
1. After analyzing, results of energy transfer among chls were obtained as following:only~20% of the energy absorbed by Chlb630 is initially transferred directly to other Chls with time constants shorter than 150 fs. Overwhelming part of the energy transfer among chlorophylls occur with time constants longer than 76 ps. Energy transfer pathway with time constants of several hundred femotoseconds and tens of picoseconds were also obtained. The fluorescence lifetimes of Chlb653652, Chla667664, Chla676, 680675, Chla683682 were determined to be 1.41 ns, 1.39 ns, 676 ps, 709 ps respectively. The percentages of energy dissipation in the pathway of fluorescence emission are no more than 40% in the monomeric unit of LHC Ⅱ.

在630 nm的飞秒脉冲光的激发下,通过对不同特征发射峰出的荧光动力学进行解析得到:1Chlb628分子所吸收的能量仅有大约20%被直接传递给其他叶绿素分子,传能时间小于150 fs;2叶绿素间大部分的能量传递发生在长于76 ps的时间范围内;3传能时间常量在几百fs以及10 ps左右的间接传能可能与具有不同光谱组分特征的叶绿素分子在外周天线内的排列方式以及偶极距的取向有关;4Chlb654,657652,Chla666664,Chla677,680674和Chla683682以荧光形势耗散能量的时间常量分别为1.41 ns,1.39 ns,676 ps,709 ps,这部分在整个能量耗散中占的比例不超过40%。

2. In the chlorophyll Q region, six characteristic molecules marked as Chlb630, Chlb642, Chla653652, Chla667664, Chla676, 680675, Chla683682 were discriminated. Fluorescence kinetics measured in the chlorophyll Q region was excited by pulsed light of 630nm (70 fs).After analyzing, results of energy transfer among chls were obtained as following:only~20% of the energy absorbed by Chlb630 is initially transferred directly to other Chls with time constants shorter than 150 fs. Overwhelming part of the energy transfer among chlorophylls occur with time constants longer than 76 ps. Energy transfer pathway with time constants of several hundred femotoseconds and tens of picoseconds were also obtained. The fluorescence lifetimes of Chlb653652, Chla667664, Chla676, 680675, Chla683682 were determined to be 1.41 ns, 1.39 ns, 676 ps, 709 ps respectively. The percentages of energy dissipation in the pathway of fluorescence emission are no more than 40% in the monomeric unit of LHC Ⅱ.

采用瞬态吸收与荧光发射谱识别样品内的具有特征光谱组分的分子,得到在叶绿素分子的Q带区主要存在以下六个特征分子:Chlb630,Chlb642,Chla653652,Chla667664,Chla676,680675,Chla683682.630 nm的飞秒脉冲光的激发下,通过对不同特征发射峰出的荧光动力学进行解析得到:1Chlb628分子所吸收的能量仅有大约20%被直接传递给其他叶绿素分子,传能时间小于150 fs;2叶绿素间大部分的能量传递发生在长于76 ps 时间范围内;3传能时间常量在几百fs及10 ps左右的间接传能可能与具有不同光谱组分特征的叶绿素分子在外周天线内的排列方式以及偶极距的取向有关;4Chlb654,657652,Chla666664,Chla677,680674和Chla683682以荧光形势耗散能量的时间常量分别为1.41 ns,1.39 ns,676 ps,709 ps,这部分在整个能量耗散中占的比例不超过40%。

3. Photosynthetic pigment contents of two plants in salt treatment groups were higher than in contrast, and their contents added with salt concentration increasing. But the ratio of chla and chlb increased in lower salt stress, and then decreased rapidly with stress degree aggravating.


4. ? During the senescence of flag leaf in winter wheat, the sequence of decline of photosynthetic pigment content and pigment-protein combined degree was that carotenoid (car) was earlier than chlorophyll a (chla), and chla was earlier than chlorophyll b (chlb).


5. Under high phosphorus level (375 kg/ha), Chlb content, Hill reaction and non-cycle photophosphorylation activities of flag leaves were retarded, and these parameters showed a similar regularity change indicating they were more sensitive to phosphorus than the other parameters determined.


6. The results showed that with the increase of water supply suction, the content of soil water, the content of Chl a and Chl b all decreased, while the content of carotenoid increased.


7. The content of Chlorophyll a (Chla) were higher than Chlorophyll b (Chlb) in flowering phase of different wheat varieties (lines) and Chla/Chlb were greater than three.


8. Along with the development of bolls, Chla, Chlb, Chl (a + b) and Car contents first increased and then reduced in contrapuntal leaves of bolls, and with the weakening of light intensity, reduce degress of those were increased.


9. Chlb的近义词

9. The content of cytokinin and Chlorophyll, the ratio of Chla to Chlb can be used a physiological traits to identify senescence.


10. The three fastest lifetimes of 210 fs, 520 fs and 5.2 ps directly reflect from trimeric Chl b to Chl a energy transfer processes.


11. In shading tolerance soybean cultivars such as Gongxuan 1 and Nandou 12, there were less Pn decreasing, more Chlb, Car and Fo, and higher Fv/Fm.


12. Chla/Chlb of Saussurea superba Anth. under Mylar film was higher than that under CA film, which indicated that the photosynthetic activity under Mylar film was higher than that under CA film.


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13. The result showed that efficacy of elimination of huanglongbing (CHLB) BLO, CTV and CEVd by STG was 100%, 80.6% and 54.1%, respectively.


14. The sensitivity of photosynthetic pigments to BDE-28 was in the order of Chla Car Chlb.


15. The results indicated that enhanced UV-B radiation decreased the content of chlorophyll and the ratio of Chla/b and increased the ratio of Chlb/Chl (a + b).


16. The decline of Chl content was caused by the reduction of Chla, while Chlb was less sensitive to the acid rain, which resulted in a decrease of Chla/Chlb ratio.


17. The contents of Chla, Chlb and Car increased by 17% and 26%, 28% and 36%, 10% and 13%, respectively and the content of Chla/b decreased.


18. The other pigments decreased gently. The ratio of chla/chlb and chl/carotenoid (decreased) with the proceeding of air-curing, which was beneficial to leaf quality.


19. Other than that, Pi starvation also decreased the content of chlorophyll as well as the ratio of Chla/Chlb.


20. Compared with 3:1 model, 3:2 model could postpone the chlorophyll degradation of the radical leaves, increase chla/chlb value and strengthen respiration performance, so as to improve leaf physiological activity and ability of obtaining light energy.






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