软件导刊三审被退稿_SCI 文章被拒是一种怎样的体验?



伤害指数:一颗星Thank you very much for your submission. Unfortunately, it is not positioned forXXX and would be better suited to a retail journal. (2018-03-18)

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to XXX. I regret to inform you that we do not accept this kind of conceptual studies and therefore we must therefore reject it. (2019-03-13)

I am sorry to tell you that I feel the paper is not entirely appropriate for the journaland I recommend that you submit it to, for example, XXX. (2019-05-03)

类型 二:他们(reviewer)说你不够好,我“不得已”要和你分开 ,很遗憾我们不能在一起了


The reviewers recommend that the manuscript not be accepted for publication in the XXX. Unfortunately, I must agree with their recommendation. (2017-06-16)

The reviewers cannot find enough statements and evidence for the above clarifications in the present paper version. Overall, I concur with the reviewers. Based on the publication criteria and standards of XXX, I cannot help but reject the paper. We know that this may come as a disappointment, but hope you can use the reviews to improve the paper. (2018-03-06)

Thank you for choosing XXX as the publication outlet for your paper. As can be seen in the detailed comments, these reviewers had raised a certain number of major concerns indicating that the paper’s overall quality cannot meet the publication criteria of XXX. (2018-09-17)

Unfortunately, I therefore have to inform you that the outcome of the process has not been positive. Based on the reviewers' comments and their recommendations and my own reading of your paper, I regret to tell you that your manuscript is not suitable for publication in the XXX. (2018-11-05)

However, in view of the comments of the reviewers found at the bottom of this letter, your manuscript has been denied publication in XXX. (2019-06-07)



I regret to inform you that I have decided not to send your manuscript to our reviewers for their comments and evaluation. In my assessment, the potential contributions that it might provide to our current knowledge of business ethics are relatively limited and do not exist to the degree that we would expect for a manuscript to be considered for publication in the XXX. Therefore, I am sorry to tell you that we are unable to publish your manuscript in the XXX. (2017-08-28)

In my assessment, the paper does not have potential to make a contributionthat is likely to successfully pass rigorous peer review with our editorial review board. The unique contribution of the research does not come across in the positioning of the manuscript. In addition, the conceptual development is confusing. Finally, the results are based on one scenario-based survey which limits the generalizability of the findings. Thus, upon completing my review of your manuscript, I do not see this work as suitable for XXX. Given these perceptions, rather than have you wait several months for what I believe would be an unfavorable outcome, I have decided not to accept your work for further consideration in the XXX. (2018-03-22)

The paper, as it currently stands, is primarily a review paper on an initiative without a vigorous methodology and much new scientific value. Hence, we are not sending it for peer reviews. (2019-06-03)



We are writing to let you know the status of this submission has changed to Rejected. (2019-04-08)

体验?从最初好像被当头一棒的感觉,到难过一下马上修改修改找另一个期刊投稿,到现在从第一次投稿就安排好被拒之后的再投计划列出alternatives 1,2,3,深感接受被拒就是科研生活的一部分,除了坚持不放弃这个老套的做法好像没有什么更好的解决办法。




Reviewer就简简单单几句话:The authors claim that SEM would allow to identify causal relationships. Well, this is not true... The results of the hypothesis testing are just correlational, not causal. In sum, I am not convinced with the contribution of this study -- the empirical findings are not causal and also, I do not see any specific methodological contribution.(2019-09-27)

Editor更是冷酷的很:As you can see, although one reviewer is now satisfied, the other reviewer does not think this paper makes sufficient contribution. The reviewer pointed out the empirical findings do not reveal causality. I regret to inform you that we must therefore reject your manuscript.(2019-09-27)

质疑SEM这个已经很成熟的方法,为什么不在一审直接提出?!说SEM只是基于correlation,不能说明causality,那我讨论那么多supporting theory干嘛?写那么长的hypothesis development干嘛的?就是为了佐证correlation的导向呀!大晚上的,心塞塞的。



小更新,大年初三,又悲剧了,又是二审!一审的reviewer都OK了,半路杀出reviewer 3!(2020-1-27)

忍无可忍,我决定拒了也要怼回去,当天就写了一篇长长的preliminary response letter, 等了一个来月,以为editor已经在重新考虑了,结果收到下面这个回复,真是没想到呀没想到:

First, please accept my apologies for such a delayed response. For personal/family reasons, I have recently resigned from XXX (editor撂挑子了!?).

Regarding this paper, the original R2 was unable to review the revised manuscript for unfortunate reasons. As such, I enlisted the help of a trusted EAB member (R3) to assume his role and provide additional feedback. Unfortunately, his comments reinforced some of my own concerns and I decided thatthis paper would have very little probability of successfully moving forward in the process.

On a personal note, I really like the idea behind your paper and believe that, with the proper refinement, it will find a very good home. If you revise the paper as you suggest here, you might have good luck at XXX(一个已经拒掉我的journal)in particular. I sincerely wish you the best of luck with this paper, and in your future research.



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NOI导刊培训2018是一次为参与全国信息学奥林匹克竞赛(NOI)的学生们举办的培训活动。NOI导刊是一本专门为NOI学生出版的期刊,目的是为他们提供高质量的培训资料和信息学竞赛的最新动态。在2018年的培训活动中,学生们将有机会学习和应用基本的算法和数据结构,并通过参加模拟比赛来提高他们的比赛技巧。 培训活动将由经验丰富的导师和教师指导学生们进行讲解和实践。他们将以易于理解和实用的方式来介绍各种算法和数据结构的概念,并提供延伸的学习材料让学生们进行深入学习和练习。此外,学生们还将参与互动讨论和小组项目,以加深对所学知识的理解和应用。 培训活动还将包括模拟比赛,让学生们在真实的竞赛环境中练习和应用所学的算法和数据结构。导师和教师将为学生们提供反馈和建议,帮助他们发现和改进他们的错误和不足之处。这样的实践和反馈将有助于学生们在竞赛中更好地应对各种挑战,并提高他们在比赛中的成绩。 通过这次培训活动,学生们将能够提高他们的算法和编程技能,增加他们在信息学竞赛中的竞争力。他们还可以结识其他对信息学竞赛有兴趣的同学,共同学习和交流。NOI导刊培训2018将为学生们提供一个全面而深入的学习和训练机会,帮助他们在信息学竞赛中取得更好的成绩。


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