bbm for android apk,BBM For Android App Screen Shots Leaked

Well, what do we have here? BBM for… Android?

New leaked photos appear to show a beta version of BBM running on an unspecified (and clearly uncared for) Android device. The validity of these shots is questionable, as they were sent to T3 from an anonymous source and a leak of this kind would take about five minutes for a Photoshop noob to complete. However, they do add a little weight to ongoing rumors that suggest RIM has plans to roll out its BlackBerry Messenger service on outside platforms, including Android and iOS.

Pictures aside, let’s just think about this purported plan for a hot second.

RIM won’t have trouble holding on to its enterprise customers, at least right now. The cost of switching platforms is just too high, and RIM security still can’t be beat. However, what made RIM an overnight (six-year) success was the fact that not only the enterprise, but teenagers and young people, were digging the BlackBerry. That, in a nutshell, comes down to messaging.

79d16ac800d82ec9af5f7f605b1720cd.pngIf there’s ever been one thing that BlackBerrys do best for the general public, it would be messaging. Even with an iPhone, BBM has always been that one little exclusively BlackBerry feature that I’ve envied. But if BBM is available on iPhone and Android — as a free download, mind you — than RIM stands to gain nothing from it.

Android leads in market share, followed by iOS. According to the numbers, we’re not looking at a mass exodus of Android loyalists or Apple fanboys anytime soon. BlackBerry OS and BlackBerry phones sales, on the other hand, are bleeding. People are already abandoning ship for greener, Android-flavored pastures. So what does RIM think will happen when one of its customers’ favorite apps pops up on a better platform, with hundreds of hardware options?

In any case, the anonymous source of the photos says that the BBM for Android app is “in the final stages of testing” and “should be out by 2012.”

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BBM BlackBerry Limited. - 2014年4月18日 通讯 说明 BBM 通过即时聊天、语音通话、图片共享、语音消息以及更多其他方式拉近您与家人和好友的距离。立即从您的 BlackBerry 上下载官方版本 BBM。 在 Android 手机、BlackBerry 和 iPhone 上与好友聊天: • BBM 始终处于启动和在线状态 - 无须打开应用程序 • 即时了解消息状态:已送达 (D’s) 和已阅读 (R’s) • 通过 BBM Voice 语聊 – BBM 联系人可免费进行语音通话* • 快速共享照片、文件、文档、语音消息等 • 允许联系人通过 Glympse 在地图上查看您的实时位置* • 即时了解联系人正在回复消息 • 大量表情符号,尽情表达您的心情和情绪 BBM 还可以保护您的隐私。例如,您可以: • 选择共享信息方式:BBM 使用 PIN 码而非电话号码或电子邮件地址,因此更为隐私安全,您始终可以控制联系人。 • 选择联系人 - 双向加入验证,全面掌控发信人信息。 与多人同时聊天和共享: • 组 - BBM 组有助于和组成员共享图片、列表和约会。您甚至可以加入不是您 BBM 联系人列表成员所在的组。 • 多方聊天 – 邀请多个联系人一起加入聊天。 • 广播消息 – 同时向多个 BBM 联系人发送消息。 BBM Channels:加入对话,聊聊您热爱的话题。* • 创建新频道,交流各种奇思妙想,表达各种情感。 • 订阅现有 BBM Channel,与相同爱好的用户一起聊天。 创建 BBM 个人主页: • 使用图像、图片甚至动态图片(GIF 格式)作为个人主页显示图片。 • 更新状态,让好友即时了解您的最新状况 即刻免费下载 BBM! * 注意:这些功能暂不支持运行 2.3.x (Gingerbread) 的 Android 智能手机


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