kotlin mapof_Kotlin mapOf和mutableMapOf性能之间的权衡

kotlin mapof

Recently, when doing a small coding challenge in Kotlin I was faced with the choice of mutableMapOf() or HashMap()


Being a Java old-timer, I went with HashMap() .


But but… all the Kotlin tutorials start with mapOf() and mutableMapOf() ?

但是,但是...所有的Kotlin教程下手 mapOf() mutableMapOf()

Afterwards, I had some interesting discovery to share here:


Behind the scene, both mapOf and mutableMapOf use Java’s LinkedHashMap data structure


Utimately, the comparison between mapOf, mutableMapOf() and HashMap() is down to LinkedHashMap vs. HashMap in Java.


These are the 2 most popular implementations of Map (or Dictionary or Hashtable if you will) data structure in Java. Here you can find a very detailed comparison between the too.

这是Java中Map (或字典或Hashtable)数据结构的2种最流行的实现。 在这里您也可以找到非常详细的比较。

The theory is that writing to a HashMap should be faster than a LinkedHashMap (as the former doesn’t care about maintaining insertion order). Also, the difference should be constant, not even linear.

从理论上讲,写入HashMap应该比LinkedHashMap更快(因为前者并不关心维护插入顺序)。 同样,差异应该是恒定的,甚至不是线性的。

Let’s measure them for fun anyway :)


写性能对决mutableMapOf()vs HashMap() (Write performance showdown mutableMapOf() vs HashMap())

We’ll be using the following function to initialize 2 maps, one with HashMap() and the other with mutableMapOf()


fun compareMapInits(repeat: Int, size: Int) {
    println(">>> compareMapInits for $size elements (repeated $repeat times)")
    var totalMutableMapRuntime: Long = 0
    var totalHashMapRuntime : Long = 0
    var countHashMapSlower = 0
    repeat(repeat) {
        // mutableMapOf()
        val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
        val map = mutableMapOf<Int, Int>()
        (0..size).forEach {
            map[it] = it
        val mutableMapRuntime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime
        totalMutableMapRuntime += mutableMapRuntime
        // HashMap()
        val startTime2 = System.currentTimeMillis()
        val map2 = HashMap<Int, Int>()
        (0..size).forEach {
            map2[it] = it
        val hashMapRuntime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime2
        totalHashMapRuntime += hashMapRuntime

        if (hashMapRuntime > mutableMapRuntime) {
    println("mutableMapOf() total time taken: $totalMutableMapRuntime ms")
    println("HashMap() total time taken: $totalHashMapRuntime ms")
    println("How often is HashMap() slower? ${countHashMapSlower}/$repeat")

一次运行 (One time run)

fun main() {
compareMapInits(1, 10)
compareMapInits(1, 100)
compareMapInits(1, 10_000)
compareMapInits(1, 1_000_000)

Results in


>>> compareMapInits for 10 elements (repeated 1 times)
- mutableMapOf: time taken: 3ms
- HashMap: time taken: 0ms
>>> compareMapInits for 100 elements (repeated 1 times)
- mutableMapOf: time taken: 0ms
- HashMap: time taken: 0ms
>>> compareMapInits for 10000 elements (repeated 1 times)
- mutableMapOf: time taken: 2ms
- HashMap: time taken: 1ms
>>> compareMapInits for 1000000 elements (repeated 1 times)
- mutableMapOf: time taken: 107ms
- HashMap: time taken: 119ms

What stands out here are:


  • For a small number of entries (10), mutableMapOf() takes more than 3 times to write compare to HashMap() ! But the difference is only 3ms in absolute terms. Let’s repeat the operation a number of times later as we might see a substantial difference.

    对于少量的条目(10),与HashMap()相比, mutableMapOf()写入时间要超过3倍! 但是绝对差只有3ms。 我们可能会看到很大的不同,让我们在以后重复操作多次。

  • For a large number of entries (1mil): mutableMapOf only takes longer by a few milliseconds compared to HashMap() most of the time. Interestingly, it’s sometimes faster than HashMap() . Let’s measure the probability below as well.

    对于大量条目(1百万):与大多数情况下相比,与HashMap()相比, mutableMapOf只需要花费几毫秒的时间。 有趣的是,它有时比HashMap()更快。 让我们也测量下面的概率。

重复运行 (Repetitive runs)

1k times:


fun main() {
compareMapInits(1000, 10)
compareMapInits(1000, 100)
compareMapInits(1000, 10_000)
compareMapInits(1000, 1_000_000)



>>> compareMapInits for 10 elements (repeated 1000 times)
mutableMapOf() total time taken: 5 ms
HashMap() total time taken: 2 ms
How often is HashMap() slower? 2/1000
>>> compareMapInits for 100 elements (repeated 1000 times)
mutableMapOf() total time taken: 8 ms
HashMap() total time taken: 10 ms
How often is HashMap() slower? 10/1000
>>> compareMapInits for 10000 elements (repeated 1000 times)
mutableMapOf() total time taken: 335 ms
HashMap() total time taken: 225 ms
How often is HashMap() slower? 206/1000
>>> compareMapInits for 1000000 elements (repeated 1000 times)
mutableMapOf() total time taken: 81266 ms
HashMap() total time taken: 69712 ms
How often is HashMap() slower? 180/1000
  • HashMap()write performance win increase significantly, in absolute terms when you repeat the operation many times.

    从绝对的角度来讲,当您多次重复操作时, HashMap()写入性能优势将大大提高。

  • Interestingly, when writing thousands of entries or more, there’s a ~20% chance HashMap() will be slower!


结论 (Conclusion)

HashMap() write is faster than mutableMapOf() a.k.a. Java’s LinkedHashMap

HashMap()写入速度比mutableMapOf() (又名Java的LinkedHashMap mutableMapOf()

The difference is constant and insignificant when writing millions of elements.


Unless you repeatedly write to maps many times, it’s probably not worth it using HashMap() over mutableMapOf() in production. since a wrong-order bug might be disastrous.

除非您多次重复编写地图,否则在生产环境中使用HashMap()而非mutableMapOf()可能不值得。 因为错误顺序的错误可能是灾难性的。

“Premature optimization is the root of all evil” — Donald Ervin Knuth

“过早的优化是万恶之源” —唐纳德·欧文·纳斯

On the other hand though, one should be careful about using ordered Map in production, IMHO. While it’s useful during a prototyping phase, over-reliance on Map data structure can be fragile and harmful for your production system in the long run. You never know what you’ll get from the API in a Map for example. Properly designed data classes should be preferred. For simple usage, List<KeyValuePair> can be a great choice IMO, as it explicitly states the importance of ordering here.

另一方面,恕我直言,在生产中使用有序Map应该要小心。 虽然在原型制作阶段它很有用,但从长远来看,对Map数据结构的过度依赖可能对您的生产系统脆弱且有害。 例如,您永远都不知道从Map中的API会获得什么。 正确设计的数据类应该是首选。 对于简单用法, List<KeyValuePair>可能是IMO的不错选择,因为它在此明确指出了订购的重要性。

What do you guys think?


P.S. I wonder if mentioning the performance win for HashMap() vs. mutableMapOf() will gain you some bonus points in a data structure and algorithm interview though.


进一步阅读 (Further reading)

They are not the only implementation of Map of course. TreeHashMap is useful in certain scenarios for example.

当然,它们并不是Map的唯一实现。 例如,TreeHashMap在某些情况下很有用。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/kotlin-mutable-map-write-performance-90bd14bc67b0

kotlin mapof

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