avr单片机教程 csdn
If you are into the Atmel microcontroller camp, chances are if you are adding some degree of automation to your electronic project you have heard of the popular ATtiny85 microcontroller, launched back all the way in 2005 (who would have thought!).
Found in projects ranging from a somewhat complex USBtinyISP programmer (a low cost ISP programmer), to simple NeoPixel LED strip drivers, to some more impressive ones such as Pulse Oximeters. If your design does not require many IOs, there’s a high chance you’ll use one. Because let’s face it, there are tons of resources online and the device is pretty inexpensive; and like with any other electronic project, it’s highly likely you will run into a problem when building your gadget, be it an unexpected short circuit (don’t let magic smoke happen!), failure during programming, etc. Trust me, all those resources come in handy so you find and fix any error.
从一些复杂的USBtinyISP编程器(一种低成本ISP编程器)到简单的NeoPixel LED灯条驱动器,再到一些更令人印象深刻的产品(例如脉搏血氧仪),都可以找到这些项目。 如果您的设计不需要很多IO,则很有可能会使用一个。 因为我们面对现实,所以在线上有大量资源,而且该设备非常便宜。 就像任何其他电子项目一样,在构建小工具时,很可能会遇到问题,例如意外的短路(不要让魔术冒烟!),编程过程中的失败等等。相信我,所有这些资源会派上用场,因此您可以查找并修复任何错误。
The project I wanted to build (which you can check out the story here) was ‘somewhat’ straightforward, I had a RN4020 Bluetooth LE module that needed some initialization via it’s UART interface, and was going to hand over the communication to a USB to UART IC once the configuration was done. Having used the ATtiny85 in the past I know first hand that I am in for a wild ride if I want to have full duplex UART communication as the chip does not have an built in peripheral, only that not so friendly to configure USI (Universal Serial Interface); and using any ATmega was out of the question since I had a target size for the PCB.
我想要构建的项目(您可以在此处查看故事)非常简单,我有一个RN4020蓝牙LE模块,该模块需要通过其UART接口进行一些初始化,并将通信传递给USB,完成配置后,UART IC。 过去曾经使用过ATtiny85,如果我想进行全双工UART通信,因为该芯片没有内置的外设,那么我就亲身经历了一次疯狂的旅程,只是对配置USI不太友好(通用串行)接口); 因为我有PCB的目标尺寸,所以使用任何ATmega都是不可能的。