

Hi! I’m Gauri Dhawan, a graduate student at NYU studying computer science. This summer I interned at Optimizely as a software engineering intern. As I near the end of my 12-week internship, I wanted to share how I personally grew and what I learned from being immersed in a fully remote work environment.

嗨! 我叫Gauri Dhawan,纽约大学研究生,攻读计算机科学。 今年夏天,我在Optimizely实习,担任软件工程实习生。 当我即将结束为期12周的实习时,我想分享自己的成长方式以及从沉浸在完全远程的工作环境中学到的知识。

I discovered that a remote-first work environment brought a set of challenges I was not anticipating, but I was excited to tackle. Working remotely comes with the benefits of having no commute and the freedom to wear stretchy pants all day, but it also requires you to practice a different communication muscle when collaborating with a larger team. Here are some key changes I saw in myself over the last 12 weeks — I hope they can help you if you’re joining a new company that is now fully remote.

我发现远程优先的工作环境带来了我无法预料的一系列挑战,但我很高兴能够解决。 远程工作带来的好处是无需通勤,而且可以整天穿弹性裤,但与大型团队合作时,还需要您练习另一种沟通方式。 在过去的12周中,我在自己身上看到了一些重要变化-如果您要加入一家现在已经完全处于远程状态的新公司,希望它们可以为您提供帮助。

花时间来制作详细的文档 (Take Time to Produce Detailed Documentation)

The first technical design document I wrote had to be redone almost three times until I could send it out to the whole team. While the technical design document took a bit longer, it taught me a valuable lesson around thinking from a reader’s perspective who has no knowledge of what you’re proposing and that something that might be obvious to you might not be obvious to the reader.

我写的第一份技术设计文档必须重做近三遍,直到可以发送给整个团队为止。 尽管技术设计文档花了更长的时间,但它教会了我一个非常有价值的经验教训,即从读者的角度思考问题,他们不了解您的建议,而对于您来说显而易见的事情可能对读者而言并不明显。

Writing strong technical design documents is a key skill in software engineering as it helps engineers ship features faster and more efficiently by ensuring all dependencies are documented up-front.


A few things I learned that are essential when writing technical design documents:


  • Be explicit about things that you assume are obvious,

  • Bridge the gap between the writer’s thinking and the reader’s thought process

  • Be able to translate your thoughts into writing.


At Optimizely I worked on a task that dealt with multiple services and drew out a flow diagram to represent the process. In my original diagram, I only documented what was happening in the flow, assuming that everyone knew what service each flow was using. By my final version, I had a clearer image that specified all the services used. The chart provided granular details so that each service and its role could be identified just looking at the diagram.

在Optimizely,我从事一项处理多种服务的任务,并绘制了流程图以表示该流程。 在我的原始图中,我假设每个人都知道每个流在使用什么服务,所以只记录了流中发生的情况。 在最终版本中,我有一个更清晰的图像,该图像指定了所有使用的服务。 该图表提供了详细的详细信息,因此只需查看图表即可识别每个服务及其角色。

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What I started with
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What I ended up with

Great technical documentation and flow chart building are helpful whether remote or not. With the changing dynamics of the industry, we don’t know if the person who’s writing code today will be present tomorrow or not. Hence having detailed documentation always helps!

无论远程与否,出色的技术文档和流程图构建都将对您有所帮助。 随着行业动态的变化,我们不知道今天编写代码的人明天是否会出席。 因此,拥有详细的文档总是有帮助的!

清晰,简洁地沟通 (Communicate Clearly and Concisely)

My first meeting with the team to explain one of the approaches I was proposing for my task was difficult because we couldn’t simply draw on a whiteboard. With only digital forms of communication available to me, I learned to be more thoughtful about writing detailed messages with all the necessary context upfront to make sure that I could anticipate questions and avoid misunderstandings.

我第一次与团队会面是为了解释我为任务建议的一种方法,这很困难,因为我们不能简单地在白板上画图。 在我仅能使用数字形式的交流的情况下,我学会了在编写带有所有必要上下文的详细消息时要更加谨慎,以确保我可以预见问题并避免误解。

Here are some of the messages I received from my mentor at the beginning of my internship — helping to direct me toward providing more context when asking questions:


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Some of my slack messages

I started prefacing the question with a related topic and “the why”. Providing context in a lot of cases takes extra time, but this helps remove ambiguity and leads to a faster resolution.

我开始以相关主题和“为什么”来开头这个问题。 在很多情况下提供上下文会花费额外的时间,但这有助于消除歧义并导致更快的解决方案。

Here are some examples of messages from later in my internship — now I document out the why and the additional context for my mentor:


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通过定时装箱任务提高效率 (Increase Efficiency by Timeboxing Tasks)

One of the hardest parts of starting my internship remotely was having to learn about all the existing systems in the organization. This can get quite overwhelming especially when you can’t be shoulder to shoulder with someone through all the set-up. When trying to figure out a new workflow, sometimes I wouldn’t reach an answer after researching for a few hours. I was trying to be proactive and facilitate my own learning instead of just reaching out for help, but I began realizing I was sinking too much time before leaning on my team.

远程开始实习的最困难的部分之一就是必须了解组织中的所有现有系统。 这可能会让人不知所措,尤其是当您无法在所有设置中与某人并肩时。 当试图找出一个新的工作流程时,有时候经过几个小时的研究,我还是找不到答案。 我试图变得积极主动并促进自己的学习,而不是仅仅寻求帮助,但我开始意识到自己在依靠团队之前花了太多时间。

To help find a better balance, my manager suggested that I timebox tasks. Whenever I tried to figure out something on my own, I would spend around 30–45 mins before reaching out to someone so that I wouldn’t go down a rabbit hole. Timeboxing tasks help engineers manage their time and also keep a check on how long they spend time on each task so that they could improve next time.

为了帮助找到更好的平衡,我的经理建议我按时完成任务。 每当我试图独自找出一个东西时,我都会花大约30-45分钟,然后再与某人联系,这样我才不会掉进兔子洞里。 定时任务可以帮助工程师管理时间,还可以检查他们在每个任务上花费多长时间,以便下次可以改进。

主动结识整个组织的Optinauts (Take initiative to meet Optinauts across the Org)

With remote work becoming the new normal, we have to get used to reaching out to new people via Zoom and meeting them for the first time via online meetings. Having an internship to get acquainted with the new environment certainly helped me get ahead of this. I reached out to people with various asks — sometimes it would be for help in debugging an issue or sometimes it would just be to understand what role they played in Optimizely. Everyone at Optimizely was extremely approachable and a lot of people would jump in to help new engineers when they saw them struggling.

随着远程工作成为一种新常态,我们必须习惯于通过Zoom与新朋友联系,并通过在线会议首次与他们会面。 拥有实习机会以熟悉新环境无疑有助于我超越这一点。 我与有各种问题的人联系,有时是为了帮助解决问题,有时则只是为了了解他们在Optimizely中扮演的角色。 Optimizely的每个人都非常平易近人,当他们看到新的工程师挣扎时,很多人会跳出来为他们提供帮助。

As I kept on meeting new people, my hesitation to reach out to people diminished and my network in Optimizely grew. Not only did I learn about what these people worked on, but I also got to observe their thought process and how senior engineers, managers, and leads in an organization make decisions.

当我不断结识新朋友时,与他人接触的犹豫减少了,而我在Optimizely中的人脉也越来越多。 我不仅了解了这些人的工作,而且还观察了他们的思考过程以及组织中的高级工程师,经理和领导者如何制定决策。

Over the course of my internship, I learned four essential interpersonal skills that will help any engineer progress forward in their career. My manager once told me that anyone can code, but becoming an engineer isn’t just about coding. Engineering has several aspects to it, collaborating, communicating and brainstorming are some key aspects of engineering. I would not have been able to learn these by just doing a technical project on my own. I was glad that I had a chance to pick up these skills early on through an internship at Optimizely and fortunate enough to have mentors and managers around me who helped me build up these skills. I hope that I can continue to expand on these skills in order to become not just a developer, but a well-rounded engineer.

在实习期间,我学习了四种基本的人际交往技巧,这些技巧将帮助任何工程师前进。 我的经理曾经告诉我,任何人都可以编写代码,但是成为一名工程师不仅仅是编码。 工程涉及多个方面,协作,交流和集思广益是工程学的一些关键方面。 仅靠我自己做一个技术项目,我将无法学习这些知识。 我很高兴有机会在Optimizely的实习中提早掌握这些技能,并很幸运地有我周围的导师和经理帮助我建立了这些技能。 我希望我可以继续扩展这些技能,以便不仅成为一名开发人员,而且成为一名全面的工程师。

翻译自: https://medium.com/engineers-optimizely/4-key-changes-i-saw-in-myself-after-my-first-remote-internship-7c207ce70adf


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