谷歌手机pixel4 夜景_您应该购买Google Pixel 4a的5个理由

谷歌手机pixel4 夜景

Let me get right into this. I’m going to list five reasons why one should pick up the Pixel 4a. I’ve personally been using this device for nearly a month and it has changed my entire mindset on smartphones. I’ll get to why in a little bit…

L等我马上到这一点。 我将列出五个为什么要使用Pixel 4a的原因。 我个人已经使用该设备近一个月了,它改变了我在智能手机上的整个思维方式。 我稍后会解释为什么...

1.尺寸 (1. Size)

The Pixel 4a is considered a compact device at least in 2020 standards. It has a 5.8 inch Full HD OLED display, which for its price, performs very well. It also has a hole punch, which is a first for Google, and honestly, this is a good step in the right direction. More screen and less bezel. This is what we wanted to see from Google and we finally got it with the Pixel 4a.

Pixel 4a至少在2020年标准中被视为紧凑型设备。 它具有5.8英寸全高清OLED显示屏,以其价格而言,它的表现非常出色。 它还有打Kong器,这对Google来说是第一个,老实说,这是朝正确方向迈出的重要一步。 屏幕更多,边框更少。 这就是我们希望从Google看到的东西,我们终于在Pixel 4a上获得了它。

2.特点 (2. Features)

The Pixel 4a has a superfast physical fingerprint reader, fast charging capabilities coming in at 18W, dual speakers, and a headphone jack. A lot of people still use the headphone jack believe it or not and it’s surprising to consider the headphone jack as an additional feature in phones nowadays. I’m really glad that the Pixel 4a has a physical fingerprint reader because now that we are wearing masks, it just eases the process of unlocking your device.

Pixel 4a具有超快的物理指纹读取器,18W的快速充电功能,双扬声器和耳机插Kong。 不管相信与否,仍然有很多人使用耳机插Kong,如今将耳机插Kong作为电话的附加功能令人惊讶。 我真的很高兴Pixel 4a带有物理指纹读取器,因为现在我们戴着口罩,它可以简化解锁设备的过程。

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Image: MTG Productions/YouTube
图片:MTG Productions / YouTube

3.软件 (3. Software)

Software is a key factor for Pixel phones especially in the eyes of Google. They’re Google’s way of showcasing what they envision their operating system to look like. For the Pixel 4a, you are guaranteed 3 years of software updates. So, we’ll see the Pixel 4a run Android 11, 12, and 13. With Google, they don’t add anything to the Pixel 4a like no bloatware or add ons, just pure stock Android. This phone is buttery smooth. The Snapdragon 730G chipset paired with the efficiency of Android 11 really works well.

软件是Pixel手机的关键因素,尤其是在Google看来。 它们是Google展示其设想的操作系统外观的方式。 对于Pixel 4a,可以保证3年的软件更新。 因此,我们将看到Pixel 4a运行Android 11、12和13。有了Google,他们不会向Pixel 4a添加任何东西,就像没有膨胀软件或添加附件一样,只是纯库存的Android。 这款手机黄油光滑。 Snapdragon 730G芯片组与Android 11的效率相匹配,确实运行良好。

4.相机 (4. Camera)

Google Pixel devices are known for their amazing performance in the camera department for years now, and guess what? The Pixel 4a is no different. The results you get from this phone makes you wonder how photos so good come from a 349 dollar device. Well, Google has nailed computational photography and they prove that one camera lens is capable of performing very well. Night sight on the Pixel 4a is a different story. It is dope! Every company is trying to add a night mode on their devices, but night sight still shines as the king of night modes. Nobody comes close to what you get in the Pixel 4a. If you’re looking for a device with a stellar camera, the Pixel 4a should be at the top of your list.

Google Pixel设备以其多年来在相机部门的出色表现而闻名,您猜怎么着? Pixel 4a没什么不同。 您从这款手机获得的结果使您想知道349美元的设备的照片效果如何。 好吧,Google钉上了计算摄影技术,他们证明了一个摄像头镜头能够表现出色。 Pixel 4a上的夜视情况则不同。 是浓汤! 每个公司都试图在其设备上添加夜间模式,但夜视仪仍然是夜间模式之王。 没有人能像您在Pixel 4a中获得的那样接近。 如果您正在寻找带有恒星相机的设备,则Pixel 4a应该位于列表的顶部。

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Image: MTG Productions/YouTube
图片:MTG Productions / YouTube

5.价格 (5. Price)

$349. 128GB. 6GB of RAM. Good job Google. I mean it. The pricing is just on point. There is only one size and configuration for the Pixel 4a, but Google played it well with the choices of its only configuration. For $349, this is the perfect Pixel that Google has brought out. I have a feeling that Google is going to focus more on midrange devices from now on, given its popularity. Remember, the Pixel 3a from 2019 was priced at $399 for 64GB of storage. Google did play well on price. The Pixel 4a doesn’t have any huge compromises that push you away from it but grabs your attention.

349美元。 128GB。 6GB的RAM。 Google做得好。 我是认真的。 定价是准时的。 Pixel 4a只有一种尺寸和配置,但是Google在选择其唯一配置时表现良好。 售价349美元,这是Google推出的完美Pixel。 鉴于其受欢迎程度,我觉得Google从现在开始将更加专注于中端设备。 请记住,2019年的Pixel 3a的64GB存储价格为399美元。 Google在价格上确实表现出色。 Pixel 4a没有任何让您退却的巨大妥协,但吸引了您的注意。

There you have it. There are so many of us that fit into at least one of these categories and if we do, then the Pixel 4a is a good fit as a smartphone. Oh. Yes. This is how the 4a has changed my outlook on smartphones. Good phones are getting cheap and vice versa, cheap phones are getting good. We honestly don’t need flagship smartphones like the Galaxy Note20 Ultra or the iPhone 11 Pro Max. The Pixel 4a is capable of doing more than we know…

你有它。 我们中有很多人至少适合其中一种类别,如果我们这样做,那么Pixel 4a可以很好地用作智能手机。 哦。 是。 这就是4a改变了我对智能手机的看法的方式。 好的电话越来越便宜,反之亦然,便宜的电话越来越好。 老实说,我们不需要旗舰智能手机,例如Galaxy Note20 Ultra或iPhone 11 Pro Max。 Pixel 4a的功能超出我们所知……


谷歌手机pixel4 夜景





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