人月神话 人件_美国人仍然相信这些常见的技术神话


人月神话 人件

A quarter of Americans surveyed think that 5G can make you sick. (Nope.) That’s not all — see what other absurdities make the list.

四分之一的美国人认为5G会让您生病。 (不。)还不止这些,请参阅其他荒谬内容。

By Sherin Shibu

Sherin Shib u

Is what you believe about technology rooted in fact or fiction?


Last year, we reported on tech myths people still believe: that more megapixels in a digital camera make for a better picture (they don’t), and that charging a phone overnight somehow harms the battery (it doesn’t). Tech myths haven’t gone away since then, so HighSpeedInternet.com researchers renewed the report for 2020.

去年,我们报道了技术神话,人们仍然相信:数码相机中的百万像素像素可以拍出更好的照片(事实并非如此),而整夜为手机充电会以某种方式损害电池(事实并非如此)。 从那时起,技术神话就没有消失,因此HighSpeedInternet.com研究人员将报告重新发布为2020年。

They anonymously surveyed 1,000 Americans to uncover what the public believes about emerging technology. This year’s report is teeming with new myths, some that even you might think are true.

他们匿名调查了1,000名美国人,以发现公众对新兴技术的看法。 今年的报告充满了新的神话,有些甚至您可能都认为是真实的。

For one, 5G cellular networks don’t make you sick, although 25 percent of Americans believe otherwise. 5G is a non-ionizing radiation, which isn’t strong enough to harm people, and it’s similar to other familiar cellular tech.

首先,尽管25%的美国人认为5G蜂窝网络不会让您感到不适。 5G是一种非电离辐射,强度不足以伤害人们,它类似于其他熟悉的蜂窝技术。

If you think 5G will replace 4G, think again (86 percent of survey respondents will have to). 5G is actually built on top of the 4G network, and so if your phone is operational on 4G, it’ll still work after a 5G upgrade. 5GE doesn’t mean the same thing as 5G, by the way; it’s the precursor to 5G. AT&T has actually faced a lawsuit over branding its 5GE services misleadingly.

如果您认为5G将取代4G,请再考虑一次(86%的调查受访者必须这样做)。 5G实际上是建立在4G网络之上的,因此,如果您的手机可以在4G上运行,则在5G升级后它仍然可以工作。 顺便说一句,5GE与5G并不相同。 它是5G的先驱。 实际上,AT&T因误导其5GE服务品牌而面临诉讼。

Now onto satellites. Have you ever thought that low-Earth orbit satellites will obscure a great starry-night view? Over a third of respondents (36 percent) thought so. The launch of hundreds of satellites in recent years might have brought about this concern, but satellites such as SpaceX’s Starlink are shielded with a non-reflective substance and sunshades. What really interferes with astronomers’ views of planets and stars is the light of cities reflecting from clouds.

现在进入卫星。 您是否曾经想到过低地球轨道的卫星会掩盖星夜的美景? 超过三分之一的受访者(36%)认为是这样。 近年来发射数百颗卫星可能引起了这种担忧,但是诸如SpaceX的Starlink之类的卫星被非反射性物质和遮阳罩屏蔽。 真正干扰天文学家对行星和恒星观点的是云层反射的城市之光。

“The main reason people believe tech myths is simple-it is because these myths are circulating like viruses on the internet,” said Joe Flanagan, lead app developer at GetSongBPM. “Advertisements often pop up with data that is unreal, yet people fall for the clickbait-and ultimately end up believing the myths that they are told.”

GetSongBPM的首席应用程序开发人员Joe Flanagan说:“人们相信技术神话很简单,这是因为这些神话像互联网上的病毒一样在传播。” “广告中经常会弹出不真实的数据,但人们却喜欢点击式诱饵-最终最终相信了被告知的神话。”

[After publishing this story, we received email from several astronomers clarifying that satellites create more of a problem for them than we stated. “ From Michael F. Lembeck, Ph.D., Clinical Associate Professor, Dept of Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: “While your “5G” points may be true, you sure missed on the Starlink satellite trains. It’s no myth. The satellites are creating havoc for astronomers and the non-reflective coatings SpaceX put on their newest satellites is not working (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/spacexs-dark-satellites-are-still-too-bright-for-astronomers/). Currently there on only 775 Starlink satellites in orbit and 12,000(!) are planned for deployment. Light pollution from the ground will be no match for the disruptions caused by Starlink and several more planned constellations of several thousand satellites (OneWeb (650), Kuiper (3,236)).” — Editors]

[发布这个故事后,我们收到了几位天文学家的电子邮件,澄清说卫星给他们带来了比我们所说的更多的问题。 “来自伊利诺伊大学香槟分校伊利诺伊大学航空航天工程系临床副教授Michael F. Lembeck博士说:“虽然“ 5G”点可能是正确的,但您肯定错过了Starlink卫星列车。 这不是神话。 卫星对天文学家造成了极大破坏,SpaceX装在其最新卫星上的非反射涂层无法正常工作( https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/spacexs-dark-satellites-are-still-too-too-bright-for -astronomers / )。 目前,在轨卫星只有775颗,计划部署12,000(!)。 地面的光污染将无法与Starlink以及数以千计的卫星(OneWeb(650),Kuiper(3,236))的更多计划星座造成的破坏相提并论。” -编辑]

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.


翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/americans-still-believe-these-common-tech-myths-2600a05c863c

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