垃圾邮件分类 python_在python中创建SMS垃圾邮件分类器


垃圾邮件分类 python

介绍 (Introduction)

I have always been fascinated with Google’s gmail spam detection system, where it is able to seemingly effortlessly judge whether incoming emails are spam and therefore not worthy of our limited attention.


In this article, I seek to recreate such a spam detection system, but on sms messages. I will use a few different models and compare their performance.

在本文中,我试图重新创建这样的垃圾邮件检测系统,但要针对短信。 我将使用几种不同的模型并比较它们的性能。

The models are as below:


  1. Multinomial Naive Bayes Model (Count tokenizer)

    多项朴素贝叶斯模型(Count tokenizer)
  2. Multinomial Naive Bayes Model (tfidf tokenizer)

    多项式朴素贝叶斯模型(tfidf tokenizer)
  3. Support Vector Classifier Model

  4. Logistic Regression Model with ngrams parameters


Using a train-test split, the 4 models were put through the stages of X_train vectorization, model fitting on X_train and Y_train, make some predictions and generate the respective confusion matrices and area under the receiver operating characteristics curve for evaluation. (AUC-ROC)

使用火车测试拆分,对这四个模型进行了X_train向量化,对X_train和Y_train进行模型拟合的阶段,进行了一些预测,并在接收器工作特性曲线下生成了相应的混淆矩阵和面积以进行评估。 (AUC-ROC)

The resultant best performing model was the Logistic Regression Model, although it should be noted that all 4 models performed reasonably well at detecting spam messages (all AUC > 0.9).

最终表现最好的模型是Logistic回归模型 ,尽管应该注意的是,这4个模型在检测垃圾邮件方面都表现得相当不错(所有AUC> 0.9)。

数据 (The Data)

The data was obtained from UCI’s Machine Learning Repository, alternatively I have also uploaded the used dataset onto my github repo. In total, the data set has 5571 rows, and 2 columns: spamorham indicating it’s spam status and the message’s text. I found it quite funny how the text is quite relatable.

数据是从UCI的机器学习存储库中获得的 ,或者我也将使用过的数据集上传到了我的github存储库中 。 数据集总共有5571行和2列:spamorham(表明其为垃圾邮件状态)和邮件的文本。 我发现文本之间的相关性很好笑。

Definitions: Spam refers to spam messages as they are commonly known, ham refers to non-spam messages.


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数据预处理 (Data Preprocessing)

As the dataset is relatively simple, not much preprocessing was needed. Spam messages were marked with a 1, while ham was marked with a 0.

由于数据集相对简单,因此不需要太多预处理。 垃圾邮件标记为1,火腿标记为0。

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探索性数据分析 (Exploratory Data Analysis)

Now, let’s look at the dataset in detail. Taking an average of the ‘target’ column, we find that that 13.409% of the messages were marked as spam.

现在,让我们详细看一下数据集。 取“目标”列的平均值,我们发现有13.409%的邮件被标记为垃圾邮件。

Further, maybe the message length has some correlation with the target outcome? Splitting the spam and ham messages into their individual dataframes, we further add on the number of characters of a message as a third column ‘len’.

此外,消息长度可能与目标结果有一些相关性吗? 将垃圾邮件和火腿邮件拆分为各自的数据帧,然后在第三列“ len”中进一步添加邮件的字符数。

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The split data frames
#creating two seperate dfs: 1 for spam and 1 for non spam messages only
df_s = df.loc[ df['target']==1]
df_ns = df.loc[ df['target']==0]
df_s['len'] = [len(x) for x in df_s["text"]]
spamavg = df_s.len.mean()

df_ns['len'] = [len(x) for x in df_ns["text"]]
nonspamavg = df_ns.len.mean()

Further, taking the averages of messages lengths, we can find that spam and ham messages have average lengths of 139.12 and 71.55 characters respectively.


资料建模 (Data Modelling)

Now it’s time for the interesting stuff.


火车测试拆分 (Train-test split)

We begin with creating a train-test split using the default sklearn split of a 75% train-test split.


计数向量化器 (Count Vectorizer)

A count vectorizer will convert a collection of text documents to a sparse matrix of token counts. This will be necessary for model fitting to be done.

计数矢量化器会将文本文档的集合转换为令牌计数的稀疏矩阵 。 这对于完成模型拟合是必要的。

We fit the CountVectorizer onto X_train, and then further transform it using the transform method.


#train test split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df['text'], df['target'], random_state=0)

#fitting and transforming X_train using a Count Vectorizer with default parameters
vect = CountVectorizer().fit(X_train)
X_train_vectorized = vect.transform(X_train)

#to look at the object types

MNNB模型拟合 (MNNB Model Fitting)

Let’s first try fitting a classic Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier Model (MNNB), on X_train and Y_train.

首先让我们尝试经典 多项式朴素贝叶斯分类器模型 (MNNB),位于X_train和Y_train上。

A Naive Bayes model assumes that each of the features it uses are conditionally independent of one another given some class. In practice Naive Bayes models have performed surprisingly well, even on complex tasks where it is clear that the strong independence assumptions are false.

一个朴素的贝叶斯模型假设它使用的每个功能在给定类的条件下彼此独立 。 实际上,朴素贝叶斯模型的表现令人惊讶地出色,即使在很显然独立性强的假设是错误的复杂任务上也是如此。

MNNB模型评估 (MNNB Model Evaluation)

In evaluating the model’s performance, we can generate some predictions then look at the confusion matrix and AUC-ROC score to evaluate performance on the test dataset.


The confusion matrix is generated as below:


Image for post
MNNB confusion matrix

The results seem promising, with a True Positive Rate (TPR) of 92.6% , specificity of 99.7% and a False Positive Rate (FPR) of 0.3%. These results show that the model performs quite well in predicting whether messages are spam, based solely on the text in the messages.

结果似乎很有希望, 真阳性率(TPR)为92.6%特异性为99.7%假阳性率(FPR)为0.3% 。 这些结果表明,仅基于邮件中的文本,该模型在预测邮件是否为垃圾邮件方面表现非常出色。

The Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve is an evaluation metric for binary classification problems. It is a probability curve that plots the TPR against FPR at various threshold values and essentially separates the ‘signal’ from the ‘noise’. The Area Under the Curve (AUC) is the measure of the ability of a classifier to distinguish between classes and is used as a summary of the ROC curve.

接收者操作员特征(ROC)曲线是二进制分类问题的评估指标。 这是一条概率曲线,在不同的阈值下绘制了TPRFPR的关系 ,并从本质上将“信号”与“噪声”分开曲线下面积(AUC)是分类器区分类的能力的度量,并用作ROC曲线的摘要。

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this article 本文图片

The model produced an AUC score of 0.962, which is significantly better than if the model made random guesses of the outcome.


Although the Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier seems to have worked quite well, I felt that maybe the result could possibly be improved further through a different model


#fitting a multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier Model with smoothing alpha=0.1
model = sklearn.naive_bayes.MultinomialNB(alpha=0.1)
model_fit = model.fit(X_train_vectorized, y_train)

#making predictions & looking at AUC score
predictions = model.predict(vect.transform(X_test))
aucscore = roc_auc_score(y_test, predictions) #good!

#confusion matrix
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions).ravel()
print(pd.DataFrame(confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions),
             columns=['Predicted Spam', "Predicted Ham"], index=['Actual Spam', 'Actual Ham']))
print(f'\nTrue Positives: {tp}')
print(f'False Positives: {fp}')
print(f'True Negatives: {tn}')
print(f'False Negatives: {fn}')

print(f'True Positive Rate: { (tp / (tp + fn))}')
print(f'Specificity: { (tn / (tn + fp))}')
print(f'False Positive Rate: { (fp / (fp + tn))}')

MNNB(Tfid矢量化器)模型拟合 (MNNB(Tfid-vectorizer) Model Fitting)

I then attempt to use a tfidf vectorizer instead of a count-vectorizer to see if it improves the results.


The goal of using tfidf is to scale down the impact of tokens that occur very frequently in a given corpus and that are hence empirically less informative than features that occur in a small fraction of the training corpus.


MNNB(Tfid矢量化器)模型评估 (MNNB(Tfid-vectorizer) Model Evaluation)

In evaluating the model’s performance we look at the AUC-ROC numbers and the confusionn matrix again. It generates an AUC score of 91.67%

在评估模型的性能时,我们再次查看AUC-ROC数和混淆矩阵。 它的AUC得分为91.67%

The results seem promising, with a True Positive Rate (TPR) of 83.3% , specificity of 100% and a False Positive Rate (FPR) of 0.0%%.

结果似乎很有希望, 真阳性率(TPR)为83.3%特异性为100%假阳性率(FPR)为0.0 %%

Image for post
tfid confusion matrix

When comparing the two models based on AUC scores, it seems like the tfid vectorizer did not improve upon model accuracy, but even introduced more noise into the predictions! However, the tfid seems to have greatly improved the model’s ability to detect ham messages to the point of 100% accuracy.

当根据AUC分数比较两个模型时,tfid矢量化器似乎并没有提高模型的准确性,但甚至在预测中引入了更多噪声! 但是,tfid似乎已大大提高了该模型检测火腿消息的能力,准确性达到100%。

# fitting and transforming X_train using a tfid vectorizer, ignoring terms with a document frequency lower than 3.
vect = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=3).fit(X_train)
X_train_vectorized = vect.transform(X_train)

# fitting training data to a multinomial NB model
model = sklearn.naive_bayes.MultinomialNB()
model_fit = model.fit(X_train_vectorized, y_train) 

#looking at model features
feature_names = np.array(vect.get_feature_names())
sorted_tfidf_index = X_train_vectorized.max(0).toarray()[0].argsort()

#making predictions
predictions = model_fit.predict(vect.transform(X_test))
aucscore = roc_auc_score(y_test, predictions)

#confusion matrix
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions).ravel()
print(pd.DataFrame(confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions),
             columns=['Predicted Spam', "Predicted Ham"], index=['Actual Spam', 'Actual Ham']))
print(f'\nTrue Positives: {tp}')
print(f'False Positives: {fp}')
print(f'True Negatives: {tn}')
print(f'False Negatives: {fn}')

print(f'True Positive Rate: { (tp / (tp + fn))}')
print(f'Specificity: { (tn / (tn + fp))}')
print(f'False Positive Rate: { (fp / (fp + tn))}')

Being a stubborn person, I still believe that better performance can be obtained, with a few tweaks.


SVC模型拟合 (SVC Model Fitting)

I now attempt to fit and transform the training data X_train using a Tfidf Vectorizer, while ignoring terms that have a document frequency strictly lower than 5. Further adding an additional feature, the length of document (number of characters), I then fit a Support Vector Classification (SVC) model with regularization C=10000.

我现在尝试使用Tfidf Vectorizer拟合和变换训练数据X_train,同时忽略文档频率严格低于5的术语。进一步添加附加功能,即文档长度(字符数),然后适合支持具有正则化C = 10000的向量分类(SVC)模型。

SVC模型评估 (SVC Model Evaluation)

This results in the following:


  • AUC score of 97.4%

  • TPR of 95.1%

  • Specificity of 99.7%

  • FPR of 0.3%

Image for post
SVC confusion matrix
#defining an additional function
def add_feature(X, feature_to_add):
    Returns sparse feature matrix with added feature.
    feature_to_add can also be a list of features.
    from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, hstack
    return hstack([X, csr_matrix(feature_to_add).T], 'csr')

#fit and transfor x_train and X_test
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=5)

X_train_transformed = vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train)
X_train_transformed_with_length = add_feature(X_train_transformed, X_train.str.len())

X_test_transformed = vectorizer.transform(X_test)
X_test_transformed_with_length = add_feature(X_test_transformed, X_test.str.len())
# SVM creation and model fitting
clf = SVC(C=10000)
clf.fit(X_train_transformed_with_length, y_train)
y_predicted = clf.predict(X_test_transformed_with_length)

#auc score
roc_auc_score(y_test, y_predicted)

#confusion matrix
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predicted).ravel()
print(pd.DataFrame(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predicted),
             columns=['Predicted Spam', "Predicted Ham"], index=['Actual Spam', 'Actual Ham']))

print(f'\nTrue Positives: {tp}')
print(f'False Positives: {fp}')
print(f'True Negatives: {tn}')
print(f'False Negatives: {fn}')

print(f'True Positive Rate: { (tp / (tp + fn))}')
print(f'Specificity: { (tn / (tn + fp))}')
print(f'False Positive Rate: { (fp / (fp + tn))}')

Logistic回归模型(n克)拟合 (Logistic Regression Model (n-grams) Fitting)

Using a logistic regression I further include the use of ngrams which allow the model to take into account groups of words, of max size 3, when considering whether a message is spam.


Logistic回归模型(n-gram)评估 (Logistic Regression Model (n-grams) Evaluation)

This results in the following:


  • AUC score of 97.7%

  • TPR of 95.6%

  • Specificity of 99.7%

  • FPR of 0.3%

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=5, ngram_range=[1,3])

X_train_transformed = vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train)
X_train_transformed_with_length = add_feature(X_train_transformed, [X_train.str.len(),
                                                                    X_train.apply(lambda x: len(''.join([a for a in x if a.isdigit()])))])

X_test_transformed = vectorizer.transform(X_test)
X_test_transformed_with_length = add_feature(X_test_transformed, [X_test.str.len(),
                                                                  X_test.apply(lambda x: len(''.join([a for a in x if a.isdigit()])))])

clf = LogisticRegression(C=100)

clf.fit(X_train_transformed_with_length, y_train)

y_predicted = clf.predict(X_test_transformed_with_length)

roc_auc_score(y_test, y_predicted)

#confusion matrix
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predicted).ravel()
print(pd.DataFrame(confusion_matrix(y_test, y_predicted),
             columns=['Predicted Spam', "Predicted Ham"], index=['Actual Spam', 'Actual Ham']))
print(f'\nTrue Positives: {tp}')
print(f'False Positives: {fp}')
print(f'True Negatives: {tn}')
print(f'False Negatives: {fn}')

print(f'True Positive Rate: { (tp / (tp + fn))}')
print(f'Specificity: { (tn / (tn + fp))}')
print(f'False Positive Rate: { (fp / (fp + tn))}')

型号比较 (Model Comparison)

After training and testing these 4 models, it’s time to compare them. I primarily look at comparing them based on AUC scores as the TPR and TNR rates are all somewhat similar.

在训练和测试了这四个模型之后,是时候进行比较了。 我主要考虑根据AUC分数比较它们,因为TPR和TNR率都有些相似。

The logistic regression had the highest AUC score, with the SVC model and MNNB 1 model being marginally behind. Relatively, the MNNB 2 model seemed to have underperformed the rest. However, I would still opine that all 4 models produce AUC scores which are much higher than 0.5, showing that all 4 perform good enough to beat a model that only randomly guesses the target.

Logistic回归的AUC得分最高,SVC模型和MNNB 1模型仅次于。 相对而言,MNNB 2模型的表现似乎不如其他模型。 但是,我仍然认为所有4个模型产生的AUC得分都远高于0.5,这表明所有4个模型的表现都足以击败仅随机猜测目标的模型。

Image for post
AUC score comparison between the 4 models
import seaborn as sb
label = ['MNNB 1', 'MNNB 2', 'SVC', 'Logistic']
auclist = [0.9615532083312719, 0.9166666666666667, 0.97422863173865, 0.976679612130807]

#generates an array of length label and use it on the X-axis
def plot_bar_x():
    # this is for plotting purpose
    index = np.arange(len(label))
    clrs = ['grey' if (x < max(auclist)) else 'red' for x in auclist ]
    g=sb.barplot(x=index, y=auclist, palette=clrs) # color=clrs)   
    plt.xlabel('Model', fontsize=10)
    plt.ylabel('AUC score', fontsize=10)
    plt.xticks(index, label, fontsize=10, rotation=30)
    plt.title('AUC score for each fitted model')
    for p in ax.patches:
             ax.annotate("%.2f" % p.get_height(), (p.get_x() + p.get_width() / 2., p.get_height()),
                 ha='center', va='center', fontsize=11, color='gray', xytext=(0, 20),
                 textcoords='offset points')
    g.set_ylim(0,1.25) #To make space for the annotations


感谢您的阅读! (Thanks for the read!)

Do find the code here.


Do feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn if you have questions or would like to discuss ideas on applying data science techniques in a post-Covid-19 world!


这是给您的另一篇文章! (Here’s another article for you!)

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/create-a-sms-spam-classifier-in-python-b4b015f7404b

垃圾邮件分类 python





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