

In one of my previous articles, I talked about transitioning from psychology (or any social science) to data science. The focus was mostly on the skills one needed to gain to become a fully-fledged data scientist.

在我以前的一篇文章中,我谈到了从心理学(或任何社会科学)到数据科学的过渡。 重点主要放在成为一名成熟的数据科学家所需的技能上。

However, what if you already had made the transition? What could you do to leverage your existing psychological knowledge as a data-driven professional? It would be such a shame to throw-away years of studying and ignore all that you have learned!

但是,如果您已经进行了过渡该怎么办? 作为数据驱动的专业人员,您可以怎么利用现有的心理知识? 放弃多年的学习并忽略所有已学到的知识,真是太可惜了!

I truly believe that psychologists have specific skills that can be used to become great data scientists! Sure, as a psychologist I am biased, but let’s just ignore that for a moment 😉*

我坚信,心理学家具有特定的技能,可以用来成为出色的数据科学家! 当然,作为一名心理学家,我有偏见,但让我们暂时忽略一下😉*

This article will focus on identifying which psychological skills can be used, and how, in your work as a data-driven professional.


This will not be as self-evident as a tutorial. The purpose here is to inspire you to look for creative ways to be both a psychologist and a data scientist in your work. I hope to achieve this by providing you with some clear examples that might trigger you to apply old psychological methods in a new way.

这不会像教程那样不言而喻。 这样做的目的是激发您寻找创造性的方法,使其既可以成为心理学家,也可以成为数据科学家。 我希望通过为您提供一些清晰的示例来实现这一目标,这些示例可能会触发您以新的方式应用旧的心理方法。

*NOTE: The skills in this article are not exclusive to psychologists or those with a social background. The focus is as such since chances are that a psychologist is likely a better communicator than a software engineer.

*注意:本文中的技能并非仅限于心理学家或具有社会背景的人。 之所以这样关注,是因为与软件工程师相比,心理学家可能是更好的交流者。

1.心理技能 (1. Psychological Skills)

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Markus Winkler Markus Winkler

Let us start at the beginning, why would I think that a psychologist could make a great data scientist? Surely, it is not because they are great coders or because they have extensive experience with git, right? No! It is mostly due to two broad skills they typically have acquired:

让我们从头开始,为什么我认为心理学家可以成为一名出色的数据科学家? 当然,这不是因为他们是优秀的编码人员,还是因为他们具有git的丰富经验,对吗? 没有! 这主要是由于他们通常掌握的两项广泛技能:

  • Communication skills 💬

  • Research skills 🔍


Now you might think that this does not seem like much, and by looking at these two skills I would be inclined to agree with you. It does not seem very impressive… However, mastering these skills requires significant effort and the impact of using them can be greater than you might think.

现在您可能认为这似乎并不多,通过研究这两种技能,我倾向于同意您的看法。 似乎并不令人印象深刻……但是,掌握这些技能需要付出巨大的努力,使用这些技能的影响可能会超出您的想象。

Both skills are umbrella-concepts and, as such, contain several sub-skills that each contributes in its own way to the fields of psychology and data science.


Below, I will briefly go through some of these skills to give you a feeling as to why communication and research skills are more important to data science then you might realize.


ELI5💬 (ELI5 💬)

Explain it like I am 5 (ELI5) is often used to ask for a simple explanation to a complex topic. If you can explain it to a 5-year old, you truly understand the topic and shows that you can communicate the concepts across all knowledge levels.

Ëxplain艾克5(ELI5)经常被用来问一个简单的解释,以一个复杂的话题。 如果您可以向5岁的孩子讲解它,那么您将真正理解该主题,并表明您可以在所有知识水平上交流这些概念。

As a psychologist, you are already trained to do so. It is vital that your patients understand complex methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, as it would be difficult to apply treatment if they do not.

作为一名心理学家,您已经受过训练。 您的患者了解复杂的方法(例如认知行为疗法)至关重要,因为如果不这样做,将很难进行治疗。

利益相关者管理💬 (Stakeholder management 💬)

It is important to realize that companies are social organizations through meetings, conference calls, lunches, etc. Being able to communicate at an advanced level is of great advantage.


Especially when it comes to stakeholder management, truly understanding their problems, and thereby the solutions they prefer requires that you have a feel of who they are as a professional. Why is this person asking for this feature? What is it that they are trying to achieve?

尤其是在涉众管理方面,要真正理解其问题,从而真正理解其所需要的解决方案,就需要您了解他们是谁。 为什么这个人要求这个功能? 他们想要达到的目标是什么?

道德决策Making (Ethical Decision Making 💬)

A psychologist should know about ethics regardless of your specialization. In the context of data science, this involves patient confidentiality, privacy, decision making, etc. Understanding and having to work in complex ethical environments helps in preventing biases such as the selection bias, confirmation bias, or response bias.

无论您的专业是什么,心理学家都应该了解道德。 在数据科学的背景下,这涉及患者的机密性,隐私,决策等。了解并必须在复杂的道德环境中工作有助于防止诸如选择偏见,确认偏见或React偏见之类的偏见。

实验知识🔍 (Experimental knowledge 🔍)

Now those with a social background have learned a bit more than just communication skills. In most programs, a large portion of the courses is geared towards the understanding of experimental setups involving humans.

现在,具有社会背景的人已经学到了不仅仅是交流技巧的知识。 在大多数计划中,大部分课程都是针对理解涉及人类的实验装置而设计的。

Rigor in experimental design, nuanced interpretation of results, intellectual curiosity, are all skills befitting of a good psychologist.


统计🔍 (Statistics 🔍)

Interestingly, most psychology programs are much more statistics-heavy than you would expect. In my program, one-fourth of all courses were some form of statistics. This ranged from statistical tests and validating questionaries, to A/B testing and

有趣的是,大多数心理学程序的统计量都比您预期的要多得多。 在我的程序中,所有课程的四分之一是某种形式的统计数据。 从统计测试和验证问题到A / B测试和

Those studying social sciences tend to have more in-depth knowledge about experimental design and statistics than most other programs. Seeing as a great deal of machine learning stems from statistics, this is an awesome skill to have.

与大多数其他程序相比,那些学习社会科学的人往往对实验设计和统计学有更深入的了解。 大量的机器学习源于统计数据,这是一项令人敬畏的技能。

主题🔍 (Subject Matter 🔍)

When analyzing human behavior, such as designing experiments for A/B testing or interpreting geographical data of individuals, then it would definitely be helpful to have a good grasp on the things that drives humans.

在分析人类行为时,例如设计用于A / B测试的实验或解释个人的地理数据,那么很好地掌握驱动人类的事物肯定会有所帮助。

Psychologists can of great help when analyzing data pertaining to human behavior!


2.数据专业人员的类型 (2. Type of Data Professionals)

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Markus Winkler Markus Winkler

Although the skills above are important, they might be less or more important depending on the work you actually do. Thus far, I have been looking for the perspective of a data scientist. In practice, the work between data scientists might differ greatly as professions within the data-domain are still ill-defined.

尽管以上技能很重要,但根据您实际所做的工作,它们可能或多或少重要。 到目前为止,我一直在寻找数据科学家的观点。 在实践中,数据科学家之间的工作可能会大相径庭,因为数据领域内的职业仍然不确定。

数据专业 (Data Professions)

In order to understand how psychology can contribute to a data-driven professional, it is important that you define what kind of professional you want to be!


In my experience there are roughly 7 types of data-driven professionals*:


  • Manager (managing a team of data-driven professionals)

  • Business Intelligence Consultant

  • Data Analyst

  • Data Scientist

  • Machine Learning Engineer

  • Data Engineer

  • AI Researcher


These roles significantly differ in the need for both technical and psychological skills. A manager, for example, typically would not need as much technical knowledge as an AI researcher but should definitely be more psychologically inclined in order to properly manage its team.

这些角色在对技术和心理技能的需求上存在显着差异。 例如,经理通常不需要像AI研究人员那么多的技术知识,但绝对应该在心理上更倾向于正确地管理其团队。

The data profession that suits you best can be condensed into a simple question:


What balance do you want between psychological- and technical skills in your work?


Answering this question might help you understand what kind of professional you want to be. If the answer to that question is that you are not looking for technical work, then most psychology professions would suit you (i.e., Clinical Psychology, Social Psychologist, I/O Psychologist, etc.).

回答这个问题可以帮助您了解想要成为什么样的专业人员。 如果该问题的答案是您不希望从事技术工作,那么大多数心理学专业都将适合您(例如,临床心理学,社会心理学家,I / O心理学家等)。

However, the question becomes more difficult if there is some defined amount of both psychological- and technical skills you would like. The answer…a quadrant!

但是,如果您想同时具备一定数量的心理和技术技能,这个问题就会变得更加困难。 答案……象限

3.数据心理学象限 (3. The Quadrant for Psychology in Data)

The extent to which your psychological skills actually are helpful greatly depends on the kind of work you do. If you work as a data engineer and are mostly focused on creating data pipelines, then it is less helpful and necessary to have these skills.

您的心理技能真正有用的程度在很大程度上取决于您所做的工作。 如果您是一名数据工程师,并且主要专注于创建数据管道,那么具有这些技能的帮助和必要性就会降低。

Below, I have created a quadrant that indicates the need for psychological skills versus the need for technical skills in which several professions are placed. Although it is a simplification of reality (who actually wants to see a 4-dimensional graph 😅), hopefully, this helps you in deciding the profession that best suits you.

在下面,我创建了一个象限,该象限表明需要心理技能而不是技能技能需要,而这些技能需要放置多个专业。 尽管这是对现实的简化(实际上他想查看4维图形😅),但希望它可以帮助您确定最适合您的职业。

Image for post
The Quadrant for Need of Psychological Skills in Data-driven Professions. Image by the author.
数据驱动型职业中需要心理技能的象限。 图片由作者提供。

As seen above, the psychological skills typically correspond to communication- and research skills. In the quadrant above, there is a bit more emphasis on communication skills in order to separate it with technical skills.

如上所述,心理技能通常对应于沟通研究技能。 在上面的象限中,对沟通技巧的重视程度更高,以便将其与技术技能区分开。

The technical skills are those that include a wide range of skills within the data-domain, such as programming, machine learning, MLOps, data architecture, etc.


Interestingly, when filling in the quadrants I started noticing a trend in the relative placement of professions. It seems that a curve might exist between technical and psychological skills:

有趣的是,在填写象限时,我开始注意到专业相对位置的趋势。 技术和心理技能之间似乎可能存在一条曲线

A higher need for technical skills often leads to a lower need for psychological skills and vice versa.


低技术和高心理 (Low Technical and High Psychological)

I have placed professions that typically require more psychological skills than technical skills in the lower right quadrant: Business.


Those in the business quadrant are more likely to have either a consulting/advising role or a managerial role. With a greater need for communication and leadership skills, BI consultants and managers fill are a great fit!

企业象限中的人更有可能担任咨询/顾问管理角色。 由于对沟通和领导技能的需求越来越大,BI顾问和经理非常适合!

NOTE: BI consultants can be very technical, especially when they are also in charge of the underlying data model. However, typically, it is more about understanding business than it is about creating complex algorithmic analyses. The same holds true for many of the other professions in the quadrant.

NOTE :BI顾问可能非常技术,尤其是当他们还负责基础数据模型时。 但是,通常,与创建复杂的算法分析相比,更多的是了解业务。 该象限中的许多其他职业也是如此。

高技术和低心理 (High Technical and Low Psychological)

I have placed professions that typically require more technical skills than psychological skills in the upper left quadrant: Engineer.


Those in the engineer quadrant are people with a mostly technical background, like data engineers or machine learning engineers. Although it is helpful to have some psychological skills, it is not a necessity for the job as your interaction with stakeholders is less so than, for example, a data scientist.

工程师领域中的那些人是具有技术背景的,例如数据工程师或机器学习工程师。 尽管具有一些心理技能会有所帮助,但由于与利益相关者的互动比例如数据科学家的互动要少,因此该工作不是必需的。

高技术和高心理 (High Technical and High Psychological)

I have placed professions that typically require high psychological- and technical skills in the upper right quadrant: Unicorn(ish).


You do not often see people having both high technical and psychological skills as they are difficult skills to obtain independently, let alone together. You can see this in the quadrant’s population: there are no roles in the top-right corner.

您不会经常看到人们同时具有很高的技术和心理技能,因为他们很难独立获得技能,更不用说一起获得了。 您可以在该象限的总体中看到这一点:右上角没有角色。

Even the typical unicorn role of data scientists, in my opinion, does not need to have the same technical skills as an AI-researcher. They do need extensive technical and psychological skills, just not at the level of experts.

我认为,即使是数据科学家的典型独角兽角色也不需要具有与AI研究人员相同的技术技能。 他们确实需要广泛的技术和心理技能,而不仅仅是专家水平。

低技术和低心理 (Low Technical and Low Psychological)

I have placed professions that typically require little psychological- and technical skills in the upper right quadrant: Dataless.


Every quadrant needs a name, so I called this dataless for all roles that are not data related. I doubt there are any data-roles where you do not need both technical- and psychological skills.

每个象限都需要一个名称,因此我将所有与数据无关的角色都称为无数据。 我怀疑是否存在不需要技术和心理技能的数据角色。

NOTE: Since data-driven professions are typically ill-defined, the positions above should be taken as an indication and not as a ground-truth. Moreover, this is my perspective and is as such biases towards my experiences.

注意:由于数据驱动型职业通常定义不清,因此以上职位应作为一种指示,而不是基础。 而且,这是我的观点,也是对我的经历的偏见。

4.如何在数据科学中使用心理学 (4. How to use Psychology in Data Science)

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Markus Winkler Markus Winkler

Finally, the million-dollar question:


How can I actually use psychology in my work as a data scientist?


Although this can be done in many ways, I would like to focus on three aspects to get you started:


  • Stakeholder communication

  • Presenting results

  • Analyzing human behavior



Communication with stakeholders is often very difficult due to the seemingly vague requirements they have for their projects. That is often not the fault of the stakeholder, but of the one asking for those requirements! It is up to you to gain an understanding of the stakeholder’s intentions when writing up those requirements.

与利益相关者的沟通通常非常困难,因为他们对项目的要求似乎很模糊。 这通常不是利益相关者的错,而是要求这些要求的人的错! 在编写这些要求时,您需要了解利益相关者的意图。

It starts by going beyond asking for requirements. For each requirement, ask the stakeholder what he/she wants to accomplish with that requirement. Why do you want to predict next-year sales? What do you want to achieve by having that knowledge?

首先要超越要求。 对于每个要求,询问利益相关者他/她想完成该要求的内容。 您为什么要预测明年的销售额? 您想通过掌握这些知识来实现​​什么?

Realize that there is a lack of understanding on both sides. The stakeholder has little knowledge of what you do and vice versa. Crossing that bridge requires you to start identifying with the stakeholder.

意识到双方都缺乏理解。 利益相关者几乎不了解您的工作,反之亦然。 越过那座桥梁,您需要开始与利益相关者进行识别。

NOTE: What helps me when analyzing communication errors between me and the other is assuming that I was in error. By assuming it was due to a fault of my own I can start identifying how I could have approached the situation differently. If you blame the other person for communicating poorly very little is going to chance next time around.

注意:在分析我与他人之间的通信错误时,对我有帮助的是假设我有错误。 通过假设这是由于我自己的错误造成的,我可以开始确定如何以不同的方式处理这种情况。 如果您责怪对方沟通不畅,下一次机会就很大。

通讯 (Communication)

Great communication skills can require several years to develop but focussing a few aspects can help your skills tremendously. Let us focus on a single form of communication: presenting.

优秀的沟通能力可能需要几年才能发展,但专注于某些方面可以极大地帮助您提高技能。 让我们专注于一种交流形式:呈现

Presenting the results of your latest analyses can be more difficult than you might anticipate. You need to communicate your results, technical assumptions, impact on the business, validation metrics, etc. All of that while being interesting in the process.

呈现最新分析的结果可能比您预期的要困难得多。 您需要传达您的结果,技术假设,对业务的影响,验证指标等。所有这些在过程中都很有趣。

Here are a few tips to get you started:


  • Know your audience

  • Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS)

    ķEEP小号imple,S tupid(KISS)

  • Explain it Like I’m 5 (ELI5)

    Èxplain大号IKE I“5(ELI5)

  • Approach it like a story

  • Focus on a single message


Keeping it simple by focusing on a single message and explaining it in ways most can understand your results is key in communicating well.


Even for a technical audience, it is often best to start simple. Diving into very technical content from the start requires a tremendous amount of concentration. For technical individuals, you want to create intuition about what you are presenting and the methods you have applied.

即使是技术人员,通常也最好从简单入手。 从一开始就投入非常技术性的内容需要大量的精力。 对于技术人员,您想对所呈现的内容和所采用的方法产生直觉。

分析人类行为 (Analyzing human behavior)

Interpreting the results of your analyses often requires some degree of domain knowledge. As a psychologist, human behavior is your domain knowledge. However, there are not many organizations out there that focus solely on analyzing human behavior.

解释分析结果通常需要一定程度的领域知识。 作为一名心理学家,人类行为是您的专业知识。 但是,很少有组织专门专注于分析人类行为。

Fortunately, most organizations have some form of data pertaining to human behavior. For example, this could be customer reviews, tickets, or even hr-data. As all organizations nowadays have a website, you can, at the very least, analyze how people use an organization’s website and develop a behavioral flow.

幸运的是,大多数组织都有与人类行为有关的某种形式的数据。 例如,这可能是客户评论,票证甚至是小时数据。 由于当今所有组织都有网站,因此您至少可以分析人们如何使用组织的网站并发展行为流程。

You do not have to look very far to find behavioral data in any organization. Identifying these use-cases or problems can be beneficial as it allows you to show off your psychological domain knowledge!

您无需花太多时间就可以在任何组织中找到行为数据。 识别这些用例或问题可能是有益的,因为它可以让您炫耀自己的心理领域知识!

NOTE TO END ALL NOTES: Although this article has gotten longer then I intended, it is still missing quite a lot of information and footnotes. I am making some assumptions here and there in order to compress information but it sometimes feels like that the un-compressed information would essential. I realize that I am generalizing at times, so please correct me if I am missing vital information or if I generalized too much. Finding a balance has proven to be quite difficult 😅.

结束所有注释:尽管这篇文章的长度超出了我的预期,但仍然缺少很多信息和脚注。 为了压缩信息,我在各处进行一些假设,但是有时感觉未压缩的信息将是必不可少的。 我意识到自己有时会进行概括,因此,如果我缺少重要信息或过于概括,请更正我。 事实证明,很难找到一个平衡点。

感谢您的阅读! (Thank you for reading!)

If you are, like me, passionate about AI, Data Science, or Psychology, please feel free to add me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter.


Click one of the posts below for more information about the intersection between psychology and data science:


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/why-psychologists-can-be-great-data-scientists-970552b5223


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