java饼状图 open flash chart_open flash chart格式

JSON Format: For library writers

The data must be in JSON format. The basic JSON obect is:{}Put all other objects inside this. For example the JSON object with a title looks like this: { "title":{ "text": "Many data lines","style": "{font-size: 20px; color:#0000ff; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}" } }

Title (optional)

All attributes are optional.

text: string, the title

style: string, the CSS style

Example:{ "title":{ "text": "Many data lines","style": "{font-size: 20px; color:#0000ff; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}" } }

Y Legend (optional)

All attributes are optional.

text: string, the title for the Y axis

style: string, a CSS string

Example:{ "y_legend":{ "text": "Open Flash Chart", "style": "{color: #736AFF; font-size: 12px;}" } }

X Axis (optional)

This object is optional, if it is not present the chart will show a default X axis.

All attributes are optional.

stroke : number, the width of the line

tick-height : number, the height of the ticks

colour : string, the colour of the line

offset: boolean, x axis min (usually 0) is offset, used in bar charts

grid-colour: string, colour of the grid lines

3d: boolean, is it 3D

steps: show every n ticks

labels: array of strings, the labels of each X point

Example:{ "x_axis":{ "stroke": 1, "tick_height": 10, "colour": "#d000d0", "grid_colour": "#00ff00","labels": ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","Spetember"] } }

Y Axis optional

This object is optional, if it is not present the chart will show a default Y axis.

All attributes are optional.

Example:{ "y_axis":{ "stroke": 4, "tick_length": 3, "colour": "#d000d0", "grid_colour": "#00ff00", "offset": 0, "max": 20 } }

ElementsThe elements attribute is an array of generic objects.

Each object is the type of chart (line, bar, scatter etc.)

Example:{ "elements":[ { "type": "bar", "alpha": 0.5, "colour": "#9933CC", "text": "Page views", "font-size": 10,"values" : [9,6,7,9,5,7,6,9,7] },{ "type": "bar", "alpha": 0.5, "colour": "#CC9933", "text": "Page views 2", "font-size": 10,"values" : [9,6,7,9,5,7,6,9,7] } ] }

A bar chart. Must be inside the elements array.

type: string, must be 'bar'

alpha: number, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)

colour: string, CSS colour

text: string, the key

font-size: number, size of the key text

values: array of numbers, height of each bar

Example:{ "elements":[ { "type": "bar", "alpha": 0.5, "colour": "#9933CC", "text":"Page views", "font-size": 10, "values" : [9,6,7,9,5,7,6,9,7] } ] }


A pie chart. Must be inside the elements array.

type: string, must be 'pie'

start-angle: number, the angle of the first pie slice

colours: array of strings, CSS colour

alpha: number, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)

stroke: number, the outline width

animate: boolean, animate the pie chart

values: array of objects, value of each pie slice. May be a number or a slice object

Example:{ "elements":[ { "type": "pie", "start-angle": 180, "colours":["#d01f3c","#356aa0","#C79810","#73880A","#D15600","#6BBA70"], "alpha": 0.6, "stroke": 2, "animate": 1,"values" : [0,2,{"value":0,"text":"zero"},2,6] } ] }


Horizontal Bar chart

values: array of objects. Each value must have a "right" and an optional "left" value

Example:{ "elements":[ { "type": "hbar", "colour": "#9933CC", "text": "Page views", "font-size": 10,"values" : [{"right":10},{"right":15},{"left":13,"right":17}] } ] }


Line chart

values: Array of numbers:Example: { "elements":[ { "type": "line_dot", "colour": "#736AFF","text": "Avg. wave height (cm)", "font-size": 10, "width": 2, "dot-size": 4,"values" : [1.5,1.69,1.88,2.06,2.21,2.34,null,2.35,2.23,2.08] } ] }


Just a quick note of the 3 different line types:

Example:{ "title":{ "text":"Many data lines", "style":"{font-size: 30px;}" },"y_legend":{ "text":"Open Flash Chart", "style":"{font-size: 12px; color:#736AFF;}" },"elements":[ { "type": "line", "colour": "#9933CC", "text": "Page views", "width": 2,"font-size": 10, "dot-size": 6, "values" : [15,18,19,14,17,18,15,18,17] },{ "type": "line_dot", "colour": "#CC3399", "width": 2, "text": "Downloads", "font-size": 10, "dot-size": 5,"values" : [10,12,14,9,12,13,10,13,12] }, { "type": "line_hollow", "colour": "#80a033", "width": 2, "text":"Bounces", "font-size": 10, "dot-size": 6, "values" : [5,7,9,7,4,6,1,2,5] } ], "y_axis":{ "max": 20 },"x_axis":{ "steps": 2, "labels": ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September"] } }


Here is a simple JSON object that contains a horizontal bar chart:{ "title":{ "text":"HBar Map X values", "style":"{font-size: 20px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;}" },"elements":[ { "type": "hbar", "colour": "#9933CC", "text": "Page views", "font-size": 10,"values" : [{"right":10},{"right":15},{"left":13,"right":17}] } ],"x_axis":{ "min": 0, "max": 20, "offset": 0,"labels": ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v"] },"y_axis":{ "stroke": 14, "tick_length": 30, "colour": "#d09090", "grid_colour": "#00ff00", "offset": 1,"labels": ["","",""] } }

posted on 2011-07-27 11:41 王豪 阅读(372) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

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完整版: 【课程大纲】 1-1 什么是java 1-2 认识java语言 1-3 java平台的体系结构 1-4 java SE环境安装和配置 2-1 java程序简介 2-2 计算机中的程序 2-3 java程序 2-4 java类库组织结构和文档 2-5 java虚拟机简介 2-6 java的垃圾回收器 2-7 java上机练习 3-1 java语言基础入门 3-2 数据的分类 3-3 标识符、关键字和常量 3-4 运算符 3-5 表达式 3-6 顺序结构和选择结构 3-7 循环语句 3-8 跳转语句 3-9 MyEclipse工具介绍 3-10 java基础知识章节练习 4-1 一维数组 4-2 数组应用 4-3 多维数组 4-4 排序算法 4-5 增强for循环 4-6 数组和排序算法章节练习 5-0 抽象和封装 5-1 面向过程的设计思想 5-2 面向对象的设计思想 5-3 抽象 5-4 封装 5-5 属性 5-6 方法的定义 5-7 this关键字 5-8 javaBean 5-9 包 package 5-10 抽象和封装章节练习 6-0 继承和多态 6-1 继承 6-2 object类 6-3 多态 6-4 访问修饰符 6-5 static修饰符 6-6 final修饰符 6-7 abstract修饰符 6-8 接口 6-9 继承和多态 章节练习 7-1 面向对象的分析与设计简介 7-2 对象模型建立 7-3 类之间的关系 7-4 软件的可维护与复用设计原则 7-5 面向对象的设计与分析 章节练习 8-1 内部类与包装器 8-2 对象包装器 8-3 装箱和拆箱 8-4 练习题 9-1 常用类介绍 9-2 StringBuffer和String Builder类 9-3 Rintime类的使用 9-4 日期类简介 9-5 java程序国际化的实现 9-6 Random类和Math类 9-7 枚举 9-8 练习题 10-1 java异常处理 10-2 认识异常 10-3 使用try和catch捕获异常 10-4 使用throw和throws引发异常 10-5 finally关键字 10-6 getMessage和printStackTrace方法 10-7 异常分类 10-8 自定义异常类 10-9 练习题 11-1 Java集合框架和泛型机制 11-2 Collection接口 11-3 Set接口实现类 11-4 List接口实现类 11-5 Map接口 11-6 Collections类 11-7 泛型概述 11-8 练习题 12-1 多线程 12-2 线程的生命周期 12-3 线程的调度和优先级 12-4 线程的同步 12-5 集合类的同步问题 12-6 用Timer类调度任务 12-7 练习题 13-1 Java IO 13-2 Java IO原理 13-3 流类的结构 13-4 文件流 13-5 缓冲流 13-6 转换流 13-7 数据流 13-8 打印流 13-9 对象流 13-10 随机存取文件流 13-11 zip文件流 13-12 练习题 14-1 图形用户界面设计 14-2 事件处理机制 14-3 AWT常用组件 14-4 swing简介 14-5 可视化开发swing组件 14-6 声音的播放和处理 14-7 2D图形的绘制 14-8 练习题 15-1 反射 15-2 使用Java反射机制 15-3 反射与动态代理 15-4 练习题 16-1 Java标注 16-2 JDK内置的基本标注类型 16-3 自定义标注类型 16-4 对标注进行标注 16-5 利用反射获取标注信息 16-6 练习题 17-1 顶目实战1-单机版五子棋游戏 17-2 总体设计 17-3 代码实现 17-4 程序的运行与发布 17-5 手动生成可执行JAR文件 17-6 练习题 18-1 Java数据库编程 18-2 JDBC类和接口 18-3 JDBC操作SQL 18-4 JDBC基本示例 18-5 JDBC应用示例 18-6 练习题 19-1 。。。


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