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I am not an engineer and I’ve never been interested in becoming one. Engineers are concerned with building in the most efficient way possible. I just like to build, taking an idea that’s in my head and bringing it to life — whether or not the construction is efficient. That probably makes me a bad programmer and it’s in part the reason why I gravitated towards learning web development four years ago.

我不是工程师,我从没对成为一名工程师感兴趣。 工程师关心尽可能以最有效的方式进行建造。 我只是喜欢建造,想出一个主意并将其付诸实践-无论建造是否高效。 这可能使我成为一名糟糕的程序员,部分原因是我四年前着迷于学习Web开发的原因。

Building for the web is frictionless and it’s the cheapest way to build software. Web technology is ubiquitous, making learning easy since learning resources for web development are everywhere. And there are plenty of ways to practice what you learn, including at the workplace even if your job has nothing to do with writing code.

为Web构建是毫不费力的,这是构建软件的最便宜的方法。 Web技术无处不在,因为无处不在的Web开发学习资源,使学习变得容易。 并且有很多方法可以练习所学内容,包括在工作场所,即使您的工作与编写代码无关。

I’ve used my web development knowledge to become a citizen developer and increase my value as an employee.


My background is in film and media production but over the years I’ve found ways to use my web development knowledge at work. What I’ve realized is that the technology departments at non-technology organizations don’t have the bandwidth to support non-critical initiatives. That becomes my opportunity to create value for the organization by providing support they cannot get (in a timely manner) from the existing technology unit. In short, I’ve used my web development knowledge to become a citizen developer and increase my value as an employee. Sometimes in small ways like solving for how to embed one web utility into another. Other times in more visible ways like writing code to allow integrations or developing new features for a web based service.

我的背景是电影和媒体制作,但多年来,我已经找到了在工作中使用我的Web开发知识的方法。 我已经意识到,非技术组织的技术部门没有足够的带宽来支持非关键性计划。 这成为我通过提供组织(及时)无法从现有技术部门获得支持的机会为组织创造价值的机会。 简而言之,我利用我的Web开发知识成为了一名公民开发人员,并提高了我作为员工的价值。 有时以小的方式解决,例如解决如何将一个Web实用程序嵌入另一个Web实用程序。 有时以更明显的方式进行,例如编写代码以允许集成或为基于Web的服务开发新功能。

If coding for the web has helped me so much over the years, why the interest in native development and why now? Javascript, HTML, and CSS can execute on just about any software platform. Would it make sense for me to write code using any other paradigm? I don’t make games or work much with proprietary hardware. PWAs have certainly grown in popularity over the years. With intermediaries like Cordova and React Native, I can create apps for IOS and Android simultaneously using web technology. From a practical and pragmatic standpoint web development has so many upsides it’s hard to reason learning anything else.

如果多年来对Web进行编码对我有很大帮助,那么为什么对本机开发感兴趣,为什么现在呢? Javascript,HTML和CSS几乎可以在任何软件平台上执行。 对我来说,使用其他范式编写代码是否有意义? 我不会制作游戏,也不会使用专有硬件进行过多工作。 多年来,PWA无疑已经越来越流行。 借助Cordova和React Native等中介,我可以使用Web技术同时为IOS和Android创建应用程序。 从实用和务实的角度来看,Web开发具有许多优势,因此很难推理学习其他内容。

I didn’t understand at the time that React Native was built to solve an efficiency problem, not to make building easier.

当时我还不了解React Native是为解决效率问题而创建的,而不是为了简化构建。

Working on a React Native project forced me to reconsider this thought pattern. It made me realize that there is more to it than what meets the eye when it comes to developing using web technology everywhere. Targeting IOS (though I’m sure it applies to Android as well), I realized that realistically there would be no way for me to avoid Xcode. There was no way to avoid CocoaPods. When I got obscure build errors, all the Javascript knowledge I had didn’t help me figure out what was going wrong.

在React Native项目上的工作迫使我重新考虑这种思维模式。 它使我意识到,在任何地方使用Web技术进行开发时,它所涉及的不仅仅是眼神。 以IOS为目标(尽管我确定它也适用于Android),但我意识到实际上没有办法避免使用Xcode。 无法避免CocoaPods。 当我发现模糊的构建错误时,我所拥有的所有Javascript知识都无法帮助我找出问题所在。

While working through that React Native project (it’s now on hold), whenever I had to switch from VSCode the Xcode for whatever reason, I had no idea what I was doing. I kept stumbling my way through, hoping stackoverflow would solve all my problems. I didn’t understand at the time that React Native was built to solve an efficiency problem, not to make building easier.

在处理该React Native项目(现在处于暂停状态)的过程中,无论何时由于任何原因我不得不从VSCode切换到Xcode,我都不知道我在做什么。 我一直在绊脚石,希望stackoverflow能解决我所有的问题。 当时我还不了解React Native是为解决效率问题而创建的,而不是为了简化构建。

I figured, maybe I’ll learn just enough about IOS development to make working with React Native less painful. It was while I was on that journey that I discovered SwiftUI. SwiftUI laid to rest a lot of my frontend development anxieties. Taking a step back…I’ve always had an issue with translating visuals via CSS or Sass. I don’t know if it’s a mental block or not enough practice but it has always been a pain point for me. Libraries like bootstrap make it easier. The various React component libraries also helped me to get by but I can’t say that I’ve ever felt freedom when building out a frontend design for the web. SwiftUI was a different experience. In the short amount of time I spent learning the basics, I was shocked by how easily I was able translate a design idea from chicken scratches on paper to code that represented it accurately in Simulator.

我想,也许我会学到足够的有关IOS开发的知识,从而使使用React Native的工作变得更轻松。 就在我旅途中,我发现了SwiftUI。 SwiftUI让我摆脱了很多前端开发的忧虑。 退一步……我一直在通过CSS或Sass转换视觉效果时遇到问题。 我不知道这是一种智力障碍还是没有足够的实践,但这一直是我的痛点。 引导程序之类的库使操作变得更容易。 各种React组件库也为我提供了帮助,但是我不能说在构建Web前端设计时就感到自由。 SwiftUI是一种不同的体验。 在学习基础知识的短时间内,我很惊讶能够将设计思路从纸上的鸡刮痕转化为在Simulator中准确表示该设计思想的代码而感到震惊。

It’s not about building something that’s supported everywhere, it’s about getting out the best version of what’s being built as quickly as possible.


I started to think that I should give native development a serious look. One other thing pushed me over the edge — the focus problem. With web development, it is so hard to focus. From both a design and technology perspective, web development pulls the attention away from building the core product. From a design perspective, building responsive web apps takes up time that could be better spent focusing on optimizing a single design layout. From a technology perspective, building and testing to support most browsers can be painful.

我开始认为我应该认真对待本地开发。 另一件事使我无所适从–焦点问题。 使用Web开发,很难集中精力。 从设计和技术角度来看,Web开发都将注意力从构建核心产品上移开了。 从设计的角度来看,构建响应式Web应用程序会占用一些时间,而这些时间可能会花在专注于优化单个设计布局上。 从技术角度来看,构建和测试以支持大多数浏览器可能很痛苦。

With native development, I can just target one device type, choose the minimum device and OS spec supported and focus just on building to that target. I’m really seeing the benefit of that now. It’s not about building something that’s supported everywhere, it’s about getting out the best version of what’s being built as quickly as possible. If users demand support on other platforms, I can always build to their needs at that time.

通过本机开发,我可以仅针对一种设备类型,选择支持的最低设备和操作系统规格,并专注于针对该目标进行构建。 我现在真的看到了它的好处。 这并不是要构建到处都受支持的东西,而是要尽快获取所构建内容的最佳版本。 如果用户需要在其他平台上的支持,那么我随时可以满足他们的需求。

With that, I got off the fence and started my journey to learn IOS development. But something has kept me close to the fence since that time. This anxiety has nothing to do with the technology and has everything to do with how Apple has designed the IOS development ecosystem. Coming from the web where freedom and open source are the dominant philosophy and in light of all the bad press Apple has gotten this year regarding its anti-competitive App store policies, I’m pondering, do I really want to commit to putting my neck under Apple’s boot? I’ll explore this question in part 2.

这样,我就摆脱了束缚,开始了学习IOS开发的旅程。 但是从那以后,有些事情使我离栅栏越来越近。 这种焦虑与技术无关,并且与苹果如何设计IOS开发生态系统有关。 来自网络,其中自由和开源是主要理念,并且鉴于苹果今年在反竞争性应用商店政策方面受到的所有负面报道 ,我正在思考,我是否真的想承诺尽我所能在苹果的引导下? 我将在第2部分中探讨这个问题



Why IOS and not Android?


  • I own mostly Apple hardware which makes on device testing easier.

  • In the US, market dynamics dictate that if you want to make an app that can actually make money, it has to be on IOS.

  • Java Trauma (from high school and yes, I know Kotlin is an option).

    Java Trauma(来自高中,是的,我知道Kotlin是一种选择)。

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跟随我 @humankale 以获取更多类似内容。

翻译自: https://medium.com/@mail_85203/to-be-or-not-to-be-an-apple-developer-2e396643d020






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