bluehost 盗版_如何免费使用bluehost设置电子邮件地址并连接到gmail或Outlook 2020

bluehost 盗版

Let’s say you purchased the following domain name when you opened your Bluehost account:


And now, you want to set up the following email address in Gmail or Outlook:


Here’s how you do it in Bluehost for FREE.


设置您的自定义电子邮件地址 (Setting up your custom Email Address)

First, click on the “Advanced” tab from your Bluehost Dashboard.


Click “Email Accounts” and then click “CREATE”.


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Enter your desired email address and select a login password.


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Once created, click “CHECK EMAIL”


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You will be redirected to your Webmail Dashboard. You can open your new email inbox with Roundcube.

您将被重定向到Webmail仪表板。 您可以使用Roundcube打开新的电子邮件收件箱。

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And here is a snapshot of the Roundcube email software:


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I have the welcome email open, which tells us the necessary information to set up our email address with Gmail or any other popular mail client.


我不能只使用Roundcube吗? (Couldn’t I Just use Roundcube?)

Absolutely! If you are happy with using Roundcube to manage your email, then you are all set. You could also use another open-source email client already configured with Bluehost such as horde or SquirrelMail.

绝对! 如果您对使用Roundcube管理电子邮件感到满意,那么一切就绪。 您还可以使用已经配置了Bluehost的另一个开源电子邮件客户端,例如horde或SquirrelMail。

Once you get used to them, these open-source options aren’t all that bad. But most of us prefer convenience, which is why the next part of this tutorial will be instructions for setting up your new email on Gmail or Outlook.

一旦您习惯了它们,这些开源选项就不是那么糟糕了。 但是我们大多数人都喜欢方便,这就是为什么本教程的下一部分将是在Gmail或Outlook上设置新电子邮件的说明。

如何使用Gmail配置电子邮件 (How to Configure your Email with Gmail)

Open the welcome email that was sent to you upon the creation of your new email. Go to the box that says “Secure SSL/TLS Settings”:

打开在创建新电子邮件时发送给您的欢迎电子邮件。 转到显示“安全SSL / TLS设置”的框:

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IMAP, POP3, and SMTP are internet protocols used for email, similar to how we use the HTTP protocol to transfer information about websites over the internet.


Now go to Gmail and click the settings icon:


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When this opens up, click “See all settings”


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Click “Accounts and Import”


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Scroll down to the section called “Check mail from other accounts”


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A yellow box should pop up. Enter the email address you just created.

应弹出一个黄色框。 输入您刚创建的电子邮件地址。

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Select “Next”


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Select “Next”


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Here is where the bulk of the setup comes in. Remember that blue box that we received in our welcome email?


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We will use this information to fill out the yellow box. I will walk through each option below:

我们将使用此信息填写黄色框。 我将介绍以下每个选项:

  1. Username — this should be your email address, but just copy it straight from the blue box if you are unsure.


  2. Password — This is the password you made when you set up the email account in Bluehost a few minutes ago


  3. POP Server — POP or “Post Office Protocol” retrieves mail from a remote server (like Bluehost) so that we can read it in Gmail. This should already be filled in for you. Be sure to change the port to 995, which forces your mail to be encrypted and secure.

    POP服务器-POP或“邮局协议”从远程服务器(如Bluehost)中检索邮件,以便我们可以在Gmail中阅读。 这应该已经为您填写了。 确保将端口更改为995,这将强制对邮件进行加密和保护。

  4. “Leave a copy of retrieved messages on the server” — I suggest checking this box, but if your server is running out of space (you only get 100MB), you can switch this off later. If checked, this will not only receive mail from Gmail but when you check your mail directly on the Bluehost server (via Roundcube or another email client), the emails will also be stored there. If unchecked, you will not be able to check mail directly from your server; you are stuck with Gmail.

    “在服务器上保留检索到的消息的副本” -我建议选中此框,但是如果您的服务器空间不足(只有100MB),则可以稍后将其关闭。 如果选中,它将不仅接收来自Gmail的邮件,而且当您直接在Bluehost服务器上(通过Roundcube或其他电子邮件客户端)检查邮件时,电子邮件也将存储在该处。 如果未选中,则将无法直接从服务器检查邮件; 您被Gmail困住了。

  5. “Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail” — This makes sure that your emails are encrypted and don’t get read by a nefarious hacker.

    “检索邮件时始终使用安全连接(SSL)” —这可确保您的电子邮件经过加密,不会被恶意的黑客阅读。

  6. “Label Incoming Messages” — This is not required, but I suggest it. This is a personal preference, but I don’t like getting my website’s mail mixed up with the mail on my Gmail account. By labeling the incoming messages, you can ensure that messages aren’t getting lost in the chaos of your regular Gmail inbox.

    “标签传入消息” -不是必需的,但是我建议这样做。 这是个人喜好,但我不喜欢将网站的邮件与Gmail帐户中的邮件混在一起。 通过标记收到的邮件,可以确保邮件不会在常规Gmail收件箱的混乱中丢失。

  7. “Archive Incoming Messages” — I only suggest checking this box if you checked the previous box and have applied a label to your messages. When combined, you can essentially create a brand new Gmail inbox that never gets confused with the Gmail account you are using to see these messages! In my opinion, this is the way to go.

    “存档传入邮件” —仅当您选中上一个框并为邮件添加标签后,才建议选中此框。 结合使用后,您基本上可以创建一个全新的Gmail收件箱,该收件箱永远不会与用于查看这些邮件的Gmail帐户混淆! 我认为这是要走的路。

Pheww… Time to move on:


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Gmail is now asking if you want to be able to send emails with this new address. If you do this, you will be able to see a dropdown of emails that you can send messages within your Gmail account, like this:

Gmail现在正在询问您是否希望能够使用该新地址发送电子邮件。 如果这样做,您将能够看到电子邮件的下拉列表,可以在Gmail帐户中发送邮件,如下所示:

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After you hit “Next Step”, you’ll be asked for some more technical details.


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Again, you can find the correct details for this from that blue box that we used earlier. We’ll quickly go through these options:

同样,您可以从我们之前使用的那个蓝色框中找到正确的详细信息。 我们将快速介绍以下选项:

  1. SMTP Server — Should be filled in for you already


  2. Port — Make sure that you check port 465, which is the “secure” way to send mail

    端口-确保您检查端口465 ,这是发送邮件的“安全”方式

  3. Username — Same as your previous configuration (your email)


  4. Password — Same as your previous configuration (the password you set up with Bluehost when you created the email)


Once you’ve added your account, you will be asked for a one-time code to confirm:


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You will need to go back to your Roundcube account (from your Bluehost dashboard) to retrieve this one-time code:


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Once you are verified, I suggest refreshing the browser where you have Gmail open. Additionally, I suggest going back to your import settings and checking the box that says “When replying to a message… Reply from the same address the message was sent to”. This will save you from accidentally responding to people who have contacted your website email address from your personal email. Here’s how you do that:

验证通过后,建议您刷新打开Gmail的浏览器。 另外,我建议返回到导入设置,并选中“答复邮件时…从邮件发送到的相同地址答复”复选框。 这样可以避免您意外回复通过您的个人电子邮件与您的网站电子邮件地址联系过的人。 这是您的操作方式:

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And that’s it! Remember, we are dealing with internet protocols and DNS records (Domain Name System), which means that some of these changes might take a few minutes to start working. Be patient if these settings don’t work immediately. Likely, after an hour or so you’ll be up and running with no issues!

就是这样! 请记住,我们正在处理Internet协议和DNS记录(域名系统),这意味着其中一些更改可能需要几分钟才能开始工作。 如果这些设置不能立即生效,请耐心等待。 大概一个小时后,您就可以正常运行了!

如何使用Outlook配置电子邮件(Web版本) (How to Configure your Email with Outlook (Web Version))

The setup for Outlook (Web Version) is similar to Gmail.


Start by opening your advanced settings:


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The top right corner of Outlook
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Once in your settings, click on “Sync Email” and then “Other email accounts”


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When you click this, you should see a form to fill out. Before you fill out anything, check the box under Advanced Settings and click “OK”.

单击此按钮时,您应该会看到一个表格要填写。 填写任何内容之前,请选中“高级设置”下的复选框,然后单击“确定”。

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This will extend the form with some more configuration options. To fill it out, you are going to need that blue box you received in your instruction email:

这将扩展表单并提供更多配置选项。 要填写此信息,您将需要在说明电子邮件中收到的蓝色框:

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Below I will go through each field and explain it:


  1. Display Name — This is what someone will see in the “Sender” field when they receive an email from this email address. This is the “friendly name” that people see instead of the actual email address.

    显示名称-当某人收到来自该电子邮件地址的电子邮件时,将在“发件人”字段中看到该名称。 这是人们看到的“友好名称”,而不是实际的电子邮件地址。

  2. Email Address — Put your website’s email


  3. User name — This should be your website’s email, but you can also find this in the blue table above.


  4. Password — This is the password that you used to create your email within Bluehost


  5. “Create a new folder for imported email…” — I suggest checking this box because it will ensure that your website emails do not get mixed up with your Outlook email. I like to keep them separated and suggest you do so as well, but just a preference here.

    “为导入的电子邮件创建一个新文件夹...” -我建议选中此框,因为这将确保您的网站电子邮件不会与Outlook电子邮件混淆。 我喜欢将它们分开,建议您也这样做,但这里只是一个偏爱。

Moving on to the next few options…


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6. Choose your connection type — Either of the first two options will work, but we will be choosing POP/SMTP

6.选择您的连接类型-前两个选项均可使用,但我们将选择POP / SMTP

7. Incoming (POP) server — This should be in the format mail.yourdomain.yourtopleveldomain


8. Incoming server port — Per the blue box we looked at above, we should be using SSL/TLS settings, and use port 995.

8.传入服务器端口-在上面的蓝色框中,我们应该使用SSL / TLS设置,并使用端口995。

9. Leave a copy of messages on the server — I suggest checking this box, but if your server is running out of space (you only get 100MB), you can switch this off later. If checked, this will not only receive mail from Outlook, but when you check your mail directly on the Bluehost server (via Roundcube or another email client), the emails will also be stored there. If unchecked, you will not be able to check mail directly from your server; you are stuck with Outlook.

9.在服务器上保留消息的副本—我建议选中此框,但是如果您的服务器空间不足(只有100MB),则可以稍后将其关闭。 如果选中,它将不仅接收来自Outlook的邮件,而且当您直接在Bluehost服务器上(通过Roundcube或其他电子邮件客户端)检查邮件时,电子邮件也将存储在该处。 如果未选中,则将无法直接从服务器检查邮件; 您陷于Outlook。

10. Authentication — The Basic configuration will use usernames and passwords.


11. Encryption — Per the blue box, we will select SSL


12. “Accept untrusted certificates” — Do not check this. It kind of defeats the purpose of using TLS/SSL settings.

12. “接受不受信任的证书” —请勿检查。 这有点违反了使用TLS / SSL设置的目的。

And finally, the last section of the form:


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13. “Send email using your provider’s server” — You will want to check this so that your emails are actually coming from your website’s email address.

13. “使用提供商的服务器发送电子邮件” -您需要进行检查,以确保电子邮件实际上来自您网站的电子邮件地址。

14. Outgoing (SMTP) server — This should be the same as your incoming server above


15. Outgoing server port — Use port 465 according to the blue box you received in the instructions email from Bluehost.


And that’s it! Remember, we are dealing with internet protocols and DNS records (Domain Name System), which means that some of these changes might take a few minutes to start working. Be patient if these settings don’t work immediately. Likely, after an hour or so you’ll be up and running with no issues!

就是这样! 请记住,我们正在处理Internet协议和DNS记录(域名系统),这意味着其中一些更改可能需要几分钟才能开始工作。 如果这些设置不能立即生效,请耐心等待。 大概一个小时后,您就可以正常运行了!

Personally, I have found that connecting your email with Gmail is faster than Outlook (web version). When I connect my email to Outlook (web version), receiving emails is on a 1–5-minute lag. If that is a dealbreaker for you, you may want to use one of the open-source mail clients like Roundcube for faster delivery.

就个人而言,我发现将您的电子邮件与Gmail连接起来的速度比Outlook(网络版)更快。 当我将电子邮件连接到Outlook(网络版本)时,接收电子邮件的时间为1-5分钟。 如果这对您而言是个大难题,则您可能希望使用Roundcube之类的开源邮件客户端之一来加快传递速度。

If you haven’t created an account with Bluehost yet, get signed up for as little as $3.95 / month today (affiliate link)!

如果您尚未在Bluehost上创建帐户,请立即注册,每月最低费用为$ 3.95 (会员链接)!

If you’re unsure which plan is right for you, check out my post where I compare all the plan features and pricing.



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