编程 繁体编码_在编码工作中找到成就,哪个编程职位是您的最佳选择

编程 繁体编码

We all individually possess unique innate talents, skills and interests. Finding roles that embrace them fully can be incredibly empowering and fulfilling. But more often than not, we find ourselves in mediocre roles, leading to cycles of job hopping, career shifts and feeling unfulfilled.

我们每个人都拥有独特的先天才能,技能和兴趣。 找到完全拥抱他们的角色可以赋予他们极大的权力和充实感。 但通常,我们发现自己处于平庸的角色,导致跳槽,职业轮换和感到无法完成的循环。

If you’re looking to make a career shift (or start a new career), you’ll find that there’s a wide range of programming roles out there, as types of roles or ‘specialities’ has gone up dramatically in recent years. While coding remains an in-demand skill, it is no longer just about building things.

如果您想转行(或开始新的职业),您会发现那里有各种各样的编程角色,因为近年来角色或“专业”的类型急剧增加。 尽管编码仍然是一种必不可少的技能,但它不再仅仅是构建事物。

With intentional planning, projects and job search, you can land more than just a job — one that’s the right fit for you.


The benefit of doing so is that being a natural match means you’ll likely have an easier time landing them too, because your strengths will shine and your passion will show. Below is a breakdown of the most common titles that involve coding skills and what they generally entail.

这样做的好处是成为自然的比赛意味着您也将有一个更轻松的时间来登陆它们,因为您的优势会发光,激情会展现出来。 以下是涉及编码技能的最常见标题的分类及其通常包含的内容。

Note: This list is far from exhaustive, as job titles and functions depend on the company and it’s culture. This list is based on my personal observations working in web-based tech companies in engineering roles.

注意 :此列表并非详尽无遗,因为职位名称和职务取决于公司及其文化。 该列表是基于我在网络技术公司担任工程职位的个人观察得出的。

Software/Product Engineer (web, full-stack, back-end & front-end): Often the first choice for most learning to code, the excitement of being able to build new technology is a major draw in. You’ll likely be immersed in algorithms and would need to be skilled in writing clean and optimal code. Depending on the company, there’ll be even more branching out in these roles. For example, Front-end and Back-end are generally very different, with Front-end roles favoring an eye for visuals/UX. Full-stack has a jack-of-all-trades approach and may be a good way to enter this kind of role before finding your niche.

软件/产品工程师 (网络,全栈,后端和前端):通常,对于大多数学习编码的人来说,首选的是能够构建新技术的兴奋点。您可能会沉浸在算法中,并且需要熟练地编写干净且最佳的代码。 根据公司的不同,这些角色还会有更多的分支。 例如,前端和后端通常有很大的不同,前端角色更倾向于视觉/ UX。 全栈有千篇一律的方法,这可能是找到自己的利基市场之前进入这种角色的好方法。

Ideally: You’re a builder — You love to build new technologies and systems.


Data Engineer: A more specialized form of the Back-end engineer. If you find yourself more drawn to information systems rather than product features, this might be a good fit. You would be facilitating data infrastructure and analytics by building and maintaining database systems. This is a great role for builders who prefer a data-centric environment, instead of the product itself.

数据工程师:后端工程师的一种更专业的形式。 如果您发现自己更喜欢信息系统而不是产品功能,那么这可能是个不错的选择。 您将通过构建和维护数据库系统来促进数据基础架构和分析。 对于更喜欢以数据为中心的环境而不是产品本身的构建者而言,这是一个巨大的角色。

Ideally: You enjoy designing and building new data models & systems.


Data Scientist/Analyst: This role focuses on analyzing, rather than building. Therefore if you would rather contribute to business impact than build products for customers, this may be a good fit. This role, due to its purpose, can have more of a creative exploration aspect to it and typically serves a Business Intelligence function. If you’re the type of person who thrives on seeking knowledge and unraveling mysteries, this can be fulfilling for you. The Data Scientist role often has a machine learning component to it, unlike the Data Analyst role.

数据科学家/分析师:此角色专注于分析,而不是构建。 因此,如果您宁愿为业务影响做出贡献,而不是为客户构建产品,那么这很合适。 由于其目的,该角色可能具有更多的探索性方面,通常可以充当商业智能功能。 如果您是那种在寻求知识和揭开谜团上壮成长的人,那么这对您来说就可以实现。 与数据分析师角色不同,数据科学家角色通常具有机器学习组件。

Ideally: You’re mathematical, creative and enjoy finding answers.


Data Visualization: Commonly seen in Data Journalism, think of this role as the marriage between Front-end Engineering and Data Analytics. You will need to be creative, visually-inclined and passionate about data. As more and more data begins to exist in the world, the need for effective visual communication (referred to as ‘Storytelling’) for business users is becoming more and more pronounced every day. This kind of work is also often an aspect of many Data Science/Analyst roles.

数据可视化:在数据新闻学中很常见,将其视为前端工程与数据分析之间的结合。 您将需要具有创造力,对视觉有偏见并且对数据充满热情。 随着世界上越来越多的数据开始存在,对于企业用户而言,有效的视觉传达(称为“讲故事”)的需求每天都变得越来越明显。 这种工作通常也是许多数据科学/分析师角色的一个方面。

Ideally: You are creative, empathetic and have strong design skills.


Specialist (Security, iOS, Android, ML, VR, AI, etc): These are Software Engineering roles with a focus on a specific field. You will generally need more extensive experience and knowledge in a specific field to land these roles. It’s essentially a great fit for you if you love going in deep into one technology (think depth-first rather than breadth first). Therefore it might not be for you if you crave a lot of variety. The drawback of this kind of role is that since it is less generalized, your options may be more limited. At the same time, since it is less generalized, you may possibly have a higher earning potential.

专家 (安全性,iOS,Android,ML,VR,AI等):这些是软件工程角色,专注于特定领域。 通常,您需要在特定领域拥有更广泛的经验和知识才能担负这些角色。 如果您喜欢深入研究一种技术(认为深度优先而不是广度优先),那么从本质上讲,它非常适合您。 因此,如果您希望拥有多种选择,可能不适合您。 这种角色的缺点是,由于它的通用性较差,因此您的选择可能会受到更多限制。 同时,由于它的泛化程度较低,因此您可能具有较高的创收潜力。

Ideally: You’re a builder and want to be an expert in one specialized area.


QA Engineer: This role typically involves writing test suites, using frameworks such as Selenium, JMock, Pytest, etc. The purpose of this role is to ensure the software developed works as expected and is free of bugs. While you will not directly work on the product, your function is essential before any product feature actually gets released. QA Engineering is certainly not for everyone, but it can be a great fit if you love to meticulously test technology to find problems, rather than solve them.

QA工程师 :此角色通常涉及使用诸如Selenium,JMock,Pytest等框架编写测试套件。此角色的目的是确保开发的软件能够按预期工作并且没有错误。 虽然您不会直接使用该产品,但是在实际发布任何产品功能之前,您的功能至关重要。 QA Engineering当然并不适合每个人,但如果您喜欢精心测试技术以发现问题而不是解决问题,那可能非常适合。

Ideally: You have an eye for detail & like to test and find problems.


Site Reliability/Infrastructure Engineer: For web-based services, you will make sure the services keep running smoothly. Downtime or performance issues can be incredibly costly for SaaS companies, thus this can be an incredibly high-stress role. If you thrive on such a challenge and enjoy working with networking technologies, this can be a great fit for you.

站点可靠性/基础架构工程师:对于基于Web的服务,您将确保服务保持平稳运行。 对于SaaS公司而言,停机时间或性能问题可能会造成难以置信的代价,因此这可能是令人难以置信的高压力角色。 如果您在这样的挑战中壮成长并喜欢使用网络技术,那么这将非常适合您。

Ideally: You’re calm and thrive in a high-stress environment.


DevOps: This is a role bridging Software Development and IT Operations. You may be in charge of setting up access to codebases, tools, etc and helping developers set up their environments. This role can involve building internal tools and improving processes. You’ll likely be working closely with Developers and need to be a good communicator to thrive in this role.

DevOps:这是桥接软件开发和IT运营的角色。 您可能负责设置对代码库,工具等的访问,并帮助开发人员设置环境。 该角色可能涉及构建内部工具和改进流程。 您可能会与开发人员紧密合作,并且需要成为良好的沟通者才能在这个角色中蓬勃发展。

Ideally: You’re interested in developer tools and processes.


Developer Advocate: Kind of like an ambassador for the developer community, this role is social and focused around promoting engineering tools to developers. You would likely be going to events and demo-ing or monitoring forums to answer questions frequently. If you like explaining/teaching technical concepts, this can be a good fit. While a social role, you are usually socializing exclusively within the developer community.

开发者倡导者:这种角色有点像开发者社区的大使,是社交的,专注于向开发者推广工程工具。 您可能会经常去活动,演示或监视论坛来回答问题。 如果您喜欢解释/讲授技术概念,则非常适合。 在担任社交角色时,您通常只在开发人员社区内进行社交。

Ideally: You are sociable, enjoy teaching and attending tech events.


Technical Support Engineer: This kind of role is usually the next level of Customer Support, where you use your coding skills to resolve technical escalations. Depending on the company, you may get to work on a wide variety of day-to-day problems, which is great for those who thrive on variety. Sometimes the work can be of an investigative nature, which is a plus for many. However, this kind of role requires a lot of empathy as this is often a customer-centric role. This role is certaintly becoming more and more essential for SaaS companies as they grow.

技术支持工程师:这种角色通常是客户支持的下一级别,您可以在其中使用编码技能来解决技术升级。 根据公司的不同,您可能会处理各种各样的日常问题,这对那些追求多样性的人来说非常有用。 有时,这项工作可能具有调查性质,这对许多人来说是有利的。 但是,这种角色需要很多同理心,因为这通常是以客户为中心的角色。 随着SaaS公司的成长,这一角色无疑变得越来越重要。

Ideally: You love helping people, are empathetic and enjoy variety in work.


Sales/Enterprise/Solutions Engineer: Instead of solving day-to-day problems like Support Engineers, you’re often working with customers in the onboarding stage and designing solutions for them to integrate the product of the company into their systems. This is a great fit for someone who is social and an excellent communicator, as this role can involve plenty of presentations/demos to non-technical customers. This role has a consulting feel to it, as you’re frequently working with new clients and you would benefit from possessing a deep understanding of business.

销售/企业/解决方案工程师 :您通常不像支持工程师那样解决日常问题,而是在入门阶段与客户合作,并为他们设计解决方案以将公司的产品集成到他们的系统中。 这非常适合社交和出色的沟通者,因为此角色可能涉及向非技术客户进行大量演示/演示。 这个角色具有咨询感,因为您经常与新客户一起工作,并且对业务有深入的了解会从中受益。

Ideally: You crave a mix of people and technology in your day-to-day work.


Overall: We’re seeing an incredible rate of branching out of technical roles, which is great because you can now utilize your coding skills in a myriad ways and are not just limited to just one kind of job. Whether you enjoy solving mysteries or helping people, there is something right out there for you. Through gaining a deeper understanding of yourself and what moves you, you can create lasting fulfilment in your career.

总体而言 :我们看到,技术角色的分支率令人难以置信,这很棒,因为您现在可以以多种方式利用编码技能,而不仅限于一种工作。 无论您喜欢解开谜团还是乐于助人,都有适合您的东西。 通过对自己以及自己的举动有更深入的了解,您可以在职业生涯中实现持久的成就。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/finding-fulfillment-in-coding-jobs-which-programming-role-is-your-perfect-match-10b475beb65a

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