

Phone, text and email should work like DNS entries


You see it every day — please fill out your address, phone number, and email.


Some company puts it into their database. It lives there forever — even after it’s no longer accurate. It is put into marketing lists and sold to the highest bidder. It’s stolen by hackers and re-sold to spammers. Once you give it out, you can’t take it back.

某公司将其放入他们的数据库中。 它永远在那里存在-即使它不再精确。 它被放入市场营销清单并出售给出价最高的人。 它被黑客窃取,然后重新出售给垃圾邮件发送者。 一旦发出,就无法收回。

Anyone who gets your contact information can interrupt you at any time and consume your attention. More than half of communications sent by phone, email or postal mail are now robots trying to get the attention of humans.

任何获取您的联系信息的人都可以随时打断您并引起您的注意。 现在,通过电话,电子邮件或邮政发送的通信中,有一半以上是机器人,试图引起人们的注意。

Our surveys find people are increasingly giving out incorrect or dead-end contact information because of these problems. And real people are finding it hard to reach each other for real communications — because every communication is presumed guilty of being a SPAM or scam until proven innocent. What if we’re doing contact information all wrong?

我们的调查发现,由于这些问题,人们越来越多地给出不正确无用的联系信息。 真实的人发现彼此之间很难进行真正的交流-因为在被证明是无辜的之前,每次交流都被认为是垃圾邮件或诈骗。 如果我们输入的联系信息全错了怎么办?

The basic architecture of contact information is broken. We need to move from a Rolodex model to an internet DNS model.

联系人信息的基本体系结构已损坏。 我们需要从Rolodex模型转变为Internet DNS模型。

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我们仍在使用Rolodex模型 (We’re Still Using the Rolodex Model)

In the pre-internet era, humans faced severe limits on how information could be accessed and updated. We built our system of contact information based on those limits. It was necessary for each individual to have a Rolodex of phone numbers for people they know. You needed printed information on your desk, so you could dial the phone or put an address on a letter.

在前Internet时代,人类在如何访问和更新信息方面面临着严格的限制。 我们根据这些限制建立了联系信息系统 每个人都有必要为认识的人提供电话号码Rolodex。 您需要在办公桌上打印信息,以便可以拨打电话或在信件上写地址。

Today, we’ve put those handwritten Rolodex cards into digital form on our smartphones. We’ve put those paper customer files into CRM systems and marketing databases. But the underlying architecture has remained the same.

今天,我们已经将这些手写的Rolodex卡以数字形式放在我们的智能手机上。 我们已将这些纸质客户文件放入CRM系统和营销数据库中。 但是底层架构保持不变。

Today, your contact information exists in hundreds of different places — in your friends’ phones, in your doctor’s electronic medical record, in the customer databases of your favorite companies, and in the databases of spammers and scammers. In some of those places, it’s correct and up to date. In other places, it’s wrong or outdated.

如今,您的联系信息存在于数百个不同的地方-朋友的电话,医生的电子病历,您最喜欢的公司的客户数据库以及垃圾邮件发送者和诈骗者的数据库中。 在某些地方,它是正确的并且是最新的。 在其他地方,这是错误的或过时的。

The “benefit” to this approach, in theory, is to limit the number of people and companies that can interrupt us and harvest our attention with a sales pitch. It hasn’t worked. Most communications now are robots trying to get the attention of humans.

从理论上讲,此方法的“好处”是限制可以打扰我们并以销售方式吸引我们注意力的人员和公司的数量。 它没有用。 现在,大多数通信都是试图引起人类注意的机器人

It’s time for radical change in how we think about contact information. Let’s start with a simple example.

现在应该彻底改变我们对联系信息的看法。 让我们从一个简单的例子开始。

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固定邮政地址 (Fixing Postal Addresses)

A postal address is really a sensible thing for a building to have. A letter sent to that address will get to the right building almost every time, across years and decades. The building is not going to move anywhere.

邮政地址对于建筑物而言确实是明智之举。 多年来和几十年来,几乎每一次发送到该地址的信都会到达正确的建筑物。 该建筑物将不会移动到任何地方。

But a postal address for a person? The likelihood that a letter will get to the right person declines dramatically with the time since the address was collected. After 5 years, more than half of the time the letter will not arrive to the right person.

但是一个人的邮政地址? 自从收集地址以来,写信给合适的人的可能性就大大降低了。 5年后,超过一半的时间将不会将信件送达合适的人。

The right thing for a national post office to do, is to assign everyone a postal number at birth. When you give your address to your state DMV, or to the wireless company for billing purposes, you would give them this postal number.

国家邮局要做的正确的事情是为每个人分配出生时的邮政编号。 当您将地址提供给州DMV或出于计费目的而提供给无线公司时,您将给他们提供该邮政编码。

You would be responsible for keeping the Post Office updated with an accurate physical address or mailbox to deliver your mail to. If you move from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon — just walk into the local post office in Oregon, prove your identity, and tell the USPS where to send the mail now.

您将负责使用正确的实际地址或邮箱来更新邮局,以将您的邮件传递到该邮箱。 如果您从缅因州的波特兰搬到俄勒冈州的波特兰,只需走进俄勒冈州的当地邮局,证明您的身份,并告诉USPS现在将邮件发送到哪里。

What you would never again be responsible for, is keeping your mailing address current and correct in the separate databases of hundreds of companies, hundreds of individuals, and dozens of governmental agencies from the local to the national.


That’s how you make the post office work like DNS — the internet domain name system you used to find and access this article.


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为什么DNS是更好的系统 (Why DNS is a Better System)

When you register a domain name, such as Medium.com, you are creating a trusted path for others to find you. You are registering your website’s current IP address with an Authoritative Name Server, essentially a “Post Office”, who tells everyone else where to find you right now.

当您注册一个域名(例如Medium.com)时,您正在创建一个供其他人找到的受信任路径。 您正在使用权威名称服务器(实际上是“邮局”)注册网站的当前IP地址,后者会告诉其他人现在在哪里可以找到您。

The DNS system is open, so that any person or entity can register an address. It’s largely managed by private companies. As we think about a better addressing system for the internet era, DNS shows us that it doesn’t have to be a monopoly or governmental solution. As long as everyone agrees on the process to follow in looking up an address, it can be both authoritative and decentralized.

DNS系统是开放的,因此任何人或实体都可以注册地址。 它主要由私人公司管理。 当我们考虑到一个更好的互联网时代的寻址系统时,DNS向我们表明它不必是垄断或政府解决方案。 只要每个人都同意在查找地址时遵循的程序,它既可以是权威性的,也可以是分散式的。

The DNS system is not perfect, but the system overall has proven robust. The likelihood of reaching a URL address, from google.com to irs.gov, is much higher than the likelihood of reaching a person via email or phone call. DNS outages (usually driven by DDoS attacks like this one) do happen, but the overall reliability of the system is high.

DNS系统并不完美,但是事实证明该系统总体上很健壮。 从google.comirs.gov到达URL地址的可能性远高于通过电子邮件或电话与某人到达的可能性。 DNS中断(通常由DDoS攻击驱动像这样的)确实会发生,但系统的整体可靠性高。

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毕竟是物联网 (It’s IOT After All)

Human beings are things on the internet. It’s an IOT world, and it makes sense that every person would have an authoritative internet address that follows them throughout their life, and is used for official purposes as well as commercial purposes.

人是互联网上的事物。 这是一个物联网的世界,每个人都有一生都可以跟随他们的权威互联网地址,并且可以用于官方目的和商业目的。

I’m not optimistic that Congress and the Post Office will come up with any official solutions. So let’s focus on what the tech community can build to make the contact info we already have work more like DNS.

我不乐观国会和邮局会提出任何正式解决方案。 因此,让我们专注于技术社区可以建立什么以使我们已经拥有的联系信息更像DNS。

We’d create a private service where you would keep your private contact information on file, and update it over time. The service would also give you a permanent, public web address you can put into directories and your social media profiles. Something like https://ContactLink.com/jesse-hercules

我们将创建一个私人服务,您将在其中保留您的私人联系信息,并随时间更新。 该服务还将为您提供一个永久的公共网址,您可以将其放入目录和社交媒体资料中。 像https://ContactLink.com/jesse-hercules之类的东西

Now you have a permanent address, and the ability to change the underlying contact information as times, preferences and technology changes.


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公共演讲需要看门人 (A Public Address Needs a Gatekeeper)

But we can’t just display your phone number and email address on the web. That would make the problem of SPAM, Robocalls, junk mail and other unwanted sales pitches even worse.

但是我们不能只在网络上显示您的电话号码和电子邮件地址。 这将使垃圾邮件,Robocalls,垃圾邮件和其他不必要的销售问题更加严重。

To solve the contact information problem, you have to decouple contact information from the power to interrupt and harvest attention. I should be able to have a public web address as my contact information, without letting every spam-bot in the world interrupt me.

要解决联系信息问题,您必须将联系信息与电源分离,以打断并吸引注意力。 我应该能够使用公共网址作为我的联系信息,而不会让世界上的每个垃圾邮件机器人都打扰我。

Your public web address is really the address of your gatekeeper. An intelligent agent who determines which calls and messages should get through to you. Back in the Rolodex era, you’d have your phone number in the telephone book and then hire a human assistant.

您的公开网址实际上就是网守的地址。 一个智能的座席,可以确定应将哪些呼叫和消息发送给您。 在Rolodex时代,您会在电话簿中输入您的电话号码,然后聘请人工助手。

In the internet era, an automated assistant can do the same job.


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同时解决两个问题 (Solving Both Problems at Once)

Here’s the future: each of us will have a URL that is our authoritative address. Like registering a domain name, we will pick a qualified, vetted vendor to host the URL and provide an automated screening / assistant service.

这就是未来:我们每个人都会有一个URL,这是我们的权威地址。 就像注册域名一样,我们将选择经过审查的合格供应商来托管URL,并提供自动筛选/助理服务。

The automated assistant has the job of determining the identity of the sender, determining the importance of the communication to us, and forwarding the communications that should get through to us.


The other person never gets your phone number or email address. Instead, they are logged into the website at your public web address, and they get a button there to call you, text you, send you an email or start a video call.

对方永远不会获得您的电话号码或电子邮件地址。 相反,他们在您的公共网址上登录了该网站,并在其中找到一个按钮来打电话给您,向您发送短信,向您发送电子邮件或发起视频通话。

Emails and text messages are forwarded to you, audio or video calls are connected though to you … but your phone number and email address are never revealed to the other person.


It’s a system designed from the ground up to be safe and secure — the opposite of today’s Rolodex system for contact information.


普遍性是秘密武器 (Universality is the Secret Weapon)

One major reason apps like Signal, Telegram, Messenger and WhatsApp have not replaced phone, text and email is that they’re not universal. You can’t assume the other person has the same App you do, or wants to use it.

信号,电报,Messenger和WhatsApp之类的应用未取代电话,文本和电子邮件的主要原因之一是它们不通用。 您不能假设其他人拥有与您相同的应用程序,或想使用它。

Having a web address for your gatekeeper solves the problem. Since everyone can use a web page, they don’t have to learn anything new to contact you this way. They don’t need to download or install anything, or agree to the Terms & Conditions of a company that’s trying to monitor and monetize them.

为网闸提供网址可以解决该问题。 由于每个人都可以使用网页,因此他们无需学习任何新知识即可与您联系。 他们不需要下载或安装任何东西,也不需要同意试图对其进行监控和获利的公司的条款和条件

Using a web page has become as universal as using a phone or using email. You can give someone a web address and be 100% confident they can access and use it. It’s universal.

使用网页已变得与使用电话或电子邮件一样普遍。 您可以给某人一个网址,并让他们100%确信可以访问和使用它。 这是普遍的。

To be universal, the system also has to be reverse-compatible. I can’t ask others to take on a new inbox just to communicate with me. When you send me communications through my gatekeeper, my replies or return calls arrive back to your regular phone or email.

为了通用,该系统还必须是反向兼容的。 我不能要求其他人只是为了与我交流而使用新的收件箱。 当您通过网守向我发送通讯时,我的答复或回电将回到您的普通电话或电子邮件中。

I don’t have your phone number or email either — my gatekeeper is protecting your privacy also by holding your contact information and forwarding my communications to you.


The future is a two-sided privacy model with a trusted intermediary.


有人会创造未来吗? (Will Anyone Build the Future?)

The current state of contact information benefits all the established players — that’s why it hasn’t changed.


The major email providers (Google and Microsoft) are also big players in advertising and marketing. Phone carriers like Verizon and AT&T get paid based on the volume of calls and text messages sent over their networks. The companies that take your phone and email, then fill your inboxes with advertisements and “reminders”, all love the way contact information works.

主要的电子邮件提供商(Google和Microsoft)在广告和市场营销中也扮演着重要角色。 Verizon和AT&T等电话运营商会根据通过其网络发送的电话和短信的数量获得报酬。 接收电话和电子邮件,然后在收件箱中填充广告和“提醒”的公司,都喜欢联系信息的工作方式。

To build the future, it will take a small, scrappy company that’s not beholden to the advertising-marketing complex. And it will take subscribers who are willing to pay more than $0 for a permanent address and a gatekeeper.

为了构筑未来,将需要一家规模小,松散的公司,并且不依赖于广告营销中心。 订户将愿意为永久地址和网守支付超过0美元的费用。

I’m aware of at least one team working on the problem — watch this space for news about the progress at ContactLink.


翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/were-doing-contact-info-wrong-534bde524a8f


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