
The fact that we are doing our own WiFi does not mean that we are not in the field and that we are not solving other than our own issues. So following article is not to be understood as “looking for excuses on why their own system does not perform well” :-) The technology in concern comes from a Cisco — Motorola/Symbol combo. And I do not think anything wrong about them, to be clear, contrary, it could be considered as an etalon of what can be achieved in the wireless field. And the technologies/vendors involved are meant only as a framing of the underlying issue which is:

吨他事实上我们正在做我们自己的无线网络并不意味着我们没有在现场和我们是不是比我们自己的问题解决等。 因此,不应将以下文章理解为“寻找其自身系统运行不佳的借口” :-)所关注的技术来自Cisco —摩托罗拉/ Symbol组合。 我不认为它们有什么问题,很明显,相反,可以将其视为在无线领域可以实现的标准。 并且所涉及的技术/供应商仅是作为以下潜在问题的框架:

规划无线覆盖范围时不切实际的期望 (Unrealistic expectations when planning wireless coverage)

The expectation might be rephrased as “To achieve a good WiFi performance and coverage, I need a big fat strong access point. In ideal case even stronger than it is allowed in my country, I don’t care of the 100 mW regulatory limit, nobody would ever find that I am smashing the ether with 400 mW and I will have a better signal”.

期望可能会改写为“要获得良好的WiFi性能和覆盖范围,我需要一个 坚固 大型接入点 在理想情况下甚至比我的国家所允许的还要强大,我不在乎100 mW的监管限制,没有人会发现我用400 mW粉碎了以太,我会有更好的信号 。”

False. And again false.

假。 再次错误。

There is only one true part in this: The signal strength will increase.


Will the perfomance improve? Nope.

性能会提高吗? 不。

那么,什么会影响WiFi性能? (So what affects WiFi performance?)

This question should be probably divided into two separate (although dependent) parts.


First — What affects data rates that can be achieved over WiFi?

首先 -什么会影响通过WiFi可以达到的数据速率?

Second — What affects the area coverage (with acceptable data rates)?

其次 -是什么影响区域覆盖率(可接受的数据速率)?

什么会影响通过WiFi可以达到的数据速率? (What affects data rates that can be achieved over WiFi?)

Let’s examine the first question. Data rate is the amount of information transfered over a unit of time. We will not discuss “what is the amount of information”, just agree upon that usually we measure the data rates in bits per second (rather Megabits per second, Mbps, in fact), although the users often percieve it more like Megabytes per second, or 4k video from Youtube tears or doesn’t tear. Often the magic words are 54Mbps, 108Mbps, 450Mbps 1300Mbps. Looks familiar? Those are the theoretical maximum data rates for different WiFi standards written in big on the product boxes. And those are the numbers we, poor IT guys, fight with. Anytime the data rates written on the box are not met, it is our fault.

让我们研究第一个问题。 数据速率是单位时间内传输的信息量。 我们不会讨论“信息量是多少”,只是同意通常我们以每秒比特数(实际上是每秒兆比特,Mbps)来测量数据速率,尽管用户通常更喜欢每秒兆字节。 ,或Youtube的4k视频流泪或不流泪。 通常,魔术词是54Mbps,108Mbps,450Mbps 1300Mbps。 看起来很熟悉? 这些是产品包装盒上大写的不同WiFi标准的理论最大数据速率。 这些就是我们这些可怜的IT人士所要面对的数字。 只要不满足包装盒上写的数据速率,这都是我们的错。

Regradles the actual maximum throughput (data rate) is in any particular case, it means the technical limit of tranfersing data under ideal circumstances. Those are, of course, the signal strength, SNR, interference from other nearby trasmitters (other WiFi devices, microwave ovens, any other radio that transmits in our band), interference from our very own reflected transmission to name a few. And those parameters are even further affected with other environmental factors like humidity, number of people in the area etc.

在任何特定情况下,重新计算实际的最大吞吐量(数据速率),这意味着在理想情况下传输数据的技术限制。 当然,这些是信号强度,SNR,附近其他发送器(其他WiFi设备,微波炉,在我们频带内传输的任何其他无线电设备)的干扰,我们自己反射的传输的干扰等 。 这些参数甚至还会受到其他环境因素的影响,例如湿度,该地区的人数等。

As SNR (signal to noise ratio) itself is mostly influenced by other interference (and of course the signal strength), so we could loop in a circle forever, let’s consider an ideal scenario first, where there are no other interfering factors and the signal strength is sufficient to achieve the maximum rate.


Will I, under such circumstances, transfer the data as fast as maximum theroteical throughput? Again, no, even though the loss might not be that significant. There are following factors at play:

在这种情况下, 将以最大理论吞吐量一样快的速度传输数据吗? 再一次,不,即使损失可能不会那么大。 有以下因素在起作用:

  1. Any wirelless transmission uses the air and part of electromagnetic spectrum as a SHARED medium. In such case (and we will not discuss the mechanism, how it is achieved) only ONE device can transmit at a time without interference.

    任何无线传输都将空气和部分电磁频谱用作共享介质。 在这种情况下(我们将不讨论其机制,如何实现), 一次只能发送一个设备而不会产生干扰。

  2. The overhead of the wireless protocol itself, along with the underlying other protocols (TCP/IP, used applications) will decrease the actual tranfer rates.

    无线协议本身的开销以及底层其他协议(TCP / IP,使用的应用程序)将降低实际的传输速率。

  3. What will affect the transfer rates the most is the number of devices connected to the network — each device needs its time from time to time even when it does not actively transfer any usefull data, just to keep alive.

    对传输速率影响 最大的连接到网络的设备数量 -每个设备有时会不时地需要其时间,即使它不主动传输任何有用的数据也只是为了保持生命。

At the end, in ideal conditions, the transfer rate will be affected mostly by the “airtime” for transmissions directly related with our intended transfer. In other words — the time we’ve been alotted to send our usefull data, which will always be some fraction of the timespan we measure.

最后,在理想条件下,传输速率 主要受与我们的预期传输直接相关的传输的“通话时间”的影响。 换句话说,我们已经花了很多时间发送有用的数据,这总是占我们测量时间跨度的一小部分。

为什么这个这么重要? (Why is this so important?)

Up to now I’ve been intentionally quite general, but let’s dive a bit under the WiFi hood. The conditions will never be ideal. The signal will vary, the SNR will vary, the traffic pattern will vary. So the WiFi has to be able to cope with changing conditions and more, it needs to cope with the older standards and rates to older devices. We will discuss the signals later, but for now take as granted that (quite intuitively) to achieve certain data rate, some minimal conditions (signal strength, SNR) must be met to make the tranfer even possible. So one of the first tasks the engineers faced was to handle (for example) the scenario, when my mobile device gets further from the other device (say Access point). When that happens, the signal strength will decrese and the SNR will decrease up to the point the transfer with given rate is impossible. The obvious solution to this problem is to fall back to lower speed (often to use older standard that allows that speed), theoretically one can drop from say 108Mbps at 802.11n down to 1Mbps at 802.11b and then — further communication is not possible — you are out of range. To be able to achieve this, each SSID (WiFi name that you see in the Wireless network list of your computer) must transmit so called beacon every 100ms (miliseconds) at any data rate it supports. Although the beacon is a short packet (say 140 bytes in average), the airtime (see above) at 1 and 2 Mbps rates is huge so if you have a larger network with 4–5 SSID your beacon overhead can easily eat up as much as 30%-40% of your wireless capacity(!).

到现在为止,我一直是相当笼统的人,但让我们深入研究一下WiFi引擎盖。 条件永远不会是理想的。 信号将变化,SNR将变化,流量模式也会变化。 因此, WiFi必须能够应对不断变化的状况,并且还需要应对旧标准和旧设备的费率。 稍后我们将讨论信号,但是现在(相当直观地)认为要达到一定的数据速率,必须满足一些最小条件(信号强度,SNR)才能使传输成为可能。 因此,工程师面临的首要任务之一是处理(例如)方案,当我的移动设备离另一台设备越来越远时 (例如访问点)。 发生这种情况时, 信号强度会 下降SNR会下降无法以给定速率进行传输的程度 。 解决此问题的明显方法是退回到较低的速度 (通常使用允许该速度的较旧标准),理论上可以从802.11n的108Mbps下降到802.11b的1Mbps,然后-无法进行进一步的通信-您超出范围。 为了实现此目的, 每个SSID (您在计算机的无线网络列表中看到的WiFi名称) 必须 每100ms (毫秒) 以其支持的任何数据速率 传输所谓的信标 。 尽管信标是一个短数据包(平均为140字节),但以1 Mbps和2 Mbps的速率传输的广播时间 (请参见上文) 非常庞大,因此,如果您的网络较大且SSID为4-5,则信标开销很容易就吃光占您无线容量的30%-40% (!)。

So solve that problem here is a first takeaway from this article: Disable the slower data rates or even the whole 802.11b standard and use only the newer and faster rates. It is rare to see a device that is not capable of at least 802.11g and todays modern devices can handle higher rates at similar signal conditions. And if not, it is always easier to add an access point.

因此,本文首先解决了这个问题: 禁用较慢的数据速率 ,甚至禁用整个802.11b标准,而仅使用更新更快的速率。 很少见到至少不能支持802.11g的设备,而当今的现代设备可以在相似的信号条件下处理更高的速率。 如果没有,添加访问点总是比较容易。

It might look that the signal strength and SNR can be easily improved by increasing the output power of your access points but there are some caveats. The most important one probably is, that in case you have more than one access point, increasing the output power increases not only the overal signal strength (even not that significantly as it might seem, see further) but also dramaticaly decreases SNR and thus the maximum achievable data rates.

看起来可以通过增加接入点的输出功率来轻松改善信号强度和SNR,但有一些警告。 最重要的一个可能是,如果您有多个接入点,则增加输出功率不仅会增加总体信号强度(甚至不会像看上去那样显着,请进一步了解),而且还会显着降低SNR ,因此最大可达到的数据速率

Spoiler alert: To achieve better data rates, we would need to DECREASE output power!

扰流板警报:为了获得更好的数据速率,我们需要 降低 输出功率!

是什么影响区域覆盖率(可接受的数据速率)? (What affects the area coverage (with acceptable data rates)?)

So here is the second factor of our puzzle — the area coverage. The more power you will put into your transmitter, the furter the signal will reach. Or more preciselly, the more power your device radiates, the stronger signal levels at any given distance you will get. Quite intuitivelly the signal level will decrease as the distance from the transmitter increases. And from some point (usually around -70dBm with SNR less than 25dBm) there is no reasonable communication possible. At least when talking about WiFi, with radio amateur transceiver this signal level would probably tear the headphones off your head :-)

因此,这是我们困惑的第二个因素-区域覆盖率。 您将向发射机发射的功率越多,信号到达的距离就越远。 或更确切地说,您的设备辐射的功率越多,在任何给定距离上,信号强度就越强。 从直觉上来说,信号电平会随着与发射机之间距离的增加而减小 。 从某个角度来看(通常在-70dBm左右,SNR小于25dBm),不可能进行合理的通信。 至少在谈论WiFi时,使用无线电业余收发器时,此信号电平可能会将耳机从您的头上扯下来:-)

Notes: For the sake of simplicity, do not bother that much with the dBm units. Consider them as just a numbers, that you can directly measure on your WiFi card, if you dig deep enough. Generally, the bigger the number tied to signal level the better. And obviously (the signal levels you can get at your receiver are quite low in negative area, the -61 dBm is much better signal than -70 dBm as dBm is logarithmical scale). It is good to know, that it is almost impossible to get better signal than say -30dBm, even if you are right next to the transmitter and the transmitter is radiating the full power, which is usually 20dBm (100 mW). The air between the antennas has enormous attenuation to the signal. So quite usually we will be quite happy in some -55 to -65 dBm range.

注意:为简单起见,不要对dBm单位这么多打扰。 如果您深入研究,可以将它们视为一个数字,就可以直接在WiFi卡上进行测量。 通常,与信号电平相关的数字越大越好。 显然(在负区域,您在接收机处可获得的信号电平非常低,因为dBm是对数标度,-61 dBm的信号比-70 dBm好得多)。 很高兴知道,即使您紧邻发射器并且发射器正在辐射通常为20dBm(100 mW)的全功率,也几乎不可能获得比-30dBm更好的信号。 天线之间的空气会对信号产生极大的衰减。 因此,通常我们会在-55至-65 dBm的范围内感到非常满意。

Another important note regards the other “units” like signal level is 90%, or the icon shows four strokes of five. Those are completely useless and are intended to general public to give them some information they can grasp. 90% of what? So if you would not measure the signal level in dBm somehow, the complaints about percentages are just an indication.

另一个重要的注意事项是其他“单位”,例如信号电平为90%,或者该图标显示四个笔触,每个笔触为五个。 这些完全没有用,旨在让普通大众向他们提供一些他们可以掌握的信息。 90%是什么? 因此,如果您不以某种方式测量以dBm为单位的信号电平,则有关百分比的抱怨只是一个指示。

What is important to know is, that the signal level from constant power source is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. In plain english — if you increase the output power of your transmitter twice, you will get maybe the a quarter more reach. So as the gains you will get are not that bright in comparison with the odds (worsing the SNR ratio, for example), increasing the output power of your access point ususally does not proove as a good strategy to improve your wireless network performance.

重要的是要知道,来自恒定电源的信号电平与距离的平方成反比。 用简单的英语来说- 如果您将发射机的输出功率提高两次,则可能会达到四分之一的距离 。 因此,与奇数(例如,信噪比(SNR)比)相比,您获得的收益并不那么明亮,因此,提高接入点的输出功率通常不能作为提高无线网络性能的好策略。

And there is another good reason why to avoid that. Probably the most important one. Usually, the devices connected to the wireless network are battery powered by design (think of mobile phones, tablets, laptops). The energy in their batteries is the most precious asset, so the designers usually do not let the devices radiate the full power that is allowed by regulation. Don’t forget, more power=more battery drain. In other words, the fact that you are allowed to transmit at 20 dBm (100 mW) does not mean that you will. Of course, the WiFi access point can transmit at 20 dBm, in the end, it is a wall powered device, but the mobile devices (the REASON you build the wireless network) can’t.

还有另一个避免这种情况的充分理由。 可能是最重要的一个。 通常, 连接到无线网络的设备是由电池供电的 (设计用于移动电话,平板电脑,笔记本电脑)。 电池中的能量是最宝贵的资产,因此设计人员通常不要让设备散发法规允许的全部功率。 别忘了,更多的电力=更多的电池消耗。 换句话说, 允许您以20 dBm(100 mW) 进行传输的事实并不意味着您会 。 当然, WiFi接入点可以以20 dBm的速率传输 ,最后,它是由墙供电的设备, 而移动设备 (您建立无线网络的原因) 则不能

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Following slide has been captured from “RF Design for the Mobile Devices explosion” by Alexey Zaytsev, from Cisco. Shows the typical output power of Apple mobile phones.
思科的Alexey Zaytsev从“移动设备的射频设计爆炸”中捕获了以下幻灯片。 显示苹果手机的典型输出功率。

For example, maximum output power of most mobile phones is set (based on model and band) to range from 12–17 dBm (16–50 mW). And this is something you cannot affect or even set (not telling that even if it would be possible, users would rarely, if ever, done it). You, as the WiFi designer can usually affect your network, not the client devices.

例如,大多数手机的最大输出功率(基于型号和频段)设置为12-17 dBm(16-50 mW)。 这是您无法影响甚至无法设置的(不要告诉用户即使有可能,用户也很少会这样做)。 您作为WiFi设计师通常可以影响您的网络,而不影响客户端设备。

And now comes the most exciting part — even if we took the best case scenario and expect that all the devices are capable of transmitting at 17 dBm (50 mW), there is no way for the access point to receive their signal, if they would get out of range of their transmit power. So we can easily get into the situation when the signal strength and SNR level measured on our client device is sufficient enough, but the acual performace is poor and we cannot see any apparent reason! Remember — the communication has to be two-way, WiFi is not an FM radio, it SENDS and RECEIVES data.

现在最令人兴奋的部分是-即使我们采用了最理想的情况,并期望所有设备都能够以17 dBm (50 mW)的速率进行传输 ,如果它们能够, 接入点也无法接收其信号超出发射功率范围 。 因此,当在客户端设备上测得的信号强度和SNR级别足够高时,我们很容易陷入困境,但是实际性能不佳,我们看不到任何明显的原因! 请记住,通信必须是双向的, WiFi不是FM广播,它会发送和接收数据。

Second takeway: If you want to achieve a good coverage, you need to DECREASE the output power of your access points at least to the maximum output power of your devices. If you do not know it, I’d probably stay safe at 16 dBm, which is by the way only 40 mW(!).

第二takeway:如果要实现良好的覆盖,就需要至少要降低接入点的输出功率到设备的最大输出功率。 如果您不知道,我可能会在16 dBm时保持安全,顺便说一下,它只有40 mW (!)。

This observation has following consequence — if your premises are large enough, you’d need more access points. And the reason for it is not that the WiFi manufacturers are greedy and want to sell more access points. The reason is pure physics. And as always, there is no free lunch, so if someone tries to tell you that he is selling a Strong WiFi router(TM) — I’m talking about you, O2 — which will get the signal all around your house, be suspicious!

这种观察具有以下结果- 如果您的场所足够大,则需要更多的访问点 。 究其原因,并非不是WiFi制造商贪婪并希望出售更多接入点。 原因是纯粹的物理学。 和往常一样,这里没有免费的午餐,因此,如果有人试图告诉您他正在出售Strong WiFi Router(TM) (我是在说O2),该信号会在您的整个屋子里发出信号,请多加注意。 !

Just another note: Everything above is true when talking about omnidirectional anetennas (dipoles). When comes to other types of antennas with some gain, situation starts to be a bit complicated, at least for this, already long enough, article. So I will let it for maybe another one with just one warning — the gain is not free, it is always on the expense of shape, so what you gain in one direction, you will loose in the other. Which is not always necessarily a bad thing but you should be aware of it.

还有一点需要注意:在谈论全向天线(偶极子)时,以上所有内容都是正确的。 当谈到具有增益的其他类型的天线时,情况开始变得有点复杂,至少对此而言,已经足够长的文章了。 因此,我将只发出一个警告就将其发送给另一个方向-增益不是免费的,它总是以形状为代价,因此,在一个方向上获得的收益,在另一个方向上将会失去。 不一定总是一件坏事,但您应该意识到这一点。

Returning to the output powers of client devices — any decent WiFi system (Altiwi is not an exception) is able to show you the clients it receives along with the received signal level. If you measure the signal strength on the device on a fixed spot, the signal level of that device on the access point side should be roughly comparable. For example it is OK to measure the AP’s signal strength on the mobile device as, let’s say -59 dBm and see that very device on the access point client list as maybe -61 dBm. But it is not OK, if you see that device on the same AP with -70 dBm. In such case, there is most probably the disproportion between the AP’s output power and the maximum power the mobile device is capable of. Warning — the output powers of most mobile phones and other devices are usually not worth disclosing for their manufacturers, the better marketing lingo is Three cameras, or maybe the latest standard fast WiFi capable of 867 Mbps! If you would like to know what your phone is really capable of with regards to the maximum output power and willing to dig a bit, look up the FCC protocols by FCC ID of the device :-)

返回客户端设备的输出功率-任何体面的WiFi系统(Altiwi也不例外)可以向您显示其接收到的客户端以及接收到的信号电平。 如果您在固定点上测量设备的信号强度,则该设备在接入点侧的信号电平应大致可比。 例如,可以将移动设备上AP的信号强度测量为-59 dBm,然后在接入点客户端列表中看到该设备的强度可能为-61 dBm。 但是,如果您在同一AP上看到该设备的-70 dBm,那也不行。 在这种情况下,AP的输出功率和移动设备能够提供的最大功率之间很可能会出现不均衡的情况。 警告-大多数手机和其他设备的输出功率通常不值得其制造商披露,更好的营销术语是三台摄像头,或者也许是最新的标准高速WiFi,速度为867 Mbps! 如果您想了解您的手机在最大输出功率方面真正具备的功能,并且愿意挖掘一点,请通过设备的FCC ID查找FCC协议:-)

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Altiwi cloud console shows you the received signal strength from connected clients. It may help you to determine the qulity of your wireless coverage.
Altiwi云控制台向您显示从连接的客户端接收到的信号强度。 它可以帮助您确定无线覆盖范围的质量。

Last note is about density. In dense areas (for example venues or sports fields), where one can expect a lot of people in one place, it is often useful to decrease the output power even further and divide the area into sectors with more access points, than it would be needed just from the coverage and signal strength perspective. Here are the reasons:

最后一点是关于密度的。 在人们可能会在一个地方期待很多人的密集区域 (例如场馆或运动场)中,通常有用的做法是进一步降低输出功率并将该区域划分为具有更多接入点的扇区,仅从覆盖范围和信号强度的角度来看是需要的。 原因如下:

  1. The airtime. If you have a big number of people, each with a mobile device in his pocket, often with a laptop running, they always compete over the airtime (as noted in the first part of the article). By placing more accesspoints (on different channels, of course) you’d “dilute” the airtime requirements as the devices will spread over different frequencies.

    通话时间 。 如果您有很多人,每个人都在口袋里拿着移动设备,常常拿着笔记本电脑在跑,他们总是在通话时间竞争(如文章第一部分所述)。 通过放置更多的接入点(当然,在不同的信道上),您将“稀释”通话时间要求,因为设备将在不同的频率上传播。

  2. The SNR. Signal to noise is directly related with the number of devices transmitting and their power. If you just add another access points but would not decrease their output power, you always affect so called noise floor, even if they are not at the same frequency (channel). Think of it as that the boundaries between the channels are always a bit blurry and each transmission on a given channel also affects the other ones, mostly the neighboring channels.

    信噪比 。 信噪比与传输设备的数量及其功率直接相关。 如果仅添加其他接入点但不降低其输出功率,则即使它们不在同一频率(信道),也始终会影响所谓的本底噪声。 可以将其视为通道之间的边界总是有点模糊,并且给定通道上的每次传输也会影响其他通道,主要是相邻通道。

  3. The computational power of your access points. When comes to bare bones, the access point is a computer with wireless network card(s). The number of clients one can handle is not only a function of the wireless throughput we discussed, but also a function of fetures you turn on. Do you want to make any kind of traffic inspection? Expect higher CPU load. Do you want to run advanced authentication mechanisms on the AP, expect higher CPU load. Most manufacturers advertise a recommended number of clients. Base on my experience, it is usually the best case scenario, when the advanced features are turned off and the users are not that much active.

    接入点的计算能力 。 简而言之,访问点是一台带有无线网卡的计算机。 一个人可以处理的客户端数量不仅取决于我们讨论的无线吞吐量,还取决于您开启的功能。 您要进行任何类型的交通检查吗? 期望更高的CPU负载。 您是否要在AP上运行高级身份验证机制,期望更高的CPU负载? 大多数制造商都会宣传推荐数量的客户。 根据我的经验,当高级功能关闭并且用户不太活跃时,通常是最好的情况。

Did you ever wonder why manufacturer advertises 1300Mbps on a device with only 1000Mbps ethernet port?


结论 (Conclusion)

I hope that this article will shed some light on some of the aspects that come into play when planning wireless networks. I do admit, that I’ve made a number of horrible simplifications in order to keep the topic manageable. Originally the title was WiFi Planning and Surveying, so if there would be demand on the surveying topic, I’d be glad to cover it. Feel free to ask in the comments. Also comment, if I make any mistake — anything written here is my best knowledge but I do not consider myself as an expert in this field, so correct me if I am wrong.

我希望本文能对规划无线网络时发挥作用的某些方面有所启发。 我承认,为了使该主题易于管理,我进行了许多可怕的简化。 最初的标题是“ WiFi Planning and Surveying”,因此,如果对测量主题有需求,我很乐意将其覆盖。 随时在评论中提问。 如果我有任何错误,也要发表评论-这里写的任何东西都是我的最佳知识,但我不认为自己是该领域的专家,所以如果我错了,请纠正我。

I’d like the reader would take following:


  1. If we would just power up our access points and hope that the network will improve, we would be wrong.

  2. Turn off unnecessary slower bands, if possible, as the beacon transmissions take too much time and eat up your airtime.

  3. The key to the quality wireless coverage is always in more access points with less power.

  4. Most client devices on the market are not capable of catching up with the maximum regulatory allowed output power, so it is futile to use it. At least in network access scenarios. The point to point wireless links are different story.

    市场上的大多数客户端设备无法赶上最大法规允许的输出功率,因此使用它是徒劳的。 至少在网络访问方案中。 点对点的无线链接是不同的故事。

Hope this helped a bit. If you want to check up our cloud managed WiFi, you can register at https://beta.altiwi.com!

希望这能有所帮助。 如果您想检查我们的云托管WiFi,可以在https://beta.altiwi.com上注册!

翻译自: https://medium.com/altiwi-blog/wifi-coverage-planning-96050b84ac18

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