docker菜鸟_使用回送4和docker实现基本的基于jwt的身份验证以实现完整的菜鸟1 2


LoopBack is a popular IBM library for building API’s fast and deploying them as micro services. It offers out of the box integration with TypeScript, Jest, Mocha and Docker (among others). In this article, I will share with you my noob’s journey of setting up basic JWT-based authentication using LoopBack 4 and MongoDB ran inside a Docker container. I followed this official LoopBack 4 tutorial for adding JWT-based authentication to an existing app and adapted it to include the Docker/ MongoDB set up (which was the most difficult part for me).

LoopBack是流行的IBM库,用于快速构建API并将其部署为微服务。 它提供了与TypeScript,Jest,Mocha和Docker(以及其他)的现成集成。 在本文中,我将与您分享我的菜鸟使用LoopBack 4建立基本的基于JWT的身份验证的过程,而MongoDB则在Docker容器中运行。 我遵循了 官方LoopBack 4教程,将基于JWT的身份验证添加到现有应用程序,并对它进行了修改,使其包括Docker / MongoDB设置(这对我来说是最困难的部分)。

Throughout the article, I will often refer to LoopBack 4 as LoopBack.

在整篇文章中,我经常将LoopBack 4称为LoopBack。

When I started working on the back-end of my pet project, I dreaded the moment when I had to implement authentication and authorization (like any other developer out there). I was a bit relieved because I knew I am familiar enough with TypeScript and Node.js to do this with LoopBack 4. But, on the other hand, I was a complete Docker noob and I wanted to run everything in Docker.

当我开始在我的宠物项目的后端工作时,我害怕必须实施身份验证和授权的时刻(就像那里的其他开发人员一样)。 我有些放心,因为我知道我对TypeScript和Node.js足够熟悉,可以通过LoopBack 4做到这一点。但是,另一方面,我是一个完整的Docker noob,我想在Docker中运行所有东西。

Before we move on, let me explain my technical choices.


  1. Why LoopBack? I needed micro services and I wanted a short(ish) development time*. If I really wanted to do more learning, I would have gone for Flask or Django, but I was confident enough I can handle Node.js and not have to learn too many new things in one go.

    为什么要环回? 我需要微服务,并且希望缩短开发时间*。 如果我真的想做更多的学习,我会选择Flask或Django,但我有足够的信心可以处理Node.js,而不必一次学习太多的新知识。

  2. Why Docker? I’m lazy. I don’t want to be bothered installing 100 new programs on my laptop to do development. I want to start Docker and have everything I need there.

    为什么选择Docker? 我很懒。 我不想在笔记本电脑上安装100个新程序来进行开发。 我想启动Docker,并在那里拥有我需要的一切。

Ok, back to the coding.


*let’s not fool ourselves, I wish it would have taken me 2 weeks of intense programming after work, but “real” summer decided to show up — I live in a rainy country, where “real” summer is something you enjoy while you can)

* 让我们不要自欺欺人,我希望下班后我需要花两个星期进行激烈的编程,但是“真正的”夏天决定出现-我生活在一个多雨的国家,在那里,您可以尽享“真正的”夏天)

Step 1: Install dependencies


For this project, you will need the following programs installed on your local machine:


npm i -g @loopback/cli

Step 2 : Read the documentation


Here is some basic documentation for LoopBack 4:

以下是LoopBack 4的一些基本文档:

For this particular tutorial, it’s also good if you skim the LoopBack documentation about controllers, models, relations between models, data sources and repositories.

对于本特定教程,也可以浏览有关控制器模型 ,模型之间的关系数据源存储库的LoopBack文档,这也很好。

The simplified structure of a LoopBack app looks something like this (the front-end is not part of the app, I just added it in the diagram for completeness).

LoopBack应用程序的简化结构看起来像这样( 前端不是该应用程序的一部分,为完整性起见 ,我只是在图中添加了它)。

Image for post

The really magical part for me is the data source layer, because LoopBack has many data source connectors written for it that know how to communicate with various database solutions, like MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis and so on.


Step 3 : Implementation steps


Ok, so let’s write down the implementation steps:


  1. Boot a MongoDB instance on localhost through Docker, with a database named test_db. Because we are security mindful, we want to connect to this database with a username and a password that we keep in a local .env file (so we avoid sharing our credentials with the whole wide world when we share our project on GitHub, for example).

    通过Docker在本地主机上使用名为test_db的数据库启动MongoDB实例出于安全考虑,我们希望使用保存在本地.env文件中的用户名和密码连接到该数据库(例如,当我们在GitHub上共享项目时,避免与全世界共享凭据)。 )。

  2. Create a new datasource in our LoopBack project, and connect it to the newly created test_db database.

    在我们的LoopBack项目中创建一个新的数据源 ,并将其连接到新创建的test_db数据库。

  3. Implement the JWT authentication example in the LoopBack 4 tutorial.

    在LoopBack 4 教程中 实现JWT身份验证示例

  4. Test that the api endpoints we created work as expected.


And now we finally get to the fun part… let’s write some code!


Step 4 : Create your project


lb4 auth-example

Follow the interactive terminal steps and make your choices of packages to be installed and whether you want yarn instead of npm. From experience, I noticed that yarn is faster than npm, so if you develop a bigger project, you can go for yarn. For our toy project, it doesn’t really matter which one you choose.

遵循交互式终端步骤,然后选择要安装的软件包以及是否要使用yarn而不是npm进行选择 。 根据经验,我注意到纱线比npm更快,因此,如果您开发一个更大的项目,则可以选择纱线。 对于我们的玩具项目,选择哪一个都不重要。

Step 5 : Run MongoDB in Docker


This is the step where I got stuck for several days, because I couldn’t figure out for the life of me how to create a new database in MongoDB via Docker (yes, yes, I’m a Docker noob).

这是我停留了几天的步骤,因为我一生都想不通如何通过Docker在MongoDB中创建新数据库(是的,是的,我是Docker noob)。

For some time, I thought that the LoopBack Mongo connector will auto-magically create a new database for me. But no, creating a new database is Docker’s responsibility, not LoopBack’s.

一段时间以来,我认为LoopBack Mongo连接器将自动为我创建一个新数据库。 但是,不,创建新数据库是Docker的责任,而不是LoopBack的责任。

So, we add a new docker-compose.yml file in the root directory of our project. Why Docker compose? Because it lets you run multiple containers from one single file. When your project grows, you just run docker-compose up and you’re ready to go.

因此,我们在项目的根目录中添加了一个新docker-compose.yml文件。 为什么Docker组成? 因为它使您可以从一个文件运行多个容器。 当您的项目增长时,您只需运行docker-compose up就可以了。

In docker-compose.yml, you add the following code

docker-compose.yml ,添加以下代码



If you want a detailed explanation of each line, please go to the article here.


Brief explanation:


  • we use the latest Mongo server image to boot the Docker container

  • we use the .env file for the MongoDB credentials to be able to log in to the database in the container. Many docker-composeexamples use the environment property instead of env_file, and that’s fine for examples and toy projects, but not ok for actual development

    我们使用.env文件作为MongoDB凭据,以便能够登录到容器中的数据库。 许多docker-compose示例都使用environment属性而不是env_file ,这对于示例和玩具项目很好,但对于实际开发而言并不env_file

  • the MongoDB port will be forwarded from the container to our localhost port 27017

  • the entry point for our MongoDB container is the shell script


In our root directory we will then add the 2 files we need:




WARNING: (I’m sharing this with you for illustration purposes, but you should never share/commit this file. This should be kept local and added to .gitignore. In the of your repo, you can instruct the people cloning your code to create their own local .env file and add their own credentials there).




This is where we customize our Docker MongoDB instance.

这是我们自定义Docker MongoDB实例的地方。

In this script, we do the following:


  1. Use the credentials from the .env file to create a new user


  2. This user will be created in our test_db database. In case this database doesn’t exist, MongoDB will know to create it by default.

    该用户将在我们的test_db数据库中创建。 万一这个数据库不存在,MongoDB会默认创建它。

  3. We assign various roles to the MongoDB user we create (readWrite is enough for what we need, but I also wanted to see the database users, so I added more roles).

    我们为创建的MongoDB用户分配了各种角色( readWrite足以满足我们的需求,但是我也想查看数据库用户,因此添加了更多角色)。

Now we need to start the Docker container to make sure everything works as expected.


docker-compose up

If we don’t want to see the logs, we can run the command docker-compose up -d (-d comes from detached process = running in the background). But we want to see the logs, because there we can see this:

如果我们不想查看日志,可以运行命令docker-compose up -d (-d来自分离的进程=在后台运行)。 但是我们想查看日志,因为在那里我们可以看到:

Image for post
We can see our newly created user, with the name root and the 2 roles

So there we have it! We successfully created a new user and a new database in a Docker container. In Part 2 of this guide, we will finally get to play with LoopBack 4.

因此,我们有它! 我们在Docker容器中成功创建了一个新用户和一个新数据库。 在本指南的第2部分中,我们最终将使用LoopBack 4。







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