java模式匹配的方式_Java 8 在类的层面实现模式匹配


本文作为一个用例(或者说是尝试),基于 Java 8 的语法在类和方法的层面实现模式匹配的效果。考虑到对象的创建和频繁入栈和出栈,在计算密集型的代码中请谨慎使用本文中的程序。

2.Java 12 及其他语言的模式匹配

首先看下 Java 12 中 switch 表达式的效果:

int i = 0;

String s = switch (i) {

case 1 -> "1";

case 2 -> {

System.out.println("is 2");

break "2";


default -> "3";



private fun test(foo: Any): String {

var result = when (foo) {

0 -> "Object equals"

3, 10 -> "Or"

in 11..20 -> "Range contains"

is Date -> "Class instance"

!in 4..30 -> "Range not contain"

else -> "Default"


return result



def matchObject(foo: Any): String = {

val result = foo match {

case 0 => "Object equals"

case i if i == 10 || i == 11 => "Expression"

case i: Int => s"Class instance holds $i"

case List(1, 2, _*) => "Match the last element of a list"

case Number(n) => s"Case class holds $n"

case t: {def length: Int} => "Class structure contains method length"

case _ => "Default"






/* API1:有返回值的匹配 */

Object o = null;//1;//4;//"ksjdf";

String s1 = Cond.match(o)

.valueOf(1, i -> "is 1")

.valueOf(2, i -> "is 2")

.typeOf(String.class, s -> "is String")

.orElse(t -> "is else");


/* API1:无返回值的匹配 */

o = "string";//null;//"";//1;//2;


.valueOf(2, i -> {

System.out.println("is 2");


.valueOf(null, n -> System.out.println("is null"))

.typeOf(String.class, s -> System.out.println("is String"))

.orElse(t -> System.out.println("is else"));

/* 没有匹配项的情况 */

System.out.println(Cond.match(8).orElse(i -> 9999).toString());

Cond.match(8).orElse((Consumer) System.out::println);

/* API2:无返回值的匹配 */


typeOf(String.class, t -> {

System.out.println("is string : " + t);


valueOf(null, (Object obj) -> System.out.println("is null : " + obj)),

valueOf(4, (Integer t) -> System.out.println("is number " + t)),

orElse((Object i) -> System.out.println("or else" + i)));

/* API2:有返回值的匹配 */

String s2 = match(null,

typeOf(String.class, s -> "is String"),

valueOf(null, j -> "is null"),

valueOf(1, i -> "is number " + i),

orElse(obj -> "is else : " + obj))

.orElse("opt else");

System.out.println("------- " + s2);


实现代码如下(注意,本类中包含两套API,根据喜好自行删减; 之前加了注释,发现写得可能会误导,于是就删掉了; 另外省去空指针判断,匹配的值支持null,对应操作不支持):

import java.util.Objects;

import java.util.Optional;

import java.util.function.Consumer;

import java.util.function.Function;

import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class Cond {

public static BaseCond match(T t) {

return new BaseCond<>(t);



public static void match(T t, ProcCondition... conditions) {

for (ProcCondition condition : conditions) {

if (condition.predicate.test(t)) {







public static Optional match(T t, FunCondition... conditions) {

for (FunCondition super T, ? extends R> condition : conditions) {

if (condition.predicate.test(t)) {

return Optional.ofNullable(condition.function.apply(t));



return Optional.empty();


public static class ProcCondition {

final Predicate super T> predicate;

final Consumer super T> consumer;

ProcCondition(Predicate super T> predicate, Consumer super T> consumer) {

this.predicate = predicate;

this.consumer = consumer;



public static class FunCondition {

final Predicate super T> predicate;

final Function super T, ? extends R> function;

FunCondition(Predicate super T> predicate, Function super T, ? extends R> function) {

this.predicate = predicate;

this.function = function;



public static ProcCondition typeOf(Class tClass, Consumer super K> consumer) {

return new ProcCondition<>(tClass::isInstance, t -> consumer.accept((K) t));


public static ProcCondition valueOf(K value, Consumer super K> consumer) {

return new ProcCondition<>(t -> Objects.equals(t, value), t -> consumer.accept((K) t));


public static ProcCondition orElse(Consumer super K> consumer) {

return new ProcCondition<>(t -> true, t -> consumer.accept((K) t));


public static FunCondition typeOf(Class tClass, Function super K, ? extends R> function) {

return new FunCondition<>(tClass::isInstance, t -> function.apply((K) t));


public static FunCondition valueOf(K value, Function super K, ? extends R> function) {

return new FunCondition<>(t -> Objects.equals(t, value), t -> function.apply((K) t));


public static FunCondition orElse(Function super K, ? extends R> function) {

return new FunCondition<>(t -> true, t -> function.apply((K) t));


public interface ReturnCond {

ReturnCond typeOf(Class kClass, Function super K, R> f);

ReturnCond valueOf(K value, Function super K, R> f);

R orElse(Function super T, R> f);


public interface VoidCond {

VoidCond typeOf(Class kClass, Consumer super K> f);

VoidCond valueOf(K value, Consumer super K> f);

void orElse(Consumer super T> f);


private static class EmptyReturnCond implements ReturnCond {

private final R object;

EmptyReturnCond(R object) {

this.object = object;



public ReturnCond typeOf(Class kClass, Function super K, R> f) {

return this;



public ReturnCond valueOf(K value, Function super K, R> f) {

return this;



public R orElse(Function super T, R> f) {

return object;



private static class ReturnCondImpl implements ReturnCond {

private final T object;

ReturnCondImpl(T object) {

this.object = object;



public ReturnCond typeOf(Class kClass, Function super K, R> f) {

return kClass.isInstance(object)

? new EmptyReturnCond<>(f.apply((K) object))

: this;



public ReturnCond valueOf(K value, Function super K, R> f) {

return Objects.equals(value, object)

? new EmptyReturnCond<>(f.apply((K) object))

: this;



public R orElse(Function super T, R> f) {

return f.apply(object);



private static class EmptyVoidCond implements VoidCond {


public VoidCond typeOf(Class kClass, Consumer super K> f) {

return this;



public VoidCond valueOf(K value, Consumer super K> f) {

return this;



public void orElse(Consumer super T> f) {



private static class VoidCondImpl implements VoidCond {

private final T object;

public VoidCondImpl(T object) {

this.object = object;



public VoidCond typeOf(Class kClass, Consumer super K> f) {

if (kClass.isInstance(object)) {

f.accept((K) object);

return new EmptyVoidCond<>();

} else {

return this;




public VoidCond valueOf(K value, Consumer super K> f) {

if (Objects.equals(value, object)) {

f.accept((K) object);

return new EmptyVoidCond<>();

} else {

return this;




public void orElse(Consumer super T> f) {




public static class BaseCond {

private final T object;

BaseCond(T object) {

this.object = object;


public ReturnCond typeOf(Class kClass, Function super K, R> f) {

return kClass.isInstance(object)

? new EmptyReturnCond<>(f.apply((K) object))

: new ReturnCondImpl<>(object);


public VoidCond typeOf(Class kClass, Consumer super K> f) {

if (kClass.isInstance(object)) {

f.accept((K) object);

return new EmptyVoidCond<>();

} else {

return new VoidCondImpl<>(object);



public ReturnCond valueOf(K value, Function super K, R> f) {

return Objects.equals(value, object)

? new EmptyReturnCond<>(f.apply((K) object))

: new ReturnCondImpl<>(object);


public VoidCond valueOf(K value, Consumer super K> f) {

if (Objects.equals(value, object)) {

f.accept((K) object);

return new EmptyVoidCond<>();

} else {

return new VoidCondImpl<>(object);



public void orElse(Consumer super T> f) {



public R orElse(Function super T, R> f) {

return f.apply(object);





示例的 API1 中到达匹配条件后,后续的调用都是无效调用,匹配条件越多无效调用也越多,但是 API1 的代码更美观且使用起来更顺畅。 Android 开发中如果需要使用,則需要复制 Java 8 的个别函数式接口(Consumer,Function,Predicate),自己实现 Java 7 的 Objects 的 equals 方法,重新实现 Java 8 的 Optional 类并去掉个别 Android API 26 才能用的接口方法。

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