

The once thought science-fiction fantasy of robots eventually replacing humans has become more of a reality in recent years. With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence technology, many conversations have been spurred about the technology’s capability of replacing many humans at their jobs. Within this discussion also entails many other technical, as well as, philosophical questions that individuals want to be answered such as, what job industries are at most risk of this replacement, what new jobs will be created through the advancement of AI, and even though AI could do a better job than humans at some tasks, will the substitution be worth it. These are all overarching categories that fit inside the main topic of discussion of AI technology replacing humans in the job market.

近几年来,曾经一度被认为是机器人最终取代人类的科幻小说幻想已经成为现实。 随着人工智能技术的飞速发展,有关该技术取代许多人工作的能力的话题引起了很多讨论。 在此讨论中,还涉及许多其他个人希望回答的技术和哲学问题,例如,哪些职业行业最有可能被替代,通过人工智能的发展将创造哪些新的工作,即使在某些任务上,AI值得做得比人类做得更好。 这些都是最重要的类别,适合讨论AI技术取代劳动力市场中的人类的主要话题。

From a personal standpoint, I do believe that technological advancement within the field of AI is beneficial overall to society, but only to certain limitations. Let me explain. A lot of the time when discussing this topic, most people are one-sided, meaning they either fully support AI advancement or do not support it. The middle ground of this debate is often left out of the discussion or even completely forgotten about. Artificial intelligence assistance within the job market is where I see AI fit and not destroying the socio-economic lives of so many working-class people. AI assistance within a job context means the technology auto-completing some of the more repetitive and boring tasks a lot of jobs incur such as organizing industry assembling line parts, compiling massive amounts of Excel data sheets, or even having 24/7 customer chat support to clear up some of the bottlenecks within a company’s customer service pipelines. These incorporations are all actually taking place in real-time now without many people even realizing it. AI job-assistance will make the working lives of a lot of people easier and less stressful, but from a business financial standpoint to these companies that doesn’t really fit. This is where the introduction of complete AI-human replacement comes into play.

从个人的角度来看,我确实相信AI领域内的技术进步对整个社会都是有益的,但只限于某些局限性。 让我解释。 很多时候,在讨论此主题时,大多数人是单方面的,这意味着他们要么完全支持AI进步,要么不支持AI进步。 这种辩论的中间立场常常被排除在讨论范围之外,甚至被完全遗忘。 我认为,在劳动力市场上提供人工智能帮助,人工智能并没有破坏很多工人阶级的社会经济生活。 在工作环境中提供AI协助意味着该技术可以自动完成许多工作所需要的一些重复性和无聊的任务,例如组织行业组装线零件,汇编大量Excel数据表,甚至具有24/7客户聊天支持清除公司客户服务渠道中的某些瓶颈。 这些合并实际上实际上都是实时进行的,甚至没有很多人意识到。 人工智能的工作帮助将使许多人的工作更加轻松和压力减轻,但是从商业财务的角度来看,这些公司并不适合。 这是引入完全人工替代人工的地方。

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When talking about AI job replacement, this ultimately means a company has found a use for AI technology to essentially do a more efficient job than humans, which may entail making fewer mistakes or producing faster, more accurate results, and the technology will cost less than the current salaries for many of these workers. This the ‘see-saw’ debate of it does make sense for the corporations to do this and cut costs, but on the flip-side, what about the millions and millions of lives affected by this technological replacement? Digging further into the dirt, the industries, and professions that will be most affected by AI replacement are industrial work (factory workers), transportation (taxi and bus drivers), electronic commerce, telemarketing/reception, customer support, financial services/insurance (accountants), marketing teams and possibly even doctors and soldiers. The soldiers replacement is actually a beneficial target in regards to support of total replacement in which there will be fewer deaths and casualties in war and combat, however, young individuals needing to go to some sort of military training or school for financial support or any other reasons will no longer have that accessibility. This list is in accordance to the works of “Will AI Replace Your Job?,” written by John DeCleene, and “Artificial Intelligence: The Impact on Employment and the Workforce,” written by George Krasadakis. Referencing back to the list, it speaks to the volume of how many jobs are at risk of being terminated by AI, as well as, the current state of the technology, which is more advanced than many people are aware of. If the replacement transition is to occur in more depth, I believe that people should be made alert beforehand to prepare. Knowing the high-level state of AI technology right now in current time can prepare individuals who are in these risk-industries to develop skills that AI can’t handle to set themselves apart in the job market, or seek other professions.

在谈论AI职位替换时,这最终意味着公司发现AI技术的使用实际上比人类更有效地工作,这可能需要减少错误或产生更快,更准确的结果,并且技术的成本低于这些工人中许多人的当前工资。 对于公司而言,这种“跷跷板式”辩论确实有意义并削减了成本,但另一方面,受此技术替代影响的数百万生命又如何呢? 深入挖掘受AI替代影响最大的行业和行业是工业工作(工厂工人),运输(出租车和公共汽车司机),电子商务,电话销售/接待,客户支持,金融服务/保险(会计师),营销团队,甚至医生和士兵。 在支持全面替换方面,士兵的替换实际上是一个有益的目标,因为在战争和战斗中死伤人数将减少,但是,年轻人需要去某种军事训练或上学以获得经济支持或任何其他方式原因将不再具有该可访问性。 此列表与John DeCleene撰写的“人工智能将取代您的工作吗?”和George Krasadakis撰写的“人工智能:对就业和劳动力的影响”相符。 回到列表,它谈到有多少工作可能会被AI终止的风险,以及该技术的当前状态,这种状态比许多人知道的要先进。 如果要更深入地进行替换过渡,我认为应该事先使人们保持警惕,以备不时之需。 了解当前当前AI技术的高级状态可以帮助处于这些风险行业中的人们发展AI无法处理的技能,以使其在就业市场中脱颖而出或寻求其他职业。

According to another Medium project titled, “7 Jobs That AI Will Replace by 2025,” written by Samantha Kang, as well as, the other works cited previously, AI will eliminate 1.8 million traditional jobs, but also create 2.3 million new jobs. However, these new jobs will require more advanced skill sets that complement the AI technology that not many blue-collar people who will lose these traditional jobs are able to obtain. This may be due to a lack of education, not enough surrounding personal resources, etc. Again, this is why I standby that total replacement might not be the best approach, but rather just AI job assistance. Yes, replacement in totality would be more efficient and a ‘smarter’ business move or direction, but with so much unemployment occurring if this were to happen, business for many of these companies would sharply decline due to a lack of income of the unemployed and economic instability.

根据萨曼莎·康(Samantha Kang)撰写的题为“到2025年AI将取代7个工作岗位”的另一个Medium项目,以及之前引用的其他工作,AI将消除180万个传统工作岗位,但还会创造230万个新工作岗位。 但是,这些新工作将需要更高级的技能,以补充AI技术,而失去这些传统工作的蓝领人却很少能获得。 这可能是由于缺乏教育,周围的个人资源不足等造成的。再次,这就是为什么我认为完全替代可能不是最好的方法,而只是AI工作帮助的原因。 是的,整体替换将更有效,并且是一个“更智能”的业务方向或方向,但是如果发生大量失业,那么由于缺少失业者和高收入者,这些公司中的许多公司的业务将急剧下降。经济不稳定。

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With all of this being said, however, in a more positive light, another notice that I would like readers to know are the jobs that will ultimately never really be replaced by AI technology. This would include writers, psychiatrists, scientists and inventors, lawyers, software developers, and HR managers. What is similar across all of these jobs is the common theme of them requires a lot of human input. AI can’t produce good writing or discuss human emotions, talk on the phone with other fellow humans about job support. In the end no matter how advanced this type of technology gets, only humans will understand what humans want on a deep level. It will not be done as accurate through predictive analysis or machine learning.

综上所述,我想让读者知道的另一个通知是,这些工作最终将永远不会真正被AI技术所取代。 其中包括作家,精神科医生,科学家和发明家,律师,软件开发人员和人力资源经理。 所有这些工作的相似之处是它们的共同主题是需要大量的人工投入。 人工智能无法产生良好的写作或讨论人类的情感,也无法与其他人类通电话谈论工作支持。 最终,无论这种技术多么先进,只有人类才能深刻理解人类的需求。 通过预测分析或机器学习不会做到如此准确。

Tying everything together, this need for genuine human input argues against total AI job replacement, but rather AI incorporation in harmony with humans. In an interview with the previous President of the United States Barack Obama, he discusses this topic in support of this exact view. The take of having positive regards to the advancements in artificial intelligence technology, especially within the job market, but also reminding that replacing humans with this advancement is not the best route to go.

将所有东西捆绑在一起,这种对真正的人工输入的需求反对全部AI工作的替代,而是反对与人类和谐相处的AI合并。 在接受美国前总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的采访时,他讨论了这一主题,以支持这一确切观点。 积极关注人工智能技术的进步,尤其是在就业市场中,但同时提醒人们,用这种进步代替人类并不是最佳的选择。







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