
In the 2010s, Naughty Dog became a studio universally recognised for its expertise in crafting outstanding linear story-driven games. The Last of Us is among the top titles of the decade, and Uncharted remains a flagship PlayStation franchise. Its charming central character, Nathan Drake, has quickly become a beloved video game hero with his funny lines and generally likeable personality.

2010年代,“调皮的狗”以其在制作出色的线性故事驱动游戏方面的专业知识而成为公认的工作室。 《最后的我们》是这十年的头号人物,《 神秘海域》仍然是PlayStation的旗舰系列。 其迷人的中心人物内森·德雷克(Nathan Drake)凭借其滑稽的台词和普遍可喜的个性Swift成为了最受欢迎的视频游戏英雄。

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There is something odd about him though: that is, his natural tendency to mercilessly slaughter the people who stand between him and his illegal treasure hunting activities. Well, actually, we are the odd ones here: how can we play these games, see what we see and still not view Nate as the blood-thirsty psychopathic mass-murderer he is?

但是,他有些奇怪 :即,他天生就会无情地屠杀站在他和他的非法寻宝活动之间的人。 好吧,实际上,我们在这里很奇怪:我们如何玩这些游戏,看看我们看到的东西,仍然不认为Nate是他嗜血的精神病性大杀手?

Let’s start by having a look at the first chapter of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, the very first time we’re introduced to the character (you can watch it on YouTube here, it lasts about 7 minutes).

首先让我们来在看看秘境的第一章:德雷克的财富 ,我们要介绍给人物的第一次(你可以在YouTube上观看它在这里 ,它持续大约7分钟)。

Nathan is on a boat with Elena Fisher, a journalist who accompanies him to do a documentary on his treasure-hunting expedition when he sees pirates in the distance. Since they’re not supposed to be here and he doesn’t really like going to jail, he informs his partner that they shouldn’t be calling authorities and handle the matter themselves. She doesn’t seem too happy about it but accepts the suggestion pretty fast nonetheless.

内森(Nathan)与埃琳娜·费舍尔(Elena Fisher)搭船,他与记者一起在远处看到海盗时陪同他拍摄寻宝探险纪录片。 既然他们不应该在这里,而且他真的不喜欢入狱,他告诉他的伴侣,他们不应该打电话给当局并亲自处理此事。 她对此似乎不太满意,但是很快接受了建议。

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Condensed sequence from early in the game.

They don’t panic despite the serious, life-threatening situation and manage to kill all the pirates themselves before jumping out of the ship moments before it blows up. Nate’s old friend Victor Sullivan comes to the rescue with his seaplane and they crack several jokes about the whole situation, setting the tone for the whole game (and series): nothing to take too seriously here.

尽管存在严重的威胁生命的状况,他们仍不惊慌,并设法杀死了所有海盗,然后在炸毁前跳出船闸。 内特(Nate)的老朋友维克多·沙利文(Victor Sullivan)乘水上飞机来营救,他们开了几场关于整个局势的笑话,为整个比赛(和系列赛)定下了基调:这里没有什么要当真的。

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The shooting gameplay is one of the core pillars of Uncharted; you kill a lot of (realistic-looking) people throughout the series, yet this is never acknowledged in the story. Nathan Drake isn’t an antihero, nobody views his acts as morally wrong, not even the player.

射击游戏是“ 未知 ”的核心Struts之一; 您会在整个系列中杀死很多(逼真的)人,但这在故事中从未得到承认。 内森·德雷克(Nathan Drake)不是反英雄,没有人认为他的行为在道义上是错误的,甚至没有球员。

When such gap exists between the story you’re told via cinematics and dialogue (Nate is a cool dude) and the story you’re experiencing through gameplay (Nate kills a lot of people), we call this “ludonarrative dissonance”, a term coined by creative director Clint Hocking (Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Far Cry 2, Watch Dogs Legion).

当您通过电影和对话所讲述的故事( 内特是一个很酷的家伙 )与您通过游戏玩法所经历的故事( 内特杀死了很多人 )之间存在这样的差距时,我们称其为“幻觉失调”由创意总监克林特·霍金(Clint Hocking)创造( 分裂细胞:混沌理论,孤岛惊魂2,看门狗军团 )。

This concept has often been leveraged to criticise Naughty Dog’s productions; this is how Neil Druckmann responded in an interview with magazine Rolling Stone, days after the release of Uncharted 4:

这个概念经常被用来批评顽皮狗的作品。 在《 神秘海域4 》发行几天后,这就是尼尔·德鲁克曼(Neil Druckmann)在接受 《滚石》杂志采访时的回应:

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Neil Druckmann is the creative director & writer of The Last of Us and Uncharted 4.
尼尔·德鲁克曼(Neil Druckmann)是《我们最后的世界》和《神秘海域4》的创意总监兼作家。

“We don’t buy into the criticism that Nathan Drake doesn’t respond emotionally to all the killing he does. I’ve been trying to dissect it. Why is it that Uncharted triggers this argument, when Indiana Jones doesn’t? Is it the number? It can’t be just the number, because Indiana Jones kills more people than a normal person does. A normal person kills zero people.”

“我们不接受内森·德雷克(Nathan Drake)对他所做的一切杀戮没有感情上做出回应的批评。 我一直在试图剖析它。 当《印第安纳·琼斯》没有出现时,为什么《神秘海域》引发了这个争论? 是数字吗? 这不仅仅是数字,因为印第安纳·琼斯杀死的人比正常人多。 普通人杀死零个人。”

I love this statement, I do fully agree with it, yet the questions remain.


How can we be so keen to accept unacceptable behaviours for some fictional characters? Gaming is an interactive medium and it seems to amplify the issue: how can we separate so easily what we do (and therefore see) when we’re in control from what we’re told when we don’t?

我们如何如此热衷于接受某些虚构人物的不可接受行为? 游戏是一种互动性的媒介,它似乎放大了这个问题:当我们控制时,我们如何才能如此轻松地将自己所做的事情(和因此看到的)与不知道时所得到的告诉分开呢?

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I started to think a lot about this issue and how to get around it when I was working on Watch Dogs 2.

当我研究《 看门狗2》时,我开始对这个问题以及如何解决这个问题进行了很多思考。

The game starts as white-hat hacker Marcus Halloway is unfairly framed as a criminal by an Orwellian algorithm due to vague circumstantial pieces of evidence. Scandalised, he decides to clear his file and join the group Dedsec to fight against this evil oppressive system. Marcus has access to a wide range of tools to help in his missions, among which drones, hacking gadgets, a taser, and…lots of guns and explosives.

游戏开始时,由于模糊的间接证据,白帽子黑客Marcus Halloway被Orwellian算法不公正地定为犯罪分子。 受丑闻困扰,他决定清除档案,加入Dedsec小组,与这个邪恶的压迫系统作斗争。 Marcus可以使用多种工具来执行任务,其中包括无人机,黑客小工具,泰瑟枪以及……许多枪支和炸药。

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launch trailer just to emphasise the irony of the situation. 发射拖车,只是为了强调这种情况。

Let’s quickly dispense with the argument “you can finish the whole game without killing anyone, therefore it’s your decision”: yes you can, no that doesn’t make any difference to me. You can respect traffic regulations in GTA too. The creator has control over his experience, he’s the one who designed the game rules with incentives and directives to do some things and not do others.

让我们快速省去“您可以在不杀死任何人的情况下完成整个游戏,因此这是您的决定”的论点:是的,您可以,不,这对我没有任何影响。 您也可以遵守GTA中的交通法规。 创作者可以控制自己的经验,他是一位设计激励规则和游戏指令的游戏规则,以做某些事情而不做其他事情。

Given any game system, players will optimise the fun out of it. If the use of violence is a fun thing to do, then the ludonarrative dissonance problem is on the game, not the lack of role-playing from the player. Killing people is indeed exciting in this game; you can be creative and visual are super satisfying.

在任何游戏系统中,玩家都会从中获得最大的乐趣。 如果使用暴力是一件有趣的事,那么游戏中的发光不和谐问题就出现了,而不是缺少角色扮演。 在这个游戏中杀死人确实令人兴奋。 您可以发挥创造力,视觉效果超级令人满意。

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trailer. 预告片中的这一场景。

As part of my job, I read all the reviews once the game has launched. A lot of journalists raised the issue that the game is too violent and killing feels wrong, yet still liked the characters and tone. Even with all this fire and blood, Watch Dogs 2 manages to keep a light-hearted mood; the opposite of the dark vigilante theme of its predecessor. Being the good guy who fights against invasive technology yet loves to spy on normal people in the street didn’t seem to break the immersion for anyone though.

作为我工作的一部分,一旦游戏启动,我就会阅读所有评论。 许多记者提出了一个问题,即游戏过于暴力,杀人感觉不对,但仍然喜欢角色和音调。 即使有这么多的火与血,《 看门狗2》仍设法保持轻松的心情。 与其前身的黑暗警惕主题相反。 作为对抗入侵技术的好人,却喜欢在街上监视普通人,似乎并没有破坏任何人的沉浸感。

The tipping point of this delicate balance happens at the end of the first act when you encounter ‘bad guy’, Dusan Nemic, CEO of the company behind the ctOS system. In this dialogue, he mentions how he doesn’t care about the collateral damage; that this is the necessary evil for the greater good. I thought this would bring a moral dilemma to the story, deepening the character through the usual narrative conflict ‘we’re not so different after all’. It doesn’t. Marcus is just upset and still thinks he’s the beyond reproach good guy.

ctOS系统背后的公司首席执行官Dusan Nemic是您遇到“坏蛋”时,这种微妙平衡的转折点发生在第一幕的结尾。 在这次对话中,他提到了自己不关心附带损害的情况; 这是更大利益的必要邪恶。 我认为这会给故事带来道德困境,通过通常的叙事冲突来加深角色,“我们毕竟没什么不同”。 没有。 马库斯只是不高兴,仍然认为他是无可指责的好人。

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When Dusan emphasises how the ends justify the means, Marcus isn’t happy about it.

This scene detracts from the immersion a lot (at least for me): the gameplay remains very enjoyable but the story not so much. You can accept a certain amount of disparity between the story and the gameplay, but if that gulf becomes too wide, you’re likely to choose one side and ignore the other. Our brain hates contradictions and works actively towards eliminating or avoiding those cognitive dissonances.

这个场景大大降低了沉浸感(至少对我而言):游戏玩法仍然非常有趣,但故事并没有那么多。 您可以接受故事和游戏玩法之间的某种程度的差异,但是如果鸿沟过大,您可能会选择一侧而不理会另一侧。 我们的大脑讨厌矛盾,并积极致力于消除或避免这些认知失调。

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Whenever you start watching or reading any work of fiction, you unconsciously avoid thinking critically of the surreal nature of its components, you tend to accept these elements for the sake of enjoyment. This concept is known as “willing suspension of disbelief”. What you do instead is to accept the rules of the universe and characters you’re presented with and then evaluate the events you’re presented through this lens.

每当您开始观看或阅读任何小说作品时,都在不知不觉中避免批判性地思考其组成部分的超现实性,为了娱乐,您倾向于接受这些元素。 这个概念被称为“愿意中止怀疑”。 相反,您要做的是接受宇宙规则和与之相伴的角色,然后评估通过此镜头呈现的事件。

That’s how you can start watching Game of Thrones and enjoy it without thinking “dragons do not exist, this is absurd”, but when you are presented with illogical character development or event, that can (seriously) harm your appreciation. There is a hidden contract between the creator and the spectator to accept almost anything, as long as coherence is maintained.

这样一来,您就可以开始观看《权力的游戏》并享受它,而不会想到“龙不存在,这是荒谬的”,但是当您面临不合逻辑的性格发展或事件时,可能(严重)损害您的欣赏。 只要保持连贯性,创作者与旁观者之间就存在一种隐含的契约,几乎可以接受任何东西。

One recent breach of this ‘contract’ that comes to my mind is in Captain America: Civil War when the super heroes see footage from other previous Marvel movies and get lectured about their side damages. As a spectator, I felt directly addressed: “So, you loved it when your heroes kick the bad guys in the cool action scenes we’ve made for you, but did you notice how much destruction occurs in the process? You shouldn’t enjoy this, people died.”

我最近想到的一项违反该“合同”的事情是在《美国队长:内战》中,当时超级英雄们看到了以前漫威电影中其他影片的镜头,并就其侧面伤害进行了演讲。 作为一个旁观者,我感到很直接:“所以,当您的英雄们在我们为您制作的酷炫动作场景中踢坏人时,您喜欢它,但是您是否注意到在此过程中发生了多少破坏? 你不应该喜欢这个,人们死了。”

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“Look at the consequences of you saving the world” (from Captain America: Civil War Trailer #2).

It feels unfair. Marvel, I trusted you to entertain me and now you criticise me for being entertained. I can accept alternative views of a situation — it’s an interesting way to deliver additional perspective actually — but it needs to be there from the start (like in The Boys for instance).

感觉不公平。 奇迹,我相信您会娱乐我,现在您批评我娱乐。 我可以接受其他情况的观点-这实际上是提供更多观点的一种有趣方式-但它必须从一开始就存在(例如在《男孩们》中)。

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When you start playing any game, you don’t just accept the suspension of disbelief, but you also come to accept the rules of the interactive components and that they can sometimes diverge from the narrative itself. Let me coin a term myself and call this concept the “suspension of divergence”.

当您开始玩任何游戏时,您不仅会接受怀疑的中止,而且会接受互动组件的规则,有时这些规则可能与叙述本身有所不同。 让我自己创造一个术语,并将这个概念称为“ 分歧的中止 ”。

Suspension of divergence is how you accept that, although characters display real-life human traits and live in a world resembling ours, the gameplay obeys different rules and its own logic which prevails over real-life logic.


You accept such incoherent rules as long as they make the experience more fun and entertaining. In a lot of games, you respawn when you die yet you don’t need any explanation about the immortality of your character and his magical ability to come back to life. It doesn’t break your immersion in the story because you know it’s simply more fun this way.

您接受这些不连贯的规则,只要它们可以使体验变得更加有趣和有趣。 在很多游戏中,死亡时都会重生,但您不需要任何关于角色永生不朽及其复活的神奇能力的解释。 它不会破坏您对故事的沉浸感,因为您知道这样会更有趣。

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Dying in Uncharted 4 only takes a 3 seconds black screen.

However, one thing that can harm your enjoyment is trying to reconcile what shouldn’t be. Imagine if NPCs were acknowledging your death and respawn, or worse, lecturing you about it (“hey, you don’t get to complain, you’re immortal unlike the rest of us”).

但是,可能会损害您的享受的一件事是试图调和不应该的东西。 想象一下,如果NPC在承认您的死亡和重生,或更糟的是,向您讲解有关死亡(“嘿,您不必抱怨,您不像我们其他人一样是不朽的”)。

Players have naturally drawn a line between the gameplay and the story; a convenience for all parties involved. The game needs to respect this tacit contract and avoid violating it, or it will break the suspension of divergence and draw attention towards the ludonarrative dissonance.

玩家自然在游戏玩法和故事之间划清界线; 为所有参与方提供便利。 游戏需要尊重这种默契,并避免违背它,否则它将打破分歧的悬而未决,并引起人们对叙事不和谐的关注。

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Respecting this only rule isn’t enough to prevent ludonarrative dissonance but it’s a necessary condition. There is a limit to the number of divergence players can accept before questioning the coherence of the experience. Can the limit be quantified? Probably not; everyone focuses their attention on different aspects and are more or less nitpicky.

仅仅遵守这一规则还不足以防止言语不和谐,但这是必要条件。 在质疑体验的连贯性之前,玩家可以接受的分歧数量是有限制的。 限度可以量化吗? 可能不是; 每个人都将注意力集中在不同方面,或多或少挑剔。

Immersion isn’t binary and there isn’t an exhaustive checklist of do’s and don’ts. What you can do as a game creator though, is to avoid the major dissonances and infuse your experience with enough details so that put together, it will create an overall sense of immersion and coherence. This is where games like Uncharted 4 score points and Watch Dogs 2 doesn’t.

浸入式不是二元化的,也没有详尽的清单。 但是,作为游戏创作者,您可以做的是避免重大的不和谐,并为您的体验注入足够的细节,以便将它们组合在一起,将产生整体的沉浸感和连贯感。 这是《 神秘海域》 4分和《 看门狗2》游戏所不具备的。

In Uncharted 4 for instance, there is a clear narrative separation between the main antagonists and the standard grunts. The PMC soldiers are vaguely defined, don’t have names, never once speak in cinematics, they have zero personalities. This is the opposite for the two main villains and I believe this is the reason Naughty Dog chose to make you interact with them only through melee combat: shooting at them would have introduced dissonance.

例如,在《 神秘海域4》中,主要的对手和标准的咕gr手之间有清晰的叙事分隔。 PMC士兵的定义模糊不清,没有名字,从来没有在电影中讲话,他们的人格为零。 这是两个主要反派的对立面,我相信这是Naughty Dog选择让您仅通过近战与他们互动的原因:向他们开枪会带来不和谐。

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Ray Soemarsono. Ray Soemarsono

Dehumanisation is a tactic used by lots of games but Watch Dogs does the opposite: there are efforts made to portray these people as more realistic (for example, via our use of the little ID cards that pop up when you point at them). Even without the profiler, you’re confronted with security guards and policemen in most missions: there is an obvious clash between the logic of the setting (‘these people are doing real-life jobs’) and the logic of the gameplay (‘I might kill them to facilitate the completion of my mission’).

非人性化是很多游戏所使用的一种策略,但“ 看门狗”却恰恰相反:我们正在努力将这些人描绘成更现实的角色(例如,通过使用指向您的身份证时会弹出的小身份证)。 即使没有探查器,在大多数任务中您也会遇到保安人员和警察:在设置逻辑(“这些人正在从事现实生活”)和游戏逻辑(“ I”之间,存在明显的冲突)可能会杀死他们以促进完成我的任务”)。

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“Former child actor? That’s cool.“
“前儿童演员? 这很酷。”

Another fundamental difference between both games is the gameplay approach. In Uncharted 4, Nathan Drake is constantly reacting to unexpected encounters with the PMC. He only carries a handgun (and pick-up weapons on bodies) and it’s made clear from the first combat situations (in Panama, Italy, and Scotland) that they’ll shoot without mercy. We could argue that Nathan is always in self-defense.

两种游戏之间的另一个根本区别是游戏玩法。 在《 神秘海域4》中 ,内森·德雷克(Nathan Drake)不断对与PMC的意外接触做出React。 他只携带手枪(以及身上的武器),从最初的战斗情况(在巴拿马,意大利和苏格兰)可以清楚地知道,他们将毫不留情地射击。 我们可以争辩说,内森总是自卫。

Meanwhile, in Watch Dogs 2, like in most other Ubisoft open-world titles, you get full control of how you approach an area, the tools you bring, how you recon, plan and execute your own strategy. This difference suddenly makes Marcus appear more like a psychopathic cold-killer.

同时,在《 看门狗2》中 ,就像在大多数其他Ubisoft开放世界游戏中一样,您可以完全控制自己对区域的访问方式,带来的工具,侦察,计划和执行自己的策略。 这种差异突然使Marcus看起来更像是一个精神病性的冷血杀手。

But still, in both games you end up shooting people in the heads, at least if you decide to or don’t manage to take them down silently. There is a ludonarrative dissonance in both, even if it’s not the same scale. How can they still both make us accept this conflicting violence?

但是,无论如何,至少在您决定或不设法使他们安静下来的情况下,在这两款游戏中,您最终都会开枪打人。 即使两者的音阶不同,两者也会产生幻觉不和谐。 他们俩仍如何使我们接受这种冲突的暴力?

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From the same Rolling Stone interview, Neil Druckmann proposed an answer to this question:

在同一《滚石》杂志的采访中,尼尔·德鲁克曼(Neil Druckmann)对这个问题提出了答案:

“It’s a stylized reality where the conflicts are lighter, where death doesn’t have the same weight.”


When you view things this way, the first scene of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune I made fun of earlier makes sense: in this universe, although closely resembling ours, being shot at without hesitation and having to kill pirates in self-defense is a perfectly reasonable thing to do, nothing to get too worried about. The dialogue accompanying this scene efficiently conveys the fact that this reality, the reality of Uncharted, is a stylisation of ours.

当您以这种方式看待事物时,我曾取笑过的《神秘海域:德雷克的财富》的第一个场景是有道理的:在这个宇宙中,尽管与我们非常相似,却毫不犹豫地被枪杀并且必须自卫杀死海盗,这是完全合理的要做的事,不必太担心。 与这一场景相关的对话有效地传达了这样一个事实,那就是,这个现实,《 神秘海域》的现实,是我们的一种风格。

Even if the visuals and everything else looks realistic, this isn’t our world. You don’t need to eliminate all ludonarrative dissonance. As long as the reality of your game universe does not diverge too much from the reality of your narration, and as long as each one is coherent with itself, it should make for a pretty entertaining experience.

即使视觉效果和其他一切看起来逼真, 这也不是我们的世界您无需消除所有的色情共鸣 。 只要您的游戏世界的真实性与您的叙述的真实性相差不大,并且只要每个人都与自身保持一致,就应该带来一种非常有趣的体验。

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翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/the-trial-of-nathan-drake-279c09c446c6

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