摘  要






With the development of Internet technology, computer technology is widely used in people's daily work and life, and has become an indispensable tool. In universities, in order to improve campus management efficiency, various management systems emerge one after another. However, there has always been a lack of systematic management for lost and found items on campus, making it difficult for students to quickly locate them. Therefore, the development concept of a campus lost and found system has been proposed, aiming to effectively manage lost and found information, enabling students to conveniently search for lost and found status online, publish lost and found notices, and thereby improve learning efficiency during school.

The technical aspect of the system adopts Vue technology and analyzes in detail the necessity of choosing Java backend technology and MySQL database. This choice provides a solid foundation for the stability and scalability of the system. In the system design phase, a comprehensive requirements analysis was conducted to clarify the functions and architecture of the campus lost and found system. In the actual system implementation process, the issue of user permissions was fully considered and corresponding design work was carried out. Once the system was launched, it received a good response and successfully achieved all the required goals. This not only improves the lost and found management work, but also brings practical value to the development of universities. Overall, this article elaborates on the design and implementation process of the campus lost and found system, emphasizing the rationality of technology selection, the comprehensiveness of system design, and the significance of actual results.

Key words: lost and found notice, lost and found, student, Java, Vue


目  录

校园失物招领信息系统 I

摘  要 I

Abstract I

第一章 绪论 1

1.1系统开发的背景 1

1.2系统开发的意义 2

1.3论文结构 3

第二章 系统开发技术和工具 5

2.1 JAVA技术 5

2.2 MYSQL数据库 5

2.3 Vue介绍 6

第三章 系统分析 7

3.1系统需求分析 7

3.1.1 公告管理用例分析 7

3.1.2 系统管理用例分析 8

3.1.3 学生信息用例分析 9

3.1.4失物招领管理用例分析 10

3.3 非功能性需求分析 11

3.4 可行性分析 12

3.4.1技术可行性 12

3.4.2操作可行性 12

3.4.3经济可行性 13

第四章 系统设计 14

4.1系统功能设计 14

4.2 系统总体设计 15

4.2.1 系统流程图 15

4.2.2 数据流图 16

4.3 系统架构设计 17

4.4 数据库设计 17

4.4.1 ER图设计 17

4.4.2 数据库表设计 19

第五章 系统实现 26

5.1前台功能的实现 26

5.1.1 学生注册界面 26

5.1.2 首页界面 26

5.1.3 失物招领列表界面 27

5.1.4 校园失物认领界面 28

5.1.5 在线交流界面 28

5.2管理员模块的实现 29

5.2.1 管理员登录 29

5.2.2 学生信息管理 30

5.2.3 物品挂失管理 31

5.2.4 失物招领信息管理 32

5.2.5 认领信息管理 33

第六章 系统测试 35

6.1 测试目的 35

6.2 功能测试 35

6.3 测试结果 38

结论 39

参考文献 40

致 谢 41







