oracle做分页式报表,为 Power BI 报表服务器创建分页报表

为 Power BI 报表服务器创建分页报表Create a paginated report for Power BI Report Server



本文介绍如何通过执行简单几步为 Power BI 报表服务器创建分页报表。In this article, you create a paginated report for Power BI Report Server in a few simple steps.

正在查找有关在报表生成器中为 Power BI 服务创建分页报表的帮助吗?Looking for help with creating paginated reports in Report Builder for the Power BI service?

顾名思义,分页报表可以生成很多页。As the name suggests, paginated reports can run to many pages. 它们以固定格式布局,并允许进行精准自定义。They're laid out in a fixed format and offer precise customization. 分页报表是 .rdl 文件。Paginated reports are .rdl files.

可以在 Power BI 报表服务器 Web 门户中存储和管理分页报表,就像在 SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Web 门户中一样。You can store and manage paginated reports in the Power BI Report Server web portal, just as you can in the SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) web portal. 在 SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) 中的报表生成器或报表设计器中创建和编辑分页报表,然后将其发布到任意 Web 门户。You create and edit them in Report Builder or Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), then publish them to either web portal. 接下来,组织中的报表读取器可以在浏览器或移动设备上的 Power BI 移动应用中查看报表。Then report readers in your organization can view them in a browser or in a Power BI mobile app on their mobile device.


如果已在报表生成器或报表设计器中创建了分页报表,则可以为 Power BI 报表服务器创建分页报表。If you've already created paginated reports in Report Builder or Report Designer, then you're ready to create paginated reports for Power BI Report Server. 如果还没有,可以参阅下面的一些快速入门步骤。If not, here are some quick steps to get you started.

步骤 1:启动报表生成器Step 1: Start Report Builder

可能已安装报表生成器来为 SSRS 服务器创建报表。You may already have installed Report Builder to create reports for an SSRS server. 可以使用相同版本的报表生成器来为 Power BI 报表服务器创建报表。You can use the same version or Report Builder to create reports for Power BI Report Server. 如果尚未安装,也不用担心,操作过程非常简单。If you haven't installed it, the process is easy.

在 Power BI 报表服务器 Web 门户中,选择“新建” > “分页报表” 。In the Power BI Report Server web portal, select New > Paginated Report.


如果尚未安装报表生成器,现在系统会引导你逐步完成安装过程。If you don't have Report Builder installed already, it leads you through the installation process now.

安装后,报表生成器中会打开“新建报表或数据集” 屏幕。After it's installed, Report Builder opens to the New Report or Dataset screen.


选择要创建的报表种类所对应的向导:Select the wizard for the kind of report you want to create:

表或矩阵Table or matrix




让我们从“图表向导”入手。Let's start with the Chart wizard.

“图表向导”会引导你在报表中逐步创建基本图表。The Chart wizard walks you the steps of creating a basic chart in a report. 之后,可以自定义报表,几乎不受限制。From there, you can customize your report in almost unlimited ways.

步骤 2:完成“图表向导”Step 2: Go through the Chart wizard

“图表向导”会引导你逐步完成在报表中创建可视化效果的基本步骤。The Chart wizard walks you through the basic steps of creating a visualization in a report.

分页报表可以连接各种数据源,包括 Microsoft SQL Server 和 Microsoft Azure SQL 数据库、Oracle、Hyperion 等。Paginated reports can connect to a wide variety of data sources, from Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Azure SQL Database to Oracle, Hyperion, and many more.

在“图表向导”的第 1 页中,选择一个数据集 。可以创建数据集,也可以选择服务器上的共享数据集。In the first page in the Chart wizard, Choose a dataset, you can create a dataset or choose a shared dataset on a server. 数据集 通过查询外部数据源返回报表数据。Datasets return report data from a query on an external data source.

依次选择“浏览” 、服务器上的共享数据集、“打开” > “下一步” 。Select Browse > select a shared dataset on a server > Open > Next.


选择图表类型,在此示例中,选择“条形图”。Choose a chart type -- in this case, a bar chart.


将字段拖到“类别” 、“系列” 和“值” 框中进行排列。Arrange the fields by dragging them to the Categories, Series, and Values boxes.


选择“下一步” > “完成” 。Select Next > Finish.

步骤 3:设计报表Step 3: Design your report

现在位于“报表设计”视图中。Now you're in Report Design view. 请注意,数据为占位符数据,不是你的数据。Notice the data is placeholder data, not your data.


若要查看你的数据,请选择“生成” 。To view your data, select Run.


若要返回到设计视图,请选择“设计” 。To go back to Design view, select Design.

可以修改刚刚创建的图表:更改布局、值、图例(实际上可以更改一切内容)。You can modify the chart you just created, changing the layout, values, legend... really just about anything.

可以添加其他各种可视化效果:仪表、表、矩阵、地图等。And you can add all sorts of other visualizations: gauges, tables, matrixes, tables, maps, and more. 可以添加多个页的页眉和页脚。You can add headers and footers for multiple pages. 请参阅报表生成器教程,尝试自行操作。See the Report Builder tutorials to try them for yourself.


步骤 4:将报表保存到报表服务器Step 4: Save your report to the report server

创建并设计完报表后,可以将其保存到 Power BI 报表服务器。When your report is ready, save it to Power BI Report Server.

在“文件” 菜单上,选择“另存为” ,然后将其保存到报表服务器。On the File menu, select Save as, and save it to the report server.

现在可以在浏览器中查看报表。Now you can view it in the browser.


后续步骤Next steps

若要了解如何在 SQL Server Data Tools 的报表生成器和报表设计器中设计报表,可以参阅许多有价值的资源。There are many great resources for designing reports in Report Builder and in Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools. 不妨先从报表生成器教程入手。The Report Builder tutorials are a good place to start.





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