

Ste·ga·no·graph·y / stegəˈnägrəfi / (noun): the practice of concealing messages or information within other nonsecret text or data.


Synopsis: it’s possible to effectively conceal sensitive information inside language without raising eavesdropper suspicion using deep learning. This has important implications for secure communication.

简介:可以通过深度学习有效地隐藏语言内部的敏感信息,而不会引起窃听者的怀疑。 这对安全通信具有重要意义。

Edit 09/06/20: Check out the end of the article for a machine-generated summary! More to come in that direction soon. :)

编辑09/06/20: 查阅本文结尾处的机器生成摘要! 不久将有更多的朝着这个方向发展。 :)

Steganography has been used for ages to communicate information in a hidden manner. A natural question: how is this different from cryptography? Isn’t cryptography a very well-studied field in which two individuals aim to share information with each other without an eavesdropper being able to discover this information? Indeed, these two areas are very similar, but there’s an interesting property of steganography that takes information sharing to a whole different level: the information is shared without an eavesdropper even knowing that anything secret is being shared. What’s the use of, say, Shor’s algorithm (for breaking RSA encryption in polynomial time using a quantum computer) if you don’t even know what to decrypt?

隐写术已经使用了很长时间,以隐藏​​的方式传达信息。 一个自然的问题:这与密码学有何不同? 密码学不是一个经过精心研究的领域,在这个领域中,两个人旨在彼此共享信息,而窃听者却无法发现这些信息吗? 的确,这两个领域非常相似,但是隐秘术的一个有趣特性将信息共享带到了一个完全不同的水平:即使不知道任何秘密都在共享,信息也无需窃听者即可共享。 如果您甚至不知道要解密什么,Shor的算法(用于使用量子计算机在多项式时间内打破RSA加密)的用途是什么?

Steganography has long been associated with painting and visual art. Painters often hide signatures, self-portraits, and other secret messages within their works as an “inside joke”. One such example of this is Jackson Pollock’s “Mural”, wherein Pollock hid his entire name in plain sight in the curvatures of the work.

隐写术长期以来与绘画和视觉艺术有关。 画家经常在自己的作品中隐藏签名,自画像和其他秘密信息,以此作为“内部笑话”。 杰克逊·波洛克(Jackson Pollock)的“壁画”就是一个这样的例子,其中波洛克在作品的曲折中清晰地隐藏了他的整个名字。

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Top: Mural (1943) by Jackson Pollock. Image licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-ND 2.0. Bottom: Analysis of signature by art historian Henry Adams.
上图:杰克逊·波洛克(Jackson Pollock)的壁画(1943)。 图片根据Creative Commons CC BY-ND 2.0许可。 下:艺术史学家 亨利·亚当斯 ( Henry Adams)的签名分析。

Until recently, however, computational steganography methods for images (such as appending bits at the end of a .jpg file or applying mathematical functions to select RGB pixel values) have been easy to detect and uncover, and hand-crafted ones are difficult and not scalable.


In 2017, Shumeet Baluja proposed the idea of using deep learning for image steganography in his paper “Hiding Images in Plain Sight: Deep Steganography” [1]. In this paper, a first neural network (the hiding network) takes in two images, a cover and a message. The aim of the hiding network is to create a third image, a container image, that is visually similar to the cover image and is able to be used by a second neural network (the revealing network) to reconstruct the message image via the revealed image (without any knowledge of either the original message or the original cover). The loss is defined by how similar the cover and container images are and how similar the message and revealed images are. The concept was expanded upon a few months later by Zhu et al. to allow for arbitrary data encoding into images [2]. The results were astounding: the network was able to create container images that looked very much like the cover yet allowed the revealing network to reconstruct the message very closely.

2017年,Shumeet Baluja在他的论文“将图像隐藏在普通视域中:深度隐写术 ”中提出了使用深度学习进行图像隐写术的想法[1]。 在本文中,第一个神经网络( 隐藏网络)接收两个图像,一个是封面 ,另一个是消息 。 隐藏网络的目的是创建第三张图像,即容器图像,该图像在视觉上类似于封面图像,并且可以被第二神经网络( 显示网络)用来通过显示的图像重建消息图像。 (不了解原始邮件或原始封面)。 损失由封面和容器图像的相似程度以及消息和显示的图像的相似程度定义。 Zhu等人在几个月后扩展了这一概念。 以允许将任意数据编码为图像[2]。 结果是惊人的:网络能够创建看起来非常像封面的容器图像,但允许显示网络非常紧密地重建消息。

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Hiding Images in Plain Sight: Deep Steganography. 隐藏视域中隐藏图像:深度隐写术”中提出的体系结构的简化。 Image by author. 图片由作者提供

While this result was very interesting, we felt that the utility of steganography specifically for images is limited.


The question arises: what are the limits for this approach in other domains of information?


More specifically, the aim is to apply this approach to the domain of human language in the form of text and audio, which could be a stepping stone to implementing this procedure for general information.


用于文字和其他文本信息的深度隐写术 (Deep Steganography for written language and other textual information)

Text is harder to perform steganography with: images are dense while text is sparse; images aren’t affected much by small changes in pixel values while text is greatly affected by small changes in token values. While various methods for conducting text-based steganalysis exist, they face substantial challenges: (1) classical heuristic-based approaches are often easy to decode, because they leverage fixed, easily reversible rules, and (2) current approaches do not exploit any of the structural properties of the text, resulting in hidden

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