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翻译 人月神话 人件_美国人仍然相信这些常见的技术神话

人月神话 人件A quarter of Americans surveyed think that 5G can make you sick. (Nope.) That’s not all — see what other absurdities make the list.四分之一的美国人认为5G会让您生病。 (不。)还不止这些,请参阅其他荒谬内容。By Sherin Shibu 由Sheri...

2020-10-13 17:19:28 324

翻译 7万亿次_微软以7亿5十亿收购贝塞斯达工作室以增强Xbox

7万亿次By Dina Bass and Jason SchreierDina Bass和Jason SchreierMicrosoft Corp. said Monday it plans to acquire ZeniMax Media Inc., owner of the storied video-game publisher Bethesda Softworks, for $7.5 b...

2020-10-13 17:10:18 925

翻译 工作意识有哪些内容_有意识地消费内容

工作意识有哪些内容8:30pm. Hail from the brief spring storm is slowly melting from the window. Just off the nightly phone call my partner and I use to debrief and stay connected I am aware I am feeling mildly a...

2020-10-13 17:00:36 568

翻译 extjs5 右下角复出_命令行复出

extjs5 右下角复出在消费类技术中,旧事物又是新事物。(In consumer technology, everything old is new again.)As products get flashier with more features and shinier buttons, we crave a return to our roots. In food delivery, A...

2020-10-13 16:51:01 221

翻译 侵入式 非侵入式_纽约城市大学的学生收集了27000个针对侵入式监视策略的签名...

侵入式 非侵入式Students at CUNY will be required to submit to invasive home, biometric, and personal device surveillance under the institution’s pending deals with remote proctoring providers. Student govern...

2020-10-13 16:40:22 141

翻译 谷歌手机pixel4 夜景_您应该购买Google Pixel 4a的5个理由

谷歌手机pixel4 夜景Let me get right into this. I’m going to list five reasons why one should pick up the Pixel 4a. I’ve personally been using this device for nearly a month and it has changed my entire mind...

2020-10-13 16:20:17 812

翻译 rtx rtx5_PC玩家巨魔rtx 3080剥皮机与虚假的ebay列表审查炸弹

rtx rtx5The fake listings for toilet paper and hand-drawn pictures of the Nvidia graphics card have been crowding out actual attempts by resellers to hawk the $699 RTX 3080 for up to $2,000.假冒的厕纸清单和Nv...

2020-10-13 16:10:40 117

翻译 维基百科没有告诉你关于宝马的什么

They were soon building the Wartburg. This sports car with a two-seater body and an 18 hp engine gained the first racing successes on four wheels for this Munich — based company.牛逼嘿很快建立瓦尔特堡。 这款带有两座车身和...

2020-10-13 16:00:20 445

翻译 微软对贝塞斯达的收购使粉丝渴望获得新的拉斯维加斯续集

It looks like the latest news in the video game industry has Sony suffering from an 18-karat run of bad luck. First, the PlayStation 5 preorder situation spawns a huge mess of angry fans, prompting an...

2020-10-13 15:40:13 307

翻译 大规模锂电子电池系统pdf_我们必须将电池生产的规模扩大到人们今天甚至无法理解的疯狂水平...

大规模锂电子电池系统pdfThat’s what Elon Musk told analysts back in January. For at least 15 months now, Tesla’s CEO has been teasing his massive fan club with promises to “blow your mind” on a self-styled event...

2020-10-08 09:51:43 83

翻译 克服浮躁_如果您从事技术工作,那就克服自己

克服浮躁重点(Top highlight)Working in tech can make you an asshole.从事技术工作会让您混蛋。I work in tech. I have been an asshole many times throughout my life. Working in tech can make you think you’re superhuman. 我从...

2020-10-08 09:41:59 731

翻译 spotify mp3_为什么Spotify有那么多怪异的通用艺术家,例如白噪声婴儿睡眠

spotify mp3重点(Top highlight)骗子的Spotify指南(The Cheater’s Guide to Spotify)Welcome to The Cheater’s Guide to Spotify, a series about the schemes that rack up streams, money, and infamy on the popular st...

2020-10-08 09:32:10 596

翻译 修改密码逻辑修复建议_一项更改以修复技术

修改密码逻辑修复建议Put a Friendly Bot Between You and the Evil Bots在您和邪恶的机器人之间放一个友好的机器人Movies like The Social Dilemma and commentators like Tim Wu, Shoshanna Zuboff, and Tristan Harris have shown that the pho...

2020-10-08 09:21:42 1218

翻译 在东京大学感受_我们想在东京在线游戏展上看到的10件事

在东京大学感受The Tokyo Game Show will take place online this year, from Sept. 23–27, but there are still many exciting presentations on the agenda. Here is what we’re looking forward to seeing.东京游戏展将于今年9月23...

2020-10-08 09:10:54 611

翻译 微软收购Bethesda并不一定意味着会有更多Xbox独家产品

Microsoft dropped a bombshell this Monday when it announced that it would be taking over ZeniMax Media, the parent company behind one of gaming’s biggest juggernauts, Bethesda Softworks. Doom, Wolfens...

2020-10-08 09:00:31 641

翻译 一个无限的返回循环

Update 9/24: Apple has reversed the policy and will now allow you to swap a Loop band without having to send back the entire Watch. ????Last week, following the Apple Watch event, I grabbed my iPad to or...

2020-10-08 08:49:32 307

翻译 如何按州跟踪缺席选票

If postal slowdowns have you concerned about the status of your mail-in ballot, here’s how to check that it’s been received and counted.如果您的邮件放慢了速度,您会担心邮寄投票的状态,请按照以下方法检查是否已收到并计数。By Chandra Steele 通过钱...

2020-10-08 08:39:54 222

翻译 中文为什么没有词干提取_词干中没有小写字母

中文为什么没有词干提取Written by: Andrew B. Raupp / @stemceo撰写人: Andrew B. Raupp / @stemceoAsk anyone what STEM education is all about, and they will dutifully rattle off the meaning of the acronym: science, te...

2020-10-08 08:29:44 307

翻译 z世代中的z是什么意思_如果您认为z世代可以免于假新闻,那您就错了

z世代中的z是什么意思A study by College Reaction carried out for Axios concludes that members of Generation Z, those born between 1995 and 2010, are more likely to see fake news for what it is because they appl...

2020-10-08 08:19:57 1086

翻译 三星 苹果手表_苹果和三星濒临新事物

三星 苹果手表重点(Top highlight)Mobile processors in recent years have become, for a lack of a better word, stupid fast. So fast in fact that the iPad Pro from 2018 has benchmark scores that in some cases out...

2020-10-08 08:10:00 366

翻译 囚徒困境困境_社会困境的有害叙述

囚徒困境困境I heard about The Social Dilemma for the first time last January, and got curious about it. Last week I finally took some time to enjoy an evening on my couch and watched it. I have to say that ...

2020-10-08 08:00:23 730

翻译 囚徒困境困境_所以你现在看到了社会困境

囚徒困境困境So you watched The Social Dilemma.所以你看了社会困境。For the unaware, it’s a new documentary/drama on Netflix which outlines in excruciating detail the ways in which technology companies are gaming the ...

2020-10-08 07:49:55 441

翻译 5g及其障碍

What is 5G?什么是5G?5G is the fifth generation cellular network that is at least 10 times faster than 4G LTE and some experts even claim that it could eventually be 100 times faster. To give an example,...

2020-10-08 07:39:36 466

翻译 囚徒困境困境_深入社会困境

囚徒困境困境The new issue of Pattern Matching, OneZero’s weekly newsletter from senior writer Will Oremus, is out today. It takes a deep look at The Social Dilemma, a popular new documentary about social me...

2020-10-08 07:18:23 194

翻译 shopify 结账_是自我结账的机器邪恶化身

shopify 结账Have you ever caught yourself uttering the words:您是否曾经说过这些话:“I refuse to use self-checkouts. They take people’s jobs away!” “我拒绝使用自我结帐。 他们带走了人们的工作!”Or how about: 或如何:“I don’t work here. W...

2020-10-08 07:09:12 412

翻译 cs1.6让别人成为op_可以勇敢地成为新的CS吗

cs1.6让别人成为opYes, we have heard this a billion times now “Yo, Nuzair CSGO is a dead game bruh!” But time and time again CSGO has pulled a clutch and saved itself.是的,我们现在已经听到十亿次了,“哦,Nuzair CSGO真是太死了!” 但...

2020-10-08 06:58:57 417

翻译 您不需要最好的设备来创造精彩的内容

I decided to conduct an experiment. I wrote an article with a powerful, 27-inch iMac, and I wrote one with a $150, borrowed Chromebook.我决定进行一个实验。 我写了一篇有关功能强大的27英寸iMac的文章,而我则写了一篇借用了150美元的Chromebook的文章。...

2020-10-08 06:48:32 189

翻译 那个时候我不小心建立了一个间谍应用

In the fall of 2007, my parents gave me an unforgettable gift for my sixteenth birthday: a first-generation iPhone.在2007年秋天,我的父母为我16岁生日给了我一个难忘的礼物:第一代iPhone。I still clearly remember watching the keyno...

2020-10-08 06:38:29 483

翻译 苏门答腊犀牛如何教会我重新思考AI

Having worked in the most beautiful and unforgiving environments on every continent, I’m always a little surprised how anxious I still get when deploying one of my new technologies. The first real fie...

2020-10-08 06:29:24 244

翻译 东超科技于上市公司有关系_科技公司可以从有史以来最大的软件上市中学到什么...

东超科技于上市公司有关系Despite sharing a name with the slang term to imply that someone is “soft and fragile,” Snowflake, the technology company, has proven to be anything but.尽管用with语这个名字来形容某人“软弱”,但事实证明,科技公司Sno...

2020-10-08 06:20:21 1525

翻译 我们短暂的人类世和即将到来的算法世

不可思议的事情开始不可避免(The unthinkable is starting to look inevitable)Almost lost in the cacophony of terrible news for us humans this year have been the recent signals of irreversible damage we humans have b...

2020-10-08 06:09:44 904

翻译 苹果ipad如何横向_在iPad上十年仍然有能力令我们和苹果感到惊讶

苹果ipad如何横向By Harry McCracken哈里·麦克拉肯(Harry McCracken)More than most companies, Apple has often seemed reluctant to wax too nostalgic about its past — as if looking back was a hindrance to the more imp...

2020-10-08 06:00:02 388

翻译 2020年中国不支持苹果_苹果2020年9月事件提示

2020年中国不支持苹果by Jean-Louis Gassée通过让·路易斯·加塞(Jean-LouisGassée) 去年6月的虚拟开发者会议是一个成功的开始,而现在,9月15日是秋季的第一个公告。 我们看到了Series 6 Apple Watch和新款iPad,并暗示了一些更有趣的事情。(Last June’s virtual Developers’ Conference was a ...

2020-10-08 05:50:08 308

翻译 硬盘累计通电时间存储在_在灾难期间保持通电

硬盘累计通电时间存储在Let’s talk about power. No, not whether you can lift me over your head with one arm- electrical power.让我们谈谈权力。 不,不是你是否可以把我抱在你的头上有一个掰电力。First off, let’s admit that people have been doing wi...

2020-10-08 05:39:36 433

翻译 虚拟现实技术发展_虚拟现实正在蓬勃发展,行业参与者可以从创新中获得最大收益...

虚拟现实技术发展到2020年,全球增强现实(AR)和虚拟现实(VR)市场规模估计为188亿美元,预计到2023年将出货超过6800万部头显。 VR的用途已远远超出娱乐范围,其成功案例包括治疗干预,康复,教育和虚拟工作区的创建。 VR的巨大潜力及其与5G和人工智能(AI)的集成有望彻底改变行业,并深刻影响我们的生活。(The global augmented reality (AR) and v...

2020-10-08 05:29:05 1681

翻译 埃隆麝香下一件大事是向宽带发射4万颗卫星

By Thomas Pfeiffer and Thomas Seal托马斯·菲佛和托马斯·海尔Every few years, someone comes along promising to disrupt the satellite industry. They burn through billions in cash before ambition crashes back down t...

2020-10-08 05:18:29 374

翻译 婚礼请帖_第一次在线婚礼发生在1876年

婚礼请帖重点(Top highlight)As the Covid-19 pandemic wears on, more and more of life has moved online — school, playdates, conferences, civic events, court proceedings, and even weddings. According to Wired,...

2020-10-08 05:07:59 322

翻译 有时您需要领导而不听客户

Until recently, I was still using an iPhone 6S. Even though several of my family members and friends had long since upgraded, and the current model was closing in on being double the model number with...

2020-10-08 04:58:26 86

翻译 现有学生课程数据库中三个表_学生在开始数据科学时犯的三个错误

现有学生课程数据库中三个表I recently had the pleasure of sitting as a panelist at Northeastern University’s COVID-19 UNCOVER datathon. The aim was simple: produce actionable insights and/or predictive models from ...

2020-09-17 18:01:27 501

翻译 kubernetes 部署_kubernetes应用程序部署工具概述

kubernetes 部署Deploying applications to Kubernetes can be as simple as writing a few resource definitions in yaml or json and applying them with kubectl, but it can also be a whole lot more automated (...

2020-09-17 17:52:23 473



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