 这是正常现象,尤其是在开始时。 但是,如果这似乎是规则而不是例外,请随时与您的经理联系。

享受你的事业 (Enjoy your career)

While fun is a spectrum, you’re supposed to enjoy doing what you do for a living. The atmosphere, the freedom, the smart people and interesting problems, all make software engineering a great and rewarding career. Make sure to take advantage of what is offered to you, and give back as much as you can.

虽然娱乐是一个频谱,但您应该享受自己谋生的乐趣。 气氛,自由,聪明的人和有趣的问题,都使软件工程成为了一项伟大而有意义的职业。 确保充分利用提供给您的东西,并尽可能多地回馈。



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