
Today, I’m excited to reveal the new design of the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library (IaC Library):


  • The Gruntwork Module CatalogBuild your infrastructure by mixing & matching hundreds of reusable, battle-tested modules.

    Gruntwork模块目录 通过混合和匹配数百个可重复使用的,经过测试的模块来构建基础架构。

  • The Gruntwork Service Catalog [NEW]Deploy off-the-shelf services, without writing any code. Each service combines multiple modules into a highly configurable package that’s designed to be deployed directly to production.

    Gruntwork服务目录 [NEW] 部署现成的服务 ,而无需编写任何代码。 每个服务将多个模块组合到一个高度可配置的程序包中,该程序包旨在直接部署到生产中。

  • The Gruntwork Architecture Catalog [NEW]Deploy proven, end-to-end architectures that contain all the services you need to go to prod, already wired together and fully automated.

    Gruntwork建筑目录 [NEW] 部署经过验证的端到端体系结构 ,其中包含您要进行生产所需的所有服务,这些服务已经连接在一起并完全自动化。

Read on to learn how you can use these three types of catalogs to go to production on AWS reliably and securely, in days rather than months.


动机 (Motivation)

Let’s say you just finished working on your new project — maybe it’s a Node.js app at a new startup or maybe it’s a set of Java microservices at a major enterprise — and after months of coding, it’s time to ship it to production. You sign up for an AWS account, log in, and you’re greeted with a page that looks something like this:

假设您刚刚完成新项目的工作-也许是新启动的Node.js应用程序,或者是大型企业的Java微服务集-经过几个月的编码,现在该将其交付生产了。 您注册一个AWS账户,登录,然后会看到一个类似于以下内容的页面:

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Phew. Well, I guess the good news is that you have access to a nearly endless list of tools and services. However, the bad news is that you have access to a nearly endless list of tools and services.

ew 好吧,我想这是一个好消息,您可以使用几乎无穷无尽的工具和服务。 但是,坏消息是您可以访问几乎无穷无尽的工具和服务。

You figure that you probably need to deploy some servers, so you start learning about EC2 instances, Auto Scaling Groups, Amazon Machine Images, and Elastic Load Balancers. But as you’re trying to make progress with that, all you hear about is Kubernetes, Kubernetes, Kubernetes. So then you start reading about Docker Orchestration, EKS, control planes, worker nodes, auto scalers, RBAC, Istio, and Helm charts. And you’ve barely made any progress there before your teammates start yelling about the fact that Serverless is the future! So now you’re knee deep in docs about AWS Lambda, API Gateway, ECS Fargate, Serverless Framework, and Aurora.

您认为可能需要部署一些服务器,因此开始学习EC2实例,Auto Scaling组,Amazon Machine Images和Elastic Load Balancer。 但是,当您尝试在此方面取得进展时,您所听到的只是Kubernetes,Kubernetes,Kubernetes。 因此,您开始阅读有关Docker Orchestration,EKS,控制平面,工作节点,自动缩放器,RBAC,Istio和Helm图表的信息。 在您的团队成员开始大喊“无服务器时代就是未来”这一事实之前,您几乎没有取得任何进展! 因此,现在您可以深入了解有关AWS Lambda,API网关,ECS Fargate,无服务器框架和Aurora的文档。

But wait, first you have to get all the networking details in place. So you scrap everything you’ve done so far and start learning about VPCs, subnets, route tables, NAT Gateways, Network ACLs, and Transit Gateways. But before you can finish any of that, you discover something called Landing Zone. So then you’re digging through documentation about AWS Config, CloudTrail, IAM Roles, GuardDuty, Account Vending Machines… And after months of work, it dawns on you that you’ve still got to sort out a CI / CD pipeline, data storage, data backup, monitoring, log aggregation, alerting, secrets management, SSH access, VPN access, DNS, TLS, CDN, and so much more.

但是,等等,首先您必须获得所有网络详细信息。 因此,您将舍弃到目前为止所做的一切,然后开始学习VPC,子网,路由表,NAT网关,网络ACL和传输网关。 但是,在完成任何操作之前,您会发现一个名为“着陆区”的东西。 因此,然后您在浏览有关AWS Config,CloudTrail,IAM角色,GuardDuty,帐户自动售货机的文档...经过几个月的工作,您发现仍然需要整理CI / CD管道,数据存储,数据备份,监视,日志聚合,警报,机密管理,SSH访问,VPN访问,DNS,TLS,CDN等。

And here’s the crazy thing: there are a thousand other developers at a thousand other companies doing the exact same thing. Every single company that wants to go to production on the public cloud needs to solve the same set of problems: networking, orchestration, data storage, secrets management, CI / CD, monitoring, and so on. So why are you doing it all from scratch?

这是疯狂的事情:千家公司中的千名其他开发人员都在做同样的事情。 每个要在公共云上投入生产的公司都需要解决同一组问题:网络,业务流程,数据存储,机密管理,CI / CD,监视等等。 那么,为什么要从头开始呢?

Perhaps you tried to use some of the open source solutions that are out there, but many of them don’t quite seem to do what you want, many don’t work at all, and virtually none of them have automated tests or docs. You start thinking to yourself, has anyone actually used this code before? In production? Is anyone maintaining these repos? Do I really want to bet my company on this code?

也许您尝试使用其中一些开放源代码解决方案,但是其中许多似乎并没有完全按照您想要的去做,许多根本不起作用,而且几乎没有一个具有自动化测试或文档。 您开始对自己进行思考,之前是否有人真正使用过此代码? 在生产中? 有人维护这些存储库吗? 我真的想在这个代码上押我的公司吗?

The reality is that, under the hood, most companies want more or less the same basic infrastructure to run their web services. You can think of it like this:

事实是,实际上,大多数公司都希望或多或少使用相同的基本基础架构来运行其Web服务。 您可以这样想:

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Your app is unique. The infrastructure under the hood can be almost completely generic, just so long as it is reliable, secure, tested, and maintained.

您的应用是独一无二的。 只要可靠,安全,经过测试和维护,底层的基础结构就可以几乎完全通用。

This is precisely what we do at Gruntwork. Over the last 5 years, we’ve built up a library of over 300,000 lines of reusable, battle-tested, commercially supported and maintained infrastructure code that is used in production by hundreds of companies.

这正是我们在Gruntwork所做的 。 在过去的5年中,我们已经建立了一个库,该库包含300,000行可重复使用,经过测试,商业支持和维护的基础结构代码,数百家公司在生产中使用了这些代码。

The big change we’re announcing today is that the Gruntwork IaC Library now consists of three layers: modules, services, and architectures. Let’s go through these layers one at a time, starting by looking at modules.

我们今天宣布的最大变化是,G​​runtwork IaC库现在由三层组成: 模块服务体系结构 。 让我们从查看模块开始,一次遍历这些层。

Gruntwork模块目录 (The Gruntwork Module Catalog)

The first step in going to prod is to create modules, which are the basic building blocks of your infrastructure. Each module is a single piece of reusable infrastructure defined as code: e.g., a Terraform module to deploy a server, or a load balancer, or a database. You can think of them like the furniture in a house:

进行生产的第一步是创建模块 ,这是基础架构的基本构建块。 每个模块都是定义为代码的单个可重用基础结构:例如,用于部署服务器,负载平衡器或数据库的Terraform模块。 您可以将它们视为房屋中的家具:

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For the last few years, the core of the Gruntwork Infrastructure as Code Library has been the Module Catalog, which contains hundreds of reusable, battle-tested modules that you can use to assemble your infrastructure. Here are just a few examples of the modules you’ll find in the Module Catalog:

在过去的几年中, Gruntwork基础架构(作为代码库)的核心一直是Module Catalog ( 模块目录) ,其中包含数百个可重复使用的,经过测试的模块,您可以使用它们来组装基础架构。 以下是您可以在“模块目录”中找到的一些模块示例:

  • single-server: A module written in Terraform that you can use to deploy a single server (EC2 instance) and configure its permissions (IAM role), firewall settings (security group), IP settings (EIPs), and DNS records (Route 53).

    single-server :用Terraform编写的模块,可用于部署单个服务器(EC2实例)并配置其权限(IAM角色),防火墙设置(安全组),IP设置(EIP)和DNS记录(路由53) )。

  • asg-rolling-deploy: A module written in Terraform that you can use to deploy multiple EC2 instances in an Auto Scaling Group (ASG) that can scale up and down in response to load, automatically replace failed instances, and deploy updates via a zero-downtime, rolling deployment.

    asg-rolling-deploy :用Terraform编写的模块,可用于在Auto Scaling组(ASG)中部署多个EC2实例,该模块可以根据负载进行缩放,自动替换失败的实例,并通过零部署更新-停机时间,滚动部署。

  • eks-cluster-control-plane: A module written in Terraform that deploys the control plane of an Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster. This allows you to run your apps in AWS as Docker containers.

    eks-cluster-control-plane :用Terraform编写的模块,用于部署Elastic Kubernetes服务(EKS)集群的控制平面。 这允许您将应用程序作为Docker容器在AWS中运行。

  • cloudwatch-log-aggregation-scripts: A module written in Bash that can configure EC2 instances to send their logs to CloudWatch.

    cloudwatch-log-aggregation-scripts :用Bash编写的模块,可以配置EC2实例将其日志发送到CloudWatch。

  • ssh-grunt: A module written in Go that can be installed on EC2 instances to manage SSH access using IAM groups.

    ssh-grunt :用Go编写的模块,可以安装在EC2实例上,以使用IAM组管理SSH访问。

And here’s an example of how you might use all these modules together to configure an EKS cluster. First, you create a Packer template that will build an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for EKS worker nodes with cloudwatch-log-aggregation-scripts and ssh-grunt installed:

这是一个示例,说明如何将所有这些模块一起使用来配置EKS集群。 首先,创建一个Packer模板,该模板将为安装了cloudwatch-log-aggregation-scriptsssh-grunt EKS工作节点构建一个Amazon Machine Image(AMI):

"builders": [{
"ami_name": "eks-worker-node-{{isotime | clean_resource_name}}",
"ami_description": "An EKS-optimized AMI for worker nodes.",
"instance_type": "t3.micro",
"region": "us-east-1",
"type": "amazon-ebs",
"source_ami": "ami-abcd1234",
"ssh_username": "ec2-user",
"provisioners": [{
"type": "shell",
"inline": [
"gruntwork-install --module-name cloudwatch-log-aggregation-scripts --repo https://github.com/gruntwork-io/module-aws-monitoring --tag v0.22.1",
"gruntwork-install --module-name ssh-grunt --repo https://github.com/gruntwork-io/module-security --tag v0.34.5"

Next, you write Terraform code to deploy the Kubernetes control plane using the eks-cluster-control-plane module and deploy Kubernetes worker nodes using the asg-rolling-deploy module, passing in the ID of the AMI you built with the Packer template via the ami input variable:

接下来,您编写Terraform代码以使用eks eks-cluster-control-plane模块部署Kubernetes eks-cluster-control-plane并使用asg-rolling-deploy模块部署Kubernetes工人节点,并通过Packer模板传入您构建的AMI的ID。 ami输入变量:

module "control_plane" {
source = "git::git@github.com:gruntwork-io/terraform-aws-eks.git//modules/eks-cluster-control-plane?ref=v0.22.0" cluster_name = "example-cluster"
kubernetes_version = "1.17"
enabled_cluster_log_types = ["api", "audit", "authenticator"]
vpc_id = var.vpc_id
vpc_master_subnet_ids = var.control_plane_subnet_ids # ... (other params omitted) ...
}module "worker_nodes" {
source = "git::git@github.com:gruntwork-io/module-asg.git//modules/asg-rolling-deploy?ref=v0.10.0"
ami = "<YOUR AMI ID>"
vpc_subnet_ids = var.worker_node_subnet_ids
min_size = 2
max_size = 10 # ... (other params omitted) ...

Run terraform apply and voila, you now have a fully working Kubernetes cluster and can start deploying Docker containers to it using kubectl apply or helm install!

运行terraform apply和voila,您现在有了一个可以正常运行的Kubernetes集群,并且可以使用kubectl applyhelm install开始向其部署Docker容器了!

Gruntwork服务目录 (The Gruntwork Service Catalog)

As you just saw with the EKS cluster example, once you have modules, the next step is to combine multiple modules together to create services, which are designed to be deployed directly to production. A service includes everything you need in production, including the Terraform code for provisioning, Packer templates or Dockerfiles for configuration management, built-in monitoring (metrics, logging, alerting), built-in security features (SSH access, secrets management, server hardening, encryption in transit and at rest), and so on. You can think of services as the rooms in a house, which combine various sets of furniture (various sets of modules) for specific use cases:

正如您在EKS集群示例中看到的那样,一旦有了模块,下一步就是将多个模块组合在一起以创建服务 ,这些服务旨在直接部署到生产中。 服务包括生产中所需的一切,包括用于配置的Terraform代码,用于配置管理的Packer模板或Dockerfile,内置的监视(指标,日志记录,警报),内置的安全功能(SSH访问,秘密管理,服务器加固) ,传输中和静止时的加密),等等。 您可以将服务视为房屋中的房间,其中结合了针对特定用例的各种家具(各种模块):

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Today, I’m excited to announce the Gruntwork Service Catalog, a major new addition to the IaC Library. It contains dozens of highly configurable, battle-tested, production-grade services that you can deploy off-the-shelf without writing any code. For example, instead of writing your own EKS cluster code as in the previous section, you can use the off-the-shelf eks-cluster service from the Gruntwork Service Catalog, which includes:

今天,我很高兴地宣布推出Gruntwork服务目录,这是IaC库的主要新增功能。 它包含数十种高度可配置的,经过测试的生产级服务,您可以在不编写任何代码的情况下立即部署它们 。 例如,您可以使用Gruntwork服务目录中的现成的eks eks-cluster服务,而不是像上一节中那样编写自己的EKS集群代码,其中包括:

  • Terraform code to provision the cluster, using modules such as eks-cluster-control-plane to deploy the control plane, asg-rolling-deploy to deploy the worker nodes, and a number of other modules for configuring auto scaling, auto healing, namespaces, load balancing (ingress), permissions (IAM and RBAC), secrets management, etc.

    Terraform代码使用eks-cluster-control-plane部署控制平面, asg-rolling-deploy部署工作节点以及许多其他模块来配置集群,以配置集群以自动缩放,自动修复,命名空间,负载平衡(入口),权限(IAM和RBAC),机密管理等。

  • A Packer template to build an AMI for the worker nodes, using modules such as cloudwatch-log-aggregation-scripts to configure log aggregation, ssh-grunt to manage SSH access, and a number of other modules for configuring sever hardening, bootstrapping, metrics, etc.

    一个Packer模板 ,用于使用工作模块(例如cloudwatch-log-aggregation-scripts配置日志聚合, ssh-grunt管理SSH访问)以及许多其他模块(用于配置服务器强化,自举,指标)来为工作节点构建AMI等

  • Scripts, documentation, automated tests, and much more.


Here’s an example of how you can use this eks-cluster service to deploy a production-grade EKS cluster with a single Terragrunt configuration file:


# Use off-the-shelf code from the Gruntwork Service Catalog
terraform {
source = "git::git@github.com:gruntwork-io/aws-service-catalog.git//modules/services/eks-cluster?ref=v0.0.5"
}# Pull in outputs from your VPC
dependency "vpc" {
config_path = "../../networking/vpc"
}# Configuration for the eks-cluster service
inputs = {
cluster_name = "example-eks-cluster"
cluster_instance_type = "m4.large"
cluster_instance_ami = "<YOUR AMI ID>"
# Deploy a a separate ASG per subnet / availability zone.
autoscaling_group_configurations = {
for subnet_id in dependency.vpc.outputs.private_app_subnet_ids :
subnet_id => {
min_size = 3
max_size = 5
subnet_ids = [subnet_id]
tags = []
} # ... (other params omitted) ...

Plug the code above into a file called terragrunt.hcl, run terragrunt apply, and you have a production-grade EKS cluster in minutes! Note: Terragrunt is not required; all the code above works with pure Terraform and Terraform Cloud / Terraform Enterprise too!

将上面的代码插入一个名为terragrunt.hcl的文件中,运行terragrunt apply ,您将在几分钟内获得一个生产级的EKS集群! 注:Terragrunt 不是 必需的; 上面的所有代码也适用于纯Terraform和Terraform Cloud / Terraform Enterprise!

The Gruntwork Service Catalog includes dozens of other off-the-shelf services you can deploy in minutes, such as services for deploying and configuring other orchestration tools (e.g., ECS, ASGs), networking (e.g., VPCs, VPNs), data storage (e.g., RDS, ElastiCache, Elasticsearch, S3), AWS account structure (Landing Zone), CI / CD pipelines (both for apps and infrastructure), and much more. We also have a Service Catalog where all the services are configured to be compliant with the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmarks out-of-the-box. In the future, we’ll be adding out-of-the-box support for other major standards, such as PCI, HIPAA, and NIST 800–53.

Gruntwork服务目录包括您可以在几分钟内部署的许多其他现成的服务,例如用于部署和配置其他编排工具(例如ECS,ASG),联网(例如VPC,VPN),数据存储(例如RDS,ElastiCache,Elasticsearch,S3),AWS帐户结构(着陆区),CI / CD管道(适用于应用程序和基础架构)等等。 我们还有一个服务目录,其中所有服务均已配置为与CIS AWS AWS Foundations Benchmarks兼容。 将来,我们将为其他主要标准(例如PCI,HIPAA和NIST 800–53)增加现成的支持。

Gruntwork建筑目录 (The Gruntwork Architecture Catalog)

The final step is to combine multiple services together to create your production architecture. The architecture is your entire end-to-end tech stack, that includes everything you use in production, including networking, orchestration, data storage, secrets management, CI / CD, monitoring, and so on, all wired together as a single, working system. You can think of the architecture as an entire house, which combines various sets of rooms (various sets of services) for specific use cases:

最后一步是将多个服务组合在一起以创建您的生产体系结构 。 该架构是您整个端到端技术堆栈,其中包括您在生产中使用的所有内容,包括网络,业务流程,数据存储,机密管理,CI / CD,监视等,所有这些都可以作为一个整体连接在一起,并且可以正常工作。系统。 您可以将体系结构视为一整个房子,其中结合了针对特定用例的各种房间(各种服务):

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Today, I’m also excited to announce the Gruntwork Architecture Catalog, another major new addition to the IaC Library. For the last few years, we’ve offered the Gruntwork Reference Architecture as a product you can buy that made direct use of the Gruntwork Module Catalog under the hood. We are now turning the Reference Architecture into an Architecture Catalog, a collection of battle-tested, off-the-shelf architectures for AWS that make use of the Gruntwork Service Catalog under the hood.

今天,我也很高兴宣布推出Gruntwork体系结构目录,这是IaC库的又一重大新增功能。 在过去的几年中,我们提供了Gruntwork参考体系结构作为您可以购买的产品,该产品直接使用了引擎盖下的Gruntwork模块目录。 现在,我们正在将参考架构转变为架构目录,这是一组经过实践检验,适用于AWS的现成架构,它们使用了内部的Gruntwork Service Catalog。

For example, we have ECS-based, ASG-based, and EKS-based architectures in the Architecture Catalog. Here’s a glimpse of what the EKS-based architecture includes:

例如,在架构目录中,我们具有基于ECS,基于ASG和基于EKS的架构。 这是基于EKS的体系结构的概览:

  • Landing Zone: multi-account setup, with a security baseline applied to each account that sets up IAM users, IAM roles, IAM groups, CloudTrail, AWS Config, GuardDuty, etc.

    着陆区 :多账户设置,将安全基准应用到设置IAM用户,IAM角色,IAM组,CloudTrail,AWS Config,GuardDuty等的每个账户。

  • Networking: VPCs, multiple tiers of subnets (public, private app, private persistence), route tables, Internet Gateway, NAT Gateways, NACLs, etc.

    网络 :VPC,子网的多个层次(公共,私有应用程序,私有持久性),路由表,Internet网关,NAT网关,NACL等。

  • Orchestration: Kubernetes running on EKS, fully-managed control plane, choice of worker nodes (self-managed, AWS-managed, or Fargate), auto scaling, auto healing, RBAC mapping, ALB ingress controller, etc.

    编排 :在EKS上运行的Kubernetes,完全托管的控制平面,工作节点的选择(自我管理,AWS管理或Fargate),自动缩放,自动修复,RBAC映射,ALB入口控制器等。

  • Data storage: RDS, ElastiCache, Amazon Elasticsearch, S3, automated failover, automated backup, automated replication, etc.

    数据存储 :RDS,ElastiCache,Amazon Elasticsearch,S3,自动故障转移,自动备份,自动复制等。

  • Data privacy: encryption in transit using TLS (with ACM for public endpoints, self-signed certs for private endpoints), encryption at rest using KMS, secrets management using AWS Secrets Manager.

    数据隐私 :使用TLS进行传输时的加密(对于公共终端使用ACM,对于私有终端使用自签名证书),使用KMS进行静态加密,使用AWS Secrets Manager进行秘密管理。

  • CI / CD: secure, automated, GitOps-based pipelines for apps and infrastructure code that integrates with your CI server of choice (e.g. Jenkins, CircleCi, etc.).

    CI / CD :与应用程序和基础架构代码(例如Jenkins,CircleCi等)集成的安全,自动化,基于GitOps的应用程序和基础结构代码管道。

  • Monitoring: custom metrics and dashboards in CloudWatch, log aggregation in CloudWatch logs, alerts via SNS, etc.

    监视 :CloudWatch中的自定义指标和仪表板,CloudWatch日志中的日志聚合,通过SNS发出的警报等。

  • Compliance: We can configure any of the architectures in the Architecture Catalog to be compliant with the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark out-of-the-box. In the future, we’ll be adding out-of-the-box support for other major standards, such as PCI, HIPAA, and NIST 800–53.

    合规性 :我们可以立即配置“架构目录”中的任何架构,使其与CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark兼容。 将来,我们将为其他主要标准(例如PCI,HIPAA和NIST 800–53)增加现成的支持。

  • And much more: SSH, VPN, DNS, CDN, sample apps, server hardening, high availability design, vertical and horizontal scalability, etc.

    等等 :SSH,VPN,DNS,CDN,示例应用程序,服务器强化,高可用性设计,垂直和水平可伸缩性等。

All of this is wired together for you, fully automated, and we can deploy it into your AWS accounts in about 1 day, giving you all the code to manage it.


放在一起 (Putting it all together)

As a Gruntwork customer, you get access to all three Catalogs. You could, for example, use the hundreds of modules from the Module Catalog directly to assemble your own services:

作为Gruntwork客户,您可以访问所有三个目录。 例如,您可以直接使用“模块目录”中的数百个模块来组装您自己的服务:

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Or you could use the dozens of services from the Service Catalog and start deploying infrastructure right away:


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Or you can have us deploy an architecture for you from the Architecture Catalog and start building on top of a battle-tested, end-to-end tech stack, in about 1 day:


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Whichever choice you pick, at the end of the day, you’ll be able to focus far more on your app, and get to production in days, rather than months:


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And since it’s all commercially supported and maintained, you’ll be able to keep your infrastructure working smoothly and securely over the long-term.


Here’s how you get started:


  • The Module Catalog for AWS, with compliance for the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmarks, is available today for all subscribers. You can sign up on our website today!

    适用于AWS 的模块目录已符合CIS AWS Foundations Benchmarks的要求,现已向所有订阅者提供。 您可以立即在我们的网站上注册

  • The Service Catalog and Architecture Catalog for AWS, with compliance for the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmarks, are available today as part of a private, invite-only alpha. If you’re interested, contact us to learn how to get access!

    符合CIS AWS Foundations Benchmarks要求的AWS 服务目录和体系结构目录今天作为私有,仅受邀请的alpha的一部分提供。 如果您有兴趣,请与我们联系以学习访问权限

  • Catalogs for other major compliance standards (PCI, HIPAA, NIST 800–53) and other clouds (GCP, Azure) are coming in the future. Contact us to learn more.

    其他主要合规性标准 (PCI,HIPAA,NIST 800-53)和其他云(GCP,Azure)的目录将在将来推出。 联系我们以了解更多信息

翻译自: https://blog.gruntwork.io/introducing-the-gruntwork-module-service-and-architecture-catalogs-eb3a21b99f70

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