
移动应用开发 (Mobile app development)

理念 (Idea)

Coming up with a good idea is difficult. Coming up with an idea no one’s ever come up before is extremely difficult. Many people make the mistake of being so impatient that they just jump right into development without looking into details. Then, they end up with a half baked application, which doesn’t really solve any problems.

想出一个好主意很难。 想出一个前所未有的主意非常困难。 许多人犯了这么急躁的错误,以至于他们直接进入开发而不关注细节。 然后,他们最终得到了一个半熟的应用程序,但实际上并不能解决任何问题。

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Mikołaj Mikołaj的插图

Creating another classic Tic Tac Toe game may not be a good idea; there are plenty of similar games on Google Play. However, when you combine it with the AR technology, it may turn out to be a massive success because it brings a breath of fresh air.

制作另一个经典的Tic Tac Toe游戏可能不是一个好主意。 Google Play上有很多类似的游戏。 但是,将其与AR技术结合使用时,它可能会带来巨大的成功,因为它带来了新鲜空气。

You don’t actually always need a unique idea; you just need to do something better than the others. Take a look at the competition apps and try to think of the things you could do better or find the gaps. Maybe the competition is costly, or their application only targets high-end devices, or it’s not available in your country.

实际上,您并不总是需要一个独特的想法。 您只需要做比其他事情更好的事情即可。 看一下竞赛应用程序,尝试考虑可以做得更好或发现差距的事情。 也许竞争成本很高,或者它们的应用仅针对高端设备,或者在您所在的国家/地区不可用。

Ask yourself, ‘What problems will my application solve?’


技术 (Technology)

You may be tempted at first to use cross-platform technologies to ‘write once, deploy everywhere,’ to save money. Solutions like React Native or Flutter sound good and could indeed work for simple applications. Using them for more complicated projects may lead to you having to hire 2 additional developers, 1 for each operating system (Android, iOS) to work on platform-specific cases, so there goes saving money.

您可能一开始会想使用跨平台技术来“编写一次,部署到各处”以节省资金。 像React Native或Flutter这样的解决方案听起来不错,并且确实可以用于简单的应用程序。 将它们用于更复杂的项目可能会导致您不得不额外雇用2个开发人员,每个操作系统(Android,iOS)都需要雇用1个开发人员来处理特定于平台的情况,因此省钱了。

Personally, I stick to this rule ‘Use React Native or Flutter for quick prototyping, use native approach when building the final product.’

我个人坚持这条规则:“使用React Native或Flutter进行快速原型制作,在构建最终产品时使用本机方法。”

When you finally decide which software development kit (SDK) you will use, it’s time to think about the app architecture. Tech blogs are always full of articles about ‘the ultimate approach,’ ‘the ultimate software library’ that you should use all the time. Don’t fall into that trap. Choose a proven architecture and stick to well-known software libraries.

当您最终决定要使用哪种软件开发套件(SDK)时,就该考虑一下应用程序体系结构了。 技术博客上到处都是关于“终极方法”,“终极软件库”的文章,您应该一直使用它们。 不要陷入陷阱。 选择一种经过验证的体系结构并坚持使用著名的软件库。

Some software architectures require more work than the others, but they all serve a purpose. They make development easier and lower the cost of maintenance. Suffice to say it’s wise to spend some time at the beginning of work to incorporate the correct architecture. It will certainly pay off in the long run.

某些软件体系结构比其他软件体系结构需要更多的工作,但是它们都可以达到目的。 它们使开发更加容易,并降低了维护成本。 可以说在工作开始时花一些时间来合并正确的体系结构是明智的。 从长远来看,它肯定会有所回报。

And remember, don’t rewrite the entire application every couple of months, just because you learned a new framework. You should be working on new features instead!

请记住,不要每隔几个月就重写整个应用程序,仅因为您学习了一个新框架即可。 您应该改用新功能!

测试中 (Testing)

The list of Android devices is very long! Take a look at this list of Android smartphones. Ideally, you would like your app to work the same way on every device, to behave in the same manner, to have graphics crisp on every screen. It is not impossible, but it sure is hard to do. You will end up creating different layouts for particular devices so the app can look good despite the device’s limited screen size.

Android设备列表很长! 看一下这份Android智能手机列表 。 理想情况下,您希望您的应用在每个设备上以相同的方式工作,以相同的方式运行,以在每个屏幕上显示清晰的图形。 这不是不可能,但确实很难做到。 您最终将为特定设备创建不同的布局,因此尽管设备的屏幕尺寸有限,该应用仍可以看起来不错。

That’s why it’s so important to test thoroughly. You want to find possible bugs before you learn about them from 1-star reviews. Run your app on a bunch of low-end as well as high-end devices with different Android versions.

这就是为什么进行全面测试如此重要的原因。 您想要先找到可能的错误,然后再通过1星级评论来了解它们。 在具有不同Android版本的一系列低端和高端设备上运行您的应用程序。

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Mikołaj Mikołaj的插图

发布您的应用 (Publishing your app)

Configure your app’s availability by choosing which countries you want to target.


If your application helps cyclists in Amsterdam find the best cycle route, you don’t need to make it available in e.g., Poland.


With games, you want to have a broad audience. So be sure to select every country possible, because honestly who doesn’t like games?

借助游戏,您希望拥有广泛的受众。 因此,请务必选择所有可能的国家/地区,因为老实说,谁不喜欢游戏?

If your app has content that’s inappropriate for children, don’t risk getting the app removed from Google Play and exclude them from your audience.

如果您的应用包含不适合儿童观看的内容,请不要冒险将其从Google Play中删除并将其排除在听众之外。

Decide on a monetization model:


  • Subscriptions work best when you provide a service or offer access to content.

  • In-app purchases are used to sell items or additional features.

  • Advertising — you get paid for showing Google AdMod ads.

    广告-由于展示Google AdMod广告而获得报酬。
  • Paid apps — you set a price for your app.


你还没完成 (You are not done yet)

Publishing an app to Google Play store is just the beginning of a journey. Use social media to let people know about your new product. Try to answer as many questions as possible and write down every feature request you receive from users. If you see that many people request the same thing, you know it’s a way to go. Users will appreciate that you are listening to them and deliver what they ask for. Don’t get defensive if you get negative reviews. Reach out to those users and ask them what they think should be improved.

将应用程序发布到Google Play商店仅仅是旅程的开始。 使用社交媒体让人们知道您的新产品。 尝试回答尽可能多的问题,并写下您从用户那里收到的每个功能请求。 如果您看到很多人都要求同一件事,那您就知道这是一条路。 用户会欣赏您正在倾听他们的意见,并满足他们的要求。 如果您得到负面评价,请不要防御。 与这些用户联系,并询问他们认为应该改进的地方。

Image for post
Mikołaj Mikołaj的插图

Consider starting an advertising campaign to increase the reach of your app. This can be a bit pricey, but it will surely pay off when done correctly.

考虑启动广告系列以扩大应用范围。 这可能会有点昂贵,但如果正确完成,肯定会有所回报。

结论 (Conclusion)

Building a successful app is not all about coding. Many little elements add to your application success, like:

构建成功的应用程序不仅仅涉及编码。 许多小要素可增加应用程序的成功率,例如:

  • having a great idea,

  • choosing the right technology,

  • choosing the right monetization model,

  • having communication channels with the app users,

  • providing ongoing support and regular updates based on user feedback,

  • promoting an app through social media.


You don’t have to know how to do all of this. Remember that innovation is the key, so come up with a great idea and let Amsterdam Standard help you with the rest ;)

您不必知道如何做所有这些事情。 请记住,创新是关键,所以想出一个好主意,让 Amsterdam Standard 在其余方面为您提供帮助;)

翻译自: https://medium.com/amsterdam-standard/how-to-create-a-successful-android-app-3211328421d3

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