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翻译 数据库身份证号加密密码加密_您是否应该加密数据库中的电子邮件

数据库身份证号加密密码加密When I was working on my user management system, I thought about how to store the email addresses in the database. I wanted as much security as possible while maintaining a functional app...

2020-10-12 08:01:30 1315

翻译 打开方式路径错误_在做联系方式错误

打开方式路径错误Phone, text and email should work like DNS entries电话,文本和电子邮件应该像DNS条目一样工作You see it every day — please fill out your address, phone number, and email.您每天都会看到它-请填写您的地址,电话号码和电子邮件。Some company p...

2020-10-12 07:52:11 682

翻译 动力节点数据库脚本下载_带有类型脚本的节点js中的简单加密库

动力节点数据库脚本下载In a project that I worked on a while ago, I was presented with a problem that wasn’t very unique. It involved how we could safely pass identifiable user information such as phone numbers e...

2020-10-12 07:42:08 250

翻译 玩罢工

Recently one of my clients received a well-performed phishing attack with an “invoice”, that like a lot of attachments was malware. Everything seemed to be legit except that the invoice ended in one o...

2020-10-12 07:33:00 1150

翻译 python公斤转克_1970年代公斤级键盘记录器提供的三项网络安全课程

python公斤转克A keylogger is a piece of software or hardware that records what you type, presumably so some bad guy can steal your secret data. You might think the earliest one used a PS/2 connector or in...

2020-10-12 07:22:46 208

翻译 sql注入 安全_安全基础sql注入

sql注入 安全As one of the most historically prominent vulnerabilities out there, SQL injections have likely caused millions (if not billions) of dollars worth of damages to thousands of companies over the...

2020-10-12 07:12:21 161

翻译 rsa已有40多年的历史了,但仍然很棒,可以破解它

I really dislike those CAPTCHA puzzles, and especially when there’s a little bit of a traffic light that you have to select, or where I’m asked to find the crosswalk — in the UK we would call them Zeb...

2020-09-03 14:51:01 656

翻译 量子威胁_如何消除量子安全威胁

量子威胁A new type of computer threatens to shatter today’s security protocols, no matter how sophisticated. Quantum computers are on the brink of maturity, and they’re 无论多么复杂,新型计算机都可能破坏当今的安全协议。 量子计算机正处于成...

2020-09-03 14:41:02 492

翻译 nginx 双向证书验证_使用Nginx的基于证书的双向TLS身份验证

nginx 双向证书验证Additional layer of security for your Flask or FastAPI serverFlask或FastAPI服务器的附加安全层You will learn to create self-signed server certificates in order to serve your web application as https...

2020-09-03 14:31:22 1638

翻译 将清单文件转换为Windows Defender文档

tl;dr I learned how to decrypt .manifest files and used them to document data fields in Windows Defender. (.manifest can be seen here)tl; dr我学习了如何解密.manifest文件并将其用于记录Windows Defender中的数据字段。 (.manifest...

2020-09-01 12:11:14 88

翻译 rnn 简要_简要认证

rnn 简要There are many vulnerabilities in web. MySpace suffered from XSS(Cross Site Scripting). Twitter has suffered many data leaks. But data leaks is something that can be prevented as well as protect...

2020-09-01 12:00:20 158

翻译 初创公司需要哪些部门_哪些初创公司在安全方面犯了错误

初创公司需要哪些部门You had a great idea that is somehow also making money, and you’ve decided to bootstrap it into a full-fledged company. Congrats, you have a startup. In today’s market, it seems like we are ...

2020-09-01 11:50:06 363

翻译 如何轻松启动您的appsec程序

A practical guide to building a scalable Application Security Design Review process through threat modeling and empowerment.通过威胁建模和授权构建可扩展的“应用程序安全性设计审查”流程的实用指南。By: James Chiappetta 创建人: James Chiappe...

2020-09-01 11:41:04 120

翻译 物联网网络安全_物联网网络及其安全

物联网网络安全This article is based on a guest lecture delivered at the Technical University of Denmark.本文基于丹麦技术大学的客座演讲。I’m an IoT researcher with more than 10 years of experience in low-power wireless netw...

2020-09-01 11:30:45 1187

翻译 disc 猫头鹰_猫头鹰2020

disc 猫头鹰安全风险和漏洞(Security Risks & Vulnerabilities)什么是OWASP?(What is OWASP?)OWASP stands for the Open Web Application Security Project, an online community that produces articles, methodologies, d...

2020-09-01 11:21:19 356

翻译 web调用键盘显示_Web辅助功能键盘导航

web调用键盘显示This is the second article in a series about web accessibility that aims to provide designers, developers and product owners with an understanding of the common challenges, who they affect an...

2020-08-18 12:24:35 530

翻译 vanilla js_用Vanilla js编写前端组件

vanilla jsThere’s so much hype these days around front-end frameworks (React, Angular, Vue) that I thought I would stop and think about what the problem is that these frameworks are solving and what t...

2020-08-11 01:28:54 392

翻译 谈谈面向接口编程理解_让我们谈谈功能编程

谈谈面向接口编程理解Most of what I will discuss in this article is knowledge accumulated from reading, “Functional Programming in JavaScript”, by Luis Atencio. Let’s dig right in… 我将在本文中讨论的大部分内容是Luis Atencio所著的...

2020-08-11 01:19:38 127

翻译 javascript面向对象编程的介绍

I was so inspired by Spike Jonze’s live Documentary “Beastie Boys Story” that I wanted to find a way to feature them in my programming blog. After I spent some time thinking about a topic that might c...

2020-08-11 01:10:09 81

翻译 巴比伦js_巴比伦js中的运动建模

巴比伦js 灵感来源 (The Inspiration)The idea seems intuitive. We all have seen the lights leaving beautiful trajectories, and we want to record the transient moment so we can keep it. Picasso famously made s...

2020-08-11 01:00:12 735

翻译 使用React测试库进行交互测试

我的旅途 (My Journey)Testing is complicated. I’ve certainly never been good at it. For the longest time, I’ve only been focused on basic function input-output unit tests. Why? Because they were easy — y...

2020-08-11 00:50:58 171

翻译 如何将swagger添加到Node.js Rest API Typescript版本

API development has become an integral part of any web development. API’s are the ones which decouple the server and the client. With the advent of REST APIs, it has become more common to consume JSON...

2020-08-11 00:41:37 503



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