
I can completely understand if you sometimes feel as though you are not growing in your career or are not getting a chance to learn something new, as you are busy delivering on the client’s requirements.


Today, we will go over a few pointers on how you can grow as a developer all on your own.


您如何成长为开发人员? (How Can You Grow as a Dev?)

  1. Growing can mean that you have practiced enough to solve a problem you once encountered much faster now. You know how that feature can be implemented in your application when somebody asks you to do so.

    成长可能意味着您已经进行了足够的练习来解决您曾经遇到的问题,现在速度要快得多。 您知道有人请求您如何在应用程序中实现该功能。
  2. You challenge the existing best practices and solutions. You strive to find a better solution to the problem. There might be existing solutions in place, but you have the ability to improve them for the community.

    您挑战现有的最佳做法和解决方案。 您努力寻找一个更好的解决方案。 可能存在现有的解决方案,但是您有能力为社区改进它们。
  3. You discuss and contribute by being a part of the community. You consume and learn from the content that other devs in the community are creating and always keep up with the trends.

    您可以通过成为社区的一部分来进行讨论和做出贡献。 您可以从社区中其他开发人员正在创建的内容中消费和学习,并且始终跟上趋势。
  4. You also contribute to growing the community with your learnings and contributions.


1.练习—尝试设置自己的挑战 (1. Practice — Try to Set Up Your Own Challenges)

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Photo by James Pond on Unsplash.
James PondUnsplash上的 照片
  • Is there any feature you like or are curious about (e.g. video streaming, file upload, authentication flow)?

  • Is there any awesome design you saw on Medium/Dribble and do you wonder how a real-world app can implement that?

    您在Medium / Dribble上看到了什么很棒的设计,您是否想知道现实世界中的应用如何实现?
  • You can build a simpler version of a popular website like Netflix.

  • You can build evergreen apps like blogs, e-commerce apps, or even a stupid to-do list app. This will help you master the simplest CRUD operations to start with.

    您可以构建常绿应用程序,例如博客,电子商务应用程序,甚至是愚蠢的待办事项列表应用程序。 这将帮助您掌握最简单的CRUD操作。

The point is to go ahead and start implementing them while following the best practices. Feel free to come up with your own best practices as you are implementing them.

关键是要继续遵循最佳实践并开始实施它们。 在实施这些最佳做法时,可以随意提出自己的最佳做法。

Once you start, you will have decided on a set of features you are trying to build and will be mocking the rest of the features for your application. This will lead you to some new problems, and you will start learning to find the appropriate solutions.

一旦开始,您将决定要尝试构建的一组功能,并将为您的应用程序模拟其余功能。 这将导致您遇到一些新问题,并且您将开始学习以找到适当的解决方案。

You will use Google, Stack Overflow, GitHub, official documentation, YouTube videos, and Medium articles to search for solutions yourself — and this is where you will start growing.

您将使用Google,Stack Overflow,GitHub,官方文档,YouTube视频和中型文章自己搜索解决方案-这就是您将开始成长的地方。

2.挑战解决方案 (2. Challenge Solutions)

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Photo by Daniel Cheung on Unsplash.
张学友在“ Unsplash”上的 照片

We come up with best practices when we are trying to solve a particular problem. But the problem you are trying to solve doesn’t necessarily have to be the same, so why should the solution be the same?

当我们尝试解决特定问题时,我们会提出最佳实践。 但是,您要解决的问题不一定必须相同,那么为什么解决方案应该相同?

Hence, you should question existing solutions, try to optimize things, try to do them better. That’s how you come up with your own solutions. It’s only because there are devs who challenge solutions and always try to find a better way to doing things that we have these best practices and guidelines in the community.

因此,您应该质疑现有的解决方案,尝试进行优化,并尝试做得更好。 这就是您提出自己的解决方案的方式。 仅仅是因为有些开发人员在挑战解决方案,并且总是试图找到一种更好的方式来做事情,所以我们在社区中拥有这些最佳实践和准则。

Try to come up with your own patterns and solutions, and validate them against the best practices. At times, you will find a better way. Other times, you will learn about areas of improvement in your current approach. You are learning and growing.

尝试提出自己的模式和解决方案,并对照最佳实践进行验证。 有时,您会找到更好的方法。 有时,您将了解当前方法中需要改进的地方。 您正在学习并成长。

3.合作 (3. Collaborate)

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Photo by Will Porada on Unsplash.
Will PoradaUnsplash上的 照片

You can find a lot of fellow devs on Stack Overflow, GitHub, Reddit, Linkedin, Telegram, Slack, YouTube comments, Quora, Medium, Facebook groups, etc. Reach out to them for help or maybe discuss a certain topic.

您可以在Stack Overflow,GitHub,Reddit,Linkedin,Telegram,Slack,YouTube评论,Quora,Medium,Facebook组等上找到很多其他开发人员。向他们寻求帮助或讨论某个主题。

Instead of just consuming content from the community through all these sources, start giving something back as well. Start by at least upvoting helpful answers on Stack Overflow or updating some outdated answers. You can write Medium articles to share your solution.

不仅要通过所有这些来源消费社区中的内容,还应开始回馈。 首先至少在Stack Overflow上提出有用的答案或更新一些过时的答案。 您可以撰写中级文章以分享您的解决方案。

Once you see fellow devs agreeing with your content or finding it helpful, you will gain a sense of pride and validation. It gets addictive. Then you will find ways to bring more value and grow as a developer.

一旦您发现其他开发人员同意您的内容或对您的内容有所帮助,您就会感到自豪和认可。 它会上瘾。 然后,您将找到方法来带来更多的价值并发展成为一名开发人员。

Don’t be the toxic dev who shoots people down through derogatory comments — especially the new learners who might be asking some basic questions. You are not bringing any value to anyone by being mean, so don’t be.

不要成为有毒的开发人员,因为他们会通过贬损性的评论使人失望,尤其是那些可能会问一些基本问题的新学习者。 您不会因为刻薄而给任何人带来任何价值,所以不要这样。

Nobody learns from that, and if you see somebody like that, remind them that they are not adding any value to anyone.


4.贡献与支持 (4. Contribute and Support)

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Photo by Daniel Cheung on Unsplash.
张学友在“ Unsplash”上的 照片

Contribute to other people’s projects. You will get a lot of feedback from other developers to improve the way you code and the way you approach problems.

为别人的项目做贡献。 您将从其他开发人员那里获得很多反馈,以改进编码方式和解决问题的方式。

Don’t be afraid to fail, be corrected, or challenged by others. All that will only help you learn and grow.

不要害怕失败,被他人纠正或受到挑战。 所有这些只会帮助您学习和成长。

You can contribute to help other people learn. Guide them to the right resources and teach them. You can teach through any medium possible, like YouTube, Medium articles, courses. The sky is the limit here.

您可以做出贡献以帮助其他人学习。 引导他们获得正确的资源并教他们。 您可以通过任何可能的媒体进行教学,例如YouTube,媒体文章和课程。 天空是这里的极限。

You can contribute financially as well to the popular programming content creators out there who helped you get your job or taught you something valuable. You might not have money to donate today, but when you do, give something back to them for all the hard work they put in to make you a better programmer.

您也可以为受欢迎的编程内容创建者提供财务支持,他们可以帮助您找到工作或教会您一些有价值的东西。 您今天可能没有钱捐款,但是当您这样做时,请为他们付出的一切辛勤工作回馈他们,以使您成为一个更好的程序员。

At the very least, you can always upvote their content, subscribe to/follow them, clap for their Medium stories, comment, thank them, etc. Everything helps.


结论 (Conclusion)

There you go! These were some tips that all devs can use to grow and become better programmers — no matter where they are in their journey.

你去! 这些是所有开发人员都可以用来成长并成为更好的程序员的一些技巧,无论他们身在何处。

Thanks for reading!


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/how-to-grow-as-a-developer-d336fdeb48cb

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