html 时间的倒数计时
I recently held a contest on my Instagram to provide my services for free to creatives and small businesses who needed a website/portfolio built.
Note: This is only one way to achieve this. Take it and run wild! (full code at end of article)
注意:这仅是实现此目的的一种方法。 抓住它,疯狂奔跑! (文章末尾的完整代码)
To select the contest winners, I built a simple function to randomize an array. For now they are numbers, but you can substitute these for the list you need to pick from.
为了选择竞赛获胜者,我构建了一个简单的函数来随机化数组。 目前,它们是数字,但是您可以将其替换为需要选择的列表。
const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
Create a variable that makes a shallow copy of your array and slices it:
const b = array.slice();
Then create a new array that data will be pushed to:
const newArr = [];
Next, create a simple for loop that will randomize the items in your array, and push to your newArr:
接下来,创建一个简单的for循环 ,该循环将随机化数组中的项目,并推送到newArr:
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {let arr = b[Math.floor(Math.random() * b.length)];let index = b.indexOf(arr);b.splice(index, 1);newArr.push(arr);}
In this case, because I wanted 3 winners selected, i < 3, so you would change this to however many you wanted.
在这种情况下,因为我希望选择3个获奖者, 即<3 ,所以您可以将其更改为想要的数量。
I almost forgot — this is the HTML body markup:
<h1>WINNERS WILL APPEAR BELOW!</h1><div id="container"><!-- winners will append here! --></div>
Now for the fun! I used this code from Experts-Exchange and tweaked it.
现在找乐子! 我使用了来自Experts-Exchange的代码并进行了调整。
Create a let variable that is globally scoped, this will be your starting number. In my case, I started the countdown at 5.
创建一个全局范围的let变量,这将是您的起始编号。 就我而言,我从5开始倒计时。
let current_count = 5;
In my function called countDown, I’m first going to append an <h2> to my container div with the .innerHTML property that appends the number if current_count is greater than 0:
function countDown() {document.getElementById("container",).innerHTML = `<h2> ${current_count}</h2>`;}
if (current_count > 0) {current_count--;}
The next section is two parts and happens simultaneously:
First, clear the <h2>. I added this so when current_count = 0, it is removed from the page and the next .innerHTML can really shine.
首先,清除<h2>。 我添加了它,以便当current_count = 0时,它从页面中删除,下一个.innerHTML可以真正发光。
else {clearInterval(countJob);document.getElementById("container").innerHTML = `<h2> </h2>`;
In the same else block:
newArr.forEach((winner) => {document.getElementById(“container”,).innerHTML += `<li> ${winner}</li>`;
The whole countDown function will look like this:
function countDown() {document.getElementById("container",).innerHTML = `<h2> ${current_count}</h2>`;if (current_count > 0) {current_count--;} else {clearInterval(countJob);document.getElementById("container").innerHTML = `<h2> </h2>`;newArr.forEach((winner) => {document.getElementById("container",).innerHTML += `<li> ${winner}</li>`;});}}
Lastly, launch the countDown function in a SetInterval variable:
const countJob = setInterval("countDown()", 1000);
And that’s it!
html 时间的倒数计时