%Fourth Order Runge-Kutta for N-Dimensional Systems
clear all; hold off; clc;
SD = clock; % Three lines to set new random # seed
SD = round((SD(4) + SD(5) + SD(6))*10^3);
rand('seed', SD);
Total_Neurons = 2; %Solve for this number of interacting Neurons
DT = 0.02; %Time increment as fraction of time constant
Final_Time = 500; %Final time value for calculation
Last = Final_Time/DT + 1; %Last time step
Time = DT*[0:Last-1]; %Time vector
Tau = 0.8; %Neural time constants in msec
TauR = 1.9;
WTS = [1 2 2 1]; %Runge-Kutta Coefficient weights
for NU = 1:Total_Neurons; %Initialize
X(NU, : ) = zeros(1, Last); %Vector to store response