
结合使用Google和Ubuntu 可获得最好的Flutter应用开发服务(Get the best Flutter app development services, with a combination of Google and Ubuntu.)

Google has always been at the forefront of innovation. From designing Gmail to Google Docs, Google Android, or apps such as Google Meet, they never fail to keep their users apprised. Google’s Android Studio has been the get-to-go for thousands of developers when designing and building mobile apps. It is, in fact, the official IDE, facilitating the development of Android apps.

摹 oogle一直走在创新的前列。 从设计Gmail到Google Docs,Google Android或Google Meet等应用程序,他们永远不会让用户失望。 在设计和构建移动应用程序时,成千上万的开发人员已经习惯使用Google的Android Studio。 实际上,它是官方的IDE,可促进Android应用程序的开发。

Fascinating, right?


But this is something we all are aware of, so why bring this topic again? Because Google is now in talks with Canonical, the publisher of Ubuntu to team up and bring Flutter Apps to Linux.

但这是我们所有人都知道的,那么为什么再次提出这个话题呢? 由于Google现在正在与Canonical进行谈判,因此Ubuntu的发行商将合作并将Flutter Apps引入Linux。

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You heard that right. But before getting into the depth of this partnership, let’s have a look at the Flutter app development services spread across the globe.

你没听错 但是,在深入探讨这种合作关系之前,让我们看一下遍布全球的Flutter应用开发服务。

表中的内容: (Table of content:)

  • Flutter App Development Services Across the World

  • Wondering what exactly is Flutter?

  • Benefits of Flutter and Ubuntu

  • How To Install Flutter on Ubuntu?

  • Installing Flutter

  • Future of this collaboration

  • Popular companies that use Flutter


全球Flutter应用开发服务 (Flutter App Development Services Across the World)

Flutter is a Google-developed cross-platform app development framework. Put simply; Flutter allows the development of apps that can run effectively on Android, iOS, and macOS.

Flutter是Google开发的跨平台应用开发框架。 简单地说; Flutter允许开发可以在Android,iOS和macOS上有效运行的应用程序。

When Flutter was launched in the app industry, it took everyone by surprise. Google has always focused on the development of Android apps. Releasing a cross-platform app development framework meant that developers could now use the same code to build apps for different platforms.

当Flutter在应用行业中推出时,所有人都感到惊讶。 Google一直专注于Android应用程序的开发。 发布跨平台的应用程序开发框架意味着开发人员现在可以使用相同的代码为不同的平台构建应用程序。

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This would not only cut down the time taken to develop the application but, at the same time, ensure consistency across all applications. Even though there was multiple cross-platform app framework already in the industry, the release of Flutter caught the interest of all because of its user-friendliness. There are multiple Flutter app development companies that help get the most out of the application. You can also choose to hire Flutter developer to get your job done.

这不仅可以减少开发应用程序所需的时间,而且可以确保所有应用程序之间的一致性。 尽管行业中已经有多个跨平台应用程序框架,但Flutter的发布由于其用户友好性而引起了所有人的兴趣。 有多家Flutter应用程序开发公司可以帮助您充分利用应用程序。 您也可以选择雇用Flutter开发人员来完成工作。

You may also like to read: Why Flutter is the Best Choice To Build A Startup Mobile

您可能还想读: 为什么Flutter是构建创业手机的最佳选择

想知道Flutter到底是什么? (Wondering what exactly is Flutter?)

Back in May 2017, Google announced the launch of a new framework that would help developers build a cross-platform app with ease. The core of Flutter is based on Dart and React. In fact, few of the Flutter Dev are of the view that it isn’t just a framework but an entire software development kit. It has everything you would need to deploy a cross-platform app.

早在2017年5月,谷歌宣布推出新框架,该框架将帮助开发人员轻松构建跨平台应用程序。 Flutter的核心基于Dart和React。 实际上,很少有Flutter Dev认为它不仅仅是框架,而是整个软件开发套件。 它具有部署跨平台应用程序所需的一切。

Factually, Flutter revolves around widgets. From structural to the stylist element, Flutter’s UI is composed of widgets. What’s more intriguing is that Flutter doesn’t make use of OEMs. It has a rich repository of self-made, custom-fit widgets that can be used to design appealing applications.

实际上,Flutter围绕小部件旋转。 从结构元素到造型元素,Flutter的UI由小部件组成。 更有趣的是Flutter没有利用OEM。 它具有丰富的自制,自定义小部件的存储库,可用于设计吸引人的应用程序。

As per the views of Wm Leler, “Flutter is the only mobile SDK that provides reactive views without requiring a JavaScript bridge.”

根据Wm Leler的观点,“ Flutter是唯一无需JavaScript桥即可提供React性视图的移动SDK。”

Fascinating, isn’t it?


Imagine taking this on a whole new platform? Wouldn’t that sound more interesting? Without much ado, let’s see

想象一下在全新平台上使用它吗? 听起来会不会更有趣? 事不宜迟,让我们看看

You may also like to read:Everything You Need to Know About Flutter 1.17 and Dart 2.8 (First Stable Update of Flutter and Dart in 2020)

您可能还想读: Flutter 1.17和Dart 2.8所需了解的一切(2020年Flutter和Dart的第一个稳定更新)

Google与Ubuntu的合作 (Google collaboration with Ubuntu)

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Google and Canonical have teamed up to bring Flutter to Linux. What this means is that Flutter can now be used for the development of Ubuntu Linux Apps.

Google和Canonical联手将Flutter引入Linux。 这意味着Flutter现在可以用于开发Ubuntu Linux Apps。

In a blog post, Google addressed,


“Today, we are happy to jointly announce the availability of the Linux alpha for Flutter alongside Canonical, the publisher of Ubuntu, the world’s most popular desktop Linux distribution.” “Canonical is making a significant investment in Flutter by dedicating a team of developers to work alongside Google’s developers to bring the best Flutter experience to the majority of Linux distributions.”

“今天,我们很高兴与全球最流行的桌面Linux发行版Ubuntu的发行商Canonical共同宣布Flutter的Linux alpha版本。” “规范化开发团队致力于与Google的开发人员一起,为大多数Linux发行版带来最好的Flutter体验,从而对Flutter进行了重大投资。”

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Canonical, in addition to having Ubuntu Linux, owns a Linux only app store that has all of the distributions of Linux developed using the Snap Package. This is known as the Snap Store. With Flutter coming into the picture, Snap Support would turn important more than ever. Even though the same wouldn’t be a necessity, the presence of snap support would be a plus for the Flutter App Development Company when working on the development of Linux Apps.

Canonical除了拥有Ubuntu Linux外,还拥有一个仅Linux的应用程序商店,该商店具有使用Snap Package开发的所有Linux发行版。 这就是所谓的快照存储。 随着Flutter的出现,快照支持将变得比以往任何时候都重要。 即使不必这样做,但在开发Linux Apps时,对Flutter App Development Company来说,快照支持也将是一个加号。

“By enabling Flutter Linux desktop, Canonical is making it very easy for application developers to publish their apps for Linux users via the Snap Store, the app store for Linux,” writes Google’s Chris Sells and Canonical’s Ken VanDine.

Google的Chris Sells和Canonical的Ken VanDine写道:“通过启用Flutter Linux桌面,Canonical使得应用程序开发人员可以非常轻松地通过Snap Store(Linux应用程序商店)为Linux用户发布他们的应用程序。”

“By making Linux a first-class Flutter platform, Canonical is inviting application developers to publish their apps to millions of Linux users and broaden the availability of high-quality applications available to them.”


The release is presented in the alpha stage, but one thing that can be said for sure is both companies are proactively working to take Linux apps to the next level. This would not just break the traditional barrier but, at the same time, enhance the end to the end-user experience.

该发行版处于alpha阶段,但是可以肯定地说,两家公司都在积极致力于将Linux应用程序推向新的高度。 这不仅会打破传统的障碍,而且同时会改善最终用户的体验。

VanDine’s statement, “Canonical will continue to collaborate with Google to further improve Linux support and maintain feature parity with the other supported platforms,” vouches for the above.

VanDine的声明:“ Canonical将继续与Google合作,以进一步改善Linux支持并与其他受支持的平台保持功能对等。”

Flutter和Ubuntu的好处 (Benefits of Flutter and Ubuntu)

Having said that, it’s time to focus on the plus side of the collaboration, which means that we will now uncover the advantages of the perks of the collaboration. As evident, Flutter is one of the top cross-platform app development frameworks with built-in widgets facilitating the development of a feature-rich app.

话虽如此,是时候专注于协作的优势,这意味着我们现在将揭示协作优势的优势。 显而易见,Flutter是顶级的跨平台应用程序开发框架之一,其内置的小部件可促进功能丰富的应用程序的开发。

Google partnering with Ubuntu calls upon the need for a native app-like speed, quick and swift development, along with the support of a huge community. But that’s just one way to narrowing down the benefits of Flutter app development for the Linux platform. To avoid the confusion, here we have outlined the top benefits of the collaboration.

Google与Ubuntu的合作要求对本机应用程序的需求,例如速度,快速和快速的开发,以及庞大社区的支持。 但这只是缩小Linux平台Flutter应用程序开发收益的一种方法。 为避免混淆,我们在此概述了合作的主要好处。

改善的用户体验 (Improved User Experience)

It is known that apps developed using the Flutter framework are both consistent and quality-driven, offering rich user experience. Taking this to the Linux platform will allow the users to switch from the traditional browsing experience to something that is extremely engaging and eye-catching.

众所周知,使用Flutter框架开发的应用程序既一致又受质量驱动,可提供丰富的用户体验。 将其带入Linux平台将使用户能够从传统的浏览体验切换到极为吸引人和引人注目的内容。

Alpha质量功能 (Alpha-Quality Features)

For years, Google has worked upon Flutter to embed the best-in-industry features. In addition to this, Google devoted tons of resources to design the framework right and induce components that render top-notch experience. As a matter of fact, Flutter has components both for Android and iOS applications. What this implies is that Google has iOS-specific components that embed the look and feel of an iOS app.

多年以来,Google一直在Flutter上努力嵌入业界最佳功能。 除此之外,Google还投入了大量资源来设计框架权并引入可提供一流体验的组件。 实际上,Flutter具有适用于Android和iOS应用程序的组件。 这意味着Google具有嵌入iOS应用程序外观的iOS特定组件。

Flutter has now released the alpha quality features that are targeted towards the development of traditional desktop apps. Put simply, Flutter on Linux would be implemented in the form of a wrapper around the GTK+. Further, as per the project, support to be provided to the Windows platform is yet to be released and is under development.

Flutter现在已经发布了针对传统桌面应用程序开发的Alpha质量功能。 简而言之,Linux上的Flutter将以GTK +的包装形式实现。 此外,根据项目,要提供给Windows平台的支持尚未发布,并且正在开发中。

自定义小部件简化了开发过程 (Custom Widgets Simplifies The Development Process)

As stated above, Flutter has a rich library of built-in widgets that can be used for the development of apps. Now, this comes in a good as it eliminates the need to be dependent on third-party applications. Everything in Flutter moves around widgets, making it easier for the developer to craft consistent applications with custom designs.

如上所述,Flutter具有丰富的内置小部件库,可用于开发应用程序。 现在,这很有用,因为它消除了依赖第三方应用程序的需要。 Flutter中的所有内容都围绕着小部件移动,从而使开发人员更容易通过自定义设计来制作一致的应用程序。

What’s best about using Flutter for the development of Linux Apps is that there are more than 80,000 apps already built-in Flutter, which can be imported to Linux. All that a developer needs to do is refactor the applications to turn them desktop-compatible, and the job is done.

使用Flutter进行Linux应用程序开发的最佳方法是,已经内置了超过80,000个Flutter应用程序,可以将其导入Linux。 开发人员所需要做的就是重构应用程序以使其与桌面兼容,从而完成工作。

一流的表现 (Top-notch Performance)

What attracted Canonical to Flutter was its ability to build native-like, performance-rich applications with ease. If we talk about the factors that influence the performance of an application, there are tons of it. Starting with the number of frames per second to the CPU usage and the response time, in order to make an application outstand others, it is necessary that the performance is above average.

Canonical之所以吸引Flutter,是因为它能够轻松构建类似本机的,性能丰富的应用程序。 如果我们谈论影响应用程序性能的因素,那么其中有很多。 从每秒的帧数到CPU使用率和响应时间开始,为了使应用程序脱颖而出,必须使性能高于平均水平。

As for Flutter, the rate is 60fps, which is not just better but higher in comparison to other cross-platform app development frameworks. From what it’s worth, the collaboration of Flutter and Ubuntu seems to be the game-changer in the app development industry.

至于Flutter,该速率为60fps,与其他跨平台应用程序开发框架相比,它不仅更好,而且更高。 从价值上看,Flutter和Ubuntu的合作似乎在应用程序开发行业中改变了游戏规则。

You may also like to read:Best Flutter Libraries, Tools, Packages and Plugins (To Speed up Your Flutter App Development)

您可能还想阅读: 最佳Flutter库,工具,软件包和插件(以加快Flutter应用程序开发的速度)

如何在Ubuntu上安装Flutter? (How To Install Flutter on Ubuntu?)

Having said all of the above, it seems pretty exciting to add Flutter to path Ubuntu or say, use Google Flutter with Ubuntu. Well, don’t worth it, you don’t have to revisit Google and search for Flutter tutorial. We have done the job for you. The following section would outline the steps you need to follow to install flutter ubuntu.

综上所述,将Flutter添加到Ubuntu路径或将Google Flutter与Ubuntu结合使用似乎非常令人兴奋。 好吧,这不值得,您不必重新访问Google并搜索Flutter教程。 我们已经为您完成了工作。 以下部分概述了安装flutter ubuntu所需执行的步骤。

Without much ado, let’s get started.


System Requirements: In order to install Flutter Ubantu, it is important to have your system updated with the following configurations.

系统要求:为了安装Flutter Ubantu,使用以下配置更新系统很重要。

Operating Systems: Linux (64-bit)

操作系统: Linux(64位)

Disk Space: A minimum of 600 MB, which excludes the disk space needed to store IDE/tools.

磁盘空间:至少600 MB,其中不包括存储IDE /工具所需的磁盘空间。

Tools: Flutter being a CLI based framework, the following tools are a must.

工具: Flutter是基于CLI的框架,必须使用以下工具。

Shared libraries:The following list of libraries are needed to run the Flutter test command. — provided by mesa packages such as libglu1-mesa on Ubuntu/Debian and mesa-libGLU on Fedora.

共享库:运行Flutter测试命令需要以下库列表。由台面软件包提供,例如Ubuntu / Debian上的libglu1-mesa和Fedora上的mesa-libGLU。

安装Flutter (Installing Flutter)

There are two ways to install Flutter on Ubuntu.


Option One: Type sudo snap install Flutter -classic in the command line of snapd or simply visit the Snap Store to install the Flutter framework.

选项一:在snapd的命令行中键入sudo snap install Flutter -classic或直接访问Snap Store以安装Flutter框架。

Option Two:


  • Download Flutter: flutter_linux_1.20.1-stable.tar.xz

  • Extract the file to the preferred location: cd ~/development tar xf ~/Downloads/flutter_linux_1.20.1-stable.tar.xz

    将文件解压缩到首选位置:cd〜/ development tar xf〜/ Downloads / flutter_linux_1.20.1-stable.tar.xz
  • Add Flutter to path Ubuntu: export PATH=”$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin”

    将Flutter添加到路径Ubuntu:export PATH =” $ PATH:`pwd` / flutter / bin”
  • Download Flutter libraries: Flutter precache

  • Finally, run the Flutter doctor to be sure that there aren’t any dependencies: flutter doctor. In case you find one, make sure you download them to avoid any inconsistencies.

    最后,运行Flutter Doctor以确保没有任何依赖项:flutter doctor。 如果找到一个,请确保下载它们,以免出现任何不一致之处。

For more details, visit Flutter tutorial here.


合作的未来 (Future of this collaboration)

The collaboration of Flutter with Ubuntu is a huge step taken by both Google and Canonical. This will not just add more creativity to the range of apps developed but account for a whole new era of development with extended support. While the current announcement is limited to the Linux environment, Google is assuring that developers could next target Microsoft’s Android Surface Duo smartphone along with Windows 10X and create Win32 apps.

Flutter与Ubuntu的合作是Google和Canonical所迈出的重要一步。 这不仅会为开发的应用程序系列增加更多的创造力,而且会在扩展的支持下为整个全新的开发时代做出贡献。 虽然目前的公告仅限于Linux环境,但Google保证开发人员接下来可以将微软的Android Surface Duo智能手机与Windows 10X结合在一起,并创建Win32应用程序。

使用Flutter的热门公司 (Popular companies that use Flutter)

Now the decision isn’t just for the developers but will also have an impact on the top companies that have been using Flutter as their core framework for development. From social media to the health care sector, there are tons of companies that work on Flutter to build effective cross-platform apps.

现在的决定不仅是针对开发人员的,而且还将对一直使用Flutter作为其开发核心框架的顶尖公司产生影响。 从社交媒体到医疗保健行业,无数公司在Flutter上开展工作,以构建有效的跨平台应用程序。

While Google Ads is just one name, social media apps such as KalsterMe, Meeve, Pairing, and E-commerce applications such as Alibaba are some of the apps built using Flutter. Not to forget the companies like Bacancy Technology, Intelivita, Netguru, QSS Technosoft, being the top contributors.

虽然Google Ads只是一个名字,但社交媒体应用程序(例如KalsterMe,Meeve,Pairing和电子商务应用程序,例如阿里巴巴)是使用Flutter构建的一些应用程序。 不要忘了像Bacancy Technology,Intelivita,Netguru,QSS Technosoft这样的公司,它们是最大的贡献者。

结论 (Conclusion)

Wrapping up our discussion, it is pretty much clear that Google is on the journey of revamping the app development industry, shifting from a mobile-specific environment to providing desktop support. True that the collaboration seems to be exciting, calling up for new ventures.

结束我们的讨论后,很明显,Google正在重整应用程序开发行业,从专用于移动设备的环境转变为提供桌面支持。 诚然,这种合作似乎令人兴奋,需要新的投资。

However, it is only with time that we would be able to understand what the duo has in store for the industry. If you are looking for assistance to build beautiful native applications in record time, then get in touch with us today.

但是,只有随着时间的流逝,我们才能了解二人组为该行业准备的东西。 如果您需要帮助以创纪录的时间构建漂亮的本机应用程序,请立即与我们联系。

Bacancy Technology is a globally renowned Flutter app development company with a team of well-versed Flutter developers who can help you build sophisticated cross-platform apps along with a full spectrum of Flutter App development services.

Bacancy Technology是一家享誉全球的Flutter应用程序开发公司 ,其团队由经验丰富的Flutter开发人员组成,可以帮助您构建复杂的跨平台应用程序以及Flutter App开发服务的全部内容。


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