
Programming is an interesting field since it gives us the superpower to control computer systems. It can be used in airplanes, traffic control, robots, self-driving cars, websites, mobile apps, and for a ton of other use cases.

编程是一个有趣的领域,因为它赋予我们控制计算机系统的超能力。 它可以用于飞机,交通控制,机器人,自动驾驶汽车,网站,移动应用程序以及大量其他用例。

Now the main thing is that software engineers have created several programming languages, and each of them is suitable to solve a different problem.


Today, I’m gonna share with you some websites and blogs that write about different programming languages and the best practices when using them.


This list is in no particular order — all of them are great reads!


(This is not a sponsored post. All blogs listed are among my favorite reads.)


hackr.io博客 (The hackr.io Blog)

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Hackr Homepage

hackr.io is basically a website where people recommend programming courses, and the best one ranks to the top. The reason behind mentioning this blog is their team regularly publishes interesting tutorials and informational guides for software developers.

hackr.io基本上是一个网站,人们可以在其中推荐编程课程,并且最好的网站排名第一。 提及此博客的原因是他们的团队定期为软件开发人员发布有趣的教程和信息指南。

For example, you can learn about mobile and web development frameworks, Java projects, software testing, interview questions, and much more.


But remember they write about a completely different topic every time they publish an article. So it might not be the best blog to follow if you’re interested in a specific programming language.

但是请记住,每当他们发表文章时,他们都会写一个完全不同的主题。 因此,如果您对特定的编程语言感兴趣,它可能不是最好的博客。

更好的编程 (Better Programming)

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Better Programming homepage

Better Programming is a Medium publication dedicated to programming. They publish multiple articles every day from multiple authors, all curated and edited to guarantee excellent content and great reads.

更好的编程是一家致力于编程的中等出版物。 他们每天都会发表来自多位作者的多篇文章,所有文章均经过精心策划和编辑,以确保其出色的内容和出色的阅读效果。

They cover a variety of topics and programming languages, with content for both beginners and very advanced readers. It’s a must-have on your daily ingest if you want to develop your programming skills.

它们涵盖了各种主题和编程语言,并为初学者和非常高级的读者提供了内容。 如果您想提高自己的编程技能,这是您日常工作的必备条件。

Full disclosure, I’m a regular writer at Better Programming, but I was a reader for a long time before I started generating my own content. I was extremely happy when I got the chance the publish my articles with them.

完全公开,我是Better Programming的定期作家,但是在开始生成自己的内容之前,我是很长一段时间的读者。 当我有机会与他们一起发表文章时,我感到非常高兴。

开发者 (DEV)

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The DEV Community homepage

Collaboration plays a key role in developing high-quality software. That’s the sole reason behind the existence of the DEV community. It enables software developers to share their knowledge with the whole world by posting informational articles.

协作在开发高质量软件中起着关键作用。 这是DEV社区存在的唯一原因。 它使软件开发人员可以通过发布信息文章与全世界共享他们的知识。

I’d personally recommend you regularly visit this website to keep an eye on what’s going on in the development field.


A great thing about DEV is their website code is completely open-source. This means you can easily have a look at the source code that powers this amazing website.

DEV的一大优点是其网站代码是完全开源的。 这意味着您可以轻松查看为这个令人惊叹的网站提供支持的源代码

黑客正午 (Hacker Noon)

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Hacker Noon homepage

Just like DEV, Hacker Noon is also a community-run website. It has more than 7,000 active contributors that write on diverse but relevant topics for software developers.

就像DEV一样,Hacker Noon也是一个社区运营的网站。 它有7,000多个活跃的参与者,他们为软件开发人员撰写了多种多样但相关的主题。

It focuses on things like programming, startups, technology, entrepreneurship, business, marketing, etc.


In my opinion, we developers aren’t familiar enough with the business side of software and technology. So Hacker Noon can be a great platform to learn programming and how to earn money from it.

我认为,我们的开发人员对软件和技术的业务方面还不够熟悉。 因此,Hacker Noon可以成为学习编程以及如何从中获利的绝佳平台。

实时代码流 (Live Code Stream)

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Live Code Stream homepage

This is a blog of my own creation. It’s dedicated to programming and AI and was built to share my development experience with you.

这是我自己创建的博客。 它专用于编程和AI,旨在与您分享我的开发经验。

You’ll see me writing about artificial intelligence, programming (mostly Python and JavaScript), machine learning, and the best way to use them in projects.


The site is optimized for loading speed and reading comfort, offering a dark mode for those who prefer that.


Actually, unlike many other bloggers, I used a static-site generator called Hugo to generate this website. Its major advantage is speed as compared to a CMS like WordPress.

实际上,与许多其他博客作者不同,我使用了名为Hugo的静态站点生成器来生成此网站。 与WordPress等CMS相比,它的主要优势是速度。

I’ve created a tutorial on static hosting with AWS and user-friendly URLs.


David Walsh博客(DWB) (David Walsh Blog (DWB))

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David Walsh homepage
大卫·沃尔什(David Walsh)主页

David Walsh is a very popular blogger within the developer community. Basically, he’s a software engineer who works at the tech giant Mozilla.

David Walsh是开发人员社区中非常受欢迎的博客。 基本上,他是在科技巨头Mozilla工作的软件工程师。

If you’ve ever tried to learn about web development, then you might come across the step-by-step documentation provided by the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) . David Walsh is the one who mostly enhanced that website.

如果您曾经尝试学习Web开发,那么您可能会遇到Mozilla开发人员网络(MDN)提供的分步文档。 David Walsh是主要增强该网站的人。

So considering his knowledge and experience in the web development field, you’ll definitely learn a lot from his blog.


Droids on Roids博客 (Droids On Roids Blog)

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Droids On Roids homepage
Droids On Roids主页

Want to learn mobile-application development?


This blog regularly publishes best practices and how-to guides for beginners. It’ll help you understand the importance of creating great user experiences.

该博客定期为初学者发布最佳实践和操作指南。 它可以帮助您了解创建出色的用户体验的重要性。

They have articles about Android, iOS, Flutter, and many other app-development frameworks or tools.


So follow them to stay aware of the latest mobile-development trends.


真正的Python (Real Python)

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Real Python homepage

Python is no doubt an all-seasons language — meaning you can develop mobile apps, games, websites, embedded applications, and even machine learning projects using Python.


As its name suggests, Real Python is a website completely focused on delivering high-quality tutorials and courses on the Python programming language.

顾名思义,Real Python是一个完全致力于提供有关Python编程语言的高质量教程和课程的网站。

These days, Python is also taught as a first programming language in different schools throughout the world. In case you’re also getting started, then I’d highly recommend you to visit this website and follow their step-by-step guides.

如今,Python在世界各地的不同学校中也被作为第一门编程语言教授。 如果您也要入门,那么我强烈建议您访问此网站并遵循其分步指南。

Golang程序 (Golang Programs)

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Golang Programs homepage

Go is a programming language that was designed by the smart software engineers of Google. Its performance is way better than most high-level programming languages. That’s the reason why programmers love to add Go to their tech stack.

Go是Google的智能软件工程师设计的一种编程语言。 它的性能比大多数高级编程语言要好得多。 这就是程序员喜欢将Go添加到其技术堆栈中的原因。

If you’re someone who’s completely new to Go, then this website will help you get started quickly. They have a beginner-friendly tutorial series and references written by professionals.

如果您是Go的新手,那么此网站将帮助您快速入门。 他们有一个适合初学者的教程系列,以及由专业人士撰写的参考资料。

Every now and then, you’ll also see examples and solutions to different problems, which are a great way to learn about the real-world implementation of the Go programming language.


堆栈滥用 (Stack Abuse)

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Stack Abuse homepage

Stack Abuse mainly focuses on topics like Python, JavaScript, Java, and the Unix operating system. It’s managed by Scott Robinson with a team of content writers.

堆栈滥用主要关注Python,JavaScript,Java和Unix操作系统等主题。 它由斯科特·罗宾逊 ( Scott Robinson)和内容作家团队管理。

They usually publish how-to guides and teach you through example code snippets.


It’ll be a useful resource to learn project-based concepts. But before that, you must have some familiarity with the basics of JavaScript, Python, and Java.

这将是学习基于项目的概念的有用资源。 但是在此之前,您必须熟悉JavaScript,Python和Java的基础知识。

结论 (Conclusion)

As a beginner, learning a programming language can become a daunting task. So the main purpose of writing this article is to introduce you to interesting programming blogs.

作为初学者,学习编程语言可能会成为一项艰巨的任务。 因此,撰写本文的主要目的是向您介绍有趣的编程博客。

Now, it’s your turn to follow these websites and bring your programming skills to the next level.


Thanks for reading!


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/top-10-programming-blogs-in-2020-dda86feead1f





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