服务器dasd灯亮系统盘黄灯,IBM3650 M3无法开机 dasd黄灯亮、按键盘也无效

今天早上IBM3650 突然死机,开机后dasd黄灯亮,硬盘后端1 、2 硬盘位置亮黄灯,尝试拔电源、放电重启也无效。把硬盘3的位置移到1 或者 2的位置,也是 1 、2位置的黄灯亮。请问这是哪里出问题了呢?显示器上面显示 There are offline or missing virtual drives with preserved cache...键盘按键无效,无法进入配置页面,急,求助!谢谢。


1. I -- 11/30/1999:0:59:36 -- Remote Login Successful. Login ID: USERID from Web at IP address

2. E -- 11/30/1999:0:59:20 -- Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is  from WEB browser at IP address

3. E -- 11/30/1999:0:59:4 -- Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is  from WEB browser at IP address

4. E -- 11/30/1999:0:51:52 -- The Drive "Drive 2" has been disabled due to a detected fault

5. E -- 11/30/1999:0:51:52 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been disabled due to a detected fault

6. E -- 11/30/1999:0:51:52 -- Array in system "SN# 06ZEN31" has failed

7. I -- 11/30/1999:0:51:37 -- ENET[sp-ethernetport] IP-Cfg:HstName=IMM-3440B596C0E1, IP@= ,NetMsk=, GW@=

8. I -- 11/30/1999:0:51:36 -- LAN: Ethernet[eth1] interface is now active

9. E -- 11/30/1999:0:37:55 -- The Drive "Drive 2" has been disabled due to a detected fault

10. E -- 11/30/1999:0:37:55 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been disabled due to a detected fault

11. E -- 11/30/1999:0:37:55 -- Array in system "Host" has failed

12. I -- 11/30/1999:0:37:36 -- ENET[sp-ethernetport] IP-Cfg:HstName=IMM-3440B596C0E1, IP@= ,NetMsk=, GW@=

13. I -- 11/30/1999:0:37:36 -- LAN: Ethernet[eth1] interface is now active

14. E -- 11/30/1999:0:36:37 -- The Drive "Drive 2" has been disabled due to a detected fault

15. E -- 11/30/1999:0:36:37 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been disabled due to a detected fault

16. E -- 11/30/1999:0:36:36 -- Array in system "Host" has failed

17. E -- 11/30/1999:0:26:36 -- The Drive "Drive 2" has been disabled due to a detected fault

18. E -- 11/30/1999:0:26:36 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been disabled due to a detected fault

19. E -- 11/30/1999:0:26:36 -- Array in system "Host" has failed

20. I -- 11/30/1999:0:26:20 -- ENET[sp-ethernetport] IP-Cfg:HstName=IMM-3440B596C0E1, IP@= ,NetMsk=, GW@=

21. I -- 11/30/1999:0:26:19 -- LAN: Ethernet[eth1] interface is now active

22. E -- 11/30/1999:0:24:54 -- The Drive "Drive 2" has been disabled due to a detected fault

23. E -- 11/30/1999:0:24:54 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been disabled due to a detected fault

24. E -- 11/30/1999:0:24:54 -- Array in system "Host" has failed

25. I -- 11/30/1999:0:18:42 -- ENET[sp-ethernetport] IP-Cfg:HstName=IMM-3440B596C0E1, IP@= ,NetMsk=, GW@=

26. I -- 11/30/1999:0:18:42 -- LAN: Ethernet[eth1] interface is now active

27. E -- 11/30/1999:0:6:13 -- Array in system "SN# 06ZEN31" has failed

28. E -- 11/30/1999:0:6:13 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been disabled due to a detected fault

29. E -- 11/30/1999:0:6:13 -- The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault

30. E -- 11/30/1999:0:6:9 -- Numeric sensor "Planar VBAT" going low (lower critical) has asserted

31. W -- 11/30/1999:0:6:9 -- Numeric sensor "Planar VBAT" going low (lower non-critical) has asserted

32. I -- 11/30/1999:0:5:55 -- ENET[sp-ethernetport] IP-Cfg:HstName=IMM-3440B596C0E1, IP@= ,NetMsk=, GW@=

33. I -- 11/30/1999:0:5:55 -- LAN: Ethernet[eth1] interface is now active

34. E -- 6/2/2019:5:51:39 -- Array in system "SN# 06ZEN31" has failed

35. E -- 6/2/2019:5:51:39 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been disabled due to a detected fault

36. E -- 6/2/2019:5:51:39 -- The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault

37. I -- 6/2/2019:5:51:20 -- ENET[sp-ethernetport] IP-Cfg:HstName=IMM-3440B596C0E1, IP@= ,NetMsk=, GW@=

38. I -- 6/2/2019:5:51:20 -- LAN: Ethernet[eth1] interface is now active

39. E -- 6/2/2019:5:50:59 -- Array in system "SN# 06ZEN31" has failed

40. E -- 6/2/2019:5:50:59 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been disabled due to a detected fault

41. E -- 6/2/2019:5:50:59 -- The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault

42. E -- 6/2/2019:5:19:46 -- Array in system "SN# 06ZEN31" has failed

43. E -- 6/2/2019:5:19:46 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been disabled due to a detected fault

44. E -- 6/2/2019:5:19:46 -- The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault

45. I -- 6/2/2019:5:19:1 -- Array in system "SN# 06ZEN31" has been restored

46. I -- 6/2/2019:5:19:0 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been enabled

47. I -- 6/2/2019:5:19:0 -- The Drive "Drive 0" has been enabled

48. I -- 6/2/2019:5:17:52 -- "Host Power" has been turned on

49. I -- 6/2/2019:5:11:11 -- "Host Power" has been turned off

50. E -- 6/2/2019:4:59:0 -- Array in system "SN# 06ZEN31" has failed

51. E -- 6/2/2019:4:59:0 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been disabled due to a detected fault

52. E -- 6/2/2019:4:59:0 -- The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault

53. I -- 6/2/2019:4:58:15 -- Array in system "SN# 06ZEN31" has been restored

54. I -- 6/2/2019:4:58:15 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been enabled

55. I -- 6/2/2019:4:58:15 -- The Drive "Drive 0" has been enabled

56. I -- 6/2/2019:4:57:17 -- Memory Logging Limit removed for "Memory Device 3" on subsystem "System Memory"

57. I -- 6/2/2019:4:57:6 -- "Host Power" has been turned on

58. I -- 6/2/2019:4:56:44 -- "Host Power" has been turned off

59. I -- 6/2/2019:4:56:42 -- Critical Array "SN# 06ZEN31" has deasserted

60. E -- 6/2/2019:4:45:22 -- Array in system "SN# 06ZEN31" has failed

61. I -- 6/2/2019:4:45:22 -- Critical Array "SN# 06ZEN31" has deasserted

62. E -- 6/2/2019:4:45:22 -- The Drive "Drive 1" has been disabled due to a detected fault

63. E -- 6/2/2019:4:44:2 -- Memory Logging Limit reached for "Memory Device 3" on subsystem "System Memory"

64. E -- 6/2/2019:4:44:2 -- Array in system "SN# 06ZEN31" is in critical condition

65. E -- 6/2/2019:4:44:2 -- Array in system "SN# 06ZEN31" is in critical condition

66. E -- 6/2/2019:4:44:2 -- The Drive "Drive 0" has been disabled due to a detected fault

67. I -- 6/2/2019:4:43:42 -- ENET[sp-ethernetport] IP-Cfg:HstName=IMM-3440B596C0E1, IP@= ,NetMsk=, GW@=

68. I -- 6/2/2019:4:43:42 -- LAN: Ethernet[eth1] interface is now active

69. E -- 6/2/2019:4:43:25 -- Array in system "SN# 06ZEN31" is in critical condition

70. E -- 6/2/2019:4:6:11 -- Sensor "Planar Fault" has transitioned to critical from a less severe state

71. I -- 6/2/2019:4:6:10 -- "Host Power" has been turned off



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该资源内项目源码是个人的课程设计,代码都测试ok,都是运行成功后才上传资源,答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用! ## 项目备注 1、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用! 2、本项目适合计算机相关专业(如计科、人工智能、通信工程、自动化、电子信息等)的在校学生、老师或者企业员工下载学习,也适合小白学习进阶,当然也可作为毕设项目、课程设计、作业、项目初期立项演示等。 3、如果基础还行,也可在此代码基础上进行修改,以实现其他功能,也可用于毕设、课设、作业等。 下载后请首先打开README.md文件(如有),仅供学习参考, 切勿用于商业用途。 该资源内项目源码是个人的课程设计,代码都测试ok,都是运行成功后才上传资源,答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用! ## 项目备注 1、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用! 2、本项目适合计算机相关专业(如计科、人工智能、通信工程、自动化、电子信息等)的在校学生、老师或者企业员工下载学习,也适合小白学习进阶,当然也可作为毕设项目、课程设计、作业、项目初期立项演示等。 3、如果基础还行,也可在此代码基础上进行修改,以实现其他功能,也可用于毕设、课设、作业等。 下载后请首先打开README.md文件(如有),仅供学习参考, 切勿用于商业用途。
基于C++和LUA的服务端游戏引擎框架,也可以用于其它服务端系统。 C++是一种广泛使用的编程语言,它是由Bjarne Stroustrup于1979年在新泽西州美利山贝尔实验室开始设计开发的。C++是C语言的扩展,旨在提供更强大的编程能力,包括面向对象编程和泛型编程的支持。C++支持数据封装、继承和多态等面向对象编程的特性和泛型编程的模板,以及丰富的标准库,提供了大量的数据结构和算法,极大地提高了开发效率。12 C++是一种静态类型的、编译式的、通用的、大小写敏感的编程语言,它综合了高级语言和低级语言的特点。C++的语法与C语言非常相似,但增加了许多面向对象编程的特性,如类、对象、封装、继承和多态等。这使得C++既保持了C语言的低级特性,如直接访问硬件的能力,又提供了高级语言的特性,如数据封装和代码重用。13 C++的应用领域非常广泛,包括但不限于教育、系统开发、游戏开发、嵌入式系统、工业和商业应用、科研和高性能计算等领域。在教育领域,C++因其结构化和面向对象的特性,常被选为计算机科学和工程专业的入门编程语言。在系统开发领域,C++因其高效性和灵活性,经常被作为开发语言。游戏开发领域中,C++由于其高效性和广泛应用,在开发高性能游戏和游戏引擎中扮演着重要角色。在嵌入式系统领域,C++的高效和灵活性使其成为理想选择。此外,C++还广泛应用于桌面应用、Web浏览器、操作系统、编译器、媒体应用程序、数据库引擎、医疗工程和机器人等领域。16 学习C++的关键是理解其核心概念和编程风格,而不是过于深入技术细节。C++支持多种编程风格,每种风格都能有效地保证运行时间效率和空间效率。因此,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的程序员,都可以通过C++来设计和实现新系统或维护旧系统。3


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