为什么“ Hello World”是您将编写的最重要的程序

Everyone and everything has a beginning.


What is this nonsense?


The Hello World application is the most important application that you’ll ever write? What? That makes no sense! I mean the application is so damn simple that any 10-year old who knows how to use a computer can create this application in a matter of seconds without any prior knowledge. What can I possibly learn from this beyond it teaching me how to print to the console? It is the simplest application after all.

Hello World应用程序是您将要编写的最重要的应用程序? 什么? 这是没有意义的! 我的意思是该应用程序是如此简单,以至于任何知道如何使用计算机的10岁的年轻人都可以在几秒钟内创建该应用程序而无需任何先验知识。 除了教我如何打印到控制台外,我还能从中学到什么? 毕竟这是最简单的应用程序。

So why do I say that this is the most important application you’ll ever write?


Well just hear me out.


谦卑的一切开始 (The Humbling Beginning Of It All)

I’m sure that I’m not only speaking for myself when I say that the ‘Hello World’ program was the very first program that I have ever written.

我确信,当我说“ Hello World”程序是我编写的第一个程序时,我不仅在为自己说话。

All it required of me was to write one line of code to output to the console the words ‘Hello World’. A nice little introduction to the basic syntax of programming.

我所需要做的就是编写一行代码,将“ Hello World”一词输出到控制台。 很好地介绍了编程的基本语法。

Looking back, that program was laughingly simple but at the time, to me at least, it was extraordinary and it demystified programming to me. It showed me how easy it is to start anything and how rewarding every single accomplishment, no matter how small, can be.

回顾过去,该程序很简单,但至少在当时对我而言是非凡的,对我而言它使程序神秘化。 它向我展示了开始任何事情有多么容易,以及无论多么渺小,每一项成就都是多么有意义。

It was the first domino of my programming career sequentially knocking down every single succeeding domino of knowledge until I got to where I am today.


It’s very humbling, to say the least. To look back and see how far I’ve come along my programming journey. How one small step and decision in a specific direction can lead me to eventually create extremely sophisticated applications and solutions.

至少可以说这是非常谦虚的。 回头看看,我在编程过程中走了多远。 在特定方向上的一小步和决定如何使我最终创建极其复杂的应用程序和解决方案。

Which leads me to say that every single person and every single thing that has ever been created has all started from the tiniest of steps and components before they ever grew to be where they were today. One line of code. One step. One action.

这使我想说,每个人和每件事物都是从最小的步骤和组件开始的,直到它们成长为今天。 一行代码。 一步。 一招。

The ‘Hello World’ program is the exact program that catalyzed and kickstarted all of our careers as programmers. But the sad part is that many of us are too absorbed in our work to realize the immense lessons that we can extract from this simple program and starting point in our careers.

“ Hello World”程序是催化和启动我们作为程序员的所有职业的确切程序。 但是可悲的是,我们中的许多人都太专注于工作,以致无法实现从这个简单的程序和职业起点中可以汲取的巨大教训。

You must realize this:


您将永远不会开始了解一切 (You’ll Never Start Anything Knowing Everything)

Remember this lesson whenever you aim to learn new technologies, a new language, a new framework, an API, or whatever it may be for you.


That at one point, you knew absolutely nothing about programming at all.


You didn’t know how to integrate software. You didn’t know how to make callouts to an API. You didn’t know what classes or functions were. You didn’t know the syntax of how to solve the most basic algorithms. You didn’t know how to print simple words to the console. You didn’t know anything.

您不知道如何集成软件。 您不知道如何对API进行标注。 您不知道什么是类或函数。 您不知道如何求解最基本算法的语法。 您不知道如何在控制台上打印简单的单词。 你什么都不知道

You were a blank slate that had nothing but room to expand creatively and artistically.


That’s why when you become frustrated in your approach to learning something new or when you get stuck trying to solve a difficult problem, it is important to adopt that beginner’s mindset where the world was once your oyster and your curiosity about what you can do was at its peak.

这就是为什么当您对学习新事物的方法感到沮丧时,或者在尝试解决难题时陷入困境时,重要的是要采用初学者的心态 ,即世界曾经是牡蛎,而对工作的好奇心来自于它的顶峰。

It allows you to approach problems in more tactical ways, learning something new in more humbling ways, and resolve errors in a more understanding and curious way.


You begin to take everything step-by-step knowing that although you don’t know all the answers right now, that you eventually will with enough tenacity, persistence, and curiosity because you know it to be true deep inside of yourself that you have been in this position of ‘not knowing’ once before.


不确定时,请记住,每个伟大的开发人员都以与您完全相同的位置开始 (When In Doubt Remember That Every Great Developer Started In Exactly The Same Position As You)

Maybe you started programming because you wanted to build an app or website that you believe one day might change the world. I know I’ve been in that position of dreaming about taking an idea and transforming it into a million-dollar business.

也许您开始编程是因为您想构建一个您相信有一天可能会改变世界的应用程序或网站。 我知道我一直梦想着将一个想法转变成一个百万美元的业务。

The issue is that so many people let themselves be overcome by failure or difficulty and end up quitting before they ever reach the point of materializing their idea.


Think about all of the greatest applications that you use on a daily basis: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Medium, Amazon, all of these applications had a starting point. All of them began with a single idea and a single line of code, where the creators and engineers of such extraordinarily life-changing apps all started off never knowing a single thing.

考虑一下您每天使用的所有最出色的应用程序:Instagram,Facebook,Twitter,Medium,Amazon,所有这些应用程序都有一个起点。 所有这些都是从一个单一的想法和一行代码开始的,在这种情况下,改变生活的应用程序的创建者和工程师开始时就一无所知。

They all started off equally in the same exact way you and I did, by writing the ‘Hello World’ application.

通过编写“ Hello World”应用程序,它们都以与您和我完全相同的相同方式开始。

So what does this tell you about the inherent power that you possess as a developer?


Well, it tells me that there is no limit to my abilities and that no matter how much I know right now that I will always be capable of figuring out a solution and creating something extraordinary if I only give myself enough time, patience, and focus.


If they can do it, so can I.


带走 (Takeaway)

You need to ultimately understand and engrain it in your mind the importance of simply just starting and moving along in steps to reach your solution.


You’re never going to start anything knowing everything and you must believe that you already possess the power to create and manifest the greatest and most sophisticated applications in the world.


All you need to do is think about how far you’ve come already as a programmer. How you and every other programmer in the world all had a starting point. How important it is to adopt and maintain that beginner’s mindset.

您需要做的只是考虑您已经成为一名程序员了。 您和世界上所有其他程序员的工作都有一个起点。 采纳和保持初学者的心态有多重要。

If you do this and keep reflecting on your progress, you’ll eventually find yourself years down the road with more knowledge, expertise, and creative power as a programmer than you can ever imagine.


You’ll realize that anything is possible so long as you keep moving forward and keep working on and building your skills every single day.


Just remember that all you used to ever know how to do was write a program that simply outputted ‘Hello World’.

只需记住,您曾经所知道的所有方法就是编写一个仅输出“ Hello World”的程序。

翻译自: https://medium.com/dev-genius/why-hello-world-is-the-most-important-program-youll-write-8d5b1a59cc30





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