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This was originally published as a podcast episode of Bite-Sized Philosophy on all streaming platforms. The transcripts of Bite-Sized Philosophy episodes will all be published to Medium moving forward as a way to increase accessibility for those who are unable to stream.

这最初是在所有流媒体平台上以Bite-Sized Philosophy的播客集形式发布的。 Bite-Sized Philosophy情节的成绩单将全部发布到Medium,以增加那些无法流媒体人士的可访问性。

Hello, and welcome to a new episode of Bite-Sized Philosophy. It has been a long time. Welcome back to the show. I’m excited to jump back into this and I’m excited to be recording again. It’s been a long time. Today, we’re going to cover a quote from the famous Albert Einstein.

您好,欢迎收看Bite-Sized Philosophy一集。 有段时间了。 欢迎回到表演。 我很高兴能跳回到这一点,并且很高兴再次录音。 已经很久了。 今天,我们将引用著名的阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的名言。

“If you can’t explain it simply, then you don’t understand it well enough” — Albert Einstein

“如果您不能简单地解释它,那么您就无法充分理解它” –艾伯特·爱因斯坦

This is a cool quote for me because recently I’ve been thinking a lot about simplicity. It’s easy to make things more complicated. Anyone can complicate things, but it really takes someone to really know the topic well and to really be good at the topic to be able to simplify it.

这对我来说是一个很酷的报价,因为最近我一直在考虑简单性。 使事情变得更复杂很容易。 任何人都可以使事情复杂化,但是确实需要有人真正了解该主题并真正擅长于该主题才能将其简化。

I think some of the best teachers that I’ve ever had were able to take a complex topic and really narrow it down into something that was very simple and digestible and easy. And it made sense.

我认为,我曾经遇到过的一些最好的老师能够处理一个复杂的主题,并将其真正地缩小为非常简单易消化的主题。 这很有意义。

Sometimes the application of that concept was very complicated and sometimes the application of that concept was very challenging, and often it is. But the idea itself, the concept itself was explained simply because my teacher, my mentor, the professor, whoever it was understood it really well.

有时,该概念的应用非常复杂,有时,该概念的应用非常具有挑战性,而且经常如此。 但是,仅仅因为我的老师,我的导师,教授,对这个想法本身,这个概念本身进行了解释,无论对它的理解是多么的深刻。

Things are perfect not when you can’t add anything more, but when you can’t take anything else away.


It’s not about having more functionality and more things. It’s about less. If you think about the best explanations of complicated things, most of them were probably relatively short. I’ve noticed in my own life that this is true of a lot of different things.

这不是要拥有更多功能和更多东西。 差不多了。 如果您考虑对复杂事物的最佳解释,那么大多数解释可能都相对较短。 我已经在自己的生活中注意到,在许多不同的事情上都是如此。

This is true of products. A lot of product development, some of the best products that I use on a daily basis are the simplest ones.

产品是这样。 许多产品开发中,我每天使用的一些最佳产品是最简单的。

This stuff doesn’t have a million features, but it does a few features really well. And if you think about it when you learn new software and when you learn a new tool, it’s helpful because it’s easy.

这个东西没有一百万个功能,但是确实有几个功能。 而且,当您在学习新软件和新工具时都考虑到了这一点,它非常有用,因为它很容易。

It’s helpful because it’s simple.


Not because it’s weak, not because it doesn’t have functionality, but instead, because it’s intuitive.


I started working at Descript recently, and Descript is a sound editing platform. Among a few excellent features, our claim to fame, the thing that we do very, very well is that you’re able to edit the transcript of the audio, and it edits the audio itself.

我最近开始在Descript工作,Descript是一个声音编辑平台。 在一些极好的功能中,我们声名fa起,我们做得非常好,那就是您能够编辑音频的笔录,并且它可以编辑音频本身。

You’re able to take an audio file and edit it like it’s a word document. It’s very intuitive and it’s very simple.

您可以将音频文件当作Word文档进行编辑。 这非常直观,也非常简单。

The concept is very simple.


But this topic of simplicity is not just true of products and software and tools to use, I believe this is also true of life.


In my life when I get the most frustrated, when I get the most frazzled, when I get the most disoriented and overwhelmed is when there are too many things going on is when I’m trying to do too many things.


My life has become more complicated and it’s because I’ve lost focus. Simplicity has been really big in my life because when I’m able to cut things out when I’m able to really focus on something, my life gets easier. It becomes more straightforward. It becomes simpler.

我的生活变得更加复杂,这是因为我失去了注意力。 生活中的简单性非常重要,因为当我能够真正专注于某件事时,当我能够削减一切时,我的生活就会变得更加轻松。 它变得更加简单。 它变得更加简单。

When I wake up in the morning, I know what I’m going to do. When I go throughout my day, I know it’s going to happen. I know what I’m working on next. I know what my priorities are, it’s a lot easier when I’m focused in. It’s a lot easier when I’m not just running around trying to do everything.

当我早上醒来时,我知道我要做什么。 当我整天忙碌时,我知道这将会发生。 我知道接下来要做什么。 我知道我的工作重点是什么,当我专注时会容易得多。当我不仅四处奔忙尝试做所有事情时,这会容易得多。

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.


Also, simplicity has applications outside of just understanding and outside of explanations, because when you’re able to make things simple, and when you’re able to make things straightforward, you’re able to truly master them. Without this simplicity, mastery is impossible.

此外,简单性的应用程序不仅具有理解能力,而且具有解释范围之外的功能,因为当您能够使事情变得简单,并且当您能够使事情变得简单时,您就能够真正地掌握它们。 没有这种简单性,就不可能精通。

In my own schedule, in my own life, in my own projects, in my own work, the simpler I’m able to make things the more I’m able to understand them. And the more effectively I’m able to do them.

在我自己的日程安排,我自己的生活,我自己的项目,我自己的工作中,我越容易做事情,就越能理解它们。 而且,我能够更有效地做到这一点。

One of my favorite quotes, kind of in line with the “things are perfect when you can’t take anything else away” quote from earlier is one from Adam Grant, who’s a thinker and psychologist in the realm of business. He talks a lot about leadership in business and he says this: “I’m sorry that I wrote you such a long email. I didn’t have time to write a short one.”

我最喜欢的一句话,与先前提到的“当你不能拿走其他东西时,一切都是完美的”相吻合,是亚当·格randint(Adam Grant)的一句话,他是商业领域的思想家和心理学家。 他谈论了很多关于企业领导力的问题,他说:“很抱歉,我给您写了这么长的电子邮件。 我没有时间写一篇简短的文章。”

And I think this is so poignant. Because when we explain things in complicated ways, it’s often because we’re not able to simplify it more.

我认为这是如此令人痛苦。 因为当我们用复杂的方式解释事物时,通常是因为我们无法进一步简化它。

It takes time to really understand something. It takes time to really become good at something. And it takes time to really be able to trim out all the things that don’t need to be a part of it. This is the case of emails. When you get really long emails, it’s often not because there’s so much more content to add, but instead, it’s because there’s so much content that’s unnecessary. Content that’s just fluff being added. That’s not always true. That’s not true in every case, but in a lot of cases, it is true.

真正理解某些内容需要花费时间。 真正变得擅长需要时间。 真正能够修剪掉所有不必要的东西需要花费时间。 电子邮件就是这种情况。 当您收到非常长的电子邮件时,通常不是因为要添加的内容太多,而是因为有太多不必要的内容。 只是添加了绒毛的内容。 并非总是如此。 并非在所有情况下都是如此,但在很多情况下,都是如此。

I’ve been doing more writing recently on my website and on Medium, and it’s the same way. I can sit down and I can write a thousand words on a topic, and then I can cut out 500 of them. Half the content. It becomes more straightforward. It’s more simple and it’s easier to understand. It’s easier to read. It’s easier to get through.

最近, 我的网站和Medium上做了更多的写作,这是相同的。 我可以坐下来,就一个主题写上千个单词,然后切出500个单词。 一半的内容。 它变得更加简单。 它更简单,更容易理解。 更容易阅读。 更容易通过。

It’s the same way with this podcast. I go through and I record it and then I’m cutting things out so that it’s simple, and so that it’s easy to understand.

这个播客也是如此。 我经过并记录下来,然后将其剪切掉,以使其变得简单易懂。

So that it is truly Bite-Sized Philosophy.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/simplicity-18c7a05f9374


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简单工厂模式和抽象工厂模式是两种不同的创建型设计模式,它们在实现上有一些区别。 简单工厂模式(Simple Factory Pattern): - 简单工厂模式通过一个工厂类来创建对象,客户端通过调用工厂类的静态方法或非静态方法来获取所需的具体产品对象。 - 工厂类根据客户端传入的参数来决定创建哪种具体产品的对象。 - 简单工厂模式只有一个具体工厂类,负责创建所有类型的产品对象。 抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory Pattern): - 抽象工厂模式通过引入一个抽象工厂接口和多个具体工厂类来创建对象。 - 抽象工厂接口定义了一系列创建产品的方法,每个具体工厂类负责实现这些方法以创建特定类型的产品对象。 - 客户端通过使用特定的具体工厂类来创建一组相关的产品对象,这样可以保证这些产品对象在一起使用时能够协调和兼容。 主要区别: - 简单工厂模式只有一个工厂类,所有产品的创建逻辑集中在该类中。而抽象工厂模式引入了多个具体工厂类,每个具体工厂类负责创建一组相关的产品。 - 简单工厂模式创建的是单个产品对象,而抽象工厂模式创建的是一组相关的产品对象。 - 简单工厂模式的客户端只与工厂类交互,而抽象工厂模式的客户端与抽象工厂接口以及具体工厂类交互。客户端可以通过替换具体工厂类来改变创建不同产品的行为。 选择使用简单工厂模式还是抽象工厂模式取决于具体的应用场景和需求。简单工厂模式适用于创建单一类型的产品对象,而抽象工厂模式适用于创建一组相关的产品对象。


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